The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2321: Grim situation

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On the school grounds of Tianjizong, two men and one woman stood opposite each other. The two men looked exactly the same, even the temperament was not very different. As for the women on the side, they looked at the two with surprise. The exact same man is like seeing something incredible.

"Yu, finally come back! This trip to the orc realm is truly unforgettable!"

Breathing lightly, Yuan Feng's face flashed an indescribable color. For him, every minute and every second of this time can be said to be a kind of torture, because he knows very well that time Every minute passes, a lot of innocent people in the world of delusion and beast **** will fall.

Fortunately, after the avatar is combined with his inside and outside, he eventually returned to the world of no delusion, and now that he has returned, then the world of no delusion is no longer what Zhao Wuji left. .

"Oh, what are you looking at? Both of these are me."

After taking photos, Yuan Feng nodded his avatar first, and then smiled at the monster flame on the side. There is naturally no need to use language to communicate with the avatar. It is the flames on the side. At this moment, he was looking at himself like a monster, which made him uncomfortable.

"You guys, I don't know how many secrets you have to keep from me."

When I saw Yuan Feng's deity, the mood of the demon flame was also much better. No matter what, there was Yuan Feng's deity next to her, but her sense of security was much stronger than in front of the split.

"No, in fact, this is not a secret, but I haven't had time to talk to you in detail." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng didn't have that much energy to talk to the other side because he knew what was happening here, Ting Ding had already passed to Zao Wou-ki's ears, and then he must make a decision sooner.

"Well, demon flame, now I'm back. In the next time, you will go with the avatar and go to the beast **** world. In any case, you must first ensure the safety of the Tianmon Python family."

Without him, the boundless realm will be very safe. As for the avatar, it is natural to go to the beast-god realm to see how the situation in the beast-god realm is.

"Eun En, I'll go to the beast **** world with your avatar, and make sure that the mother is fine."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the demon flame suddenly looked happy, and his eyes were full of gratitude. Yuan Feng was able to think of her for the first time, showing that the other party cared about her, and she was really satisfied with it.

"Wait a minute, I try to contact Lord Dragon King."

When it comes to the beast **** world, he naturally thought of the Tianlong tribe. Speaking of which, before the Dragon Emperor Zhao Wuji was waiting outside the aisle together, at this moment, he had not even seen a single hair of the Dragon Emperor, and it was naturally impossible for him to feel relieved.


Thinking of this, he could not help but raise his hand and took out the inverse scales given to him by the Dragon Emperor directly.

In the orc world, because the two worlds were not connected, there was no way to use inverse scales, but at this time, it was possible to try it.

Either there is no delusional realm, or even the beast-god realm. The two big worlds were originally one, and even if the Dragon Emperor is now back in the beast-god realm, it should be able to work.

"Om !!!!!!"

An energy energy was input into the scales. Suddenly, the scales were full of light. Seeing this scene, Yuan Feng's complexion shone slightly, and the whole person was a little excited.

The scale's reaction now indicates that the Dragon Emperor was still alive and received his message, that is, the current Dragon Emperor was not at least killed by Zao Wou-ki. [Grand Recommendation: Sang. Pen & Novel]

"Master Dragon King, I'm Yuan Feng. What's wrong with you now?"

When his heart sank, he hurriedly spoke to the scales. In any case, as long as the Dragon Emperor is alive, their odds of victory will be greater. After all, the strength of the Dragon Emperor is definitely not comparable to the general perfection.

Nowadays, the strongest realm of the world of delusion and beast **** is undoubtedly Zao Wou-ki and Dragon Emperor, plus himself and his avatar. Of the top five combat powers, Zao Wou-ki only took two, but they counted the Dragon Emperor here, but they had three. In terms of quantity, they had an absolute advantage.

Of course, the black men under Zhao Wou-ki have some advantages over the worlds of Wulun and Beast God. After all, the strength of those guys is very horrible. The black sword in his hand is even more blood-throated, even if it is Three or five great conquerors who have no delusion, may not be able to withstand a strong man in black.

In addition, the strong men of Tianjizong are now scattered all over the place, even if he wants to kill those guys, it is not so easy to do.

However, these are not the results he can come up with now. At the moment, what he wants most is the response from the Dragon Emperor. Fortunately, let's first understand the situation of the Dragon Emperor and the beast **** world.


