The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2177: Big trouble

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Chapter 2177

The horrible big bang has directly flattened the area of ​​tens of miles, but no ordinary creature in this area can survive at this time. Among them, it also includes the two strong men who were outside before. The four demigods who swept the array and turned five people.

The big explosion of the Demigod Realm is really a bit too horrible, especially the self-destructing is not the strong one with a semi-god realm, but the horror of the semi-god with a second go.

Frankly speaking, in the eyes of some super powerhouses, the strong man who turned around in the demigod is really nothing, but it can only be compared to the battle. If the opponent is dead, follow the method of self-explosion. If the opponents die together, then even the strongest one must obediently choose to retreat.

The self-detonation of the Demigod Realm can directly disrupt the rules of heaven and earth, and at the moment when the rules of heaven and earth change, as long as they are bound by the rules or Warcraft, they will be affected by the force of self-detonation.

The big bang this time was fortunately completed in the realm of the two great demigods. Basically, most of the power was borne by the realm of the two great empires. If not, let alone the square Dozens of miles, even hundreds of miles, have probably been leveled.

Of course, since the place where the explosion first acts is the realm of the two demigods, naturally, the damage to the two powerfuls is naturally the biggest.

The whole world can hardly be calmed down for a long time. The aftermath of the energy after the explosion constantly wipes out the ruins of dozens of miles. I do n’t know when, just above this huge ruin, the shape of a young man is Appeared in the space, and glanced at everything in front of me with emotion.

"Appeal, this power is really unspoken. It seems that the self-exploding army will always be the most terrifying secret weapon for me. With such power, if you want to come, you will encounter a strong man with a divine spirit. Is there room for manoeuvre? "

Looking at this huge ruin in front of him, Yuan Feng's heart was indeed full of emotion.

This time, only one half-twisted World of Warcraft has exploded, which is to clear away the two big-semi-strength Six-turned Warriors directly. It can be seen how terrible the method of self-destructed Warcraft demigod is.

Having said that, this is just a half-god Warcraft self-detonation. If it explodes together with two ends, or even a few more World of Warcraft, it will be a kind of scene. I am afraid that most people dare not imagine it. After all, No one can order a group of demigods to blow themselves up.

The moment before the explosion, he used the help of the infinite monument to hide into the different dimensions of the beast **** world for the first time, and easily transferred the power of the explosion to other places. As for the explosion energy that he himself suffered, Already minimal.

And a little force acting on him, a strong man who is based on Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, is tantamount to scratching.

"Wow !!!!"

When Yuan Feng looked at the ruins below, with an uncontrollable emotion under her heart, an extremely faint sound came from not far away, and with the sound, Yuan Feng's eyes were frozen for a moment. For the first time, I looked in the direction of the sound.

"Well? That's ............... has vital signs, this breath ......... is the two of them !!!!!!"

At the moment of his thoughts, Yuan Feng couldn't help narrowing his eyes and seriously observing the position where the sound came, but just as he was watching, under the ruins, the two wolves could hardly see them The outrageous guys crawled out from under the ruins and collapsed softly on the ground.

"Well, good guy, I thought the talented big bang had killed the two of them. After a long time of trouble, these two guys didn't die !!!"

Although he was too embarrassed to see his face, Yuan Feng was still able to confirm from the breath that the two guys who climbed out of the ruins were the strongest of the two great **** machine chambers that had previously played against him, but this At the moment, both of them apparently lost their ability to fight.

"Isn't it dead, that's okay, if I really die, I really want to be a little bit sad!"

Seeing the two strong men did not die, Yuan Feng did not feel disappointed, but felt very grateful. To tell the truth, he really hoped that these two guys were not directly killed. At least, he hoped that Elder Shi Yan could still live, because the young lady Ruan Xinrou of the God Machine Chamber of Commerce was still in the other's body world. Among them!

Once Veteran Shi Yan died, his physical world would collapse. By then, Ruan Xinrou, who was in his physical world, could only obey the other party.


As soon as he was in shape, Yuan Feng quickly came to the top of the two superpowers, and he did not hesitate to pierce each other into their bodies, so that they could talk with some strength.

"Oh, two, I can't think we can meet again, but it's really different to see the second one again now !!!"

Standing above the two strong men, Yuan Feng's hands were looking down at the two men in the posture of a winner. At this moment, these two guys are like two little ants. As long as he is willing, Then you just need to gently move your feet to crush both of them.

"Ahem !!!"

With the help of Yuan Feng, the two strong men are sitting up hard at the moment, working hard to run their power, and wanting to restore some power soon. Unfortunately, not only did they burn their own power at the critical moment, they were also wounded by the explosion in the realm. For a while, it was impossible for them to work.

