The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2063: There is always a way out

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Chapter 2063 The Road of Heaven Is Invincible

Yuqiong Mountain, a horrible mountain range that has existed in the beast **** world for many years, can be said to be a true forbidden land of the beast **** world. In this mountain range of hundreds of miles, there are constantly changing natural mysteries. The power of these mysterious arrays is hard to grasp without first feeling.

However, after countless years, I don't know how many beast **** strongmen who have entered Tianqiongshan by mistake have lost their lives here. As for some unbelievers who have to break into Yuqiongshan, it is even more difficult. Alive.

Speaking of them, the Huoyun Moshi ca n’t use the Xuan array in Yuqiong Mountain to confront the enemy, but they have been adapting for countless years. Understand that even if you can't control these natural mysterious arrays, at this time, they have already figured out the way of mysterious arrays and borrowed the mysterious arrays.

Do not underestimate the use of these natural mysterious arrays by the Huoyun Moshi family. With these mysterious arrays, they can make the invaders stupidly into a state of despair. By then, the invaders may not even know they are dead. How to die.

The color change of the entire Yuqiong Mountain is almost certain. The changes of these mysterious arrays on the Yuqiong Mountain are definitely closely related to the color change, but what kind of connection is it? The magic lion family can understand a little, as for the outsiders, it is difficult to do it.

Of course, in order to figure out these mysterious arrays, the Huoyun Moshi family may have paid the lives of more than one super strong man. This is also conceivable.

However, although the natural mysterious formations in Yuqiongshan are wonderful, it depends on who is challenging them. At this moment, Yuqiongshan welcomes a unique existence. For this one, the natural mysterious formation in Yuqiong Mountain does not seem to be as dangerous as outside rumors.

"Yu, a good Yuqiong Mountain, and the entire mountain range of hundreds of miles, there are mysterious arrays everywhere. Was it once a super array, and was finally disintegrated?"

Yuan Feng's figure came to the area of ​​Yuqiongshan carefully, and stopped in a safe area, but when he stopped in Yuqiongshan, his heart was to this Yuqiongshan With a more intuitive understanding of the situation.

He only found that the Yuqiongshan was really dangerous. Almost every distance, there would be a mysterious array. The most terrifying thing is that these mysterious arrays are constantly changing. . Just like where he is at this moment, although there is still no problem at present, as long as he stays a little, then in the next moment, there is a possibility that he will be in the mysterious formation.

Therefore, at this moment, he does not seem to be disturbed, but in fact, he is constantly transferring as the surrounding array moves.

To put it bluntly, the entire Tianqiong Mountain is actually in a relatively static movement. This kind of movement, to the people outside, is nothing more than the light on the Yuqiong Mountain flowing, and the people in it , And you will feel relatively still, so whether it is inside or outside, you can't actually feel the real change of Yu Qiongshan.

That is, because Yuan Feng has the help of swallowing the heavenly spirits, this can discover the mystery of Yu Qiongshan. If you exchange other Warcraft that does not pass through the mysterious array, it will take less than a few minutes and 80% will be unknown. The famous Xuanzhen swallowed up.

"This mysterious array is turning very fast. I'm obviously a hundred meters away. Now I came here with the changes of mysterious array. This is really hard to imagine!"

Yuan Feng closed her eyes at this moment, but she released her mind to the surroundings, because he knew very well that everything here could not be distinguished by eyes, but only by her own mind, supplemented by the help of Devouring Martial Arts , It is possible to see the situation here and avoid danger in time.

In the next time, Yuan Feng basically moved the body continuously with the change of Yuqiongshan Xuanzhen. This ability is not what ordinary people and ordinary Warcraft can do. If this is the case, If there is a powerful World of Warcraft, if he sees his actions at this moment, then he will be shocked to shut up.

With the movement of mysterious array, the body constantly shifted. Yuan Feng's heart was very relaxed. His mentality is very good, although he urgently needs the blue sky at the moment, but that thing is a treasure that can be encountered but not begged. Although such a treasure may exist in Tianqiong Mountain, no one dares to pat his chest to make a guarantee .

Right now, he has basically thrown the blue sky crystal dome aside, and all his thoughts are basically studying the natural mysterious formation in Yuqiongshan.

