The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 823: You ca n’t joke around (four more)

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Xing Yuan's anger can burn the river and cook the sea, but he does n’t know that he is not the only one who is angry. At the time when his anger is burning, another independent space in Sapphire House Among them, the more angry roar filled the entire space, shaking the whole space a bit unstable.

"Longer, my dragon, how could it be, how could you fall down!"

Yan Yang's protection was crazy at this time, unlike Xing Yuan's protection. He treats his three sons as if he were a treasure, and now he has received the death of his second son, Yan Long, and he ca n’t accept this white-haired person. The fact of giving black hair.

Among his three sons, his second son, Yan Long, is his favorite one. Although Yan Long's cultivation is still a great completion of annihilation and does not touch the cave heaven, Yan Long is very talented and very Sensitive, frankly, even if the last son couldn't comprehend the laws of Dongtian, he would inevitably inspire him and promote him to Zhundong Heaven.

However, everything disappeared with the fall of Yan Long.

"Come, come me !!!!"

In the anger, Yan Yang Hufa shouted and drank, and then the nine deacons under his seat were arrested by him. Obviously, no matter how his son died, he had to check it out. .

Unlike Xing Yuan's protection, his seat does not have the subordinates of Dongtianjing to be instructed, but his deacon of the Nine Great Destructions is also a strong man standing at the top. These nine people are collectively dispatched and want to come. I can figure out the ins and outs of things.

After experiencing the pain of bereavement of the two major guardians, obviously they will not give up. However, they want to find out the cause of death of Yan Long and Xing Ren. This is really a bit difficult. After all, not only did they die very thoroughly, but almost Without the slightest evidence remaining, even if they find the place of the incident, I am afraid it is difficult to find the true murderer.

Moreover, both of them were in Wanli Mountain. What is the place of Wanli Mountain and the major protection methods are clear, but it is a strange place that even the people in the cave do not dare to set foot. To get to the central area, it is even more important to rely on great luck, all of which seem to be not that simple.

It is conceivable that when their subordinates return without power, the two major law-enforcement methods must be angry again. However, no matter how they feel, their two sons are probably dead this time!

The two major guardians did not know. Just when they were furious and anxious to find the killer, the object they were looking for was very relaxed at the moment, and they didn't feel any pressure because they killed the person.

"Brother Yuan Feng, how far is it to reach the destination? Shouldn't we be here!"

Among the team, several members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team were around Yuan Feng and asked Yuan Feng from time to time.

"Hurry up, this time is really fast, hey, with the guidance of this map, the crisis along the way can be avoided as much as possible, this time it is really coming soon!"

Yuan Feng was holding a map of animal skin in his hands, and his eyes were full of joy. The standard on this map is very clear. The danger on the entrance to Dongtianfudi is marked almost without any omissions. In this way, he can directly save Xiao Ba's steps in the investigation of Warcraft.

"Yuan Feng, when you find the Heavenly Blessed Land, after you take the treasure inside, do you want to return to the domain of Master Yunlong to protect the Fa?"

On the side, the women of the Yaoyue law enforcement team walked together, but Yan Xueer in a red dress was an exception. At this time, the members of the Yaoyue law enforcement team showed signs of defection, but they were always in harmony and in God. Sword enforcement team, to be exact, always followed Yuan Feng's side, like a little tail.

She has identified Yuan Feng, of course it is impossible to do nothing. Previously, because of serious business, she did not dare to be too entangled, but now nothing happens. Of course, she must cherish every opportunity every second.

"Haha, Girl Cher, we are the soldiers of Yunlong Protector. Of course, we are going back to Yunlong Protector's territory. I can't see this. Girl Cher will go back with us. Although the domain of Yunlong Protector may not be frozen The domain of the master of the law is beautiful, but it is also very unique! "

"Yes, yes, chasing the wind said that the girl Cher would go to Yunlong Protector's territory to play for a while, and then let Brother Yuan Feng take you around, it would be beautiful!"

Yan Xue'er's words dropped, and Yuanfeng didn't wait for her to speak. The herds and questions from the side started to coax. Since this time, Yan Xueer has been familiar with them, and some jokes will not cause any pressure.

"Ah? Why didn't I think that I could go to the realm of Lord Yunlong Protector?"

