The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2390: After the ceremony?

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c_t; Yuan Feng feels that his state is unprecedentedly good, and the powerful sense that can destroy the world between his hands, really makes him have a kind of straight to the realm of Mu Tiejin now, and that person Lord King's urge to fight. [] -79xs-

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Of course, such an impulse can only be an impulse. He knew very well that if he appeared in front of the King Mu Tie at this moment, I am afraid that he would not be able to get even a face-to-face encounter, and he would be caught by the opponent.

"Yu, almost, the fifteen-day period is over. It's time to go back outside and start enjoying the journey of the real world."

He breathed a long breath, and now he really had an unspeakable sense of joy.

In fifteen days, the transformation brought to him by this cultivation tower cannot be described in a few words. Maybe if he sees this holy place again in the realm of other **** kings in the future, he will not be prevented from entering. Try it, maybe you can understand it.

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Of course, even if you can't understand it, at least you should be able to swallow and absorb more of the original power and make yourself stronger.


Almost speaking, the light curtain in the secret room suddenly opened automatically, and then the outside scene appeared again in Yuan Feng's eyes.

"Ha, when it comes to it, the master of the cultivation tower is really stingy, without even delaying for a minute." Seeing the light 'door' of the secret room of the cultivation tower opened, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, even at the leisurely station Up.

The time has come. Now, even if he wants to stay, I'm afraid he can't.

After dressing up his shirt, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and thoughts went out of the closet. When he got outside the closet, a passage to the lower part of the cultivation tower had appeared. Seeing this, he There wasn't any hesitation. Before moving, he jumped directly below the passage.

To this day, there are not many people who can make him jealous. As for the Meng Yue under the training tower, he is obviously no longer in his eyes, so he is not worried about what the other party will do.

The light flashed in front of him. By the time Yuan Feng opened his eyes again, his figure had already appeared in the familiar training hall, but when he returned to the training hall again, there should have been only one old man. In the lobby, there were three strangers now.

"Congratulations to my little brother. I didn't expect you to have succeeded in being promoted to a higher god. Admire, really admire!"

Just when Yuan Feng was standing in the lobby, the familiar voice was introduced into his ears. The sound was not rested. Meng Yue's figure had already come out from behind the table in the lobby. Feng stood together.

"Oh, the seniors have won the prize. This time, they have good luck, but they have achieved the realm of the higher god. It is because the environment of the tower training is really good. Otherwise, it is difficult for the younger generation."

Meng Yue's words dropped, Yuan Feng could not help but smile slightly, arching his hand at Meng Yue, with a humble expression.

At this moment, he has transformed himself into a six-winged birdman with the help of nine transfers of mystery, and the six wings are obviously the symbol of the higher god. This is absolutely beyond doubt.

In a place like Divine Realm, there is no identity of a superior god. I am afraid that it is difficult to eat in front of people. Anyway, his own strength is far more than that of ordinary superior gods. The identity of the six wings can still be fascinated. 'Confused' opponent.

Today, today, when you see Meng Xuan in front of you again, Yuan Feng's mood is completely different. When he saw the other party, he knew he was definitely not the other party ’s opponent, so he was careful everywhere, but to this day, he can feel that although the strength of the other party is definitely not to be underestimated, but compared to him, I am afraid It's a lot worse. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

People are like this. If they do n’t have that kind of power, it is naturally difficult to achieve full confidence, but once their strength is reached, then self-confidence will naturally have reads ;.

Hou Yuan Ke hate the solitary mystery ship most

"Luck? Oh, from the middle **** to the upper god, I'm afraid it can't be done with a little luck, but the little brother doesn't need to be so humble."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Meng Yue could not help raising her eyebrows ‘hair’, but in her heart she paid more and more attention to Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng said very lightly, but he knew it best. However, a guy who can be promoted to the higher level of God by absorbing the power of the source. If this is all so-called luck, I am afraid no one really has the strength. Talked.

Regarding Meng Yue's performance, Yuan Feng had no hesitation. He could naturally feel that the other party's attitude towards himself was not the same as before, but he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he was already The higher god, the other is naturally different, it can not always be treated as a middle god.

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"Oh, I haven't seen Uncle say so much to others for a long time. It seems that this little brother should be Uncle's friend?"

Just as Yuan Feng and Meng Yue talked, a chuckle came, and then the three six-wing men who Shicai stayed with Meng Yue stood up from the desk case, Shi Shiran Stepped out of it.

