The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 825: Ancient soldiers (one more)

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Finally entered the so-called Cave Heaven Blessed Land left by the so-called Cave Heaven Realm. Yuan Feng even knew that the treasure left by the strong man was in the immortal mountain in front of him. However, for this immortal mountain, he turned out to be There is no way.

With his arrogant strength, it turned out that it was difficult to break through the formation of Xianshan, and it was difficult to split these fairy mountains.

Fortunately, when he was in trouble, Dahei agreed to help him, which only made him feel better. However, his heart was full of curiosity about how Dahei could help him.

"Boy, Yuanfeng, you and your friends can just stay aside for a moment, just leave me with this little thing."

The voice of the black dragon passed into Yuan Feng's ears, making a final explanation.

"Okay, if there is anything I need to help, even if I speak." Nodded secretly, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, he turned his head and looked at the others, "You guys, pull back, wait for a while. Be affected. "

The words fell, but he was the first to back off.

"Retreat? Couldn't Brother Yuanfeng have a stronger trick?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, everyone naturally thought that Yuan Feng was going to enlarge the move. In the talk, everyone backed off, leaving Yuan Feng ample room to play.

However, when everyone saw that Yuan Feng was also retreating with them, but they did not intend to take any action, everyone found out that they seemed to guess wrong!

"Dahei, it's up to you !!!" Yuan Feng didn't explain too much. When the crowd was almost gone, he suddenly raised his hand and released the black dragon in his sleeve robe.


The huge black dragon suddenly appeared in the air, and this time, its body seemed to be deliberately elongated, but it was hundreds of meters long. The mighty appearance made everyone around Yuan Feng's eyes widen. , A look of astonishment.

"Good guy, it's Yuan Feng's Warcraft friend. Does Yuan Feng want this guy to help?"

"Good mighty, what is this Warcraft? How could it be so mighty? Also, the aura and noble spirit of this Warcraft might be able to catch up with the powerhouse who protects the law!"

"Yuan Feng is weird enough, his Warcraft friend is even more weird !!!" Seeing the sudden appearance of the Black Dragon, everyone whispered subconsciously, admiring one by one.

They had seen a black dragon shot before, but that time was too short to watch carefully. At the moment, the black dragon is hovering in the air. Every scale and every whisker, they can see abnormally clearly, and the more clearly they see, the deeper they admire the black dragon.

Such a magnificent and beautiful World of Warcraft is definitely something they have never seen before.

"Good guy, it turns out that Dahei has such a long time. Shenlong is a Shenlong. It is really not comparable to those ordinary Warcraft!"

Yuan Feng ’s eyes are also brilliant. Although he is anxious to see the baby right now, he is even looking forward to the Black Dragon ’s shot. He wants to see how this guy will help him to cut mountains!


Soaring in the sky, the black dragon turned several times, and when Yuan Feng and others were watching the other party intently, the latter suddenly groaned, and the body suddenly turned into a thick, stout dragon. At the end, he flew over directly above a fairy mountain.

"Om !!!!!!"

The roar of the dragon tail brought a burst of strong wind, and the time spent talking, the giant dragon tail, slammed onto an immortal mountain.

"Well !!!"

The huge dragon tail smashed directly onto a dozen of Lingshan, and as the dragon tail smashed on it, the entire Lingshan was suddenly lit by thunder, just like a special network . As soon as these lights turned on, they were smashed by the black dragon's tail, and then the huge dragon tail of the black dragon was hit on several spirit mountains without hindrance.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A sound of bangs came one after another, and everyone below suddenly saw that before, Yuan Feng had a solid Lingshan that was difficult to achieve even a trace of damage. This time, it turned out that five or six people were smashed by the tail of the black dragon.

"His, this ..."

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them. Everyone saw the black dragon smashing Lingshan with his tail before, and thought that the other party had any special means, but they didn't realize until the end that this guy had any means. It was simply hard. Come here!

"Sell !!" Subconsciously swallowed, Yuan Feng felt a chilling spine at the moment. He knew that the black dragon's body was very strong and powerful, but he never dreamed that the body of this guy turned out to be so strong.

"Falling down for ten sessions in one fell swoop. In the face of absolute strength, everything is a cloud!"

Looking stunned at everything in front of him, Yuan Feng simply cast his ground on the physical strength of the black dragon and its five bodies admired by its power. It is indeed a higher creature among the Three Realms, and this hurting strength makes him feel ashamed.

