The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2191: Ending (three)

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Chapter Two thousand and ninety-first ending

The entire Xiaoyue Jungle slowly recovered its calmness. Above the sky, Yuan Feng and Ruan Jingtian stood opposite each other. Behind him, there were more than twenty demigods of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, which were still honest at the moment. Standing on the ground, there was no change in expression due to the departure of Moon Wolf King.

It seems that after being conquered by Yuan Feng, they have completely and completely regarded Yuan Feng as the new master. As for the Moon Wolf King, I am afraid that it has become the past and become history!

Ruan Jingtian didn't say anything at this moment, and didn't make any movement. He just looked at the opposite Yuan Feng quietly, and at this moment, his heart was full of indescribable emotions.

In front of Yuan Feng, in a sense, it is already invincible. Although he also thought that Yuan Feng could control the strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, but that was all in the absence of certainty, just some speculation.

Right now, more than twenty demigods of the Xiaoyue wolf clan are standing behind Yuan Feng, and it is clear that as long as Yuan Feng orders, these guys will rush forward without any hesitation and fight desperately with anyone. The means are truly shocking.

"Well, it's pretty fast, but one day, I will let you stop running and use it for me obediently."

Watching the Moon Wolf King leave, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little. He didn't feel dignified because he left a huge hidden enemy. Instead, he looked forward to the Moon Wolf's revenge.

Speaking of them, maybe the Moon Wolf King is thinking that after leaving this time, he can wait until the injury is recovered, and then gather other strong men to take back the lost things together.

However, Yuan Feng also had his own thoughts in his heart.

At this moment, he has just been promoted to the level of demigod. He already has a terrorist force comparable to the Great Perfection. Then once he can improve a few levels and reach three levels of demigod, he believes that At that time, he should be able to completely abuse the strong man in the demigod, right?

When he is promoted to a level of more than three turns in the demigod, at that time, even if he is a strong man in the demigod level, he will certainly not be his opponent. At that time, no matter what kind of helper the moon wolf king brings Come, there is no use for it.

"Hehe, what does it feel like to be an adult? The next way, can you still join the adult's law?"

Watching the Moon Wolf King leave, Yuan Feng then looked at the opposite Ruan Jingtian, and asked with a smile.

"Ahem, Yuanfeng's little brother is really a **** and a man. He has never served anyone in the next life, but this time he met Yuanfeng's little brother. He has to say that Yuanfeng's little brother is the only person to admire."

Seeing Yuan Feng look at himself, Ruan Jingtian couldn't help feeling a tightness. He was really completely convinced at the moment. In his heart, a metamorphosis such as Yuan Feng really shouldn't exist in this world.

The strength itself is good enough, even can control the Demon World of Warcraft, let the Demi World of Warcraft willingly surrender, this method, even the Tianmon Python family can not do it at all?

At first, he thought that the reason why Yuanfeng was with the strong man of the Tianmon Python family should be controlled by the strong man of the Tianmon Python family, but now it seems that who controls who? Hard to say.

"Hahaha, I am deeply honored to have the President say such things." Hearing Ruan Jingtian said, Yuan Feng could not help but laugh loudly, apparently very satisfied with the compliment of the other party.

Once upon a time, the chairman of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce could not even put him in his eyes, even hunt for thousands of miles, but this time, everything changed completely.

Although he didn't play against each other, he believes that if he fights at this moment, he will surely win more.

As for what the other person admires, he certainly knows what the other person admires! However, there are too many secrets in his body, and what the other party knows is nothing more than nine cattle and one hair.

"The adult president also saw it. I need some time now to gather the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. From now on, this super-ethnic group is my Yuan Feng's power. In the future, I hope the adult president can help a lot."

For the control of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan, nothing more than the control of the demigods, and these are not a big deal for him.

After being promoted to demigod, his mental strength is definitely stronger than that of the ordinary demigod nine-turn strong man. Although the strong man who controls the nine-turn demigod is somewhat unlikely, but controls the seven-turn demigod The following strong are nothing more than the difference in length of time.

I have to say that the blood curse magic power is activated again, this feeling really is not generally refreshing.

"Wow, where is the little brother, from now on, he will still have to take care of the little brother, and I am grateful for it."

