The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 843: Fire Dragon Turtle

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Looking at the entrances from the outside alone, each of these lava cave entrances in Wanhuo Cave is almost the same, but after entering some cave entrances, the conditions inside each cave entrance will become different.

This lava cave entered by Yuan Feng with Dahei is obviously different from other lava caves. When entering this lava cave, Yuan Feng has already discovered that this cave is obviously a cone The shape of the shape is like the underground space of Wanli Mountain that he had previously entered.

The entire underground lava cave is very deep, and the further down it is, the larger the range is. It has sunk over a range of almost a thousand meters. Yuanfeng and Dahei have only reached the lava surface of the lava cave, and it was only here that Yuanfeng found The temperature of the lava in this lava cave is obviously more than double that of other lava caves.

"A good lava cave, this lava cave, I am afraid that the linked underground world should be different from other caves!"

On the surface of the lava, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed an indescribable color. His keen sense made him feel that the temperature of the lava cave now was much higher than that he had seen before. Ordinary annihilation people come here, let alone continue, even on the surface of lava, they may be melted by the heat wave.

"This molten hole is indeed different from other molten holes. However, the difference is still behind." Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Dahei nodded with a huge head, and then continued. , "When you follow me later, I will try to wrap you up with my breath to help you relieve some stress."

Yuan Feng ’s 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the second turn can withstand the current temperature. However, after all, he has only tempered the flesh, and his bones and internal organs have not been tempered by Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. Underground lava is burned, even if the flesh and skin can hold it, the bones and viscera will also be affected.

Therefore, if it can relieve some pressure for Yuan Feng, it will naturally help Yuan Feng.

"Let's go! Remember to be careful." He asked Yuanfeng a few words, but Dahei no longer talked, and when he was in shape, he rushed up to the underground lava.

"Well !!!" Although it took nearly one-tenth of the essence of blood before, Dahei's strength is still much higher than Yuan Feng. It is a natural beast and has not cultivated any powerful refining magic. But the whole body is extremely tough, and has its own unique means. As it entered the underground lava, the lava behind it was directly separated, but a passage appeared. The surrounding lava was difficult to squeeze into the passage.

"I'm here too !!!"

Seeing that there was a **** road, Yuan Feng was naturally more unscrupulous. He was not afraid of the lava below. Now that there is a **** road, those lavas have been rushed to the sides. The pressure on him is reduced Too much too much.

In this way, Dahei was behind Qian Yuanfeng, and one person and one dragon sank quickly under the lava. Both were not afraid of the surrounding lava. Soon, their bodies passed through a thick layer. The thick lava layer came before an unusually weird underground space.

"Well !!!"

Yuan Feng could hear a very weird sound coming from the front. It was the sound made by Dahei when he passed through a layer of film-like things. Then, he and Dahei's bodies left. In the lava, came a strange underground flame world.

In the eyes, a fiery red space world with almost tens of miles, like a large hemispherical bubble, is directly buckled on a fiery red rock ground. The temperature of these fiery red spar is extremely high, which is actually higher than The temperature of the lava above was still a lot higher. Even after Yuan Feng stepped on it, they quickly floated away and did not dare to stay on it.

Obviously, this fiery red rocky ground must be the core heat source of this underground lava world, but I do n’t know why, this rocky ground has formed a unique space world here, supporting the lava above. stand up.

He came down from above, naturally knowing the thickness of the lava, and was able to support these lavas. It is conceivable how tough and terrifying the film of Shicai is.


When Yuan Feng was surprised and looked at this strange world with a little curiosity, a low roar came suddenly, flooding the entire underground lava world, and the thick echo was even more inaudible. Where did the sound come from?

"Well? Is this ... the roar of the beast?"

Hearing this sudden sound, Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly changed, but his eyes were full of surprises. Waiting for this sound, he has been waiting for this beast roar!

Eyes hurriedly looked around, Yuan Feng now wanted to see, what kind of existence of Warcraft, which had been so hard to find after so long.

Looking around, Yuan Feng looked around, but did not find the place of Warcraft, just like this sounding Warcraft does not exist in this space.

