The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2254: Big Black's Shock

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The problem between Yuan Feng and Yao Yan was finally solved with the help of Dragon Emperor. Yuan Feng was also very satisfied with the solution given by Dragon Emperor. World, this seems to be more reassuring than leaving it in the beast **** world. Alas,

"Yuan Feng, Demon Flame Girl, when do you plan to return to the world of no delusion? My Tianlong tribe's teleportation array can be open to you at any time, even if it is no problem now."

It was determined that Yuan Feng and Yao Yan were going to return to the boundless realm. Long Huang's heart was very pleased, and he was ready to serve the two at any time.

"I'm not in a hurry, I still have some things to do. When I'm done with these things, it's not too late to return to the world of delusion."

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng thought for a moment, but he didn't choose to go back for the first time, because he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a very important thing he didn't do. \

"Master Dragon King, is there any remote place on Long Island that can be used for crossing the robberies?"

Before returning to the Wraithless Realm, he must first resolve Xiao Ba's turn and robbery. You must know that in the world of the Beast God, he can borrow the immortal monument to act, but if he returns to the Wraithless Realm, then It's really hard to say.

Once the immeasurable monument is not effective in the delusional realm, then Xiao Ba's turn to robbery, he can not help, and in terms of Xiao Ba's own ability, how difficult is it to pass through the robbery? .

"Crossover? Of course, there is a place to crossover. I wonder if the brothers Yuanfeng looked for such a place?"

Upon hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Dragon Emperor could not help but frown, but he did not understand the meaning of Yuan Feng. After all, neither Yuan Feng nor the Demon Flame now looked like they needed to escape.

"I don't hide from you, Lord Dragon Emperor. I have a Warcraft companion who is practicing in my physical world. Not long ago, he had just been promoted to great consummation. I want to help it in the beast **** world. He turned around. "

Yuan Feng has nothing to hide. He is also the master of the Wuliang God Monument. He believes that the Dragon Emperor absolutely knows that Wuliang God Monument can be transferred without fear.

"That's the case. Since Brother Yuanfeng wants to help his friends get through the disaster, let's go now." Yuanfeng replied that Dragon Emperor did not feel anything wrong. He was talking with Yuanfeng The three men swept towards a wasteland on the Dragon Island of the Dragon Dragon.

Speaking of which, the Tianlong tribe has a place to cross the robbery. As Yuan Feng thought, the Dragon Emperor can also help others to cross the robbery. In fact, many of the strong dragons are actually in his Help to complete the robbery.

Compared with other ethnic groups, the advantage of the Tianlong tribe is this. No matter how terrible the robberies that the strong dragons will face, they can always pass it with the help of the Dragon Emperor. Such advantages are other. Ethnic groups dare not think of it.

In fact, there are a lot of amazing and talented groups in the beast **** world, and they will always have a variety of strong men born, but basically most of them fall under the robbery, it is unfortunately extremely unfortunate.

There was no speech all the way, and soon, the Dragon Emperor took the three to the exclusive land for the Tianlong tribe.

"Well, here it is, Brother Yuanfeng. Please invite your friend out. If you can, the emperor is willing to help Yuanfeng brothers."

Dragon Emperor is as enthusiastic as ever, as if to replace Yuan Feng and help Yuan Feng's friends to rob. Speaking of which, this kind of thing is familiar, and it is not difficult to do.

"Thank you, Lord Dragon King, for your kindness, but let me do this little thing."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng directly rejected the kindness of the Dragon Emperor. When speaking, he faced the Dragon Emperor and other humanities. "Master Dragon Emperor, big black, demon flame, bother you to stay away, I will start Now. "

The voice dropped, his body flashed slightly, and he reached the central area of ​​the robbery land. Then, he raised his hand and summoned Xiao Ba directly from the physical world.

"Brother !!!"

The figure appeared, and Xiaoba yelled at Yuan Feng for the first time, and his eyes still had the excitement and excitement that could not be concealed.

"Don't say anything, be prepared to absorb as much of the robbery as possible, and don't let me down !!"

After waving his hand, Yuan Feng signaled the other party not to say more. The next time is when the other party truly becomes the strongest person in the world. After completing the nine transfers, he will be equivalent to one more from now on. God of life, I'm afraid it's hard to die!

"It's all up to Brother !!!" Nodded, Xiao Ba sat obediently and sat down cross-legged, but didn't care about the surrounding environment, as if he didn't see the surrounding environment and the people around him.

