The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 606: Means out (four more seeking flowers)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

The elders of Tianxinzong's Five Great Jiedan Realms are all in the air at this moment, unable to speak.

In the eyes, the bone-winged demon dragon above the seventh level is screaming in anger, and at the end of it, the tail of the bar is not very long. There is not much left at the moment. At the tail, there is red blood. It's like a gush from a flood vent. That kind of blood volume can make a person's scalp numb.

"Huh, this, this is too exaggerated, right? He, he even cut off the pterosaur's tail?"

"I, I read that right? This, how is this possible? The bone-winged demon dragon with seven or more dandan realms, how could he or he hurt it?"

"It's true, this little guy really cut off the dragon tail of Bonewing Demon Dragon !!!"

Although it is unbelievable, everything in front of you will obviously not be false. After all, no matter how surprised they are, they will never be dazzled.

"Good guy, this kid is hiding so deep, this is going against the rhythm!"

Suddenly returned to the gods, and the five found out that at this moment, Yuan Feng had already battled with the tyrannical Bonewing Demon Dragon, and at this moment, the Bonewing Demon Dragon's broken tail is no longer Bleeding, the angry big guy was full of cold breath, and Yuan Feng, on the other hand, was a dorsal wing, scrambling up and down around the Bonewing Demon Dragon, and the sword awns continued to attack the Bonewing Demon Dragon. , But it did not fall in the slightest.

"So fast, so powerful swordsmanship, how could there be such a powerful young man in this world?"

Seeing Yuan Feng flying up and down around the Bone Wing Demon Dragon, it was comparable to the Bone Wing Demon Dragon, but all the elders of the five Great Dandan Realms were stunned.

Regardless of Yuan Feng's appalling speed or the ground-breaking swordsmanship, they all made them feel incredible. Compared with Yuan Feng's speed, their speed was just as slow as a turtle crawling. As for swordsmanship, in their eyes, Yuan Feng's swordsmanship has reached a state of incomprehension, and they can't even understand it.

"Woohoo !!!"

Just as the elders of the five Great Dandan Realms were swayed by the battle in front of them, a scream of WoW came from the WoW group below, but it was other other Realms of Warfare. Come to them.

"Eh?" After hearing the roar of Warcraft below, the five old men were shocked, and then they returned to God.

"Old brothers, this little Yuanfeng brother has entangled the skull-winged demon dragon. Don't be idle with the five of us. None of the following Warcraft can be ignored !!!"

Elder Yichen had taken out his spear first. He had previously watched Yuanfeng's battle before realizing that, besides the skull-winged demon dragon, there are still many tyrannical Warcrafts now!

"Kill, kill these **** guys, you can't let go of it !!!!!!

Hearing the reminder of Elder Yichen, Elder Yixuan, who held the hammer with both hands, rushed out for the first time, and went straight to the end of the world of Warcraft to welcome him.

The skull-winged demon dragon, they are really unbeatable, but other than the skull-winged demon dragon, these other Warcraft, they have no fear at all. Right now Yuan Feng has set an example for them, and the elders of their five Heavenly Heart Sects must also show some performance!

"Go up, kill these guys !!" The other four were no longer hesitant, and took out their own magic weapons, and killed the Warcraft group below.

In this wave of Warcraft, except for the bone-winged demon dragon wrapped by Yuan Feng, the rest of Warcraft is the strongest but the quaternary kingdom is fourfold, and such a Warcraft army is in their five heavenly sects Before the elders, of course, there is nothing to fear. At this moment, the anger they had just dissipated was once again excited.

"Eh !!" Elder Yixuan first contacted the Warcraft army. The first unlucky one was a triple-faced magic ape. This guy was the fastest, so the first one was smashed by Elder Yixuan. His head, then, Elder Yixuan seemed worried that the demon ape was not dead, and hit the big guy's waist with a hammer, smashing the demon ape's body directly into two pieces.

"A group of beasts, all died for me !!!" Elder Yichen's spear has been turned into a spear, anyway, there are no living people underneath, almost all of them are Warcraft troops, so he has nothing to do Worrying, with one shot, dozens of innate World of Warcraft were directly penetrated, and even a heavy World of Warcraft with Dan Realm was nailed to the ground by one shot.

The bow and arrow of Yixin Elder is even more horrible. He moved his hands and almost turned into a ghost image, and each time he pulled the bowstring, there would be more than one World of Warcraft directly exploded into blood mist, the kind of burst The means is almost like a killing machine.

The elders of the five Great Dan Danjie hate shots, the more than 30 heads of Dan Danjie Warcraft, and no less than a thousand innate World of Warcraft, but in the end they did not even have the chance to escape, and they were killed by all of them.

The four gates are not just for fun. As the elder Tianxinzong, one of the four gates, the strength of the five of them is definitely in the forefront even if they look at the Tianlong Dynasty.

Of course, there are mountains outside the Tianshan Mountains. Although they are strong, they are not invincible. Naturally, they will encounter unsolvable troubles. This time, they met Yuan Feng. Otherwise, they will be in front of the skull-winged demon dragon. Among people, it is certain that someone is going to be unlucky.

After killing all the Warcraft, the five of them vented the anger in their chests a little. Unfortunately, even if these Warcraft are chopped into meat sauce, those who have been killed by them will not be able to survive.

"Huh, we're one step late!"

The five strong men are standing still, but there is no place to be happy at all. With their strength, it is really difficult to kill these World of Warcraft, but unfortunately, they are one step behind. If they can come earlier, then at least, people in this country will not be killed.

"One more culprit !!"

