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Wuling World Chapter 2349

Chapter Two thousand three hundred and forty-nine

Chapter Two thousand three hundred and forty-nine

For Chu Yichen, her growth can be said to be a different kind of recovery, or awakening. She was able to have such power all at once, not really through cultivation. Read the latest 800 chapters in full.

However, the opposite Yuan Feng is completely different.

Along the way, she has witnessed Yuan Feng ’s horrible growth rate. It can be said that even if you look at the higher world, it is difficult to find what can surpass him, especially at this moment. She can feel that although Yuan Feng's real strength may be a little weaker than her, but if she really fights, she can never destroy Yuan Feng.

Once upon a time, a young man who came out of a small county such as Fengtian County has reached such a high level today. It seems that she really saw a genius this time.

"Little girl, tell me about your changes, now you should have reached a limit? It seems that even me, it is definitely not your opponent."

Chu Yanchen was looking at Yuan Feng. Similarly, the latter has been watching each other.

For Yuan Feng, he can also be regarded as a knowledgeable person, but frankly, the situation of Chu Yichen is definitely beyond his grasp.

No matter what, at the moment, he can feel that the opponent at this moment is definitely better than him. If he fights with a knife, he will definitely not be the opponent of the opponent.

"The elder brother is always so humble. She Chen's strength is nothing at all." She shook her head. Chu Chuchen did not feel how strong she was. Speaking of her, her strength now recovered. There are many, but the rules of this world are there, and people like her are actually very difficult to exceed that limit.

In addition, she is not ready at the moment, and it is not suitable to break through at this time, because once you exceed this limit, waiting for her may not be a good result.

"That's nothing? It seems your girl is humbler than me !!!"

Hearing the answer given by Chu Yichen, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch his lips, but he was completely shocked. If even such a power as Chu Yichen is not worth mentioning, then in this world, I am afraid that no one really dares to call himself a master!

I don't know why. I saw Chu Yanchen again. He found that the intimacy between him and the other person was obviously not as harmonious as before. In his feelings, he now feels like facing a person. Like a stranger, but this stranger should still remember his friendship with him, so he was regarded as a friend.

No doubt, this feeling definitely made him uncomfortable, but to the heart, Chu Yanchen can now call him a big brother, he is already very satisfied.

"Okay, big brother, if you don't read wrong, you should be in trouble?"

He didn't continue to study too much with Yuan Feng, Chu Chuchen suddenly flashed a smile, and asked Yuan Feng with a smile.

Although she is no longer the little girl at the time, she knows Yuan Feng quite well.

Whatever Yuan Feng encounters is basically written on his face. Obviously, Yuan Feng at this moment is definitely in trouble.

In addition, during this time, although she has been working hard to restore her strength, in fact, she has already discovered the changes in Qingwu Palace and the changes in Yuanfeng's physical world. (800) Fiction

So many human warriors were transferred in, and every day she was talking about what black bird person, she almost could hear ear cocoons, which is why she woke up in advance to see if it was Can help get Yuan Feng.

In any case, Yuan Feng is her elder brother after all. Without Yuan Feng, she may not be able to return to the current state, or she may have died a long time ago.

"I did have some trouble. You woke up this time, but it was really timely."

As soon as he looked right, Yuan Feng did not hide it at all, because at this moment, he really hoped that Chu Yanchen could help him and save more human warriors.

"Tell me about the specific situation. If it can help, Wu Chen will definitely not quit."

Seeing Yuan Feng being so solemn, Chu Yanchen also put away a smile and waited for Yuan Feng to talk about the situation outside for herself, and she said in her heart that she was really curious about the outside world. .

"It's like this ..."

After thinking for a while, Yuan Feng started to tell the other party about the external situation. Although the time is urgent, he obviously doesn't care about this minute. No matter what, he still helps the other party to clear the problem first, and it is not too late to consider other issues.

The origin of the matter is not complicated. Therefore, it did not take long for Yuan Feng to start the chaos in the Infinite Realm and explain it to the other party, and after listening to his story and After describing it, Chu Yanchen's brow was already tightly wrinkled.

