The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2115: Tian Yao Python's decision (three)

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Chapter 2115: The Decision of Tian Yao Python

The whole beast **** world suddenly had a different atmosphere spreading. All the super large groups began to secretly dispatch troops, and some small groups attached to the super large group. At this moment, they all started to work. It can be said that the beast-god realm during this time was simply unprecedentedly lively.

In this world, there is no speed, it can be faster than the spread of the news. For the days of the demon python, and the immortal monument has been obtained, it has been completely spread in less than a month. Every corner of the beast **** world, no matter how big the ethnic group, as long as there are semi-divine powers in the ethnic group, then basically they will pay attention to this news.

It's not that all ethnic groups are interested in Wuliang Shenbei, but some super big groups have already spoken. As long as someone can provide news about Tianmon Python and Wuliang Shenbei, they can get unimaginable rewards.

There are even a few super-big ethnic groups who have spoken. If anyone can report the whereabouts of the Tianmon Python and the young man, they will be given a chance to impact the demigod, and the success rate will be at least 60%.

No one will be indifferent to such conditions. After all, the state of demigod is basically the state of immortality. Who would not want to reach that level?

Of course, some small ethnic groups may not be so greedy. Their requirements may only be some material rewards, and they can become a branch of some super large groups. This is already very good for them. .

In short, the entire world of beast gods is active, and Tian Yao Python and Yuan Feng want to safely return to the ethnic group of Tian Yao Python, and can imagine the difficulties on this road.

But when the major ethnic groups began to search everywhere for the whereabouts of the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, they were not aware of them at this time.

In the mysterious array under the dense forest, Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python have kept their relative sitting postures until now, and their meditation practice has been going on for more than a month.

"Yu, almost, this time the consumption is really not small. It took me such a long time to adjust my breath, but fortunately, after this, it looks like the bottleneck of my demigod, and it can be relaxed. Less! "

Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and she couldn't help showing a smile.

In this month, he replenished all the energy he had previously consumed. In addition, due to his previous desperation, it made his understanding of the Promise more complete. In this way, he hoped to impact the demigod. It can be bigger.

"Well, this is not bad. It seems that I want to be promoted to the semi-god state. I don't necessarily have to get the treasures like Blue Sky Dome. As long as I work hard, I can continue to break the bottleneck and I can be promoted sooner or later Realm of Demigod. "

I have to say that after this all-out fight, he found a shortcut to the demi-god. Although the risk factor in each of them was larger, it was better than nothing.

It is foreseeable that if he can fight a lot with the super strong and hover a few times on the death line, the situation should really be different.

It's just that it's not really cost-effective to get such an opportunity for life and safety.

"No matter, take a step and count it. For now, let's sort out the external situation during this month, Xiaoba. Let's summarize what happened during this month. I'll see if there are any problems."

At this time, naturally, he was not thinking about it. Speaking of it, he and Tian Yao Python had escaped from the predicament before, but they were hiding here to practice carefully, and I do n’t know if the outside world has been there for more than a month. Searched both of them.

Between his thoughts, he connected his mind with Xiao Ba, and began to understand the situation between this month and month by releasing those Eyeliner Eyeliners.

It ’s not a long time, he has browsed all the Eyewow Eyeliner information outside, but when he has seen the Eyewow Eyeliner information, his brow can't help but wrinkle tightly. stand up.

"Yu, there are a lot of Warcraft searched here? And there is a super existence in the demigod? It seems that those big groups in the beast **** world are really looking for me and the demon flame!"

In the memory of Warcraft Eyeliner, many superpowers have come to the jungle here. However, those superpowers obviously didn't come for such simple Warcraft. After exploring it, it is One after another left.

If it is under normal circumstances in the past, then these super-powerfuls will certainly not come here to explore at will. Of course, these explorations in the jungle should be directed at the Tianmon Python and him.

Fortunately, when he was recovering from practice, he had previously arranged a space for the mysterious array. For the Warcraft powerhouse, the mysterious array is a kind of alien. They are difficult to detect, let alone his mysterious The array is very delicately arranged, even if you see it face to face, it may not be recognized by Warcraft.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to handle this time. If a lot of super-large groups are active and looking for our whereabouts, it can't be said that it will really be difficult."

Frown frowns, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but secretly anxious.

He doesn't know where the Tianmon Python's ethnic group is, but wants to use his strength and Tianmon Python's strength, I am afraid it will take a long time to get back, and now with the various roadblockers, how long will it take Whether it will be discovered and stopped by those Warcraft groups, everything is still unknown.


In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the opposite Tianmon Python suddenly opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of sigh.

"Huh, I'm so comfortable. I can't think of the World of Warcraft that swallowed two heads and a half deity, and it helped me so much. Now, I'm fully seated in the state of six deities of the deities, and my strength is better than before. Much stronger! "

With both eyes open, the mood of the Tianmon Python is quite good, because in this more than a month, she felt that her strength was advancing by leaps and bounds. Although there was no breakthrough in the realm, it did improve.

As long as there is improvement, naturally it is better than no improvement at all, let alone at this very critical time.

"Oh, you woke up, it seems that the gains during this time are not small!"

When seeing the Tianmon Python waking up with a smile, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, and for the time left his sadness aside, and whispered to the Tianmon Python.

There will be pressure and anything, but it will be there any time. However, he does not want to share the pressure with the Tianmon Python. No matter what the situation is, he will stand in front of the Tianmon Python and help the other party to deal with the problem.

