The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 834: Xuan Gong a turn (two more)

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Yuan Feng was a little stunned in the whole person. In the sea of ​​consciousness, the enlightenment, like a tide, flowed through the body. The feeling was simply indescribable and indescribable.

"This this………"

Feeling the magical tricks in the heart, Yuan Feng couldn't find a word to describe his mood at the moment.

The first turn of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong turned out to be completely cleared up by the swallowing martial arts in just a few minutes, appearing in front of him without a trace of concealment.

"It's too exaggerated, isn't it to say that this nine-revolutionary Xuan Gong practice is harder than climbing to the sky, is it difficult to practice at all? This, how can it be so fast to be swallowed by the martial arts?"

Yuan Feng was really shocked. When he wanted to come, this Nine Turns Xuan Gong, as a well-known divine skill in the Three Realms, must be very difficult to practice. It should even be on top of the mirror power he had cultivated. I was thinking that it would take at least a few months for this first turn of magic work to be sorted out by the swallowing martial arts for him to practice.

However, the months that he thought about were actually compressed into a few minutes by the swallowing Wuling Wireless, and this scene was simply a situation that he couldn't believe.

Swallowing the martial spirits is really powerful, but when has it been so powerful? You know, this is a martial arts skill that is comparable to mirroring magical powers. It is so simple and simple, and it may not be surprising to anyone.

"Swallowing the heavenly martial spirit, swallowing the heavenly **** beast, is it because swallowing the heavenly **** beast is also the cause of the three realms?" A flash of light, Yuan Feng immediately thought of a possibility.

As the divine skill in the Three Realms, Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong and this world ’s Gongfa martial arts are actually different in essence. Perhaps, it may be difficult for the devouring Wuling spirit to understand the world ’s Gongfa martial arts. When it comes to practice, it is much simpler than something in this world.

In fact, Yuan Feng guessed nothing wrong.

As the earliest beast in the Three Realms, the Devouring Heaven Beast has the general ancestor's comprehension of the martial arts skills in the Three Realms. Although it did not attain sanctification, it was almost as powerful as the saints at the time. Yes, nothing more than merit and opportunity!

For the devouring beasts, as long as those super existences can be easily understood by those supernatural beings, it will not be too difficult.

Just like the Nine Zhuan Xuan Gong, this thing is almost born from the flood, and even this deduction of God's work, there are places that have learned from the devouring beasts of God, it can be said that the devouring the Nine Devils and the Nine Turns of Xuan Gong are basically Something that has the same root is now letting the Devouring Heavens Beast perform the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, isn't that right?

"Yes, it must be like this. The swallowing martial arts spirit will certainly feel strange when practicing the skills and martial arts of this world, but the things in the Three Realms will naturally be more familiar with the swallowing martial arts spirit. Nine transfers of Xuan Gong, or similar magical skills, then easily digested the first transfer of exercises. "

In addition to such explanations, he could not think of other explanations that were justified.

"Okay, okay! This is simply God help me. If Tian Wu Ling can understand the whole Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong faster, wouldn't it save me endless trouble?"

After a brief shock, Yuan Feng's heart was full of joy. Luck is here, and it is impossible to stop it. Who would have thought that Tian Wu Ling could be so powerful?

"Exercise, if this is the case, then you must practice more quickly, and strive to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to a very high level."

Without thinking about it, Yuan Feng immediately sank and began to realize these knacks of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and then slowly cultivated. Dahei said before that, in addition to the difficulty of comprehension, the rest of the early cultivation of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong requires the help of some Warcraft blood and natural treasures, which he currently lacks.

As for what the later cultivation needs, that is not what he needs to consider now.

A hint of awakening hovered in the mind, Yuan Feng's true energy slowly started to run, it is clear that in addition to the blood of Warcraft and heavenly treasures, the practice of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong will not necessarily require energy. Small, but there are so many Warcraft corpses stored on him, and a lot of spar, obviously there is no need to worry about energy.

Time passed, from Yuan Feng to sit down, to eat the martial arts, and then he completely entered the cultivation state. The whole process took less than a quarter of an hour, but it was just less than a quarter of an hour. Above the body, it is beginning an unimaginable change.

"Well !!!"

In the room, a weird voice opened from Yuan Feng's body. If anyone was present, he would find out that at this moment, Yuan Feng's body surface and every inch of his skin were undergoing inexplicable changes.

The original calm and smooth skin, as if it had been drained of water, suddenly contracted sharply, and even more horrible wrinkles appeared.

