The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 817: Refining magic? (Three more)

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Among the caves, the sight in front of them looked a bit sloppy, a section of a cave more than a hundred meters, which was obviously a lot thicker than other places.

The fiery flames were supplemented by the extreme cold, and the result was that the diameter of this cave was enlarged by no less than three meters. It can be imagined how hot the hot temperature was and how cold the icy atmosphere was at the moment. !!

"His ...... What is this mysterious array? This power is a bit too great, right?"

The people of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team are on the deep side of the cave, and the people of the Demon Moon Enforcement Team are on the outer side. They were previously arranged by Yuan Feng in the ground, in cooperation with the performance of the two teams of ice and fire, everything before them They all look in their eyes, without fail.

Shicai, the scene of the four annihilated powerhouses being divided into corpses, they can see clearly, frankly, even now, they are still a bit lost!

Those are the four powerhouses who are in the midst of annihilation. Such a character, looking at any law enforcement team under the law enforcement seat, is definitely a real top character, because once he is promoted to annihilation, he will hardly continue to be in The law enforcement squad is getting mixed up.

Although Yuan Feng had said before that he was quite proficient in the formation of arrays, everyone still had no assurance. But at this moment they found out that it turned out that they looked down on Yuan Feng again.

Mysterious formation, a special formation that few people can master, they have never dared to underestimate. However, they have some understanding of the difficulty of setting up the mysterious array. In their impression, if you want to arrange a mysterious array perfectly, that is something that can only be done by an old monster who has cultivated countless years. How old is Yuanfeng?

Obviously, this set of mysterious arrays arranged by Yuan Feng can be seen from the power of the exquisite and perfect. The first is that the level of Xuanzhen itself is high enough, and the second is that Yuan Feng's cloth ability is strong enough, both of which are indispensable, and the latter is particularly important.

Imagine that, even if there is no matter how strong the mysterious array is, there is no one who is not set up, isn't it different?

"Surely there is such a person, what is the detoxification, the magic sword, and the magical array of means? What else is he that he does not understand or is not proficient with?"

On the side of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team, the eyes of every woman are flashing a strange light. At this moment, even Captain Ziyue is no exception.

In a world with strong respect, strong strength can make others respect. Similarly, strong strength is also the most direct means to win the favor of the opposite sex. From the beginning to the present, the heavy lifting shown by Yuan Feng is light, and the ease and freehand that he has in his grasp, no woman can resist it.

Yan Xueer's eyes naturally shone with light and pride, as if all she had done in front of her. However, while being proud, a flash of anxiety flashed on her face, which originated from the sisters beside her.

From her sisters, she saw the hearts of these people, and it would be really bad if she really became a rival with her sisters.

"Ah, it's a pity that there are only four little sisters-in-law, and the Lord did not come in!"

In the ashes, Yuan Feng could not help but sigh softly, but was not very satisfied with the scene in front of him.

After some calculations, he originally wanted to wipe out the six people outside, but now it seems that he seems to be thinking too simple.

"Four annihilation guys don't seem to be of much significance! But that's okay, kill them first, and the province will have an accident next."

The strength of these four annihilated people is pretty good. Now that they are eliminated first, it can save some future troubles, so that he can just calculate Xing Ren and Yan Long.

"Yuan Feng, okay, this method of Xuanzhen is good even in the Three Realms!"

Just when Yuan Feng shook his head and sighed, and was not very satisfied with his shot this time, on the wrist, the black dragon who didn't even need to do it, could not help but pass a voice to Yuan Feng.

It also watched the whole process. For Yuan Feng's mysterious means, he had to say it from his heart. With Yuan Feng's young age, such a powerful mysterious array can be arranged, which is definitely a means of anti-sky.

"Hey, let Dahei laugh at you. I'm afraid it's hard for you to even break the skin!" Hearing the message from Heilong, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and also passed on to the other side. Road.

He remembered the abnormal defense of the Black Dragon before, and he didn't know whether the powerful mysterious array just had some influence on it, but it was estimated that the effect would not be too great.