"Giggle, it's a lot of gain, but compared to the difficulties we are about to face, this improvement is probably not worth mentioning."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Python couldn't help but smile a little, but her voice had not changed, and her face had become completely indifferent, apparently she had noticed Yuan Feng's expression before.

"Let's talk, what's the situation with us right now? I'm afraid those super-large ethnic groups are already looking for us?"

In fact, she does n’t have to look at Yuan Feng ’s expressions at all, and she can guess the problems she and Yuan Feng face. After all, she knows the significance of the immeasurable monument and naturally guesses the performance of those big groups.

"This ... well, it seems that you should have guessed something in your mind."

Hearing the words of Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng understood that, even if he didn't say, Tianmon Python's heart might have been mirror-like long ago. After all, for the so-called immeasurable monument, Tianmon Python was continually killed. No more.

"The situation is really not good. Judging from the situation returned by the Eyeliner of Warcraft, many super big groups should have begun to look for you and me. At this moment, the entire world of beast gods may have spread. It ’s your news that there are so many monuments! ”

Now that Tian Yao Python has counted in his heart, Yuan Feng naturally has nothing to hide. Speaking of it, he really needs Tian Yao Python to see the situation in front of him, and then make the next action arrangements. .

I did n’t see too much Eyeliner, but it ’s so-called weirdness. It ’s just an ancient jungle here that has been patronized by so many ethnic groups. It is conceivable that the entire world of beast gods has really joined in. Searched him and Tianmon Python.

"So, the situation is really not optimistic!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Tianmon Python's beautiful brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

She knows what she is going to do next, but if all the ethnic groups start to search for her and Yuan Feng's whereabouts, no matter how careful they are, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape the search of those guys. So, now I am afraid they must prepare for the battle in advance.

Of course, they are not afraid of fighting, but once their whereabouts are exposed, there are bound to be many, many super powers arriving at the first time, and then, if those super powers surround them again, then But it will not be so easy to get away!

This time is different from the last time. With the last lesson, those super big groups will definitely send out the stronger ones, and even it is impossible to come out.

Such treasures as Wuliang Shenbei, as long as they are members of the beast **** world, then no one will not want to get them, even if they are strong in the semi-god realm or even surpass the semi-god realm, they will yearn for the Wuliang gob Endless.

It is conceivable that once she and Yuan Feng are surrounded by a group of demigods with seven or eight turns, then there is really no other way than surrender.

Of course, surrender does not mean that you can live, so even if you surrender and wait for their results, you may not be able to get better.

Thinking of this, she was still speechless for a while, she didn't know the next way, how to go.

Seeing the Tianmon Python thinking, Yuan Feng didn't bother each other. He also understood that he should really give the other some time to straighten out his thoughts. Similarly, he also needed to calm down and think about how to go. This way, we can safely reach their destination.

For a moment, the two were silent, and each considered their next action strategy.

In fact, whether they are Tianmon Python or Yuanfeng, they all understand that no matter what they do, there is basically no foolproof solution. The reason why they need to consider is nothing more than thinking about how to arrange to ensure losses. The smallest.

What Yuan Feng can do is actually only his self-detonation army. In this more than a month, Xiaoba produced a lot of self-detonation army, and these self-detonation army can undoubtedly play a magical role at critical moments. But it also has to be under the premise that the opponent's strength is not too strong.

If the opponents to be faced this time include many superpowers with a divine power of eight or nine turns, he really doesn't know if his self-destructive army will still be useful.

In addition, his Xuan Zhen method can be used naturally. However, Xuan Zhen's thing is too limited, and it is impossible for him to kill all the Warcraft powerhouses by Xuan Zhen. Therefore, it is basically not necessary to use too much. Think about it.

After thinking about it, Yuan Feng can think of the result, it seems that it is only left to go, take a step and look at it.

"Yu, it's really difficult. It seems that if I want to bring the infinite monument to the clan, I hope that it is not big."

Tian Yao Python thought for a long time, but in the end, she couldn't think of a good way to do it, but she couldn't help but sigh again and again.


Yuan Feng didn't know what to say, but he wanted to persuade the other party to give up the monument of immeasurable monument, but if he looked at the posture of the other party, even if he tried to persuade, the demon python would never give it Those of the big ethnic groups.

"Yuan Feng, otherwise, you or you should leave first, follow me, you will be killed for this."

A trace of struggling flashed across the face of Tian Yao Python, and finally he bit his scalp and spoke to Yuan Feng Shen.


When the demon python's voice dropped, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and her mood did not look very good.

"In this case, I don't want to hear it from your mouth a second time. At that time, I still want to think about how to do it well."

Naturally, he knew that the sky demon python was a good intention, but it was all the time, how could he abandon the sky demon python?

"Giggle, joking with you, if you are really gone, how can I live alone?" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yao Bo could not help laughing, but just kidding, she and Yuan Feng They are all clear.

"Well, since you don't want to leave, then help me share some pressure. This immeasurable monument seems to be more secure for you."

Picking at the corner of the mouth, Tian Yao Python said as he raised his hand suddenly. Then, the infinite monument that she regarded as life-like was taken out by her and placed in front of Yuan Feng.

ps: The third is here, brothers and sisters. Come and stimulate some flowers. The flowers are too far behind. Xiaoyan continues to code. Write more today! !! !!

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