Seeing Chu Yanchen frowning and thinking, Yuan Feng didn't bother each other, but waited quietly.

"It turned out to be the indigenous people of the Protoss? I didn't expect that the indigenous of the Protoss came to the Nether."

Chu Yanchen's eyes flashed, but she kept thinking.

As a person who has been reborn from that powerful world to the lower world, she knows the horrors of the upper world, and in Yuan Feng's description, she was the first to determine what the black bird in Yuan Feng's mouth was. Already.

In that powerful world, the indigenous birdmen and ascendants are two different camps that are opposed to each other, but are interdependent. The image of the black birdmen in Yuan Feng's mouth is exactly the image of those indigenous birdmen. Therefore, she is almost sure that what is being chaotic at the moment is definitely the indigenous birdman of the upper world.

"This is interesting. In theory, it is impossible for anyone in the upper world to enter the lower world, unless it is reincarnation and rebuilding, but even if it is reincarnation, it does not seem to retain the characteristics of indigenous bird people?"

The super strong in the upper world can enter the lower world by reincarnation and rebuilding, but once reincarnation and rebuilding, it is basically impossible to continue to be a birdman. After all, only in the **** world, there is an indigenous birdman. After reincarnation, it will never appear in the Birdman camp.

She does not belong to the indigenous camp of the divine realm. At the time of reincarnation and rebuilding, she was forced to do so, and she actually has an inevitable grudge against those indigenous bird people.

"It seems that this time it is really going to meet this indigenous birdman for a while, to be able to split up. The eight achievements are to cultivate the mirror magic, and the indigenous people who can become mirror magic are definitely not too low in status."

Yuan Feng has already told her that Zao Wou-ki has a avatar, but others don't know that she knows the meaning of avatar in the divine realm best.

There are some taboo skills in the divine realm. These taboo skills cannot be cultivated by anyone. At least, even in her original status, she is not qualified to practice such skills.

However, she didn't know that, in fact, Yuan Feng in front of her was actually a pervert who could cultivate taboo skills. In this regard, Yuan Feng had no time to tell her.

"Brother, I have a general understanding of the situation. In the next time, let Chen Chen fight alongside you. Maybe we can work together to save the world and save millions. Thousands of human warriors! "

There is no need to say more about everything, it is not too late to make a decision after she sees the goal.

If the opponent is really an indigenous powerhouse in Divine Realm, then there should be no trouble. After all, there is absolutely no such thing as a superpower in Divine Realm.

Although Yuan Feng said that the other party only has the strength of the demigod to reach its peak, but she knew very well that the other party was afraid that there might be some concealment, but she was afraid of using real power under pressure.

Just like her, she definitely didn't want to go back to the upper bound until she was fully prepared. After all, once she returned to the upper bound and did not have enough self-protection power, then the final result, I ’m afraid she would never That's great.

"Well, just waiting for you, I know that your girl will never stand idly by."

Hearing Chu Xichen's help, Yuan Feng was overjoyed immediately. What he lacked most now was the help of the superpowers. Chu Qichen was willing to help now, which is undoubtedly a great news.

"It's not too late, let's go, we'll go out now, but those blackbirds are so widely dispersed now, and I don't know when they can be dug out."

He didn't want to wait any more for a quarter of an hour. After all, if he delays for another minute, the number of dead human warriors outside will continue to increase.

In addition, he would also like to know whether, in terms of his strength and Chu Yanchen's strength, it is really possible to destroy Zhao Wuji and his avatar.

He nodded to Chuanchen Chen, and Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. He pulled the other's arm, and then took him directly outside.

"Oh, little girl, it's all up to you this time."

The avatars came to the outside world with Chu Yanchen, but just when they had just arrived outside, but before they stood still, a familiar laughter suddenly passed into Chu Yanchen's ears.

"Rest assured, I will do my best with ......... eh?"

The sudden sound made Chu Yanchen think that Yuan Feng was talking, but at this moment, her complexion suddenly changed slightly, because in her eyes, there suddenly appeared two Yuan Feng!

"This, this is ........."

