The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 819: Cut Xing Ren (five more flowers)

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Sudden changes caused the expressions of the two guardians to change dramatically. At this moment, their hearts were full of incredibleness.

For a long time, as the children of the powerful law-protecting law of the Sapphire Mansion, they can all be regarded as the habit of extravagance and luxury.

This time they came to Wanyu Mountain to find the entrance to the Heavenly Blessed Land. They can be said to have suffered the most setbacks, and for the first time, no one under their command could direct them to become commanders of bare poles.

However, even if they become commanders of bare poles, they still feel that they are superior and can still win the world!

For this cave, they have already walked once before, and they already have a spectrum in their hearts. However, what they couldn't imagine was that the same cave would appear after the second entry, and at this moment, they suddenly realized the indescribable danger.

Obviously, this sudden danger must be related to those who entered the cave before!

"Xuan Zhen, it is Xuan Zhen! The cheap bill is courageous enough to dare to calculate Master Ben !!"

The sons of the two law-enforcement guardians were so furious that they never dreamed of it. Someone dared to count them, and they were members of a common law enforcement team. At this moment, they wanted to find out and frustrate them one by one.

"Well, what about you guys? Get up !!!"

In response to the shouting of the two guardians of the law, they responded with a cold drink, and with the sound of the drink, the already extremely hot flame suddenly became more vigorous, the purple-black The flames burned the surrounding caves into ashes and slipped down layer by layer.

"Ah, it's up, it's up to you guys !!!"

The blazing flames instantly burned the two guardian sons, who had nothing to guard against, and the eyebrows and hair had already turned to ashes, even the body was full of black.

The annihilation master is indeed very strong, but the people in this world are strong, and everyone does not pay much attention to the physical training, and there is no good skill in physical training. Moreover, refining martial arts is the torture of one's own self.

"Papapa !!!"

The blazing flames burned the body, and the sound of crackling made the scalp numb. It can be seen that Yuan Feng's arrangement of ice and fire is not only more sophisticated, but also uses more spar. That power is more than doubled.

This is the limit that Yuan Feng can arrange now. Frankly speaking, if there is no help from the two law enforcement teams, he cannot arrange such a powerful team of ice and fire.

Everything is just between light and flint, almost a blink of an eye. The sons of the two major protectors, which are burned to the outer focus, are extremely miserable.

"Dalit, do you think you can kill me like this? Dreaming !!! Water curtain heavenly bloom !!! Open !!!"

While the flames were burning, Xing Ren's roar came suddenly, and the time spent talking, in his body, a circle of water blue energy rays suddenly enveloped him, and with this blue light shining, he The burning flame on the body was extinguished instantly, and the body that was originally scorched by the flames was restored in the blink of an eye.

As the son of protecting the law, how could he not have a life-saving means? Water curtain Tianhua, this is the life-saving means prepared by his father for him. When the water curtain is 10%, even if it is the attack of the great conqueror, it will never be broken. As for the water fire attack, it is even more difficult He caused harm.

"Dalit, you are dead, dare to shoot at us, you are dead! Infinite amount of armor !!!"

At the same time that Xing Ren was roaring, Yan Long on the side was drinking lowly, but the voice did not fall. On his body, a set of unusually thick armor appeared. The material of the armor was not well determined and looked abnormal. Clumsy. But when the armor appeared, the flames outside could no longer burn his body.

"嗤嗤嗤 !!!!" The flame was cut off, Yan Long's vitality was working fiercely, and all the burned body's skin also returned to normal in an instant, and the means of destroying the great conqueror was almost vivid at this time. .


Seeing that the sons of the two major protectors have used such terrible defensive methods, I have even carried such a hot flame, and the people who control the mysterious array in the dark are frightened.

They thought that they could be burned to ash at once, but now it seems that such a fiery flame has made it harder to pose a threat to the two, and this scene really stimulates them a bit.

If they are separated from the mysterious formation, how can they cope with their crazy response by their strength then? When they think of it, their hearts are almost cold.

"Huh, you have to see how strong your defense is !!!!!

However, for everything in front, Yuan Feng, who controls the Xuanzhen in the dark, has not been scared. At this moment, they are desperate and have no room to turn around. Now either you die or I die, everyone There is no escape route.

"Everyone takes photos, and increases the output !!!" The handprints changed, while Yuan Feng controlled the mysterious array and whispered at the same time, waking up all the horrified people. Hearing his orders, everyone knew that success or failure was here, and while speaking, they sent their full strength into the mysterious array, but they were desperately desperate.