Almost as soon as Yuan Feng's message was sent to the scales, a light flashed. Then, the human figure of the Dragon Emperor was mapped out from the scales, and finally condensed into an image in the air.

"Yuan Feng, it's great to receive your message at this time."

The figure of the Dragon Emperor appeared in the air, but it was just facing Yuan Feng. As soon as he appeared, he was facing Yuan Feng Road with joy.

"Well? Lord Dragon King, you, your body ..."

When he saw the image of the Dragon Emperor, Yuan Feng was also very happy, but when he saw the situation of the Dragon Emperor at this moment, his eyes flashed a horror.

Although it is only an image, it can be seen from the image of Dragon King. At this moment, he was debilitated, and there was a sense of anger in his body. The pale face was even more impressive. Can not bear to look.

Obviously, the state of the Dragon Emperor at this moment is very bad.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's all done by Zao Wou-ki's **** alien, you don't know. Zao Wou-Ki ... Uh, this is ..."

With a sigh of sigh, the Dragon Emperor was telling Yuan Feng about his experience, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that beside Yuan Feng, there was still a man exactly the same as Yuan Feng. Seeing this, he was so shocked that he was so trembling that he couldn't freeze his image.

Speaking of which, he was injured by Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wou-chi's avatar before. For the so-called avatar, he was jealous. Now, when he saw Yuan Feng's side appeared exactly the same, it was almost the same as Zhao Wuji Just nothing different!

Almost immediately, he linked Yuan Feng to Zao Wou-ki and stepped back subconsciously.

"Master Dragon King, don't be surprised. This is my clone. You can think of both of us as the same person."

Seeing the horrified expression of Dragon Emperor, Yuan Feng could not help raising his eyebrows, but also realized some situations. There is no connection whatsoever. I also ask Master Long Huang to make a clear reference. "

According to his guess, 80% of the Dragon Emperor suffered a loss at Zhao Wuji's avatar. After all, being able to hurt the Dragon Emperor in this way should not result in a confrontation.

"Master Dragon King, Yuan Feng really has nothing to do with that Zao Wou-ki. I can testify to this."

Seeing Long Huang's unpredictable look, Yao Yan stood up at this moment and quickly acted as a witness for Yuan Feng. She definitely does not allow Yuan Feng to be suspected, especially if she is suspected of being a villain.

However, of course, the Dragon Emperor would not believe her so easily. After all, Yuan Feng had a affair, which was a bit shocking to him.

"It seems that Lord Longhuang doesn't believe the juniors very much. In this case, I will let Lord Longhuang take a good look at it." Seeing Dragon King looking at himself with vigilance, Yuan Feng frowned, and then, He was in a state of mind, releasing all the people who were in his physical world.

"Brush !!!!"

All the flashes of light, the great perfectionists who have no delusional realm and the beast **** realm, and some weaker ones have appeared on the school ground one after another, and everyone who has appeared has A flash of suspicion flashed, and then excited.

"Familiar atmosphere, here is ......... no delusion?"

"It's Tianjizong, have we returned from the orc realm to Tianjizong? !!!"

"It's so good, it's so good, we are finally back, finally back !!!"

Every strong person can see the scene in front of them at this moment, and when they realize that they and others have returned to the boundless world, everyone's mood is of course conceivable.

These days, they have been staying in Yuan Feng's body world. Except for the anxious waiting, they can't do anything. The feeling of powerlessness makes them never want to feel anymore.

"Dear everyone, please be quiet."

Just when everyone was arguing with each other, Yuan Feng's voice suddenly sounded, but everyone closed his mouth subconsciously, and looked at Yuan Feng one by one.

However, Yuan Feng did not say anything to the crowd, but immediately looked at the image of Dragon Emperor ahead.

"Master Long Huang, the junior entered the so-called different world with everyone before, but found a lot of problems. Later, the junior took everyone to find a way to return to the boundless world. For this, everyone present Can testify for me. "

Demon flame alone has limited persuasive power, but now that there are so many strong men, it is clear that he cannot let so many strong men testify for him. Moreover, if he and Zhao Wuji are in a gang, then naturally these people will not be brought back.

"Dragon King? Lord Dragon King !!!"

"His, how did Lord Dragon Emperor look like this? Was he seriously injured?"