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What appeared at this time was naturally Meng Guang and his two guards. Speaking of them, the three of them have been waiting here for a long time, waiting to join this moment.

After discussing with Meng Yue before, Meng Guang finally chose to be the first soldier and then the soldiers. No matter what, they are still in the practice of the tower at the moment, that is to say, the initiative is still in their hands, and they can completely let go.

"Guang'er misunderstood. This little brother was previously trained on the top of the training tower, but he is not my friend."

Seeing that Meng Guang came forward with two guards, Meng Yue's performance was still very natural. He was hesitant to speak, and then continued, "Little brother, this is my nephew Meng Guang, I just want to come here to practice, you are all young people, but you can have a lot of "intercourse". "

In a few words, there is no emotion mixed in at all, and naturally, people will not feel any inappropriate readings ;.

"It turned out to be Meng Guang's son. In Xia Yuanfeng, when he first arrived, Meng Guang's son was polite."

Without Meng Zheng's introduction, Yuan Feng had already noticed that Meng Guang and his two guards had already been there. Now the three of them could come up. He couldn't help looking at the three more.

Obviously, Meng Guang is the eldest of the three, and at first glance, he is extremely powerful, and his identity may not be too low. Of course, to this day, a corner 'color' like Meng Guang will naturally not be regarded by him.

"It turned out to be the son of Yuan Feng. The so-called encounter is a fate. It is also a blessing to be able to meet the son of Yuan Feng today. Speaking of this, the cultivation tower was built by the father of the family, King Meng Xuan, and the brothers of Yuan Feng are here. "How many **** crystals have been spent, it all counts on me."

With a slight smile, Meng Guang also took a step forward again at this time, while forcing ‘sexually’ to close the relationship with Yuan Feng, while naturally revealing his identity.

The identity of the Son of the King of God is not comparable to ordinary people. Such an identity can definitely be said to have face and face, and oppression to have oppression. After learning about his identity, most people will probably almost Take the initiative and no one is willing to miss such relationships.

"Well? King Monson?"

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When Meng Guang's words fell, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Mao", and she was really shocked.

King Meng Xun has been in trouble for a long time. The Master Meng Guang in front of him is actually the son of King Meng Xun. No wonder the other party has not cultivated much, but his strength is extremely amazing.

"Son of the King of Mencius, hey ........." His face remained silent, but in his heart he couldn't help thinking about it.

Theoretically speaking, the son of King Mencius God will never casually make friends with a small horn 'color' who has just been promoted to the higher god, but the other party actively came to the 'door'. There is absolutely nothing in it.

Thinking of the scene when he saw the other party before, he suddenly discovered that it seems that this Master Meng Guang should not have bumped into him accidentally. Among them, 80% should have some unknown inside information.

"It turns out that the son of Meng Guang was actually the son of the King of Meng Xun, disrespectful, disrespectful reads; !!!"

After stabilizing his mind, Yuan Feng naturally still had to make a surprised expression, then he arched his hands at the other side, and his attitude was much better than before.

"Where and where, although my father is the King of Mencius, Master Ben does not always consider himself superior, so Brother Yuan Feng need not care, just treat me as an ordinary person."

He said something like this, but before he finished speaking, the corner of his mouth involuntarily turned a curve, the kind of superiority of the son of the **** king, I am afraid that no one would not notice.

"It's rare that Meng Guang's son is so approachable. It's really a great blessing for Lord God to have Meng Guang's son like you."

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When he arched his hands at the other party again, Yuan Feng was still picky and said, no matter what, the son of a **** king really didn't seem to offend too much. After all, he was now in the realm of King Mencius. In the meantime, if you offend someone else's son, isn't it asking for help?

The cold science and technology index finger of Kedi Chouxue Institute "Hehe, the predecessors have won the prize, but this luck is not bad, but it is worthy to achieve the realm of the higher god. It is because the environment of the tower is really good, otherwise I am afraid that it will be difficult for juniors. "

"Ha ha ha ha, Yuan Feng brothers really talk." When hearing Yuan Feng's words, Meng Guang couldn't help but laugh aloud, it really felt like a trace of fluttering.

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"Oh, I didn't expect Guanger to be so speculative with Yuanfeng's little brother. In this case, the **** crystal that had previously charged Yuanfeng's little brother should have been returned to Yuanfeng's little brother!"

