The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2314: Unite as one

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

After a month of turbulence, the orc world finally restored its former peace, and felt that there was no blood and killing in the orc world, and all the survivors in the orc world were secretly relieved.

During this month, countless large tribes were informed of the invasion of strong aliens, and many large tribes also organized their hands to block the footsteps of aliens. Unfortunately, after several times, During the confrontation, their people suffered heavy casualties. At this moment, it is difficult to organize more forces.

Fortunately, I don't know why. The alliance of Wulei Realm and Beast-God Reality suddenly turned around and returned to the way they came from, which made many big tribes happy.

For people in the orc realm, this day is definitely a day to celebrate. However, for the coalition forces without the delusional realm and the beast-god realm, their mood is not good at all.

After determining that Tianjizong is a problematic sect, all the strong men are worried about the situation of no delusion, after all, Tianjizong has cheated them all of them, of course it is impossible. For no purpose.

With great nervousness, the big troops traveled day and night, and wished to rush back to the world of delusion now, but unfortunately, the distance they have traveled for more than a month is too far away, not just one or two days a day. Can return to the source.

On this day, the big troops marched as fast as they could towards the passage between the two worlds. However, while everyone was moving fast, Yuan Feng, who was flying in front, stopped suddenly. Down, the whole person's face flashed with an indescribable shock.

"Yu, it's time to come back. It seems that this time I really have a big problem !!!"

Body shape stopped, Yuan Feng could not help but sigh for a long time, his eyes were full of dignity.

"Yuan Feng, what's wrong, why stop?"

The headed Yuan Feng stopped her body, and everyone behind them naturally stopped for the first time. Huo Yunting, who was following Yuan Feng, was the first step forward, and asked Yuan Feng.

Although the others didn't speak, they all looked at Yuan Feng one by one. I don't know why the other person stopped suddenly, and his face was so ugly.

Of course, although I don't know why the other party stopped, just the expression of Yuan Feng at this moment made them feel a little uneasy.

"Ah, I just got the news from the boundless world. Many black bird people are slaughtering the boundless souls. Many first-class forces have been brutally destroyed by them."

With a sigh of sigh, Yuan Feng really didn't want to tell everyone about this change, but all the present were strong men without arrogance, and they obviously had the right to know the truth of the matter.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, everyone was changing in color, and everyone's eyes were filled with flames of uncontrollable anger that almost reached the edge of the runaway.

What are they afraid of? Even after they discovered the conspiracy of the Heavenly Kings, they were already worried that such a thing would happen. Now it seems that their worry is really not unnecessary.

"Yuan Feng, can there be news of my beast **** world? Also, how is my Tianlong clan now?"

Just when everyone was angry and almost about to run away, there were several Tianlong strong men in the team, and they were also anxious, and asked Yuan Feng.

In this strange world, they can't get in touch with the Tianlong clan, but now it seems that Yuan Feng seems to have a way to get in touch with Wulun Realm and Beast God Realm.

"Is the Tianlong tribe? I don't know what the Tianlong tribe is now, but the whole beast **** world should also be suffering the devastating blow from the black people. A lot of large groups are probably gone now!"

At the same time when the news came from the avatar, he had already tried to contact some of the subordinates in the beast **** world. Unfortunately, many of the subordinates could no longer be contacted. And the information returned by some of the subordinates who can be contacted indicates that the beast **** world is now under attack from the mysterious black man.

"This this………………"

I learned that the beast **** world is also being attacked. A lot of beast **** powers can't help but be a little nervous, especially a few strong dragons. They can remember that before the departure, the dragon emperor With Zhao Wuji, the lord of the Heavenly Sect, and from the perspective of the Dragon Emperor, he would never doubt Zhao Wuji.

This is really what made them very worried. Once Zhao Wuji secretly calculated the Dragon Emperor, I am afraid the consequences will be really unthinkable.

"What to do, what to do now? Yuan Feng, do you know how many people there are, and what level are they?"