At this time, it does n’t make much sense to stay without any force, because even in the heyday, they ca n’t stand the crushing of the great conqueror who is annihilated. In this case, it ’s better to take advantage of the current mysterious array. Wei, fight with these two people!

"Om !!!" The blazing flame suddenly disappeared, and the white cold air instantly filled the space of the cave of hundreds of meters, while the sons of Shijiacai, who are still resisting the heat waves, obviously did not expect such a variable. .

"Kaka Kaka !!!!"

The heat wave became cold, but Xing Ren was the first to suffer. His water curtain Tianhua is obviously a liquid. This defense method is best to deal with the flames, but when the flames become cold At this time, this method was like encountering natural enemies, and was instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

"What?" Seeing his water curtain frozen by the cold, Xing Ren's eyes suddenly filled with shock. He couldn't think of it anyway. At this time, such a change would happen. This is just his life!

At the time, his father told him that the water curtain Tianhua is good, but it cannot be used in extremely cold conditions, because in that environment, the water curtain will be frozen, not only will it lose its defense effect, but it will also affect it. His actions will then be slaughtered.

Originally, he didn't think it would happen, but now it seems that nothing really is impossible!

The water curtain was frozen, and Xing Ren's body was frozen for a while. At this moment, he could hardly move at will. And if you want to break this layer of ice, you don't have three or five breaths, don't even think about it.

"Ice fire and fire? Good mysterious array !!! But, what can I do?" Xing Ren was temporarily frozen, but Yan Long on the side was different.

Yan Long's defensive armor is simply not afraid of water and fire. In addition to affecting the degree of flexibility, this change of water and fire is simply resistant to him.

"Dalit, you wait to die !!!" With a low drink, Yan Long stomped his feet sharply, but his body ran out in the direction of the hole.

"No, he wants to escape !!!" When everyone saw Yan Long fleeing, everyone in the dark suddenly felt cold. Where do they want to be, Yan Long has such a perverted defensive armor, which is simply an undead turtle shell!

"Receive !!!" In the midst of suspicion, Yuan Feng, who was playing Xuan Zhen in the dark, drank suddenly, but put away the ice and fire rituals. When Xuan Zhen was put away, his figure was also Appeared in front of Yan Long Xing Ren.

"Is it you?" Whether it was Yan Long flying outside, or Xing Ren who was frozen for a while, he was startled by the sudden appearance of Yuan Feng. They never thought that it would be Yuanfeng, an inconspicuous little figure, who had calculated them secretly.

"Two, I'm sorry !!! Dust maple swordsmanship, oblique moon cutting !!!"

The figure appeared, but Yuan Feng did not hesitate. Between his eyes was a little frowning. In his hand, a fiery long sword had appeared. The long sword was in his hand, and he was directly cut at the temporarily frozen Xing Ren. Going down, as for Yan Long who fled to the outside, he didn't even look at it, as if he wanted to let the other party run away, killing one counts as one.

"Boy, how dare you !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng chopping his sword at himself, Xing Ren's pupils enlarged sharply. He could see that Yuan Feng had really moved his heart, although he did not believe that Yuan Feng's repair could kill him. He, but the sense of danger that he had never felt before, still made him mad.

"Remember in your next life, don't be too pretentious, it's useless !!! Dead !!!"

Not dare? Until now, what else does he dare! With the sword in his hand, the sword potential of the realm of swords and swords will draw all the power between heaven and earth. In his body, Xiao Ba and the power of his avatar are all borrowed by him. This sword is definitely his strongest sword.

The sword that destroyed the world was directly cut over Xing Ren's water curtain. Then, under the unbelievable horror gaze of the latter, the sword broke the frozen water curtain and split directly on Over his head.


A sword was cut, and with a muffled sound, Xing Ren's body was directly split into two even halves!

"Little Eight !!!"

Even if the annihilation great conqueror is split into two halves, as long as they are given time to recover, it will be fully recoverable, but how can Yuan Feng give the other party such a chance?

As soon as he raised his hand, Xiao Ba appeared suddenly. Suddenly, Xing Ren's two halves were swallowed directly by it.

"Eh !!!!" A great annihilator who was a great conqueror fell down, but Xiaoba was slapping his tentacles happily. This time, it was obviously full again.

ps: Five more arrived, it seems to be the longest outbreak, three days, six days, three days, five days, I really do n’t know if tomorrow will be quite unbearable. I did n’t think I would have anything to do with it. Seeking flowers for comfort! !!

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