Suddenly I saw two identical Yuan Fengs. Chu Zhechen was stunned. For a moment, she couldn't get back. She could only switch her eyes in shock, as if she had seen the most incredible. The same thing happened.

"Don't be surprised. I forgot to tell you before that when I was in the Nether, I had some magical powers. By coincidence, I had cultivated a clone, which is a bit similar to that bird-in-black."

Seeing Chu Xichen's shocked look, Yuan Feng's deity could not help but smile, and hurriedly explained to the other party.

He had previously talked about Zao Wou-ki's situation, but he did not mention to the other side that he had a affiliation. Therefore, the other side would have such shock, but it was completely justified.

In his heart, although the magic of mirroring is magical, it is nothing more than the difficulty of cultivation. It seems that it is not a big deal.

"Division, identity? Big brother, you, you ........."

After hearing Yuan Feng's explanation, Chu Yanchen still looked at each other dullly. In any case, it was difficult for her to recover from the shock.

Maybe, Yuan Feng didn't know what it means to be an avatar in the upper realm, but she couldn't be more clear in her heart. A strong man with a avatar, many people would never dare to offend easily. The people who exist are basically Xiaoqiang who can't kill and offend such people, so don't really think about having a good life.

At this moment, she saw that Yuan Feng also had a clone, almost subconsciously. She just felt that Yuan Feng was also a character from the upper world.

However, if Yuan Feng came down from the upper realm, it is absolutely impossible to not know the indigenous people of the divine realm. And if Yuan Feng, like her, was reborn from the realm of the gods to the lower world, it would not be possible to restore the memories of previous lives.

For a moment, she became more and more curious about Yuan Feng in front of her.

"Little girl, don't make a fuss, but it's just a martial art. If you think it's interesting, then I will teach the martial arts to you after the black bird people are destroyed."

Yuan Feng still didn't realize how serious the problem was, and he could indeed share it with the other person. After all, he always treats the other person as his own relative.

"Brother, can I ask, what's the name of this martial art you cultivated?"

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yanchen worked hard to calm herself, but no matter how she said to herself, it was still difficult for her to calm down.

"Of course there is no problem. This martial art I practiced is called the miracle skill. I accidentally got it when I was in the Nether. Frankly speaking, the practice of this martial art is very difficult, and it should be practiced when the time is not long. As for you now, I am afraid it is really difficult. "

For the mirror magic, there is a certain spectrum in his mind. This martial art has extremely high requirements for practitioners. The stronger the person, the more stable the mind. At this time, I want to split the divine knowledge to practice such magic. Basic Just like self-harm, the chances of success are low.

Therefore, he also understands that even if he is willing to teach divine skill to the other party, it is difficult for the latter to learn and control it.

"Mirroring magic ............... It's really this magic !!!!"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Chu Yichen's heart shivered a lot. If it wasn't because she really knew Yuan Feng and knew that Yuan Feng would never lie to her, she would really think that, Have you been stung by the other party!

Mirroring magical powers, that's a super-famous super skill that is very famous in the whole **** world. Judging from Yuan Feng's expression, it looks like this terrifying magic skill is just a martial arts skill! !!

Such a situation is definitely beyond her expectation. Frankly speaking, at this moment, she is interested in the so-called six-wing Zhao Wou-ki, and she is afraid that she can't keep up with Yuan Feng's attention.

"How can this happen, has the mirror power flowed to the lower realm? But how can an ordinary person in the lower realm be able to practice such magical skills?"

His complexion was changing, and at the moment Chu Yanchen was almost full of doubts. Unfortunately, her doubts were destined that no one could answer her, so she could only be so confused.

However, one thing is certain: Yuan Feng has become a mirror magic skill, but she did not take this magic skill as a horrible means, and I am afraid she will be surprised for a while.

"The world is impermanent. It is truly impermanent. I never thought that such a thing would happen. I don't know if it was a coincidence or everything was doomed."

Looking at the two Yuanfengs in front of her, Chu Minchen couldn't help but feel a little lost, she knew that she should be a wiser choice after reincarnation. At least, Yuan Feng's existence made her feel the significance of her reincarnation. (Remember this site Beach House)

New book recommendation: Wu Lingxia chapter 2343

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