They are separated from each other by a large world, and they can only be anxious at the moment, but at least, they hope to get more precise information.

"It's not easy to say right now, but judging from my guess, the strong men dispatched on this day are probably great consummates. As for the number, it's really not easy to say."

In some cases, of course, he couldn't tell these people truthfully, but from the situation of the avatars, one team of the other had 13 thirteen successful strong men, and each strong man was stronger than nothing. The great consummates of the delusional realm and the beast **** realm, we can see that the extreme actions on this day are definitely not that simple.

"Both of them are great consummates? Whoops, how is this good !!!"

"It's over. Now all the strong men in Wulei Realm are basically here. Once Tianjizong starts to fight against Wulei Realm, who can stop them?"

"Damn Tianjizong, after returning to the realm of no delusion, I must defeat all Tianjizong's people and leave none behind!"

"What's the use of saying these now? Or speed up and rush to get back to the boundless world earlier !!!"

Each of the strong men is a little panicked. They are very clear that the major forces at this time are foreign and intermediate, and it is difficult to find even a great successful strong man. In this case, Tianjizong is not thinking about it. How do you do it?

"Dear people, the situation is urgent at the moment. If you can be trusted, please invite all of you into my physical world. I will hurry on my own. Of course, if you think that the letter is not good, then the younger one step ahead. "

Yuan Feng's face also changed and changed. In the end, he thought for a moment, facing the people present.

Right now, their team is different, of course, the speed of course can not be too fast, but if he took everyone on his way, then the situation will be completely different.

Others can delay, but he absolutely ca n’t delay. You must know that there is his relatives and friends in the arrogant realm. Although there are detachments sitting there to protect everyone, God knows what other means of Tianjizong. With a single person alone, I don't know if it can be done.

Therefore, at this moment, he must find a way to get back to the realm of the delusion. Of course, if he can, the beast-god realm can't ignore it. You know, other ethnic groups don't matter, but there are several Ethnic group, but it has a very good relationship with him, especially the Tianlong tribe and the Tianmon Python, it is absolutely impossible for him to watch these two groups perish.

"Enter your physical world? This ..............."

When Yuan Feng's words came down, the people present couldn't help but hesitate. Obviously, they were not willing to enter Yuan Feng's physical world.

As we all know, once you enter the physical world of others, you really put everything into the hands of the other party. By then, you will not have any resistance to how you want to deal with you.

If they enter Yuan Feng's body world, then Yuan Feng will not release them, then I am afraid they can only die in Yuan Feng's body world, and there will be no action at all.

In addition, they really do n’t know much about Yuanfeng. No one knows where the super-strong Yuanyuan came from. It is naturally impossible to say that they believe in each other. thing.

"You guys, we do n’t waste so much time, and give everyone a minute to think about it. After one minute, who is willing to enter my physical world, we rush back together to save the world of delusion and beast god, and do not want to follow me Well, we will have a period later, let's choose it !!! "

Seeing everyone was hesitant, it seemed that they wanted to go with themselves, but full of worry, Yuan Feng frowned, slightly unhappy.

Although he can understand everyone's mood, it is not a time to hesitate at this moment. If these people can't believe him, he will naturally not force it.

In any case, as long as he can get back to the boundless world, he will be able to withstand many ordinary Great Perfectionists.

"Our old and immortal vocals want to protect the boundless world, but now the entire boundless world is gone. It is ridiculous that we are still hesitant here, Yuan Feng, I am willing to hurry back to the boundless world with you soon!"

Just when everyone was hesitant and didn't know if they should enter Yuan Feng's physical world, Huo Yunting, the owner of Ziyun Palace, was the first one to stand out and speak loudly to the people present.

He really wanted to open it at the moment. Speaking of which, the reason why he met the celestial pride is that he and other super powers have an unshirkable responsibility.

Before, it was the so-called Shendan they took from Tianjizong that turned their disciples into bloodthirsty mads one by one. Now, it is also time for them to make up for their faults.