"Do you still need to ask, it must be a good thing that Tianjizong has done, I must kill all the **** of Tianjizong !!!"

As Yuan Feng's voice sounded, everyone found out that on the side of Yuan Feng, it turned out that a projection of the Dragon Emperor came here. Seeing the situation of the Dragon Emperor at the moment, everyone present was unavoidably shocked.

"Master Dragon King, what are you doing?"

During the time of speaking, the four dragon kings sent by the Tianlong tribe now could not help coming forward, and asked Dragon Emperor with anxiety and shock.

"Red Rain Dragon King, Kwai Water Dragon King ......... you are alive !!!"

When the strong men without the delusion world and the beast **** world appeared, the dragon emperor's eyes could not help but flash a little, his eyes were full of joy and excitement, and when the four dragon kings of the dragon family stood out that day, he It is even more exciting.

Before the Tianlong tribe suffered great changes, he only had time to take away some ordinary people, and the number was very limited. Right now, seeing that there are four dragon kings alive in the Tianlong tribe, the Tianlong tribe undoubtedly has a little more hope for inheritance. Of course, he can't be unhappy.

Seeing that the four dragon kings were all right, he was almost speechless at this moment.

"Master Dragon Emperor, what exactly happened? How did you suffer such a serious injury?"

At this moment, the four dragon kings were watching the video of the Dragon Emperor nervously, and they could all see that the state of the Dragon Emperor at the moment was extremely bad, and such a situation naturally made them hard to feel at ease. .

"Hey, don't mention it, for a moment, you were actually conspired by Zhao Wuji's scum. Now that the emperor is seriously injured, the Tianlong tribe is on the verge of extinction. Except for the four of you, the other dragon kings, I am afraid they have fallen."

Lamenting, the Dragon Emperor finally told this unwilling fact, and while talking, his eyes even faintly turned red.

"What? This, this ........."

When the words of the Dragon Emperor came to an end, the four Dragon Kings and the other beast **** powerhouses were all terrified, and they couldn't believe this fact at all.

As the strongest ethnic group in the beast **** world, the Tianlong tribe is a super overlord who is in awe of all the beast gods. However, at this moment, the Dragon Emperor told them that the Tianlong tribe is almost extinct. Such news, of course, they could not believe it.

Of course, it's not just them who can't believe it. At this moment, Yuan Feng's complexion has also changed, and the shock in her heart is not small.

"It's such a celestial sect, that even the super hegemons like Tianlong have been destroyed by them?"

His eyes flickered. At this moment, he couldn't help but have a further understanding of the power of Heavenly Extremes. He has been to the Tianlong tribe in the first place. Although he did not see all the powers of the Tianlong tribe that time, he believes that the superpowers of the Tianlong tribe are definitely no less than dozens or hundreds, but even so, Not even spared.

It can be seen that Tianjizong's strong man is really difficult to deal with.

"Hey, let ’s not talk about that anymore. Anyway, the Tianlong tribe and the emperor, and you, and hundreds of surviving tribe, one day, the Tianlong tribe will stand on top of the world again."

Shaking his head, the Dragon Emperor can only comfort himself so much. In fact, the return of the four dragon kings was indeed unexpected, and it can be said that God gave him a little comfort. Surprised.

"Yuan Feng, it seems that the emperor really did not read you wrong."

When his face was positive, Dragon Emperor looked at Yuan Feng again, and at the moment, his eyes were full of relief.

The surprise this time was really big. He never dreamed that Yuan Feng could bring all these people back from another world. Speaking of which, when Zao Wou-ki launched an attack on him, he already knew that everyone might have been deceived by Zao Wou-ki. Now these people can return. This is unimaginable for the Wraith World and the Beast God World. event.

All the credit for this is obviously Yuan Feng's.

"Master Dragon King, don't talk about the extras. My avatar has already had contact with Six Wing Zhao Wuji, and the next thing will be left to the juniors to do well."

Misunderstanding was resolved, Yuan Feng had no interest in other things at the moment, he knew very well that in the next time, his task would be very heavy and heavy, and without the help of the Dragon Emperor, he was facing Zhao Wuji At that time, I'm afraid it's not so easy.

ps: Yesterday was temporarily taken by the leaders to the government meeting, and then went to Hu eat the sea to drink, as for how to return home, I basically have no impression! !! !! Sorry everyone, write as much as possible today! !! !!

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