The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 837: Make trouble (one more)

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The second turn of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong consumed a full tenth of the blood of the Black Dragon, which was beyond the expectation of Yuan Feng and also the prediction of Heilong himself.

They did not expect that the cultivation of the nine transfers of Xuan Gong would have such a huge consumption of blood.

The 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution is to temper the bones. According to the introduction of Xuan Gong, the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution will only consume more than the second. less.

In other words, Yuan Feng wants to practice the 9th turn Xuan Gong in the third turn, so he must also prepare at least ten World of Warcraft with great annihilation, otherwise, the third turn Xuan Gong, he really wanted to Don't even think about it.

Of course, in addition to the blood of Warcraft, he also needs to collect some natural treasures. The energy of World of Warcraft blood is too violent. It must be neutralized with the gentle energy of natural treasures, otherwise it is very dangerous.

Tiancaidibao can be better said. After all, with the existence of Xiaoba, as long as you find a place that is relatively inaccessible, Tiancaidibao should still be available. In addition, the heavenly treasures required by Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong are actually not too high in level requirements, even if the level is lower, but as long as the number is sufficient.

At the moment, what makes Yuan Feng difficult is where to go to get more than ten heads of annihilation!

The annihilation of Great Destruction, this level is simply a top level in the realm of law. Whether it is the Warcraft of Great Destruction or the warrior of Great Destruction, it is a rare mess.

A World of Warcraft with a great destruction, it can already take the mountain as the king and monopolize the existence of a huge territory, and under this level of Warcraft, there must be many powerful vassals. Frankly speaking, even if it is as powerful as Yuan Feng, is not to ignore the invasion of Warcraft.

The second turn of Nine Turns Xuan Gong did not allow him to be fearless. According to Heilong, now he is about to catch up with it, but the implication is that he is now a little behind. The heat of the silk.

Therefore, no matter what, he must now practice the third turn and the nine turn Xuan Gong. At that time, under the cave world, he can have no fear, no matter how strong the existence is, he can be calm and right.

"Obviously, the World of Warcraft, which is a great success, is really not easy to find!"

Ending the practice of the second turn of Nine Turns and Xuan Gong, Yuan Feng had to stop for a while. If the problem of essence and blood is not solved, his cultivation will be difficult to continue. Right now, the only task he needs to complete is to find a way to collect more than ten annihilation realms of Warcraft. By the way, he must also make some good quality natural materials. Dibao.

"Yuan Feng, where to look for that level of Warcraft, you have to think about it yourself. If you can find it, I will help you by then, but for now, I'm afraid I will take a break."

Seeing Yuan Feng began to think of a way to annihilate the Great Warcraft, Black Dragon no longer accompanied him, and in a flash, he returned directly to Yuan Feng's sleeves and slowly recovered his essence.

One-tenth of the essence, don't know how long it will take to recover! This time it is absolutely busy.

"Thank you, Dahei!" Hearing the black dragon would help, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with joy, and she was grateful.

If there is a **** shot, then as long as you meet the World of Warcraft in the Great Destruction Realm, you should basically be able to hunt or capture. You know, one-tenth of the blood of Dahei can be worth ten Warcrafts of the Great Destruction Realm, and it can be imagined that the power of the Dahei is much stronger than that of the Great Devil.

"Even if Dahei didn't make a shot, with my current physical strength and strength, supplemented by my intention sword, if the Red Xiao sword was used again, then it would be a good idea to kill Great Complete Warcraft, and with the help of Dahei, It must be foolproof. "

Counting his current means, the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the second turn can already ignore the attack of the Seventh Destruction Realm, or even the eighth Destruction of the World of Warcraft, and use the realm of the sword to urge the Red Xiao Sword to kill the large Devil Complete Warcraft is simply no problem.

Of course, all the premise is that there is a great annihilation of Warcraft for him to kill.

"Forget it, go to the captain, maybe there will be some clues on the annihilation of Great Warcraft on her mission card."

The time he came to the French Realm was not short, but it was also not long. He was not familiar with his life, and he really didn't know where to go to get rid of the World of Warcraft. That was more than ten heads of annihilation. He didn't know if he could make up that amount.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and in the talking room, he put away Xiao Ba and left the secret room.

Captain Lie Xin just sat down shortly now, and went to the territory of Xing Yuan to protect the law to carry out the task. Although the task has been completed, this task is obviously unable to be delivered.

After she sat down, she couldn't help but recall the trip to Mount Wanyu. To tell her the truth, even if she remembers it now, she still has an incredible feeling.

Once upon a time, although these people were not at the lowest level of the legal realm, they didn't have many high-level contacts. Obviously, the characters of the level of the protection of the law must be the characters they needed.

