The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2145: reinforcement

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Chapter two thousand and forty-fifth rescue

The battle between the elder Tian Yao Python and the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan can be said to have really fought.

The three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan occupy the advantages of number and state. Their purpose is very simple. They are to capture the elders of the demon python and get the immortal monuments on the other side.

However, for their ideas, the elder python of the demon python cannot agree at all. In this way, both sides have a clear purpose and firm conviction. This frame is naturally an endless end. As for who will win in the end, To some extent, the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan win even more.


It was another earth-shattering roar, but it was the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan who suddenly changed their positions. When the elder of the Tianmon Python suddenly failed to respond, a paw was shot on the top of the latter, but it was about to rise. Suddenly flew to the ground.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

As one strongman of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe succeeded, the remaining two strong ones did not hesitate at all. During the talk, they swept towards the elder elder python being photographed and fluttered, without any horrific attack. Then, one after another, they greeted the elders of the sky demon python.


Being besieged by the three-and-a-half-six-six-six-moon-wolf-wolf-clan, the elders of the demon python almost added blood to his body almost instantaneously, and the blood of Yin Hong flew in the air in an instant, but it looked very amazing.

"Xiaoyue Wolf, this seat is incompatible with you !!! Roar !!!!!!"

Elder Tianmon Python was really anxious and angry at the moment. It overestimated its own strength and underestimated the combat ability of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. It was originally thought that although he was wounded, as long as he was not afraid of death, Then it is bound to spell a blood path. But the three guys of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan let it understand that when it comes to fierce death, the Tianmon Python family is no better than them.

If the situation continues like this, then it is basically a situation where the other party has cooked it. At that time, regardless of whether it wants to surrender the demon flame and the infinite monument to the demon flame, its actions this time will be It ended in failure.

Of course, once it fails, then its life will really come to an end. After all, it has lost the immortal monument, it is the sinner of the ethnic group, not to mention two princesses who will be buried for it.

"Woohoo, what ruthless words are being spoken at this time? Let's die !!!!!! Boom boom !!!!!!"

"Ugh !!!!!! Ugh !!!"

Regarding the crazy roar of the elder elder python, the strongmen of the three Great Howling Wolves had no mercy, and in talking, they actually bite off a piece of flesh and blood from the elder elf Much more horrible than the day demon pythons.


Being tortured by the three big devil wolves so crazily, Elder Tianmon Python finally had to make a sigh of sorrow. It knows that it is really impossible for him to survive today!

The thought of all these results is caused by its own momentary confusion, and its pain and remorse can not help growing. If time can go backwards, it will certainly not do such confused things.

"Brothers, keep working hard, this guy can't carry it !!!"

The three strong men of the Howling Wolf Clan are getting more and more excited. They can feel it. The elder elder python obviously has reached a limit, and this guy obviously does not want to die. This is definitely the best time to capture each other. If such a good opportunity is not grasped, then it is really too much should not be.

This time for the monument to the immeasurable god, the Xiaoyue wolf tribe has sent a lot of strong men, and the three of them are also a team that has been placed in high hopes by the chief of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe. I'm afraid that it will really be taken away by other ethnic groups!

"Om !!!!!! Hey !!!!!!"

However, just as the strong men of the three Great Howling Wolf tribes wanted to take advantage of the elders of the Heavenly Demon Boa and take down the other party in one fell swoop, a space shock suddenly came, and almost a space shock came. For a moment, the three purple breaths seemed to have turned into three sharp arrows, and they ran straight to the three strong men of the Howling Wolf family.

The three rays of light are extremely fast, and they are still far away from the beginning, but in a blink of an eye, they have come closer. With the three rays of light and the body, the three strong men of the Howling Wolf family are also instantly out of madness Wake up and feel the danger approaching one by one.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Seeing that the arrows transformed by the three rays are about to hit themselves, the three strong ones are roaring unwillingly, but they have to give up the onslaught against the elders of the day demon python, one by one, they can only cope with the sudden Killed purple arrows.


The three strong men are also not covered. After they gave up the elders of the demon python, they almost shouted. They just shattered the purple arrows in front of them, but that was it for a while. In time, the elder python of the demon python had already gone through the passive beating. When the giant tail swung, it was flying away.

"Wow, who is so courageous and dares to shoot at me?

At this moment, the three devil wolves were so angry that they would be able to succeed, but at this time they killed Cheng Chengjin halfway, and they saved the elder elder python, and they couldn't wait for the future. Life is stripped.


Almost as soon as the roar of the three devil wolves had just fallen, a purple streamer swept away from a distance, and not far from the three devil wolves and the suspicion elders of the monster Tian Tian Stand still.

"Huh, the little Xiaoyue wolf tribe, even dare to shoot against my Tianyaobo tribe, I really don't know who it is."

The purple light slowly solidified, but in the end it turned into a very hot figure, which can be seen at a glance. This is definitely a woman, a goblin who is a calamity!

Unfortunately, the woman's head was covered with a thin layer of veil. Although the veil was thin, she couldn't see her face clearly. Obviously, this layer of veil should also be a rare treasure.

"His, this ..............."

When I heard the voice of a woman who suddenly sounded, especially when I saw the sudden emergence of the puppet woman and the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, at this moment I couldn't help but feel a little surprised. However, it took only a moment's time to understand that they suddenly understood that the guy who suddenly appeared was a member of the Tianmon Python family.

"The princess? I've seen the princess. It's great to see the princess at this time."