Because of the foundation of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, his Xuanzhen realm and vision are much higher than those of the master of Xuanzhen in this world. However, the natural Xuanzhen in front of Yuqiongshan is indeed not so ordinary. Things, even him, can only see the changing trend of the mysterious array for a while, but it is difficult to find the law in it.

Such a mysterious array, he thought he could not arrange, even he believed that no matter what level of strong come, it is difficult to arrange such a mysterious array.

Speaking of which, this Yuqiongshan mysterious array belongs to the compound type of mysterious array. According to his observations, among these mysterious arrays are attacking, defensive, and magical formations. ……………… In short, judging from the situation of these mysterious arrays, basically there are all types.

Perhaps the attacking and defensive mysterious arrays are not a great threat to him, but those trapped and magical arrays, once caught in them, really don't know what happened.

The main thing is that Yuqiongshan is not just an ordinary mountain. In this Yuqiongshan, it is still a super big group such as Huoyun Moshi. God knows whether the Huoyun Moshi has already The tribe is connected to the external mysterious array. If so, once someone enters it by mistake, I am afraid that it will be discovered by the Huoyun Moshi tribe.

"Absolutely can't be met by those magical and bewildered arrays. Once you encounter these things, then waiting for me, I am afraid it will be a big big trouble !!!"

Thinking about this under his heart, Yuan Feng could not help making himself more and more cautious, for fear of being careless, exposed to the eyes of Huoyun Moshi.

"Where is the law? What exactly is the mysterious array of Yuqiongshan changing according to? Time? Or light? Or neither, but a kind of artificial control?"

If God wants to enter the Yuqiong Mountain unconsciously and not be discovered by the Huoyun Moshi family, then he must figure out where these changes in the mysterious array originated.

At present, the entire Yuqiong Mountain does not even have a gap. If he wants to enter Yuqiong Mountain from the outside, it can be said that there is no way to start. Therefore, he must first understand how he can get in.

Absolutely no use of violence. After all, once violence is used, it will inevitably be discovered at the first time, and then people will attack it, and it is still in the nest of the other. It is no wonder that he is not directly destroyed by others. !! \

Do n’t underestimate a super big group with more than forty demigods, even the Tianmon Python is extremely jealous of the Huoyun Moshi family. He is a small, infinite person, that is not even more Should I stand aside?

As the body moves, Yuan Feng has run the shadowless magic to the extreme. No matter what, he is a human warrior, and now in the old nest of Warcraft, once the slightest breath is leaked out, he will be bound by the Huoyun Moshi Find.

Fortunately, the Huoyun Moshi family trusts the Xuanzhen outside too much, so they have not arranged any man to guard the outside, which also provides Yuanfeng with a good observation opportunity.

Yuan Qiongshan, Yuanfeng can only walk all by one by one, so it is possible to find out the changing rules of Yuqiongshan Xuanzhen, and to search at his speed, It can't be done in a short while.

Fortunately, he didn't have much else, except that there was so much time, so he calmed down at this moment, and it was all about doing a different kind of training.

Hundreds of miles of Yuqiong Mountain, it took Yuan Feng a whole month to scan the whole mountain, but although he observed very carefully, after a large circle, he finally reluctantly It was found that it was not easy to understand the situation of Yu Qiongshan simply by observing with his eyes.

"The curious Yuqiong Mountain, I've walked through the whole sieve, but in the end I didn't even find the entrance, which is really amazing !!!!"

After spending a whole month, I couldn't figure out where the entrance of Yu Qiongshan was finally. At the same time, Yuan Feng admired, but also had a kind of frustration from the heart.

He thought that his level of Xuanzhen was already very high, but now it seems that the natural Xuanzhen in front of him seems to be beyond his current state.

"There is no other way. It seems that if you want to thoroughly study Yu Qiongshan, you can only adopt some strategies and carry out tentatively. If there is no way, then ask for directions!"

In any case, since he came to Yuqiongshan, it is absolutely impossible to get nothing back and go straight to the house. Besides, everything he has done before is plainly conservative, but in fact, he Under my heart, there are many ideas that can be tried.

"Xiao Ba, it's your turn to play. I'd like to see, what kind of mysterious arrays are in the Yuqiong Mountain, and give them out !!!"