Now think about it. When Dahei was in the cave before, he was just playing with him. If the other party is really serious, I'm afraid that tail will have to sweep him away.

"Pervert, it's too pervert !!" The mouth twitched. Yuan Feng didn't want to over-evaluate this guy's strength at this moment, but his mind was thinking about the physical power of the black dragon. Even if you are facing an ordinary Dongtianjing strongman, I am afraid they all have a fight!

It seems that he thinks that the cultivation of the Black Dragon is a complete annihilation, and I am afraid it is not very appropriate. In fact, the strength of this guy should be classified as the level of quasi-hole heaven.

"Ang !!!" The Black Dragon did not care about the shock of other people. After suddenly blasting several Lingshan mountains, it was a turning point. It continued to sweep towards the other fairy mountains. Thirty Lingshan mountains were swept away by it one after another. That kind of efficiency made Yuan Feng watching from a distance feel ashamed.

"Well !!!"

Another tail swept down, but this time it was different from before, because after the black dragon passed, one of the many spirit mountains, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst into the sky, the dazzling golden light, let alone Yuan Feng and others watching in the distance closed their eyes subconsciously.

"Ang !!!" Jin Guang appeared, but the black dragon suddenly shrank his body and flew back towards Yuan Feng. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small dragon plate on Yuan Feng's wrist.

"Yuan Feng, this magic soldier left by the master is now yours!" Back to Yuan Feng's sleeves, Heilong reminded Yuan Feng.

"This, this is ..."

Listening to the reminder of the black dragon, watching the golden light floating in the distance, Yuan Feng's heart was full of shock.

"Sword? Turns out to be a sword?" From a distance, through the golden light, Yuan Feng could see that among the golden light, there was actually a golden long sword! !!

Yuan Feng has seen a lot of spirit swords, but when he saw the golden sword in front of him, he knew that he really needed to redefine the meaning of the sword.

What is a sword? Compared with this golden long sword, where is the sword in this world that can be called a sword?

"Buzz !!!!" The fire spirit sword in his hand gave out a moan, as if trembling in fear, and as if bowing his head, the feeling was like meeting the real emperor in the sword.

"What kind of sword is this? How could there be such an appalling weapon?" Subconsciously, Yuan Feng put away his fire sword, because he felt that putting the fire sword aside at this time was just right for this. Defiled sword.

"Uhhhhhh!" As soon as he was in shape, he jumped over and came to the front of the golden sword. He reached out his hand subconsciously, and went to grab the hilt of the golden sword.

"Om !!!" However, just when his hand was about to touch the hilt, the latter suddenly released a powerful force, and bounced his hand directly, letting him The whole man flew back hundreds of meters before stopping.

"His, a strong sword!" Fly by the sword, Yuan Feng had a feeling of swaying. A sword, under the control of no one, has such a mighty power, this is a real artifact! !!

"Huh, I don't believe it, I can't control you !!! Devouring the Wuling Spirit !!!" At the heart of his heart, Yuan Feng summoned his Devouring Wuling Spirit directly, levitating behind him, and speaking again When approaching the sword, he grabbed the hilt of the golden sword.

"Om !!!" This time, the golden sword did not repel, but there was a feeling of joy, that feeling was like the feeling of seeing a loved one.

"Brush !!!" The golden sword was caught by Yuan Feng in his hand, and a ray of light that shone countless times before it suddenly rose into the sky, flooding the entire space world, and Yuan Feng, holding the sword, suddenly There is a feeling of being the only one in the world.

"Boom !!!" With the sword in hand, Yuan Feng felt that his power seemed to be ignited, almost subconsciously, and he cut it out with a sword.


The golden swordman flickered from above the long sword, and went straight to a spiritual mountain not far away, and as the swordman cut on the mountain, the unusually solid mountain was almost like a blank piece of paper, directly Divided by Jianmang, it became two halves.

"His ......... This ........."

Seeing his casual sword, Yuanfeng suddenly split a Lingshan into two halves. At this moment, Yuan Feng suddenly opened his eyes and his face was incredible.

"How? This ancient soldier, isn't the power good?"

Just when Yuan Feng was stunned by God, the sound of the black dragon came again in his ears. However, when he heard the voice of the other party, Yuan Feng was stunned by God's emotions, but he became even more stunned.

"Ancient magic soldier? This turns out to be an ancient magic sword?"

Subconsciously tightening the long sword in his hand, Yuan Feng suddenly realized that this time, he seemed to be developing!

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