"You ......... how can you control Warcraft to explode?"

The situation of Elder Shi Yan at this moment was somewhat better than that of Deacon Chen Ang. Deacon Chen Ang could hardly sit upright, but he was able to support sitting up.

Sitting upright with difficulty, the elder Shiyan stared tightly at Yuan Feng above, but unfortunately, no matter how he looked, he felt he couldn't see through Yuan Feng at all.

For a long time, everyone believed that when Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python killed the siege, those self-exploding Warcraft troops were controlled by Tian Yao Python.

However, until this moment, he only understood that, in fact, those Warcraft troops were not under the control of the Sky Monster Python. As for controlling those Warcraft explosions, it was obviously Yuan Feng in front of them! !! !!

Yuan Feng used the identity of a human warrior to disguise, almost deceiving all the people who watched the battle, but who would have thought that a small human warrior could control a large number of World of Warcraft to self-explode, among which even There is no lack of super existence.

This is absolutely a very, very remarkable thing, and it is something that made him want to break his head, and it was impossible to think of it.

"Hehe, Elder Shiyan, the so-called winner is the king and the loser. Now, do you think, is your power better or the next means more sharp?"

The figure came to the other side, Yuan Feng could not help but glanced up and down to glance around the two, and then quietly waited for the two to respond.

"Hey, what is there to say now, little guy, you won, you have to kill and kill you, you just have to do it, but before the death, the old man has a request, and I hope you can do it. "

At the moment of death, the elder Shiyan suddenly felt calm, speaking heartily, and was really honored to be able to die in the hands of a terrible genius like Yuan Feng.

Everyone is going to die, even if he is, as long as he can not reach the legendary state of God, then sooner or later he will have to be a handful of loess, and being killed by Yuan Feng now means nothing more than liberating himself earlier.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with him dying, but at this moment, he still has a heartless request in his heart.

"Say, what do you want to say, just speak now, if I can, maybe I will help you do it."

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng gave the other person a chance to speak very personally. In fact, at this moment, he actually thought of the request that the other party had to say, just to let the other party say it himself. .

"My husband has nothing to nostalgia for this world, but Xin Rou ’s girl was knocked out by me before, and now I am in the physical world. I hope you can see that Xin Rou ’s heart is helping you. Can give her a way of life. "

After the death of Elder Bai Zhong, he actually has no nostalgia for this world, so death is actually nothing to fear for him now.

Ruan Xinrou was just born. He didn't want the other party to understand the world, so he became a dead ghost. In that case, even if he is dead, I am afraid that he will not be able to explain to the president of the China Chamber of Commerce in the future.

"Well, you can't survive yourself, why bother with others?"

After hearing the words of the veteran Shi Yan, Yuan Feng shook his head and could not help but feel a little certain about the other's actions.

The so-called death of man is also good. At the last moment of life, the veteran of the God Chamber of Commerce finally did something that the super-powerful super-god should do, and this is not the only thing. I am the veteran of the other God Machine Chamber of Commerce.

"Deacon Chen Ang, what do you say? You are going to die soon, but do you have any last words to say?"

He did not directly agree with the elder Shi Yan, but he did not refuse. Yuan Feng's gaze then turned to Deacon Chen Ang and asked with a smile.

For him at this moment, killing is really easy. However, killing is not the purpose. When killing, he must let the other party truly feel regret.


Deacon Chen Ang's eyes were full of panic, but he couldn't say a word.

From the beginning, he always wanted Yuan Feng to die. Right now he was hit hard by Yuan Feng. He couldn't think of a reason to let the other party save his life.

He certainly didn't want to die, but deep down in Yuan Feng's eyes, he saw a decisive decision. He knew that this time, he was really trying to escape.

"Oh, it seems that Deacon Chen Ang should know that he is guilty. In that case, let's say goodbye. Remember, the next life is aimed at the target and then shot, don't be as reckless as this time."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng couldn't help but raise his hand and raised his Chixiao sword, and then, without waiting for Deacon Chen Ang to say anything, he just picked up the sword and dropped the other side in half.

"Brush !!!!"

One sword killed Deacon Chen Ang, Yuan Feng seemed to have done a trivial little thing, and then absorbed the opponent's body into the Chixiao sword, and continued to grow his own magic sword.

Chixiao Sword is undoubtedly a bloodthirsty magic soldier, and it is the kind of baby that absorbs more essence and blood, and it will be more powerful. With the two big and half divine powers, the powerful person will be swallowed by him. The Chixiao sword is obviously much stronger than before.