"Where? Why can't I hear the sound, but I can't see the location of Warcraft?" A glance was inconclusive, and Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a hint of doubt. He was sure he heard the roar of the beast. But after seeing this for a long time, I saw nothing except the red rocks everywhere.

"It's weird, is it underground?" Tugging at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng subconsciously looked at his feet, but from the previous voice, it didn't seem to come from underground.

"Don't look for it, isn't it just in front of you?" As Yuan Feng searched in amazement, Dahei on the side suddenly said, and while talking, his figure was growing. It soon turned into a huge black Shenlong with a length of hundreds of meters, and the mighty momentum made Yuan Feng sigh.

However, at this time, he had no intention to appreciate Dahei's handsomeness. Following Dahei's eyes, he couldn't help looking at himself.

In the eyes, the large and small red lava mountain packs seemed to be the same, but he still did not see the existence of Warcraft.

"Ang !!!" However, when Yuan Feng was in doubt, Dahei issued a terrifying dragon groan, and with its dragon groan fell, not far away, there was almost a hundred meters. The diameter of the huge red rocky mountain package suddenly trembled slightly, and then it began to rise slowly.

"Roar !!!" With the rise of the lava mountain bag, another roar came, and this time, Yuan Feng finally saw the true body of Warcraft. However, when he saw the World of Warcraft in front of him, the whole man's face couldn't help but be filled with horror.

"This, this is ...... what the **** is this? This head ..."

In the eyes, a hundred meters across, one giant rock tortoise like a rock is standing tremblingly from the ground, and as it stands up, its diameter is obviously still growing, now it looks The body of this guy has a diameter of no less than 170 meters.

"It's a big World of Warcraft, this, this is World of Warcraft!" During the time of speaking, World of Warcraft has been exposed. The huge turtle shell is like a small mountain bag, and in the direction facing him and Dahei, a huge head protruded from the turtle shell. The shape of this skull is so similar to Dahei .

"What kind of monster is this? It's so strong !!!" Yuan Feng could not help but tremble a little, he could feel that this one in front of him was no less inferior to the **** WoW, and his strength was definitely not weaker than the **** Looking at this guy's posture, it seems that it has existed here for countless years, but it has never acted.

"Feng Feng, we have good luck. If we can extinguish this fire-head dragon and tortoise, we don't need any other Warcraft assistance. This big guy is enough for you to practice the third turn and the nine turn."

Dahei's deep voice came, while introducing the guy in front of him, while letting Yuan Feng understand the existence of this guy in front of him, what it meant to him!

"Eh, fire dragon turtle? One is enough to practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong of the third turn?"

Hearing Dahei's introduction, Yuan Feng was totally confused. Fire dragon turtle, this thing was originally called fire dragon turtle, but if you take a closer look, this guy is really similar to the **** dragon head, and has a turtle-like Warcraft body, the name of the fire dragon turtle is worthy of the name.

For Dahei, this fire dragon turtle is enough to allow him to practice the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution. He is not at all doubtful. In his feelings, this big guy called the fire dragon turtle is all over his body. The energy fluctuations of all of them have a tendency to surpass Dahei, and I don't know how long this guy has been here.

However, thinking about it, the lava caves of this Wanhuo cave are filled with hot lava in each lava cave, and even if this lava is a strong person in the cave heaven, it is not easy to try to contact. In other words, this huge dragon and tortoise has always existed here, and it is slowly growing and evolving. If it is not discovered by him and Dahei this time, then this guy will definitely grow into a cave. Exist!

Of course, even this big guy now should be half-footed into the cave world, and it will obviously become a big one.

"How to do it? Wouldn't you want me to come?" He licked his lips subconsciously. Yuan Feng knew that trying to kill the big guy in front of him might not be so easy to do. Obviously, Dahei does not have the power to kill this guy alone. It is not easy to say if he is the opponent of the other party.

"It's a bit of a hassle. This time you and I have to do it together, but you have to be careful and don't hit it with it."

Dahei's tone is also slightly dignified. Obviously, as Yuan Feng thought, even if he wanted to kill the fire dragon turtle in front of him, even it felt abnormally difficult.

ps: Three more, no rewards! !! !! Oops! !! !!

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