Just between Yuan Feng and Meng Guang's speech, Meng Xuan also laughed and “plugged in”. While talking, he raised his hand and took out the cultivation **** crystal that Yuan Feng paid for. Returned to Yuan Feng.

"Thank you Meng Guang, thank you for your seniors, but you are disrespectful!"

Reaching out to take over the other **** Jing returned, Yuan Feng, without any hesitation, just put it away. Anyway, the other party is willing to return these **** crystals, why should he not?

"Okay, cheery, this boy likes cheer people like Yuanfeng Brothers."

Seeing Yuan Feng accepting Shen Jing, Meng Guang could not help but wave his hands, it seemed that Yuan Feng had recovered Shen Jing very satisfied reads ;. The so-called eating people's mouths are short and their hands are short. Now that Yuan Feng has stowed things, the next thing should be much easier to handle.

"Uncle, I can meet friends like Yuanfeng Brothers today. My nephew is very happy. I wonder if Uncle can arrange a quiet room. The nephew hopes to have a few drinks with Yuanfeng Brothers."

Everything is done step by step, first stabilize Yuan Feng, he has a way to let the other party tell his own secrets, and as long as Yuan Feng set up, then the next thing will be much easier to handle.

"How difficult is that? There are so many quiet rooms here, and I'll just ..."

Meng Yue had been waiting for this sentence, and when Meng Guang's words came down, he hurriedly took over the stubble and arranged a quiet place for the two to talk about the wine.

"Seniors are slow !!!"

Just when Meng Yue's remarks were halfway through, Yuan Feng on the opposite side suddenly raised his hand and interrupted his next words. And with Yuan Feng's sudden opening, whether it was Meng Xuan or Meng Guang, they could not help but stunned. Obviously, unexpectedly, Yuan Feng would suddenly speak at this moment.

Looking at Yuan Feng one after another, both Meng Xuan and Meng Guang could not help frowning, apparently they did not like the feeling of being interrupted by others.

"Meng Guang, senior, inherited the love of the two, but there are still important issues to deal with today. It is indeed inconvenient to continue to stay today. If the two do not give up, they will have time in the future and they will come to the door next time. 'visit!"

Moyang Geotechnique

The science of land and earth science, Moyang geology, and solitary learning, Gu Yuanfeng said very lightly, but his heart is the most clear, but a guy who can be promoted to the higher level of God by absorbing the power of the source, if this is so-called With luck, I am afraid no one really speaks by strength.

Yuan Feng naturally saw the changes in their expressions, but he obviously didn't take these to heart.

The so-called diligence is nothing but treacherous. He doesn't believe that the other person really wants to ‘make 'with an ordinary person like him. Just in case, he wo n’t really drink with the other person.

"Eh? Oh, brother Yuanfeng is a bit wrong, right? Why, isn't Master Ben's weight enough? Or maybe Yuanfeng brothers look down on me, the son of the King of God?"

Upon hearing Yuan Feng's answer, Meng Guang's face ‘color’ suddenly did n’t look very good. For so long, he has never been rejected like this, this feeling is very fresh, but also very unhappy.

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The main thing is that if Yuan Feng does not accept his invitation, then many of his means will probably not be able to perform.

"Where is the son of Meng Guang, there are important things to do next, it is better to wait until I have finished the task at hand, and I will definitely come back as soon as possible, can this always be okay?"

Saying "sex" has already spoken, he wants to see how much resistance the other party will have.


A cry of angry humming came immediately, and Meng Guang told Yuan Feng with his actual actions that his patience was not really good.

"No one has ever dared to reject Master Ben so much, Yuan Feng. I ’ll give you a chance. Now declare your allegiance to me and tell me the means by which you swallowed and absorbed the power of the source. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to leave today. Here."

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The voice fell without any instructions from him. The 'doors' and windows around the entire training tower were shaken for the first time, and then a special energy directly sealed the 'doors' and windows.

"Well? Is this going to be torn?"

With his eyes fixed, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help but burst into a sudden. He really didn't think that this Master Meng Guang turned his face faster than the book. He was still called a brother and a brother the moment before. It looks like this.

Feeling the surrounding situation, it seems that the level of imprisonment of 'doors' and windows is not low. It is not easy to break it with brute force, but such a seal may not be able to trap him.

"It seems that today's things are hard to do well !!!"

With his eyes narrowed, at this moment, he had some secret expectations of what was going to happen.


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