The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 297: Unexpected surprise (one more)

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Chapter 297 Unexpected Joy (Part One)

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In a deep ditch, the four of Yuan Feng and Chu Tianyu were lying in the deep ditch embarrassedly at this time. Everyone's face was wearing a deep shock, even Yuan Feng, who had always been calm and confident, was no exception .

"Whooting, it scared me to death, what kind of monster is this? He almost solved me with a tentacle. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise my life would not be guaranteed!"

In the deep ditch, Yuan Feng panted violently, and the whole person was a wolverine never before. Shicai fought with that weird tentacle. He had a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion. If there was a choice, he would rather face a powerful master in the seventies and eighties who was born in heaven. A weird tentacle.

If it ’s not personal experience, then the thrill of the battle of Shicai will never be felt. Others do n’t know it, but he knows for himself that just now, he ’s definitely lingering on the death line. The artistic conception of the situation has made him have a keen insight, or he has just a little nervousness, then at this moment, he has already died.

"Yuan Feng, how are you? But you are hurt?" Ling Fei turned her head for the first time, facing Yuan Feng's concern. In each battle, Yuan Feng was calm in the end. She had never been so stunned and pale as before. Seeing Yuan Feng's face at the moment, she thought Yuan Feng was hurt!

"It's okay, but it's really dangerous this time." Yuan Feng shook his head, got up and looked back at the rear, where the huge World of Warcraft was still producing small World of Warcraft, and the right thing was like It never happened the same.

"Brother Yuan Feng, what was it just now? It seems, it looks terrific."

Chu Tianyu also patted his chest in shock, then sat up and said. He had limited eyesight and hadn't really figured out what was going on. Before Yuan Feng let them run, they just ran away.

"Huh, it's more than terrible, it's just terrible." Breathing slowly, Yuan Feng slowly adjusted his breathing, secretly operating his qi, removing the discomfort in his body.

"Seriously, I have never encountered such a powerful opponent, although it is just a tentacle, but the power of this thing is probably enough to kill the invincible power of six or more. This time, I really picked up a small Life is coming back. "Recalling the speed and power of that tentacle, even he himself was frightened.

Speaking of which, he is really grateful. Thanks to the fact that he and Chu Tianyu were not too close, he could feel that if they were closer, the power and speed of this tentacle would definitely be improved by more than one level, and at that time he would have the mood of mind and sword. In the body, it is bound to escape the end.

"So powerful?" After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Chu Tianyu realized that the weird tentacle just now had such powerful power. But if you think about it, would it be ordinary if you could make Yuan Feng so embarrassing?

Turning around to take a careful look at the huge Warcraft in the distance, Chu Tianyu couldn't help trembling Lingling. He can see that the huge World of Warcraft is covered with tentacles. I'm afraid there are dozens or hundreds of them, but just one tentacle would almost cost Yuan Feng's life. If there were another ten, eight, Isn't that going to wrap them all up?

"Oh, brother Yuan Feng, should we hide a little bit further?" Looking back, Chu Tianyu couldn't help but be a little idiotic.

"That's not necessary. This guy's tentacles shouldn't reach this far. Otherwise, I'm afraid I've already stretched them out. Where else can we talk so leisurely?"

Seeing Chu Tianyu's unpredictable expression, Yuan Feng shook her head and smiled slightly.

Even if this big guy's tentacles are even more powerful, the distance of several kilometers should be the limit. If they are far away, they really have no way to live. Moreover, this guy's tentacles should be the farther away, the weaker the force can be. Even if he can really reach them at such a distance, he is confident that he can cope.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a big guy trapped under the royal family. This thing is like a time bomb of the royal family!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng can imagine the power of this World of Warcraft, and such a powerful World of Warcraft, even if it is the royal family of Montenegro, it is impossible to ignore it.

He could feel that the Shicai Warcraft fought against him, in fact, he didn't exert much effort. Most of them were ousting him, and his willingness to fight was not strong. And just by simply moving a tentacle, it has such a terrifying power, then how strong this World of Warcraft itself can be imagined.

"This big guy is trapped here, and it should be artificial if he wants to come. I really don't know what kind of master can actually trap this guy here, but it seems that the bull can only trap it. Here, it seems that there is no strength to kill this guy, otherwise, this monster should not be allowed to exist. "

Although I do n’t know what this weird Warcraft is and why it exists here, he can be sure that this thing can produce all kinds of Warcraft, and it will certainly not be a good thing. For this kind of disgusting and weird Guys, I am afraid that all human beings will have the feeling of being quick afterwards.