Where does Ruan Jingtian dare to compose with Yuan Feng? From now on, if the Shenji Chamber of Commerce encounters the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan again, he will surely let the people below bypass it. In any case, the people of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce will not be allowed to conflict with the Xiaoyue Wolf clan.

"Hey, then everyone will look at each other and make progress with each other."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's eyes turned slightly, and then he said, "Mr. Chairman, I still have to deal with things on the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. As for you, Mr. President, I think I should return to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce first. Prepare the things you need next. After ten days, I will personally visit the door, and I hope that the president will not be disgusted. "

God Machine Chamber of Commerce, he must go again, at least, he has to get Ruan Jingtian promised his compensation.

"Well, since the little brother said so, then rush back to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and seriously prepare the things you want for the little brother. After ten days, the next meeting will personally lead the crowd to welcome the brothers Yuan Feng."

Frankly speaking, he really doesn't welcome Yuan Feng to the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, but since Yuan Feng has already spoken his words, of course he must be very happy.

Yuan Feng's arrival on the land of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to putting a super-sized time bomb on the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. If one accidentally detonates this super-big bomb, then it is really a big trouble Already.

Fortunately, there are ten days for him to prepare. Wanting ten days is enough for him to instruct his subordinates, at least not to offend anyone and cause unnecessary trouble.

As for the beast head crystals that Yuan Feng wants, he will prepare them by himself, and there are only a lot of them. In the end, he will give Yuan Feng a satisfactory answer.

"Master Madam, you are welcome, please !!!"

Nodded, Yuan Feng didn't have a cold about what lineup to welcome. As long as the other party prepared the Beasthead Crystal he wanted, he was already very satisfied.

In front of Ruan Jingtian, he made an inviting gesture, but Yuan Feng immediately started to drop off passengers. The next time, he will soon control as many as possible of the howling wolves, and then really control the entire howling wolves. As for the president of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, he believes that the other party must know how to choose.

At this moment, he has reached an indescribable height, and above his current level, there is basically nothing left to do, which can threaten him, so even if Ruan Jingtian is really ready to go back, even Trying to figure it out for him, he was already fearless.

Besides, with the power that Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong can exert today, he can guarantee that no one can kill him, but this is enough to laugh at the world.

Ruan Jingtian didn't stop any more, and left almost as if he had escaped. After Ruan Jingtian left, Yuan Feng didn't let himself idle, and then he continued to control the strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf family.

This time among the Xiaoyue wolf tribe, he captured hundreds of demigod wolves in total, most of which were three or four turns in the demigod, and less than three turns. It is only a very small part.

Right now, his task is to control these World of Warcraft as much as possible, and to control these guys alone, I am afraid it will take a while.

Fortunately, it is better to say that the semi-god realm has less than four turns, but for the strong man who has six semi-god realms or even seven demi-god realms, he is also a bit laborious to control, and even has a few heads to practice for a long time. The stronger one, he doesn't know if he can control it right now.

Of course, even if he can't control individual demon wolves at the moment, it will definitely not affect his control of the entire Xiaoyue Wolf family. Moreover, the things he couldn't do in the first half of the semi-god realm, he wanted to come and wait for him to go further, and when the second turn of the semi-god realm, he should be able to do it.

Obviously, the process of going from Demigod to Second Demigod will not be as difficult as impacting Demigod. He believes that as long as you give yourself some time and then supplement it with some external force, then Demigod The realm of it is nothing to worry about.

Xiaoyue Jungle slowly regained its silence. The twenty or so demigod demon wolves that had been subdued by Yuan Feng were now returning to the ethnic group to appease the ordinary people who were frightened.

For those howling wolf wolves under the demigod, they don't actually know what happened, but the previous scene did make them unforgettable.

However, ordinary howling wolf wolves are always vassal states, and the real decision-making level is still the superpowers of demigod, so as long as Yuan Feng can control the demigod wolf wolves, then those ordinary The tribe is still left to those who are demigod to straighten out.

He gave Ruan Jingtian ten days to prepare, and the ten days should have been enough for him to conquer all the demigods and rush to the God Machine Chamber of Commerce.

Having said that, he asked Ruan Jingtian to prepare after ten days, but whether he really wants to go on time depends on his mood.

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