"Deacon Chen Ang ........."

Seeing Deacon Chen Ang finally failed to escape from Yuan Feng's hands, witnessing all this to the elder Shi Yan, he really couldn't tell what it was like.

He has not been very optimistic about Deacon Chen Ang, but in the final analysis, the other party is one of the super deacons in the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. Now he watched the other party fall. As a veteran of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he naturally cannot be comfortable Already.

However, all this was done by Deacon Chen Ang step by step, right or wrong, he had to pay for what he did, even if the final bill needed his life to end.

"Elder Shiyan, you and I had no injustice or resentment, but until now, we really can only have one person alive. For your previous request, I can promise you, now, give me the girl of Xinrou and you Just set yourself up! "

Killing Deacon Chen Ang, he could not have the slightest psychological burden, but for the veteran Shi Yan, he still feels somewhat unable to let go.

First of all, he is definitely not the kind of person who kills innocent people. All that Shi Yan has done is probably nothing more than an order. Therefore, he can give the other party a little special treatment and it can be regarded as the preservation of the other party.

"Thank you for your little brother's completion. In this case, the old man can also stare."

Hearing Yuan Feng actually agreed to his request, the elder Shiyan couldn't help but feel unusually happy. At this moment, he was a prisoner under the ranks. Yuan Feng could have treated him like Deacon Chen Ang, but at the moment, it is easy After letting Ruan Xinrou pass, he also promised to settle himself, which is indeed a huge gift.


As soon as he raised his hand, he was working his last power, recruiting Ruan Xinrou, who was still in a coma, and placed it directly in front of Yuan Feng.

At this moment, he can only choose to believe Yuan Feng. After all, if he chooses to believe Yuan Feng, Ruan Xinrou has a chance to survive. If not, the other party can only die with him.

At this moment, Ruan Xinrou was still in a coma. She didn't know that there had been so many changes in the outside world. If she had been informed of these changes, she would have no idea how she would react.

"Well, little guy, I gave Xinrou to you, I hope you can release her to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce. In that case, even if I die, I will thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Ruan Xinrou was handed over to Yuan Feng. At this moment, the elder Shi Yan no longer had any concerns, and even an indescribable smile appeared on his face.

Frankly, at this moment, death is really the best destination for him. You know, his brother is gone, and the previous big bang has left him in a semi-abandoned state. Even if he is given enough time to recover from the injury, he can only fall into the realm in the end. further.

To put it plainly, even if he can survive, then it is nothing more than a waste.

Therefore, instead of living so painfully, it is better to die happily.

"Mr. President, the old man is ashamed of the chairman of the president, and ashamed of the God Machine Chamber of Commerce, this is a step forward !!!"

In this operation, they dispatched two elders and five deacons, and at this moment, so many powerful people are left with only himself, while the others are falling, even if they give him a chance to live. He also has no courage to live.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his right hand, turning his fingers into claws, in order to kill himself personally.

"Oh !!!!!!"

However, just as the veteran of Shiyan showed his face and decided to end his life in the middle of speaking, a sound of space vibration came suddenly from a distance.

The sound of vibration in this space is extremely weak, and almost immediately when the sound came, a huge handprint was violently grasping towards the veteran Shi Yan and Ruan Xinrou in front of him, waiting for Yuan Feng to respond. The huge big handprint was to grab the veteran Shi Yan and Ruan Xinrou together in their hands, and the two were caught in the distance in an instant.

"Eh? No, there is a super power coming !!!!!!"

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. Yuan Feng was still waiting for the elder of Shi Yan to make his own decision. But in the blink of an eye, the two living people in front of him were all gone. At this moment, he was like a bird of surprise, and instantly He became nervous, and looked in the direction of the disappearance of the mudra.

"Hey, I really can't think of it. A little young man even wanted the president to take the shot himself. It seems that this time, it really is a bit wrong !!!"

When Yuan Feng looked nervously into the distance, a sigh, but it came from the sky, and with the sound of a voice, a middle-aged man did not know when he had arrived in Yuan Feng On the ruins, and carrying his hands, he looked indifferently towards Yuan Feng.

"His, this is ........."

Seeing the middle-aged man appear in front of his eyes, Yuan Feng's pupils could not help shrinking slightly, and his heart suddenly became extremely nervous.

He knew that this time, I'm afraid he was in serious trouble.

ps: The update was unfavorable in the previous two days. It is really shameless to ask for flowers. Today, it is normal to resume the update. Cheers for a few flowers to support and give Xiaoyan a little motivation. Thank you everyone! !! !!

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