The five elders who have calmed down their minds are now looking far away, where the battle between Yuan Feng and the Bonewing Demon Dragon has entered a fevered stage, but the strength of one person and one animal seems to be not too much different. For a while and a half, it was impossible to tell the winner.

Although the rest of Warcraft are all murderers, the biggest murderer is this powerful Bonewing Demon Dragon. They saw that this country was engulfed by the Warcraft. It is conceivable that this skull-winged demon dragon took this group of Warcraft, and I don't know how many countries have been destroyed!

"Elder Yichen, can we help?"

Seeing that Yuan Feng and the bone-winged demon dragon are fighting on a par with each other, the faces of the five of them can not help showing a little anxiety. Elder Yixuan holding the double hammer is eager to try and go to help Yuan Feng.

"Let's take a look. We are not helping at all now, but chaos!" Elder Yi Xuan shook his head and said helplessly.

He really wanted to come forward to help, but unfortunately, with the cultivation of the five of them, even if he really stepped forward, I'm afraid it would be difficult to cause damage to the bone-winged demon dragon. Instead, he would also distract Yuan Feng. Gu.

The thought of the five people gave birth to a sense of weakness.

At the same time, Yuan Feng is undoubtedly facing unprecedented challenges in the battlefield of one person and one beast ahead.

"Well powerful pterodactyl, this big guy is so strong. According to inference, this guy's cultivation should be the seventh level of Dandanjing, but I am afraid that the strength has been straightened to the eighth level of Warcraft!"

While fighting the Bonewing Demon Dragon, Yuan Feng's heart did not stop thinking.

This skull-winged demon dragon is too strong. Judging from his feelings, this guy's cultivation should be the seventh level of Dandanjing, but the overall strength is definitely no less than the eighth Dandanjing.

Of course, the strength is not the most terrible, the most terrible is that this guy is very fast. Originally, he borrowed the power of Xiao Ba and supplemented his own speed advantage, and could almost fight against the strongest in the Dandan Kingdom. However, the speed of this Skull-winged Demon Dragon is not much slower than him. In this case, his speed advantage will obviously be greatly reduced.

Without the speed advantage, he can only rely on his swordsmanship advantage, but relying solely on the swordsmanship, it seems to be somewhat difficult to kill the skull-winged demon dragon in a short time.

"Hoohoo !!!!" The Bonewing Demon Dragon has always been full of warfare. It was careless before, and its tail was cut off by Yuan Feng with a sword, which is obviously a huge shame to it. Moreover, it has also seen now that all of his subordinates have been slaughtered by the five elders of Yichen. It can be said that at this time it was also completely angered.

An angry World of Warcraft, but much more terrible than an angry warrior!

"Some are not easy to handle. If you want to kill this big guy, you must think of an effective way." While fighting against the Bonewing Demon Dragon, Yuan Feng's mind was chaotic and thinking about dealing with the Demon Dragon. Effective way.

At one point, he was very clear that if he could kill this dragon, then Xiao Ba's power would undoubtedly go further, which is also a great thing for him. Therefore, under the last resort, he will never miss this opportunity for Xiao Ba to strengthen his power.

"Wait, I seem to have forgotten something !!!"

At a certain moment, when Yuan Feng and the Bonewing Demon Dragon were deadlocked, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and in speaking, he just put away his long sword and simply stopped attacking, but Dodging blindly.

"Roar !!!" Seeing Yuan Feng scurrying around, the Bonewing Demon Dragon was naturally angry. Speaking, although its speed is not much slower than Yuan Feng, it is still slower than Yuan Feng. If it escapes, it has nowhere to chase.

Yuan Feng seems to have no general means of attack, just scurrying around blindly, but his eyes can be seen at a glance. His scurrying is not as simple as dodging blindly, because his body flashes At the same time, his hands are moving.

"Big guy, try me this trick !!!"

At a certain moment, when Bonewing Demon Dragon's angry roar was repeated, Yuan Feng's figure was abruptly settled. At the same time, he saw a sudden change in his handprints, and then the aura between heaven and earth was abrupt. Gathered above him and the dragon, in a blink of an eye, a huge ink pad appeared on top of the bone-winged dragon.

"go to hell!!!"

The square platform appeared, Yuan Feng drank in a low voice, and then the square platform that covered the sky was smashed directly against the Bonewing Demon Dragon.

"Well !!!" Where would the angry Bonewing Demon Dragon think of Yuan Feng still having this trick, before he could understand it, the special printing plate that weighed more than 10,000 yuan had been severely photographed on it.

With a muffled sound, the shape of the Bonewing Demon Dragon was directly smashed to the ground, and finally it was photographed on the ground.

"It's now !!! Take it !!!" One trick worked, Yuan Feng didn't even want to, when he raised his hand, the huge square platform was directly absorbed by him, and at the same time, his body was absorbed. The shape flashed directly to the bone-winged demon dragon that was photographed on the ground by Fangtai.

"Shadow power !!!" Fangtai put away, and the bone-winged demon dragon was revealed as a whole, except that the big guy who was shot at this moment has not recovered at all, and Yuan Feng grabbed this For a moment, he patted the dragon's head severely with a palm.

"Well !!!" There was a muffled sound, as if there was a big explosion in the skull of the Bonewing Demon Dragon. With a draw, the whole body suddenly burst apart.

"Make you a sword !!!"

Photographed with a palm, Yuan Feng's movements did not hesitate, and when he raised his hand, the long sword that had just been put up again appeared again and inserted directly under the bone wings of the bone wing demon dragon.

ps: Four more complete, a little tired to say! !! !! !!

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