Just after Chasing the Wind and Asking the Sky, Yan Xueer's eyes were bright. Obviously, in her mind, she has begun to draw a picture of Yuan Feng taking her around, and when she thinks of being with Yuan Feng alone, her heart is beating vigorously.

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing Yan Xueer's words, the smile on her face chasing the wind and asking Tian was frozen directly on her face, and her chin almost fell off.

What they said is of course a joke, but now it seems that Yan Xueer on the other side is thinking of it as a joke? This is clearly the real rhythm?

"This, this is too simple, right?" Glancing at each other, they both ripped at the corner of their mouths, but couldn't say anything. Between the words, the two could not help looking at Yuan Feng, naturally they just met each other's angry eyes.

Seeing Yuan Feng's spitting fire, both of them shrank their necks, but they didn't open their mouths honestly.

"Seven sisters, don't hurry up in the picture, Yuanfeng, please come back."

Captain Ziyue's eyes are full of bitterness, she is really having a headache right now, Yan Xueer's simplicity and seriousness, she has nothing to do. However, they all looked at Yuan Feng's performance. Right now, they can only worry about Yan Xueer, but there is no way to do it.

Once upon a time, they still felt that Yuan Feng was not worthy of Yan Xueer, but now they all understand that with Yuan Feng's strength and a terrible method, ten Yan Xueer are not worthy of others! I don't know what kind of woman can make Yuan Feng such a proud man.

"Sister Sister, should we all go to Yunlong's law enforcement territory, okay?" Bouncing back to the crowd of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team, Yan Xueer stared at the big eyes and asked Captain Ziyue.

"Don't be troubled. We are here to carry out the task. We will go back when we have completed the task. We will share the worries and solve the problems for the ice-protecting master. How can we always stay outside and not go back?"

Some distances cannot be erased by standing together. Yuan Feng has no interest in Yan Xueer, so even if Yan Xueer is stuck on the other person's body, people will not take a closer look. In this case, it is still early to open the distance. Let Yan Xueer think about it. Maybe, after a while, Yan Xueer can forget Yuan Feng and return to her former appearance!

"I ..." After listening to the words of Captain Ziyue, Yan Xueer wanted to say something, but in the end, he couldn't say it. Then she remembered that she was not a free body. As a member of the law enforcement team under the ice protection law, she really wanted to do what she wanted to do!

"Fortunately, fortunately, I really want to scare people to death!"

Hearing Captain Ziyue's education to Yan Xueer, Yuan Feng could not help but secretly relieved while rushing on the way.

The people of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team did not dare to make fun of Yan Xueer, because they found that the women of the Demon Moon Enforcement Team did not know what was a joke and what was the truth. Now, I'm afraid that Yuan Feng must complain.

Being so noisy by Yan Xueer, everyone became much quieter along the way, and in such a quiet hurry, soon, everyone was following the guide of the map and crossing the endless dangerous area of ​​Wanli Mountain , Came to a very quiet jungle.

This is a small-scale jungle. All the trees together are only eighty-one, and these eighty-one trees just form a special shape.

When he came out of this forest, Yuan Feng compared the markings on the map with the forest in front of him. After confirming that it was correct, he smiled slightly.

"Everyone, follow me. Don't leave me three meters away. Soon, we can reach our destination!" Shenxin looked around and felt that there was no one around, Yuan Feng was only here. Nodded to the crowd and greeted.

"Are you there? It's really exciting to think about it!" Looking at each other, everyone was looking right. They didn't have too much extravagant hope for the babies in the secret place, but even the eye-opening was good.

"Come with me !!" Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng took the lead and walked directly into this humble forest.

These trees are very ordinary when opened by outsiders, but Yuan Feng started to work after counting the number of trees according to the marks on the map.

There is no need to do any damage. Yuan Feng stops and stops, from time to time, he puts his palm against a tree, inputs all the true energy into specific trees, and then continues to stop and stop. .

After a short time, Yuan Feng has entered 35 trees, and finally he has stopped in front of a small tree in the middle of the woods.

"Om !!!"

As he entered the last tree into this last tree, when the number of sixty-six hundred and thirty-six was reached, the whole grove shook slightly, and then, with Yuanfeng as the center, a range of almost three meters As soon as the light was wrapped in a flash of light, Yuan Feng and his party disappeared.

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