Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

In order to reduce the loss, Zao Wou-ki's clone did not continue to be lazy this time, but instead greeted himself to a subordinate team. For him, if there is any loss in the remaining four teams, then he is really Too bad.

Although the speed of the avatar is much slower than that of the deity, he still quickly saw the team approaching him when he was on his way.

It is also a large team of fourteen people. When Zhao Wou-ki saw these subordinates, his heart was more intimate than before.

This is also a natural thing. Speaking of which he used to have a lot of subordinates, of course, he will not take these subordinates too seriously, but nowadays, the super strong under him has shrunk severely. Even if they were added together, there would be nothing more than 200 left.

As for the stone puppets, he and them cannot sense each other, so it is unclear how much the stone puppets are currently missing.

However, aside from the stone, let alone the loss of these mature ornithologists alone has made it difficult for him to accept.

There is naturally nothing to say about these subordinates. Almost when he saw this complete team, he was the first time to bring these people into the physical world. Then he thought for a while and went directly to the Fly in the direction of the next team.

Frankly speaking, this process is actually very tense for him, because he is really worried, just go to meet the efforts of the major teams, whether there will be new casualties in the remaining three teams .

Along the way, he couldn't even care about destroying the World of Warcraft in the Beast God World. Although he had seen powerful Warcraft and Warcraft groups in the middle of the road, he had no mood to deal with it at all. The four teams enter the physical world and then return to the boundless world to help, which is what he needs to do right now.

However, the world is always like this. The more you worry about it, the more likely it will happen. No, just as Zao Wou-ki tried his best to hurry and get closer to the second team, a The news that made him crazy was passed on again by his subordinates.

"What? Another team has been attacked? How is this possible?"

The shape of flying quickly settled, and Zhao Wuji's face was full of embarrassment.

Just a moment ago, a team hiding in the dark according to his order heard the news that their team was suddenly attacked by human men, and it was Yuan Feng who had been opposing them all the time.

At this moment, the large team of fourteen people had already been killed or injured more than half, and only a half of them were still able to call him at this time. Of course, this half of the subordinates may not be able to live long.

"Ah !!! Damn it! Damn it !!!"

In the middle of this conversation, the news of the fall of several subordinates came, almost between a few breaths. This attacked team was completely without news.

In other words, this team of fourteen people, like all other teams, has completely disappeared between the world of beast gods.

"Why is this happening? They are all well hidden, why are they still found? Why? !!!"

If the previous teams were found and destroyed by the opponent, it can be said that it is too arrogant. However, the teams that were destroyed this time have obviously been hidden in the Warcraft community, and they have converged to the extreme. He really wants to Nowhere, how did the other party dig them out.

"Another team is missing, so go on like this, how much can I survive when I am brought under the control of the beast **** world?"

The loss of this team made him not so good, and suddenly became even more unhappy. The survivors of more than 50 people shrank again at this time and turned directly into their early forties. It can be said that this time the action of the beast **** world will basically declare the regimental destruction! !!

More than two hundred people have forty or more left, and it is not the final result. In this regard, he feels that he has almost never failed.

"Damn human kid, I'm going to crush you !!!!"

At this moment, Yuan Feng had been completely listed as the subject of his killing by him. Now, he no longer avoids meeting with each other. If possible, he now wants to find each other and fight against each other.

"No, it's not the time to fight with him now. No matter what, the remaining two teams must be protected by all means."

Taking a deep breath, Zao Wou-ki tried hard to calm himself down. He knew very well that at this time, it was definitely not a time for anger. After all, even if he wanted to fight Yuan Feng, that would have to be done by the other party.

Now it seems that Yuan Feng is probably a means to perceive the beast-god realm. Only in this way can the opponent find his hidden team so easily.

In view of the other party's means, if he wants to come to his own actions, he may have been monitored by the other party. Therefore, as long as the other party does not want to meet with him, it is impossible for him to find the other party.

After thinking about these situations, Zao Wou-ki was no longer tangled in this, and when he was in shape, he continued to welcome the team that was getting closer to him.

Of course, this time, he naturally wanted to order, so that the last two teams should not stand by. After all, hiding is not a good way at all, but there is a feeling of waiting for death.

Unfortunately, he hadn't figured it out before, otherwise there would be no such result now ...

