The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 846: Knot Dan fivefold (six more seeking flowers and rewards)

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A quiet underground lava world, a black dragon is quietly hanging in the air, and across from it, a young man is also sitting there cross-legged, the whole person looks like a giant monster in the wild, shocking!

The Shenlong has a body of hundreds of meters, but at this moment, it is the body of hundreds of meters. In terms of momentum, it is difficult to conceal the young man's sharpness. The feeling is like the two have exchanged identities.

One person and one dragon just hung in the air like this. After almost a full day, in the end, the terrifying atmosphere around the young people slowly converged and turned into the usual dullness.


It wasn't long before the young man's breath returned to a steady state. Around his body, a powerful wave of energy first shrank slightly. Then, this wave of energy suddenly dissipated. At the same time, the young man's My eyes slowly opened at this moment, and my eyes were full of joy.

"The third turn of the Nine Turns and the Xuan Gong, and the five-fold realm of the Dan Realm, have really been very rewarding this time!" Picking from the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng did not show too much excitement, and the joy in his eyes was slowly The ground dissipated.

The more a person experiences, the more naturally his mind will become more and more calm. A happy event before has allowed him to cultivate Gujing's mentality. The current gains make him look very flat. .

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong was trained in the third one, and a level of cultivation was also promoted. Frankly speaking, this kind of harvest has never been seen before, but at present, Yuan Feng has not lost any level at all. which performed.

"Nice, right now, you should be eligible to call anything that exists below Bandong Heaven!"

Yuan Feng didn't say anything, but the black dragon on the side, suddenly clicked a huge dragon head, and was extremely amazed. Although it said very lightly, in the depths of its eyes, there was a clear flash of dignity. Obviously, at this moment, Yuan Feng already has the qualification to fight against it, and any existence under the cave world he said before seems to include it.

"Big black, what's the best way?"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng stretched out her coiled legs and landed gently on the rocky ground. Behind her hands, she was unusually peaceful.

Before, he still felt hot when his feet touched the ground, but at this moment, the temperature here was really drizzle for him. The third turn of the nine-turn Xuan Gong was not even his own. I thought it would be so powerful.

In order to reach the fifth level of the dandan realm, Xiu's aura of vitality is already comparable to the strongest of the annihilation of the fivefold peak of the realm. However, this aura of vitality cannot be used to measure his true strength at this time.

You know, at this moment, his body has absorbed the equivalent of more than a dozen annihilations of World of Warcraft, and he has also undergone a special tempering evolution through Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. Strong, even he himself said bad.

"Now that you're interested ...... take it !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's provocation, the black dragon's eyes couldn't help showing a glimmer of anticipation, but the voice didn't fall. Its terrifying dragon tail had already been thrown at Yuan Feng.

"Haha, you guy suddenly attacked!" Seeing that Dahei greeted and started, Yuan Feng was laughed at by the other side's behavior, but he saw the black dragon's tail sweeping at him, but he didn't flash. Do not avoid, there is no meaning to avoid, the same, in his eyes, there is a hint of expectation.


The huge dragon tail was mixed with a towering heat wave and swept directly at the top of his head. Just as the dragon tail was about to touch the body, he suddenly punched a punch and banged directly at the dragon tail.


The earth-shattering loud noise suddenly passed away. Then, Yuan Feng couldn't help but take a five-step step back, and then he regained his shape. However, when he looked up, the black dragon's body of several hundred meters was full. Flying thousands of miles away.

"Enough, this time for me !!!" A punch punched the black dragon, Yuan Feng's eyes inevitably showed a touch of excitement, and the five elements of his wings flickered slightly under his feet. His figure was already here. To the black dragon's approach.


He punched out suddenly, the shape of the black dragon just stabilized, but he was flying out again by Yuan Feng. The feeling was like a little ant who suddenly flew an elephant. It is weird that cannot be said.

"Don't fight, don't fight, boy, stop !!!!"

Booming the Black Dragon again, Yuan Feng's figure kept up, but just as he was about to continue his shot, Dahei's voice rang suddenly, preventing it from moving further.

"Hahaha, Dahei, how can I do this?" Suddenly he stopped, and Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing.

With a punch of Fei Shenlong, at this moment, even if he is still calm, he will inevitably feel the joy under his heart. Once upon a time, the black dragon swept his tail casually, and he could lift him up to ten thousand miles, but now, this situation is completely reversed.