After studying a large circle, but without any gains, Yuan Feng had to use his own killer puppet, and now his killer puppet is, of course, the eighth who has just been promoted to demigod!

Of course, it's impossible for Xiao Ba to play in person at this time, but its Warcraft eyeliners alone are enough to make Yuan Feng better understand Yu Qiongshan.


The time between speeches, an endless World of Warcraft eyeliner, was directly recruited by Yuan Feng, and instantly invested in a changing mysterious array. If Yuan Feng was not mistaken, the changed mysterious array should be something similar to the psychedelic array.

"Om !!!!!!"

Almost just when this endless little Warcraft fell into the mysterious array, its body disappeared directly, and then Yuan Feng got feedback from Xiao Ba's mind, and this one fell into the mysterious array. The Promise of World of Warcraft was suddenly transferred to a few miles away, but directly into a piece of underground magma, almost no time to react, was burned by the rolling heat of the underground.

"His, this ............... This is too scary, is there such a thing?"

When Xiao Ba reported the situation to Warcraft's eyeliner to himself, Yuan Feng was completely stunned by the scene in his mind. He never imagined that it turned out that this natural mysterious array not only had the ability of psychedelic people, but also had the effect of transferring people trapped in the mysterious array to the Jedi.

An endless World of Warcraft, even without a chance to breathe, was directly cremated. At this moment, he was undoubtedly more and more afraid of Yu Qiongshan in front of him. \

"Yu, my dear, a seemingly unquestionable psychedelic array is even more terrible than any attacking mysterious array. It seems that the next me, I really have to be more careful. Encountered. "

Although the place where the Eyeliner Eyeliner had been transferred to before was not necessarily life-threatening to him, it was simply the depth of the underground magma, and even if it was there, it was useless to him. Moreover, if the place to be transferred is not the depth of the magma, but the old nest of the Huoyun Moshi family, then the situation may be even more different.

"Well, anyway, Xiao Ba produced so many World of Warcraft eyeliners. This time, I will use some more World of Warcraft eyeliners for experiments. I don't believe it. One by one, I won't be able to figure out this Yuqiongshan."

In any case, the method of experimenting with World of Warcraft eyeliner is feasible at this moment. Maybe, maybe a certain experiment will allow him to find the entrance of Tianqiong Mountain. At that time, he will be able to penetrate the interior of the Huoyun Moshi family. , Disintegrating each other from the inside out.


The time spent talking was another eyeball of World of Warcraft being recruited by him, and this time, he first marked the Xuan array he had tried, and then changed another Xuan array, and put the World of Warcraft eyeliner again. Observe the results.


This time, Yuan Feng chose a mysterious array that looked like an attack type, and after he released the Eyeliner of Warcraft, a horrible flame was like a fire snake, and instantly engulfed the Eyeliner of Warcraft In the end, this endless World of Warcraft eyeliner also turned into an ashes.

"Well, such a strong attack power, even the attacking mysterious array, has such a terrifying power, no wonder, no wonder this fire and cloud lion family is unique, there is no group dare to easily provoke.

Seeing that another World of Warcraft eyeliner was abolished, Yuan Feng did not feel any distress at all. Anyway, his World of Warcraft eyeliner was so many that he destroyed as much as he asked Xiaoba to create it. He really did n’t believe it. I used all the Eyeliner on Warcraft, and finally I couldn't find a different place.

Marking the tested mysterious array again, Yuan Feng then continued the crazy experiment.

One by one, Warcraft, one by one, was thrown into the mysterious array one after another. At first, Yuan Feng experimented one by one, but at the back, I felt that the Huoyun Mo Lion family did not extend their power to the outside world. At that time, his courage gradually grew, but in the end, he released a few heads of World of Warcraft to the outside at once, and put them into different mysterious arrays.

Basically, after all the World of Warcraft eyeliners are caught in the mysterious array, they are either strangled directly by the power of the mysterious array, or they are moved to other places by the mysterious array, but in the end they still have a dead end.

After almost using thousands of Promise World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng still got only the loss and no gain at all.

Of course, if you want to talk about gains, that is to exclude thousands of mysterious arrays. These mysterious arrays are definitely forbidden to set foot. In addition, there seems to be no other gains.