Frankly speaking, at this moment Yuan Feng looks really scary. It's just that it's scary and scary, but if someone with insight can find out, this change in Yuan Feng is obviously not a bad thing.

"Well !!!" Just as Yuan Feng's body was undergoing an inexplicable change, the black dragon, which had been wrapped around his wrists, ran out of his sleeves and appeared in the back room.

Xiao Ba naturally knew about the existence of the black dragon, so after the appearance of the black dragon, he only looked curiously for a while, and did not conflict with it.

"How is this possible? He, he actually directly understood the first turn of Jiu Zhuan and Xuan Gong?"

Heilong's figure floated in the air, watching Yuan Feng's changes stunned. As a beast in the Three Realms, it naturally understands what Yuan Feng's change means at this time. Obviously, this is the first turn of Jiu Zhuan and Xuan Gong, and the practice of leather training. Moreover, judging from the current situation of Yuan Feng This seems to be the performance on the right track. Obviously, this first round of training is to be made.

"How can there be such a thing? Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, even my master can only look at the magical powers of Yang Xing, he and he realized it in only a quarter of an hour? Is it really destined for God? ? "

The Black Dragon was completely frightened at this moment. For the scene in front of it, it can only be described with incredible four words.

Frankly speaking, even if Yuan Feng had boarded the Devouring Beast, he was not too optimistic about the other side, but now it seems that this time, he really met a terrible person!

"Oh!" Yuan Feng's skin was still shrinking sharply, and it felt as if Yuan Feng's whole body had shrunk all at once, but the more so, the deeper the black dragon's horror. Because Yuan Feng's current performance is the practice of practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to the best state. This scene almost means that Yuan Feng's Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong first turn must be successful.

"Out !!!"

At a certain moment, just as the black dragon looked at everything in front of him in horror, Yuan Feng's mouth suddenly heard a hoarse voice. In front of him, there were several powerful annihilation warcrafts. There are a bunch of rare treasures.

"Puff puff!!!"

These Warcraft corpses were pinched and exploded by him almost instantaneously, and turned into a huge mass of blood mist, which was suspended there quietly. Then, Yuan Feng's vitality moved slightly, and the whole blood mist mass , Was drawn out of a blood arrow, directly directed towards his body.

"Oh!" The blood essence of Warcraft touched his body. Suddenly, his skin started a new change, and the feeling was like the dry skin was flushed with new energy.

"Come here!" While controlling the blood of Warcraft and injecting it into his own skin, Yuan Feng took one mouthful of Skywood Dibao directly into his mouth, and took these precious Heavenly Earth Dibaos casually. Going outside, they are all extremely precious things, but now he is eaten by him like a cabbage.

The consumption of Tian Cai Di Bao is relatively small, but the demand for World of Warcraft blood is not generally large.

Yuan Feng exploded the five-headed annihilation of Warcraft with five or more levels, but it was just a blink of an eye. The essence of the five-headed annihilation of World of Warcraft had disappeared, but Yuan Feng's cultivation was obviously not over.

"Come again !!!" Yuan Feng took out the ten World of Warcraft corpses in the Destroyed Realm this time, squeezed them into a mass of blood again, and continued to inject them into his skin.

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, as the supernatural power in the Three Realms, is able to make the monk endless and strong as a spiritual treasure. Naturally, it cannot be achieved casually. Among them, the need for energy and energy is simply a difficult task. Imaginary huge numbers.

Based on Yuan Feng's current cultivation, it is at best comparable to the fourfold foundation of annihilation. But just in the blink of an eye, his body skin alone has swallowed ten annihilations. With the head and blood of the Five Worlds of Warcraft, it is conceivable how much power is contained in his skin at this moment.

Each piece of heavenly treasure was under the belly, and the bodies of Warcraft were turned into blood mist and absorbed by his skin, and then polished by the first method of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. At this moment, Yuan Feng finally understood, There is really a reason why this Nine Turns Xuan Gong is so arrogant.

Just the first turn of Xuan Gong has already consumed almost a quarter of his talents and half of the Warcraft corpse on his body. It is conceivable that in the next few rounds of Xuan Gong cultivation, God knows what will happen. demand.

After absorbing hundreds of World of Warcraft essence blood, Yuan Feng finally stopped absorbing the essence blood. At this moment, his skin has recovered the smoothness and smoothness of the past, but he is still awake. Come.

There is a special ancient atmosphere in the whole secret room. At this time, Yuan Feng looks a little different.

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