On the other side, Yuan Feng succeeded again, destroying a team of black bird people, and the mood was naturally very good.

"It's a pleasure to kill another team of **** birdmen. In this way, there are only three teams of birdmen on the animal **** side, but it seems that one team has been put away by Zao Wou-ki. I do n’t know if there is any chance to kill another team. "

After annihilating this team of black men, he sensed the situation in the beast **** world for the first time. At this moment, he had discovered that Zhao Wuji had already made peace with a team of black men. And protect the body world of those black bird people who have collected as much as possible.

As for the remaining two Birdman teams, they are rapidly converging towards Zao Wou-ki, and in his induction, these two teams should be closer to Zao Wou-ki than to him.

In other words, the next time he wants to kill another Birdman team, it will be much more difficult.

First of all, Zao Wou-ki's speed is not slower than him. In addition, those bird-in-black people started to catch up again at the moment. It is naturally not easy for him to catch up with these guys.

"Chasing or not chasing it? It doesn't seem like there is no chance."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng had to weigh it and see what would be appropriate.

"No matter how many, now that you have the opportunity to destroy another team of people in black, try as much as possible. In addition, it's time to have a few tricks with this Zao Wou-ki's clone !!"

His complexion changed. In the end, Yuan Feng decided to pursue it.

If you don't chase it, then the other party will inevitably meet together, and he will not have such a good chance to kill. As for whether to catch up, it depends on the arrangement of the sky.

In addition, no matter whether he chased after him or not, he really wanted to have a few tricks with Zhao Wou-ki's avatar. No matter what, he had three immeasurable monuments in his body and he would never be attacked by the other party. Already. Once he wanted to leave, even if Zhao Wuji's deity came, he still had to stand aside.


The flash of light was almost a blink of an eye. His body was completely invisible, and by the time he reappeared, he was already thousands of miles away.

Time is tight, he basically used his full strength to hurry this time. Anyway, there are three immense monuments in his body, he is not worried about any consumption at all, because for every trace of energy consumed, the immortal monuments will be carried out from around. Extracted and added to his body.

Unless the energy of the entire beast **** world is exhausted, Yuan Feng will never have to worry about running out of energy.

Zao Wou-ki's speed is also extremely fast. Although he can't see Yuan Feng, he can imagine that Yuan Feng is definitely racing with him at this moment.

If he takes away the two teams as soon as possible, then this speed game, naturally, he wins, but if he fails to complete the task in time, I am afraid he will be defeated again this time!

After almost half a day, Zao Wou-ki finally found one of the last two teams and directly included it in the physical world. Then, he kept welcoming towards the last team.

"Faster, faster, this last team must not lose any more !!!"

With his teeth clenched, Zao Wou-ki was really desperate now. To tell the truth, in fact, one more team and one less team did not affect him too much, but this has something to do with his face, which cannot be measured by the lives of more than a dozen black men.

Of course, for Yuan Feng, he doesn't care about the face, his purpose is very simple, that is to eliminate the living power of the black birdman as much as possible, kill one less!

Having said that, no matter whether the original intentions of the two are the same, but in the final analysis, they are one to kill and one to save, and they do not want to lose to the other.

I do n’t know how long it took to fly. Finally, in Zao Wou-ki ’s perception, there is only half a quarter of a minute between him and his last team. It can be said that victory is in sight. This game of the game, he will soon end with his victory!

"Human kid, I want to see how you fight with me !!!"

As he flew, the corners of his mouth couldn't help sneering. It seemed that he felt that he would definitely win this game.

It was another hurdle, and Zao Wou-ki could even feel that his subordinate breath was passed on. Seeing this, he had already reached the extreme speed, and there was even a slight improvement. Obviously, in his heart, he was more cautious.

"Om !!!!!!"

Seeing that it would be merged with the last team, however, just before the end of the last three or two minutes, a horrible sword wave was passed from a distance, and when he felt this When the horrible sword fluctuated, the sneer on his face was frozen at the corner of his mouth all at once, and the whole human body was shaking violently.

"What? This ... this ..."

He clenched his fist subconsciously, and a horrific anger suddenly released from his body. At this moment, he was obviously extremely angry, and he wanted to choose someone to eat! !! !! (..)

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