"Roar roar, this little flame, just want to hurt the god's body? It's just a joke!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's voice, Black Dragon almost laughed out loud. Although it values ​​Yuan Feng's mysterious array, frankly speaking, with its **** body, the flames and the cold air at the back can only help it warm up and cool down.

"Eh, this ..." After getting the answer from Heilong, Yuan Feng couldn't help but have a deep sense of frustration. He didn't doubt the other side's statement. After all, Dahei had revealed its terrible defense before, and the other side However, after a space storm, the terrible existence in the end is still intact.

"By the way, I do n’t know how lucky your boy is. Speaking of them, one of the three treasures left by the master is the refining power. Although the master received the power from one of his friends, he never succeeded. Enlightenment, if the master can comprehend that divine skill, then there will be no fear of space storms. "

The black dragon seemed to remember something, but his tone was a bit indescribable.

"Eh, the power of refining? This ... I have no interest." Scratching his head, Yuan Feng didn't feel much about the so-called refining martial arts. When he wanted to come, no matter how strong the power of refining the body, I am afraid that he can't resist the attack of the super strong. In this case, it is better to train the attack sharper. Where can we use defense?

"Hum, your boy hasn't seen it. If you have seen it, you'll still say so. Then again, that magic skill is extremely difficult to cultivate, even if you get it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make it."

Regarding Yuan Feng's answer, the Black Dragon could not help but sniff, but it didn't say much. After all, isn't the magic work at this moment still being put there?

"Unable to practice? Cut, is there any martial arts skills I can't practice in Yuan Feng?

Similarly, Yuan Feng sneered at Black Dragon's statement. He has swallowed up martial arts. So far, he has not seen the martial arts skills that he cannot practice, but he is really not interested in refining martial arts.

"Everyone come here. It seems that if we want to get out of this cave, we have to arrange it again!"

No longer telling Black Dragon more, Yuan Feng beckoned to the people on both sides, begging everyone to come together to make arrangements for the next action.

"Yeah !!!" When Yuan Feng's voice fell, everyone on both sides came forward, and everyone's eyes were still shocked and excited, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Yuan Feng, this set of mysterious arrays is really too strong for you, the four strongest annihilation powers, just like this, so you have been abandoned?"

Zhuifeng wiped the sweat on his forehead with his only arm, and his voice was still agitated.

Once upon a time, has he ever seen such a tortured annihilation of the Eighth Stronghold? To be honest, the scene just now is definitely the most terrifying scene he has ever seen in his life.

Of course, this is true for him, and for others, 80% is the same. If you have ever seen such a scene, I am afraid that there is only Captain Ziyue. She has seen scenes bigger than this, but frankly, even if the scene is more than before, the shocking effect is better than this scene.

"Thanks to everyone's help, it is these spar stands that are powerful. With these spar arrays, I am afraid that the power is much better than Xingjing. Spar. "

Speaking of which, he arranged the ice and fire ritual array at the beginning, using the most common phantom spar, and the mysterious array of that kind of stone is really too powerful. However, the kind of spar used at present is simply a battle stone among the spar, and the abundant energy is the best material to arrange the mysterious array.

"Don't be humble, kid. Although we people don't know much about Xuanzhen, at least we can see where the key issues are!"

Looking at each other, everyone naturally understands that these are Yuan Feng's modest words. How can you arrange such a powerful mysterious array, and how many teams in the entire Blue Jade House can do?

"Okay, okay, but you guys!" He shook his head and smiled, Yuan Feng simply didn't explain too much anyway, anyway, he had already shown all his strength, and it wasn't nearly a star.

"Let's quickly adjust the state. Let's go to the front and arrange it again. It won't be long before the two guys should enter the hole in person. It's a success or a failure, but we haven't decided yet!"

The four dead are just generally important. The really important ones are the latter two.

It seems that this time he has to use more spar, and strive to kill the two directly like this time, so that he can save too much and unnecessary trouble.

"It must be. Such a powerful mysterious array can be destroyed even if it is a great perfectionist in the annihilation realm!"

With this previous scene, everyone has more confidence in Yuan Feng's mysterious array than Yuan Feng himself. They believe that, in the environment of ice and fire, even the strongest annihilation is impossible.

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