When I saw the uncle's appearance, she was already scarred, and I almost wanted to give up the elder elder python. At this moment, she turned into a humanoid shape and came to the uncle's body as soon as before.

It has restored its human form, and there is almost no good place on the body, but even so, it is still full of smiles at the moment, and its eyes are full of excitement.

This is also a matter of no means. No matter who you change, you are almost desperate when you suddenly see a big savior. That mood is simply outsiders who can't understand it.

Others don't know, but it is the most horrible thing about this scum woman now.

The main palace owner of the Tianmon Python family is also the horrible existence of the Tianmon Python family who is most likely to become the next patriarch. It can be said that among the entire Tianmon Python family, in addition to the patriarch, she must be her most arrogant. The most overbearing, even the elders in the clan, must be polite to her by three points, and dare not make any mistakes.

You should know that a few years ago, the main palace owner was already a superpower of six turns in the demigod. Today, although there is no news that the other party has advanced to the seventh turn, the ordinary six-turn powerhouse, Definitely not her opponent.

At this moment, when he saw this person appearing in time, he knew that he absolutely didn't need to die, and in such a situation, naturally he couldn't help being unhappy or excited.

"The elders have worked hard. Let me take care of the next thing. It's time for you to return to life."

The puppet woman, the main palace owner of the Tianmon Python family, took a brief glance at the elder Tianmonpython, and then gently instructed. It sounds like she didn't mean to talk to the other person, but she was completely commanding.

However, for the Lord of the Heavenly Monster Python Palace, the elder of the Heavenly Monster Python did not feel anything wrong. For it, it was also a blessing to be ordered by him, not to mention that it was just now Did the other person save his life?

"Everything is ordered by the owner of the palace. The old man is now in the tribe. The princess is careful !!!!"

Elder Tianmon Python is not worried about the other party at all. It is very clear that with the means of this great palace master, let alone the three sacred moon wolves and six turns, even if the stronger guy comes, then It is simply useless.

Therefore, after telling the other party about it, it didn't want to think about it, it just swept away. It was actually a step back to the Tianmon Python family.

"Alas, big reptile, want to go, how can it be so easy? Not to stay for me !!!!!!"

However, for the Elder Tianmon Python to leave directly, of course, the three strong men of the Howling Wolf Clan will not agree. Almost as soon as the elder Tianmon Python was about to leave, the three strong ones were all one after another. Xiao, we have to step forward to prevent the other side from escaping.

"Hum, all roll over for me, your opponent is me !!!"

However, as for the three great screaming moon wolves who want to block the elders of the Tianmon Python, the princess of the Tianmon Python can't help humming, just when the three powerfuls were about to move, she was He suddenly waved his hand. Suddenly, in front of the strong men of the Three Great Howling Wolves, there was an additional World of Warcraft with three and a half gods and five turns.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

Three heads, half deities and five turns of World of Warcraft, each of them is not a super big group of powerful people, but the repair is actually a half deities of five deities, and each one looks fierce, as if It was the same as what was stimulated.

As soon as these three Warcrafts appeared, they basically didn't even want to think about it, but the strong men who went straight to the three-headed Howling Wolf Clan rushed up and bite at the three demon wolves fearlessly.

"Well? This is ........."

Suddenly, the three terrifying WoWs emerged, which changed the look of the three great wolves. They can all feel that these three Warcrafts are absolutely crazy than the three of them, because the eyes of these three guys are obviously irritated. At this moment, they are basically They will destroy whoever they see, even if their relatives come, I am afraid they will never take care of them.

"Not good, they are controlled by the nymphs of the Tianmon Python family, everyone be careful !!!"

For these crazy opponents, they really feel the coldness from their hearts. There is no way. The three guys don't know what death means. For them, the only meaning of being alive is to destroy and destroy everything.

The three great wolves know that to get rid of these three guys, there is no other way than to kill them. And when they killed these three guys, the elders of the demon python family did not know where they had gone that day!

Of course, at this time, they have no choice at all, except to quickly kill these three horrible Warcrafts, but there is no other way to trace them. As for the immeasurable monuments, they are also a bit dead.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The six-headed Warcraft started a crazy battle, and at this time, the princess of the Tian Yao Python family stood indifferently, not far away, watching the excitement, and did not make the first shot.

At her level, of course, nothing will happen on her own. She controls some Warcraft under her hands, and these guys cannot be easily used on weekdays because once they are used, they are basically disposable and will not be used again. There is a second chance to make use of it, and there are not many of her under this kind of Warcraft.

This time because of the immeasurable monument, otherwise, she may not be willing to waste three such powerful subordinates.

The three-headed, half-deity, five-turned Warcraft, which is not a daunting death, is already a big trouble for the three strong men of the Howling Wolf Clan. During this period, the princesses of the Tianmon Python family have been watching this way without any help.

Of course, it wasn't that she didn't want to help, but at this time, even if she came forward to help, it would be treated by her three-headed Warcraft as an enemy.

"It's almost time, three, you play slowly with these three guys, we will have a period later."


After almost a while, the princess of Tianmon Python couldn't help but look at the sky, and then smiled indifferently. Between flashes, she disappeared directly into place. As for the subordinates of three and a half divine realms and five turns, there is no way to get them back.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Seeing that the princess of the day demon python had also left, the three devil wolves roared unwillingly, but they had no choice but to watch the other party leave, but there was no way to stop it.

ps: Thank you for your support, thank you brothers and sisters! !! !! !!

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