The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2102: Come after

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Chapter 2102 Follows

The seventeenth-large and half-deity strongmen of the five major ethnic groups have sieged Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng steadily in the middle. For Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng, this will undoubtedly be their biggest crisis.

Each of the super strong people of these large ethnic groups present can be said to have great strength. The most important thing is that there is an unimaginable cooperation between outsiders of major ethnic groups. After they cooperate with each other, That's the power of the leapfrog challenge.

If you give more time to the demon python and go deeper into the realm of the semi-god realm, you may not be afraid of these guys, but the time for the demon python to advance to the semi-god realm is not long. She really hasn't reached the point of crushing the demigod five-turn strong.

At this moment, the seventeenth and half of the gods have already demonstrated their attitude. They do not want to blame with the Tianmon Python. As long as the Tianmon Python handed over the immortal monument, they will really let the other person leave, absolutely no The slightest dilemma.

No matter what, the mysterious and ancient ethnic group of Tianmon Python is not something they can ignore, if possible, it is better not to have too much conflict.

The best option in front of the Tianmon Python is undoubtedly to surrender the infinite monument and leave for the time being. In addition, any other decision can be said to be full of danger.

"Heavenly python, hand over the infinite monument, we will never embarrass you."

The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has now integrated the breath into one. For them, although everyone belongs to different ethnic groups, as long as they are willing to cooperate with each other, it will definitely not be too unfamiliar. To put it bluntly, they all know the details of each other and what everyone is best at. Once they start a war, they only need to show their strongest side.

"Giggle, guys, it's not that I don't want to give you the infinite monument, but my **** demon python family needs this monument very much. If I give it to you, then I will become the **** demon python family. O sinner! "

Seeing the strong breath of the 17th National Congress of the CPC, he was ready for his own shot at any time, and the eyes of the Tianmon Python were also full of dignity.

She didn't actually think of any means of alienation. After all, these people present were extraordinary people. Who is so easy to be alienated?

However, it is absolutely impossible for her to surrender the immortal monument in any case, otherwise, she would not have spent that much price before taking the immortal monument to her own hands.

"Hmm, do you have a choice? To tell you the truth, there are no immortal monuments, you should never want to take them away. If you don't hand over the monuments, then we will definitely kill you here, and that kind of result It ’s not good for anyone. "

"Yes, Tian Yao Python, the human warrior has a saying, known as the time servant is Jun Jie, hand over the immortal monument, this is your best choice, I want to come to your heart clearer than anyone else."

"Give it up, otherwise you will die today."

Each of the super powerhouses has released their terror, and they are now ready to kill.

I have to say that when the superpowers of the seventeenth and half of the state of God released the momentum together, the momentum really made people feel a sense of throbbing, even the clouds above the sky, have now been shaken into With the mist, there was no way to condense.

At the same time, it is not too far away from this battlefield, where a group of human warriors has long been surrounded by a large circle in the outer area.

"Well, this is a rare occasion. The five super-ethnic groups are united to make a shot. I'm afraid there are few opportunities to see such a scene!"

Here is a dangerous peak ten miles away from the battlefield. On top of this dangerous peak, five middle-aged men lined up. They are watching the siege of the Five Monsters in the distance.

These five middle-aged men are all very similar in dress and dress, and the middle man is obviously stronger than the other four. If there is a super strong here, he will find that his cultivation is, It has actually reached the realm of six transitions in the demigod.

And the four people on his sides, one by one, are all extremely horrible, and they are all masters of demigod five turns.

One half-seminar six turns, four half-semi-realms five turns, I have to say that such a five-member group, even if it is the five major groups in the distance, any one may not be their opponents compared with them.

"Hehe, it is indeed an unprecedented grand gathering. The Zijin marten family, the devil tiger family, the golden feather eagle family, the storming bear family, and the howling wolf family are all really super big groups. It's hard to see one, but I didn't expect that today's auction actually attracted these guys. "

Hearing the sighs of the people aside, the middle-aged man in the middle of the five could not help but smile slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

For this auction, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce did think that it would attract a lot of Warcraft ethnic groups, but all of these super large groups suddenly came to their surprise.

"Hey, Brother Chen Ang, so many superpowers are shooting at the mysterious woman. It seems that we, a few of us, have to wait for a while!"

Hearing the words of the central man, a master on the side could not help but smile, apparently also reminding the other side, judging from the current situation, it is difficult for them to intervene.

"It's not anxious. The mysterious woman is definitely not that simple. A few of us just have to wait and see how it changes. Besides, it doesn't matter if you really let her escape. After all, it is despised by the existence of this level. It doesn't seem to be a big deal! "

Deacon Chen Ang shook his head, but he was not in a hurry. Speaking, why did he show up with the four deacon, or because his son Chen Yu sued him, saying that it was their father and son They ignored it.

When he got the news, he glanced at the situation casually, but in the end, he looked at everything that happened at the auction.

Frankly speaking, for such a horrible existence of the Tian Yao Python, which is 600 billion beast head crystals, he did not feel that the face of his father and son was affected. After all, Without giving face, what can he do as a deacon of the Chamber of Commerce of God?

However, when the demon python left on the same day, he still came out with a few close friends, not to retaliate like the demon python, at least, he knew it was an opportunity.