Now it is certain that the royal family sent them down, it must be to let them clear the World of Warcraft in the underground world, to stop those little Warcrafts from eating the energy and light on the ground, and the ultimate purpose is not to let this big guy out of trouble.

"Brother Yuan Feng, what are we going to do next?" Seeing Yuan Feng's eyebrows thinking, Chu Tianyu and the three did not bother immediately. After a short while, Chu Tianyu scratched his head and asked Yuan Feng.

"Far away from here! I am afraid those Warcraft will find them again soon. It is better to move the battlefield to a place farther from here." After hearing Chu Tianyu's question, Yuan Feng glanced at it. Around, then ordered decisively.

It ’s a little too close to this big guy. If you do it here, even if you are against those little Warcrafts, he will feel frightened. After all, God knows if he fights here, will he quarrel with this big guy. Glad, by the time I reached out a few more tentacles, they would be in great trouble.

"Yes, yes, still far away from this guy, don't wait for this guy to be angry, there is no chance to escape if you want to escape." Yuan Feng's proposal, they naturally agreed with both hands, they are not Yuan Feng, if also Being here for a while, there is no doubt about it.

"Gently move, don't make a sound." Glancing again at the big fortress in the distance, Yuan Feng waved his hands at the three of Chu Tianyu, and resigned uneasily. However, he didn't need to tell him at all, Chu Tianyu and the three were like walking on the minefield, walking towards the distance lightly.

Almost two kilometers away, Yuanfeng and the four stopped again, and at this moment, their current location is not clear enough to see the weird Great Warcraft in the distance.

"Huh, it's finally far away. The big guy just now is really disgusting and scary. I am so big and I have never seen such a fierce thing."

Standing in shape, Chu Tianyu exhaled for a long time, as if he had not dared to breathe for such a long time.

"Oh, really, as Master Tianyu said, that big guy is really disgusting and terrifying, and I really don't want to see it again." For Chu Tianyu, Ling Fei agreed with her hands. As a girl, she thought about this This kind of disgusting thing is naturally more deeply disgusting.

"Unexpectedly, such a huge thing is hidden in the underground of the royal family. If the people of Montenegro know that this guy exists, I am afraid that many people will not even sleep well!"

A few young people were very impressed. They are all eye-opening today, especially Yuan Feng, and a tentacle of this huge and big thing, finally let him see the strength of the strong in this world, after the promotion of innate Little pride, he was all obediently put away now.

"Forget it, the existence of this big guy didn't turn us around to get headaches. The big headaches were those of the royal family." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng sighed, then looked around and suddenly picked Eyebrows, "It seems that the World of Warcraft seems to be more honest than those on the periphery. Why is there no World of Warcraft around us for such a long time?"

Yuan Feng suddenly found a problem, if it was outside, then I'm afraid that Warcraft has already come up to attack them, but in this central area, there is no such thing as Warcraft.

"Well? Yeah, there are a lot of Warcrafts around here, why didn't you see them attack us? Instead, they were eating the light from the ground one by one, as if we couldn't feel our existence."

Yuan Feng reminded everyone that they had discovered the problem. Before, Warcraft siege came up every so short time, but now after so long, I do n’t have the trouble to find them by Warcraft.

Moreover, visible to the naked eye, they can see the energy rays of Warcraft on the ground eating, but these Warcrafts are like they can't see them, and they don't mean to attack them.

"Uh, are these guys blind? Deaf?"

This situation in front of people undoubtedly felt a little unbelievable. For nearly two days, the discovery at this time was the most surprising to them.

"Wait a second, if there is really no Warcraft attack on us, then in the next time, we can be lightweight." Eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng could not help but have some speculation. However, this kind of speculation requires time to test it.

The four no longer talked, all lying quietly on their backs in the gully, waiting for the next movement.

Soon, more than a quarter of an hour passed quietly, and after such a long period of time, there was still nothing moving around. It seems that the World of Warcraft in the underground world seems to be unable to sense them.

"Uh, there is such a thing?"

Feeling this weird situation at the moment, the four of them felt astonished. If there is really no trouble with Warcraft to come to them, then this time, they can really be much easier!

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