The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2084: A lot of strong

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Chapter 2084: There Are Many Strong

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python crowded the dense crowd and finally came to the door of the auction. At the entrance of the auction, they not only saw a lot of strong human beings, but also a large number of Warcraft. Strong.

It ’s a pity that there are too many people around the entrance of the auction. Even if they are based on their minds, it is impossible to see everyone clearly. Therefore, for those who are hidden in the crowd Among the strong ones, they really don't know exactly who the characters are.

The auction is about to begin, and those who are eligible to enter it have already entered the market one after another, and Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python are obviously qualified to enter it.

Speaking of which, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce does not have any hard requirements and restrictions on the conduct of people entering the auction. The conditions for wanting to enter the auction are very simple. There are 100,000 pieces of beasthead crystals.

This kind of beast head crystal is a precious resource used by Warcraft and warriors to cultivate. It is generally difficult to obtain, and even one hundred thousand beast head crystals, even if they are powerful, are hard to get.

Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have known the rules long ago, so beast head crystals have been prepared in advance. Of course, beast head crystals are only a standard for measuring the entry fee. In fact, as long as they are equivalent to beast head crystals, The treasure of value can actually enter the auction.

However, neither Yuan Feng nor Tian Yao Python wanted to cause any troubles, so he replaced the spar of his body with a beast-head crystal as soon as possible, so there would be no trouble at all.

After paying the entrance fee, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python entered the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce very smoothly. After the two entered the auction, they all had a bright feeling, which was the first. Time will have a more intuitive understanding of God Machine.

The space inside the auction is obviously much larger than the square outside. The entire auction venue is basically a big castle. Here, even if you only have the cultivation of yin and yang, or even the habitat, but as long as Blended into the surrounding atmosphere, you will always feel a sense of height.

"Well, there are no holes here. It seems that the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is really mature."

When entering the auction venue, Yuan Feng's gaze swept through the huge venue for the first time, and then he nodded and admired secretly.

He can see that such a huge palace was obviously built by countless strong men with a lot of thought. Here, I don't know how many auctions have been conducted. Of course, the current auction will definitely not be the last one.

"It is indeed an extraordinary place, but I seem to feel a very dangerous atmosphere here."

The Tianmon Python followed Yuan Feng. When she heard Yuan Feng's words, she nodded in agreement, but secretly watched.

In her perception, there is no sense of security at this auction venue. If it was not for Yuan Feng, she would choose to leave directly, but she would not stay here. Go on.

"Dangerous breath? Hey, this should not be considered a dangerous breath, but if I haven't sensed it wrong, I'm afraid there will be no less than three or four demigods in the auction venue. People, of course, such a place will certainly make you feel dangerous. "

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng was very clear about the dangerous atmosphere that Tianmon Python said. Speaking of which, when he entered this place, he actually had a so-called sense of danger. It was just a few moments before he knew where that dangerous feeling came from.

The light in the corner of his eyes swept several places in this huge palace. He believed that there would be at least four demigods and six-turned strong men in the hall at the moment, and I am afraid there will be half of them. Seven Realms of Divine Realm. And such a terrorist force, of course, will make Tianmon Python and him feel threatened.

"What? There are so many strong men?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's voice, the Sky Demon Python could not help but startle a little, and was really startled. If, as Yuan Feng said, there are more than four demigods and more than six turns, then she really has to be careful.

"Don't worry, everyone is here to participate in the auction. The Shenji Chamber of Commerce can achieve this scale and naturally won't provoke public anger, so you and I just need to be like everyone else and don't make anything different from others That's it. "

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not feel that there was too much wrong. Although there are many masters here, as long as everyone is in peace, no matter how strong the other party is, it has nothing to do with him.

"There seem to be a lot of strong players in the Warcraft family. It seems that in the last day of the auction of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, there will probably be treasures related to Warcraft, otherwise it should not attract so many Warcraft!"

For the time being, the suspicion in his heart was suppressed. Yuan Feng could not help but look at the participants in the auction. Among these people, there are many demigods in the Warcraft family, and they are far more than he imagined. In many. Obviously, the relationship between the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce and Warcraft is far from what most people can imagine.

"There are indeed a lot of devil tiger clan, looting bear clan, golden feather eagle clan ......... wait, that's ... it turned out to be the Moonwolf clan, did they even come?"

When he heard Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python's eyes could not help but glance around, and with her cultivation and eyesight, as long as she was a strong one of the Warcraft family discovered by her, it was basically very few. Able to escape her perception.

The aura of all Warcraft races is naturally described in her information base, and as long as it is in her information base, she can recognize it as soon as possible.

After a random sweep, she discovered many groups of Warcraft, and what surprised her most was to see the strongman of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan.

Xiaoyue Wolf, this group does rarely show up. You know, this is an absolute clique group. Generally speaking, they rarely have orders or groups of three or two. But at this moment, the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan really only came to three.

"Eh? Howling Wolf? Where is it?"

When he heard the words of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng's face changed slightly. He had heard the name of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan before, but he did not expect that this time he was on the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. I really saw this horrible group.

"There, a young man, two old men, that's them."

Tian Yao Python's eyes flickered a little, but he showed the three members of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan to Yuan Feng without any trace.

"Well, it turns out that this is the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. It looks really unusual !!!" Looking at the guidance of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a bit of light.

Each of the two old and one young people in the eyes is obviously a demigod practice, but because the practice of the other three is higher than him, so what are the specific practices of these three people? Before the shot, he was not quite sure.

However, although I don't know what the realm of these two young and one young people has reached, it is obvious that these three guys are absolutely extraordinary powers. Moreover, because of the super big Xiaolang Wolf family behind them, Power exists, even if the strength of the three guys is not very strong, but not everyone dares to offend.

"Demon flame, can you see their cultivation?"

Searching for no fruit, Yuan Feng could not help but questioned the Tian Yao Python. Although he can't see what the three moonwolf guys are for the realm, the Tianmon Python should be able to see it. After all, the Tianmon Python is a real horror horror with six turns. There are few who can beat her in the presence.

"It is a state of demigod and five turns. Generally speaking, they are not too strong, but the two old men are weird. I am afraid they are the rare twin devil wolves in the Howling Wolf family. The two of them are joining forces. I am afraid. The strength that is enough to kill the Demigod and turn around six times is absolutely not to be underestimated. "

The sky demon python is well-informed and almost sees the horror of these three howling wolf tribe strong. Speaking of which, the presence of the Warcraft powerhouse, who can compete with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, is not without, but apart from the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, there is really no ethnic group that can scare her. At least, it doesn't really look like it so far.

"The twin devil wolves? Good guy, even seeing the twin devil wolves here, this is a rare experience!"

Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. It ’s all right to see the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, but I did n’t expect to see the twin demon wolves. The so-called twin devil wolves are white twins of the human warrior. Although there are many twins of the human warrior, it is really difficult to find both of them.

For Warcraft, the situation is almost the same. The twin devil wolves are powerful, even if he thinks with his toes, I am afraid he can get one or two!

"Apart from the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, all other ethnic groups are not weak. Basically, they are all around the level of five deities, and some ethnic groups are more numerous than the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan."

The voice of Tian Yao Python then came, and when she heard her voice, Yuan Feng's heart became more cautious.

Of course, he felt a little grateful for his coming here. You know, when he came here, he not only saw so many human powerhouses, but he could also see so many Warcraft powerhouses. Regardless of the final result, it was already a worthwhile trip.

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