Since the Tianmon Python can get hundreds of billions of beast head crystals, then there are likely to be more resources on her body. If she can get some benefits from the other person's body, I am afraid that she will be better than him. The deacon is much cooler.

In addition, he would also like to see what the final results of the five super races against the Tianyue Python would be.

Anyway, their five strengths are extremely strong. Even if there is a conflict, they are fully capable of protecting themselves. Therefore, following these guys, they are all good and harmless in the final analysis.

"Well? A familiar atmosphere, this atmosphere ......... haha, it seems that we are interested in more than just a few of us!"

In the time between the five people, Deacon Chen Ang in the center could not help but suddenly frowned, and looked subconsciously towards the side, but there was a dense forest everywhere in his eyes. And there is nothing wrong with it.

However, although no one can see people, the faint energy fluctuations and the familiar atmosphere can basically make him sure that this time from the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, there are definitely more than five of them.

"Did you run out to see the fun? That ’s fine, no matter how you are, you can help each other at a critical moment."

After talking about it, Deacon Chen Ang didn't think much anymore. When he turned his gaze, he looked again at the distant battlefield. He hoped to fight faster, because only when they started fighting would they be able to touch the fish in muddy water. Benefit from it.

At the same time, in the dense forest that Deacon Chen Ang looked at, three silhouettes also rushed from a distance and stopped in a tree shade, just to see the siege of the five major ethnic groups. The case of python.

These three figures are two old and one young. Two of the old men are extraordinary figures at first glance, while the other young man is a woman.

If someone who participated in the previous auction is present at the moment, then it must be immediately recognizable that this woman is not someone else, it is Ruan Xinrou, the woman in red who presided over the auction.

"Yu, I finally caught up, I thought I was going to be late!"

Ruan Xinrou's gaze swept across the distant battlefield for the first time, and then he stroked his chest gently, a grateful expression.

She handed over all the beast-head crystals from the auction to the strong hand of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce before hurriedly chasing them out with her own.

Originally, she was worried that she would not be able to catch up, and she just caught up with the drama right now, and her mood was naturally very good.

"Oh, girl, Xin Rou, you hurriedly brought out our two old guys just to see these guys? Come on, let me see who they are."

"Hey, yes, yes, the two of us have rarely seen each other, and today you are speaking. If you change someone else, we won't even talk about it, but you don't want us to run for nothing. "

At this moment, the two old men are smiling, looking at Ruan Xinrou, they are full of spoils.

They are veterans of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Generally speaking, they will not show up easily. If it is not for Ruan Xinrou to invite them in person, they will never leave the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

Ruan Xinrou grew up watching them. Even Ruan Xinrou's skills were taught by them. At this time, the other party begged them to leave the mountain and told them that there was something interesting. In this regard, their hearts were inevitable. Somewhat curious.

"Hehe, the two veterans are assured that they will not let you down."

After hearing the words of the two old men, Ruan Xinrou couldn't help but smile confidently. She believed that as long as the two old guys saw the sight in front of them, they would definitely feel lucky.

"Oh? You're so confident ...... well, this is ........."

"Well? The breath of these guys ......... is the super Warcraft tribe in the beast **** world? That is ......... the devil tiger tribe? The purple gold marten tribe? And ... the golden feather eagle, the storm-bear, How could there still be the Moonwolf Clan? "

"Good guy, there are so many super big groups all at once, ha ha ha, Xin Rou girl, it seems really right to come out with you this time, if you say that there is such a lineup, we two One will definitely come out with you without hesitation. "

"Yu, I haven't dealt with Warcraft for a long time, but then again, there are so many Super Warcraft groups at once. This is definitely not a trivial matter. It seems that there is a lot of fun to watch this time."

"Well? That woman ......... seems to be Warcraft too, but why can't I feel her race? This breath ...... seems very simple!"

"Well, of course, it's not easy. Didn't you see the five super big groups that actually surrounded her? It seems that she is the protagonist among these guys!"

The two old men seemed to have discovered the new continent. Each of them studied the five major ethnic groups in the distance, and the sky demon python surrounded by the five major ethnic groups. As for Ruan Xinrou who brought them, it was direct. They were set aside, and no one managed it at all.

They are veterans of the Chamber of Commerce of Gods, and even ordinary deacons cannot compare with them. The troubles in the beast-god realm have long made them to the majors in the beast-god realm. The Warcraft tribe knows it very well, but, as it is now, the situation of the five super tribe gathered all at once, they really saw it for the first time.

The main thing is that the five major ethnic groups are besieging a woman who can't even identify the ethnic group. In this regard, they are even more shaken.

You know, the major groups of the World of Warcraft are rarely united with each other. At present, the five major groups are besieging a mysterious woman. They are all very surprised about this.

"Oh, now you know I didn't lie to you, okay, okay, the two veterans listen to me first, and then you will understand the reason."

Seeing that the two old men were curiously looking at the distant scene, but they no longer ignored themselves one by one, Ruan Xinrou smiled slightly and whispered to the two.

"Oh? You girl knows the inside story? Come, come and talk about what's going on so that the two of us can understand."

Hearing Ruan Xinrou's words, the two old men turned around and turned their attention to Ruan Xinrou again, waiting for the introduction of each other.

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