In addition, these old antiques have been living for too long, too long. It is really enough to live to this day, not to mention what Yuan Feng will do to them, even if Yuan Feng really does not plan for them. They don't seem to have any hesitation, the big deal is to die earlier.

"Sovereign, we are willing to follow you into the physical world of Yuan Feng, and come back with you to Wudijie to save our disciples, and thousands of people in Wujie."

Just after Huo Yunting stood up, the two major protectors of the Ziyun Palace both hurriedly stood up and responded to their suzerain. If none of them stand up at this time, then obviously no one else will stand up.

Of course, as people in the Ziyun Palace, they certainly have more trust in Yuanfeng than others. In addition, even Huo Yunting has seen through life and death, what is the reason for the two of them?

"Okay, good, everyone, no matter how you choose, the three of us have already made the final choice. As for what you want to do, please take care of yourself!"

Huo Yunting obviously also wants to be an example. He is very clear that it is difficult for Yuan Feng and a few of them to return to the boundless world. It is difficult to save the entire boundless world. As for those who were collected by Yuan Feng, I'm afraid they can't help anything. After all, if it really makes them addictive, then the dead are not the aliens in the orc realm.

"It's nothing, Yuanfeng's little brother has great strength. Although I'm a lot older, I can't compare it with Yuanfeng's little brother. I'm willing to enter the physical world of Yuanfeng's little brother."

"The little brother Yuanfeng helped us crush the conspiracy of Tianjizong, so that we would not be foolish enough to die for the aliens of Tianjizong. What do we have to worry about? I am also willing to enter the little brother of Yuanfeng Body world, together to fight against the extreme birdman. "

"Those of us are not afraid of death, do we still worry that the brothers Yuanfeng will harm us? Everyone, don't delay your time !!!"

After the three big and half divine realms of the Ziyun Palace passed the show, one after another the super strong stood out one after another, but they all spoke out their decision.

As Huo Yunting said, these people are all very old. By now, they really don't need so many scruples.

Yuan Feng will never shoot at them for no reason. Besides, they can break through the conspiracy of the Heavenly Sect, all of which are contributed by Yuan Feng, so they really don't need any hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the strong men one by one stood up, but they all agreed to enter Yuan Feng's body world, and then returned to the boundless world with Yuan Feng.

"Okay, thank you everyone for believing in the junior. Now that you have no problems, now you will give up resistance. I will put you into the physical world and rush back to the boundless world as quickly as possible."

Seeing that everyone had agreed to enter their own physical world, Yuan Feng was also very happy. You know, his strength is too limited, but if everyone returns to the boundless world, then the situation will certainly be completely different.

"Okay, brother Yuanfeng, let me do it. I won't resist anymore."

Now that a decision has been made, everyone is no longer hesitant, and speaking, everyone has renounced resistance and allowed Yuan Feng to put them away.

"Thank you for your profound understanding, Yuan Feng will not let you down."

He arched his hands at everyone present, but Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he spoke, he released his mind and shrouded every strong person in the room. It is all people who have collected into their own physical world.

Thousands of super strong, but no one is resisting at the moment, in the blink of an eye, there is only Yuan Feng left in the whole world, and in his eyes, there is a flash of light Unspeakable colors.

At this moment, he is no longer just representing himself. If he does not do well, he will really be sorry that so many people trust him.

"Tian Ji Zong, I don't care how many strong guys you have, what kind of purpose do you have, in short, if you want to be detrimental to the world of delusion, you have to ask me Yuan Feng !!!"

With his eyes fixed, at this moment, Yuan Feng's heart was full of firmness. No matter what, he still has a detachment in the boundless world, and as long as the detachment works together with him, it doesn't matter what Heaven Extreme or others In the end, the forces absolutely must bow their heads.

"Separated, it's up to you next time, don't stand up !!!"

Secretly biting his teeth, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. Between the movements of his body, he swept away at the seal channel of the two worlds at an unimaginable speed of terror.

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