Gently **** his fist, he could feel that his power at this moment was almost beyond his reach. At this moment, he would like to find a mountain to try it out and see if he can smooth a mountain with one punch.

"The metamorphosis of the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong is just the third most important divine power, so much more than the original god?"

The black dragon finally stabilized his body, and at this moment, he could feel that he was full of blood and tumbling all over his body. It hadn't been felt for a long time.

It has long been known that Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is very perverted, but it still did not expect that the Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution has been perverted to this extent.

Yuan Feng apparently didn't use his full strength, but even so, it already felt a bit overwhelmed. If Yuan Feng really did his best, then I just didn't know if I could hurt it.

Of course, among them, naturally, it also caused a lot of blood for Yuan Feng. If it was in its heyday, it should not be defeated so simply.

"Yuan Fengzi, it seems that from now on, you are already a alien in this world, a monster in this world!"

Flying back slowly and slowly, Dahei's figure also gradually shrank, and finally turned into a dragon more than one meter long, wandering in front of Yuan Feng, at the same time full of emotion.

"Hey, heterogeneous is heterogeneous. For this world, you and I are both heterogeneous." He smiled, Yuan Feng shook his arms randomly, and as he gently shook his hands , The surrounding air all made a sound burst, you can imagine how strong his power at this time.

"Dahei, I have already practiced the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third revolution. How much energy do you need for the 4th Xuan Gong?"

The third turn of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, there is still a big gap between the immortal body, only by training the fourth turn to strengthen the body and the same dirty, he can be truly fearless.

"The fourth round of Xuan Gong is to train the viscera, and the training of the viscera involves the five elements of yin and yang. The demand for essence and blood is not comparable to the first three rounds of Xuan Gong. If you conservatively estimate, you If you want to practice the nine revolutions of the fourth turn, you should be ten times the third revolution. "

Although Dahei hasn't practiced Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, he knows more about this information than Yuan Feng. The viscera is very special. Each organ is a unique existence in the human body. If you want to train the whole organs, you need to have hundreds of annihilation.

"His ... ten times? This ..."

When Dahei's voice dropped, Yuan Feng almost fell into a panic and fell directly to the ground.

Ten times his energy, he really didn't dare to imagine. This time hunting fire dragon turtles, I am afraid it is difficult to find the second one in the Yunlong Protectorate, and ten times the energy of such blood, that is, he will find ten such Warcraft, and ask, that amount Where can I find him?

The fire dragon tortured with a great annihilation is probably above the energy of the blood, and it is already comparable to the ordinary cave world of Warcraft. Ten such warcrafts are enough to make him despair.

"Do you think it's so easy to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong? That is, depending on your current practice, if you are still at the same level as me, you will at least need to double ten times."

Hearing Yuan Feng's complaint, Heilong couldn't help rolling his eyes and taunting Yuan Feng with ridicule. Frankly speaking, it is really difficult to collect Warcraft such as ten fire dragon turtles, but no matter how difficult it is to collect, after all, when there is a collection, the real difficulty should be to understand the Nin Zhuan Xuan Gong and the fourth Zhun Gong Yes.

However, here at Yuan Feng, the hardest step became the simplest step.

"Ahem, ten times, ten times. It seems that this time, you can't deliberately search for the training resources of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong!"

With a slight cough, Yuan Feng understood that it would be really too difficult to get ten such fire dragon turtles, or more than one hundred annihilation warcrafts. Can be touched slowly, not deliberately.

"Dahei, let's go back first. This time, my 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong has been practiced to the third one. I want to hone for a while and consolidate the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the first three revolutions."

Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is not a practice achievement. With the improvement of strength, Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong will naturally continue to grow. Just like now, he can continue to improve the first three revolutions by absorbing the essence of Warcraft. , Strengthen their own strength, solidify their physical body.

"Okay, now you, it's enough for the time being." Dahei naturally didn't have any opinion. When he spoke, he turned into a miniature dragon, which was directly on Yuan Feng's wrist.

The next way home does not seem to need it to open the way! Someone's body is much stronger than it is now!

ps: Six more completed, Xiaoyan is weak, look at the brothers! !! !! Four hundred flowers are beckoning to us! !! !! Give it a little bit and explode tomorrow! !! !! !!

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