However, it was such a character that this time they were beheaded by two, and there were four superpowers who perished. Frankly speaking, such a situation is definitely beyond their imagination.

Worry must be some, after all, is the son of protecting the law, if the incident in the East window, I am afraid the trouble will not be small. Fortunately, they don't really have much fame. Under normal circumstances, they should not be suspected.

"Captain, there is something to see next!"

In the time between the thoughts of Captain Liexin, Yuan Feng's voice suddenly came from the outside and fluttered into her ears.

"Yuan Feng?" Captain Lie Xin could not help but hesitated a little when he heard Yuan Feng's voice. According to the previous situation, Yuan Feng should be a retreat at this moment. It actually appeared in her right now, and it must be something wrong.

"Come in and talk!" After a complete look, she didn't hesitate. When she raised her hand, she opened the door of the secret room and let Yuan Feng enter the room.

"Eh? Yuan Feng, your body ..." When Yuan Feng entered the back room, Captain Lie Xin raised an eyebrow and asked with a little suspicion.

At this time, Yuan Feng had just formed the second part of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, and there was an unusually simple atmosphere all over him, and the shocking power fluctuations, but they were all slightly scattered and not completely He was taken into the body.

"Nothing, there was a little problem when I just practiced, and it will be fine later." Yuan Feng ignored his situation, he was anxious to inquire about the whereabouts of the Great Destruction World of Warcraft. status.

"It's okay!" Looked at Yuan Feng with a little suspicion, but Captain Liexin stopped asking. Yuan Feng has too many secrets. Obviously, there must be some changes in Shi Cai's body, but Yuan Feng doesn't say it, she can't see it.

"Captain, I'm here to disturb you, and I want to ask you for some information." As soon as he looked right, Yuan Feng went straight to the topic and asked Captain Lie Xin.

"Well? If you have any questions, as long as I know, I must know everything."

Today, Yuan Feng, as a member of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, has long been tied to the entire team. Especially after this incident, these people almost wore the same pants, and they seemed to be true to each other. There is nothing to hide.

"Yes, I want to know, where can I find the World of Warcraft in the Great Destruction Realm, of course, it is the kind of World of Warcraft that can be slain, not some of the big names' Warcraft mounts and magic pets. . "

Anyway, it wasn't an outsider, Yuan Feng didn't conceal it, and directly stated his purpose.

"Destroy World of Warcraft? You, you want to hunt that level of Warcraft?"

Captain Lie Xin raised his eyebrows fiercely when he heard the news that Yuan Feng had probed into the Destruction Realm and completed the World of Warcraft bluntly.

The annihilation of Warcraft is a complete succession of Warcraft, which is simply an escape from the idler, and how far to exist as far as possible. Where is that level of Warcraft that can be killed by the annihilation player?

However, after thinking about it, Yuan Feng even slaughtered two of the sons of the Enemy's Great Conqueror, as if hunting the Warcraft of the Enemy's Great Conqueror. There is really nothing to fuss about! Thinking of it, she shook her head and smiled, but became calm.

"You want to hunt down the Great Destruction World of Warcraft. It doesn't seem to be that simple. First of all, this level of Warcraft, even in the French realm, is a rare level. The general World of Warcraft jungle is fine, neither is the World of Warcraft. No such level of Warcraft exists. "

A good-looking brow wrinkled slightly. Captain Liexin tried to think about the dangerous areas in the Blue Jade Mansion. It may be possible to determine that there is not a great Demon Warm.

"Able to determine the existence of the Great Destruction Realm of Warcraft, the psychedelic sea we've been to before should be one."

I'm afraid there aren't many places where Yuan Feng has been. She naturally picks up where Yuan Feng has been and said that obviously, the psychedelic sea radiates hundreds of millions of miles, and at least one and two ends of the annihilation can be achieved. Of course, that level of World of Warcraft must be hidden in the ocean floor, let alone beheaded. Even if you want to draw it out, I am afraid it will be a very difficult thing.

"Is the psychedelic sea? This place is bound to be a trip." Even if Captain Lie Xin didn't say, he guessed that there must be a annihilation in the psychedelic sea. Accumulation, how can such a large area of ​​the sea not be born with a two-headed annihilation realm of Warcraft?

"Let me take a look at the mission card again. There should be some hunting on Warcraft. Maybe you can find such a place."

Shaking his head, Captain Lie Xin couldn't think of a few of these places for a while, but he could only look at the task card, one task at a time.

"Thank you Captain !!!" Seeing Captain Liexin began to look at the task card, Yuan Feng couldn't help expecting it. No matter what, he must make up ten Warcrafts of Great Destruction Realm. Of course, ordinary Warcrafts of Destruction Realm seven or eight must be prepared a lot. In any case, he must turn this third Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is made.

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