What's more depressing is that each of the mysterious formations in Yuqiongshan is constantly changing. Although these thousands of mysterious formations have been marked by him, and they are tested and labeled one by one, But over time, these mysterious arrays that have been tried and marked are eventually scattered everywhere, and it is no longer possible to form a piece.

This is not the most terrifying thing. What makes Yuan Feng really speechless and admired, but these are the mysterious arrays that have been marked by him, but they have slowly changed again. The original attack on the mysterious arrays, when he inadvertently performed again When tempted, it turned into a psychedelic array, transferring his World of Warcraft eyeliner to despair.

After discovering this problem, Yuan Feng knew that he had no need to mark the tested natural mysterious arrays, because even if they were marked, they would lose the meaning of the marking soon.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the mysterious array of Yuqiongshan was so strange that it turned out to be so weird. So it seems that I can only test it again and again until I find the real entrance to Yuqiongshan to stop."

At this moment, Yuan Feng really couldn't think of a better way, but fortunately he has a lot of Warcraft eyeliners. If this is not the case, then what he should do now is to give up quickly, even if No matter how long he persists, he may not be able to find out the result.

This is a no return path without end. Maybe there will be final results after experimenting all the time. However, it will definitely take endless energy and time. Is it worth it? Yuan Feng must weigh it. .

However, it ’s already here. Of course, Yuan Feng wo n’t have the possibility to give up. He ’s going to check it out. After using dozens of millions of World of Warcraft in his hands, will he still have nothing? reward.

This is not only a comparison with Yu Qiongshan, but also a comparison with himself. Who made him choose such an approach?

Having said that, as the so-called Emperor Tian is worthy of the caring person, as long as he persists in doing one thing, then one day, there will be a time when there will be results.

On this day, Yuan Feng, as usual, once again sent ten World of Warcraft eyeliners to experiment in ten different mysterious arrays, and just after these ten World of Warcraft entered a mysterious array, nine of them were World of Warcraft. Either it was directly bombarded and killed, or it was transferred to the depths of the earth's center, but there was only one Warcraft, but it was transferred by the mysterious array to a dark hole.

"Well? I found it again !!!"

After staying in Yuqiongshan for a few months, the eyeliner of Warcraft alone lost tens of thousands of Yuan Feng. At this moment, the spirit suddenly came. He knew that after waiting so long, he could finally have something different now. The situation has arisen.

"Xiaoba, give me control of this World of Warcraft !!!"

After discovering that there was a different Eyeliner in a different place, and it wasn't killed in the first place, Yuan Feng was so excited that he almost didn't want to, he just passed Xiaoba directly to himself His heart got in touch with the surviving Eyeliner.

Through this Warcraft eyeliner, Yuan Feng found that there was a dark hole in front of him, and a wave of heat in the hole would emerge from time to time, but it was the grilled skin of this Warcraft eyeliner that tightened. There is a tendency to be burnt.

However, don't wait for this World of Warcraft eyeliner to persist, in the dark hole, there is a sudden low roar.


A roar full of vigilance came from the mouth of the cave. During the time of speaking, the dark hole was lit. Then, a mighty devil with golden flames burning on his body was stepping on a blossoming fire lotus. , Ran out from the hole.


Just as the flame lion came out of the hole and it was out of the hole, a light flashed, and the huge lion suddenly became a burly man, but on his body, It was still a flame burning fiercely.

"Where did the little things come in that can mix into the entrance of my Huoyun Moshi family?"

The burly strong man drank a little, but his face flashed with suspicion. This is where the Huoyun Moshi tribe enters. In general, only the Huoyun Moshi tribe can know the way to enter the place from the outside. However, it was unexpected that today they are mixed in an endless environment. Normal Warcraft comes.

The entrance of the Huoyun Moshi family is very secret, let alone an outsider. Even the Huoyun Moshi family must be careful and careful to enter here from outside, and an unknown unknown World of Warcraft enters by mistake. The odds here are really too small.

"Huh, trespass on my Huoyun Moshi family, **** it !!!"

Gently glanced at the Promise of Warcraft in front of him. When the burly brave man raised his hand, he threw a ball of flame in his hand, and the flame immediately wrapped the Warcraft. The next moment, this Promise of Warcraft eyeliner was the same. It turned into a ball of ashes, scattered in the air.

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