For him, Yuan Feng is the only person he can trust. What Yuan Feng asks him to do, he will obediently do it. Since Yuan Feng lets him obediently, then his task is to escape, and the rest Things have nothing to do with him.

"This this……………………"

When Xiao Ba was born and began to prepare for the robberies, the **** that followed followed, at this moment, could not help but look, his face was filled with incredible shock and complexity.

"Small, small eight? Turns out to be small eight? It, it has been promoted to the great consummation? This, this ... -........."

Dahei really was completely stunned. Speaking of which, when Yuan Feng said that a friend was about to cross the robbery, he already thought it would be Xiao Ba, but when he turned around, he thought it was different from Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba. At that time, Xiao Ba was just a very tiny little, and it was almost ten thousand miles away from the Great Realm!

So, along the way, he was wondering if Yuan Feng had made other new friends, just like friends like Yao Yan.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ba showed up. Although he is in a human form, he is absolutely familiar with the breath of the other person. The man in front of him is definitely the Xiao Ba he knew.

"This guy's practice speed is really a bit too scary, right?"

For Xiao Ba's promotion to the great consummation situation, his heart is really incredible. However, the thought of Yuan Feng made him more or less clear.

On the one hand, Yuan Feng's terror strength will surely allow Xiao Ba to have sufficient resources for cultivation. On the other hand, he does not need to worry about the robbery of Xiao Ba. Together, the two have achieved Xiao Ba's current state. Nothing too surprising.

In a sense, the single individual Yuan Feng can basically be compared with the entire Tianlong tribe. After all, the biggest advantage of the Tianlong tribe is the Dragon Emperor, and what the Dragon Emperor can do, Yuan Feng basically Can do it.

"Good guy, it's going to be a little eight, amazing, amazing !!!"

If someone is promoted to the great consummation situation, he will definitely smile a little, not too concerned about the heart, but can be replaced by a small eight, the situation can be completely different.

You know, Xiao Ba has the horror ability to produce Warcraft. This is very clear to his heart, and a great complete Warcraft that can produce Warcraft, ask, what kind of monster can Xiaoba produce now? ?

"What's wrong, you know this little guy?"

Dahei's response naturally fell into Longhuang's eyes for the first time, and of course he was surprised and curious to see Dahei watching Xiaoba in the field so shocked.

You know, in terms of Dahei's current strength, it seems that nothing really surprises him. After all, the identity of the heir to the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Dragon can completely kill everything.

"I do recognize that when I was by Yuan Feng, this little guy was already around Yuan Feng. Speaking of it, it seemed that Yuan Feng was hatched." Nodded, Dahei Continued, "In the beginning, my cultivation was much higher than it, and to this day, it has even been promoted to the great consummation. This speed is really incredible."

He did not tell Xiao Ba's horror ability to the other party, but naturally attributed his shock to the speed of his practice, because he knew that once the Dragon Emperor was aware of the existence of Xiao Ba, there, I'm afraid unnecessary trouble will arise again.

Xiao Ba's ability is definitely limited. Even the Dragon Emperor must pay great attention to it. If such an existence is made public, no one knows whether it is good or bad. He believed that Yuan Feng would never want him to tell the situation of Xiao Ba.

"Oh, how terrible Yuanfeng's little brother is. His partner, of course, is not comparable to ordinary people. It is not surprising that his friend can practice at this speed."

Shaking his head, Dragon Emperor's heart couldn't help but have a little bit of surprise. You know, he can bring Dahei's strength to a semi-god realm, and it costs him and Tianlong people a lot of resources and Hard work, but Yuan Feng, alone, was able to turn a guy who is weaker than Dahei into a Great Perfectionist. These means are really terrifying.

Anyway, Yuan Feng can make a guy who is weaker than Dahei promoted to great consummation, there must be an unknown process in it, and he doesn't want to tangle too much, it is Yuan Feng and Xiao Eight had better luck.

Yao Yan hasn't spoken all the time, but in her heart, she has a strange feeling. Others don't know that she is definitely the one who knows the best of Xiao Ba's ability. For Dragon Emperor and Dahei, she only pays attention to the training speed of Xiao Ba, but she has not done any research on Xiao Ba's ability. She has a kind of It looks like someone lost the watermelon and picked sesame.

Of course, she will never reveal Xiao Ba's ability. In her heart, only Xiao Ba and Yuan Feng know about it, and no one else wants to know.

"Booming !!!!!!"

Just when everyone was thinking about their own minds, above the sky, the dark Jieyun suddenly started to condense, and Xiaoba's ninth turn to the heist finally began.

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