The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 858: Torture (second)

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The whole world is silent, and above the white snow, some scarlet colors are still clearly visible. In this silver-clad world, it is particularly eye-catching.

All eyes were on the scarlet above the white snow, and the young man in the snow was switching back and forth. At this moment, their hearts were much colder than the temperature of the ice and snow.

In just a few breaths, the two super powerhouses who had completed the annihilation were so lightly turned into the dust in the air. For this scene, no one at this scene could get back to life.

Those are two super strong men who have achieved great annihilation. In the field of condensing ice protection, when mentioning the ancestors of Gongjiang and Feng Kai, how many people will not know? However, these two super-existing reputations were destroyed by a young man with two swords in hand. In this regard, everyone really felt like they were in a dream.

"This ... how is this possible? How is it possible!"

On the one side, of the four Great Perfectionists, the remaining two Great Perfectionists were completely frightened at this time. They were closest to each other and naturally saw the clearest.

When it ’s appropriate, Yuan Feng ’s effort in the blink of an eye is to slay Feng Kai's ancestors. There are more reasons for this. It is because Feng Kai's ancestors are too close to Yuan Feng and they have no precautions. Yuan Feng said.

However, if the fall of the ancestor Feng Kai has some special elements in it, then it seems that there is nothing to say about the death of the ancestor Gongjiang.

The two of them saw it very clearly. The sword of the ancestors of Gongjiang did indeed hit Yuan Feng's key point. However, the moment the ancestors of Gongjiang's ancestors touched Yuan Feng's body, they heard the horror. The sound of human metal transfer. What this means, they do not know, but no doubt, this must be the means of Yuan Feng.

"Monster, this person is a monster !!!"

Looking at everything in front of me, two great perfectionists, at this moment, I dare not have any movements. Everyone's nerves are collapsed tightly. "Two, the Nether Dragon Beast is in me. Are they still thinking about either? "

With two swords killing two great conquerors, Yuan Feng seemed to have done a trivial little thing, but with a faint smile on his face, he turned to face the other two great conquerors.

Once upon a time, the annihilation of the great perfectionist was in his eyes an untouchable existence, just like the ancestor of Gongjiang just now, if he only talks about strength, then even he who has the realm of intention sword is in his body, It is also completely at a disadvantage. At that moment, if it wasn't for his physical advantage, the opponent's sword would at least cost him half a life.

It is a pity that the ancestor of Gongjiang will not understand until he died, why he could not even open a layer of Yuanfeng's skin with a sword that was unfavorable. Speaking of which, his fall was really unfair.

"Little, little brother, the Nether Dragon Beast was found by you. Ben and Ben should belong to you. We don't need it anymore!"

At this moment, where did the two dare to fight for the idea of ​​a Void Dragon Beast? Compared with Gongjiang and Feng Kai, the two of them are not a star apart, but even those two have fallen instantly. It is conceivable that if Yuan Feng shots at them, what would be the result.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance. After three breaths, I'll take a shot. Whether I can escape, it's up to you."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng showed a smile. People do n’t commit me, I do n’t commit people. The four guys before clearly wanted his life, and now he knew he was terrible before he wanted to repent. It did n’t seem that cheap.

"Time for three breaks?"

When they heard Yuan Feng's words, the two looked suddenly shocked. Then they realized that the guy who had inadvertently offended himself was such a terrible character. It was ridiculous that they had used it as a soft persimmon before.


Although Yuan Feng has been laughing, they can feel it. The other party is obviously not joking with them. When they think of it, they don't want to, they look at each other, they slammed at each other, and walked towards the two. Flying in different directions.

"It's too slow, the opportunity has been given to you, but unfortunately ..."

The time for three breaths passed quickly, but the figures of the two great conquerors were still able to see a small point. No way, here is Xuelong Mountain, the space is almost frozen, how can it fly too fast?

Of course, the unhappiness is said to the two great perfectionists, but for Yuan Feng, he is obviously not in the affected area according to the five elements.

"Brush !!! Boom !!!" With the wings behind him, Yuan Feng's figure instantly disappeared into place. When the crowd went to watch again, where was the figure of Yuan Feng?

"Brush !!! Ahh !!!"

A sword light suddenly lit up in the distance. Then, a scream came from a distance. The sound had not completely dissipated. Everyone saw Yuan Feng, who had just disappeared, and returned again. Arrived in place.

"Well !!!" Not long after Yuan Feng returned to his place, everyone saw the flash of light again, and an imaginary light and shadow flashed away, but no one could see what it was.

"The scared guy is really boring."

Heilong's voice passed into Yuan Feng's ears, and he could hear that he didn't seem very satisfied with his shot this time.

"Oh, yes, this one is also scared of courage, and it is not fun to kill at all." Upon hearing the black dragon's voice, Yuan Feng also smiled slightly, and the voice returned.

For a moment, he and Black Dragon were in charge of the division of labor, chasing the two big perfectionists separately, but they all had a big perfectionist accounted for, but the two big perfectionary guys have better strength than the previous palace The old ancestors Jiang and Feng Kai were a lot weaker. In addition, both of them were frightened by the previous scene, and there was no difficulty in killing them.

Needless to say, the Black Dragon is much stronger than these two people. As for Yuan Feng, although he has a weaker Qi foundation, with his sword skills in the realm of Yijian, he also has an abnormal physical body. , Killing a guy who dare not even fight back, but there is no difficulty.

"Ahem, guys, who else wants a cub of the Nether Dragon Beast?"

Standing still, Yuan Feng looked up, and glanced at the faces of those behind him, and asked with a smile.

This is the first time he has come to conserve the ice and protect the law. Among these people present, no one will recognize him except Captain Ziyue, and this time, he did not even reveal his name, so he can be unscrupulous.


After hearing Yuan Feng's words, all of them took a sigh of cold air, and backed up one by one, but they were all scared and pale.

Four great perfectionists fell in front of their eyes. As for the two who just fled, it seemed that they could not escape the clutch of the young man in front of them. At this moment, Yuan Feng was a big monster in their eyes. . Nether Dragon Beast? They can't even think about it now!

Speaking of which, even if it is also a great perfectionist, it is almost impossible for a great perfectionist to kill the other one, but the young man in front of him can do it so easily. Doesn't it mean that the young man in front of him must have at least a great level of strength?

In fact, Yuan Feng was fourfold in the realm of Dandan. At the second turn, the Xuan Gong of Jiu Zhuan had already had the strength to be right with the great conqueror of the annihilation state, and in his physical body he reached the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong. On the third turn, when the realm reached the fifth level of Dandan Realm, even the existence of Dahei level had to be blown away by him, not to mention the two guys who had not been promoted to great success.

"Hey, no one seems to want the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast. In that case, let's go ahead."

Seeing each of the strong men step backwards subconsciously, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction. In this world, he cannot make everyone respect him, but he can make everyone afraid of him!

"You guys, there will be a period later !!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, his feet slammed, and the whole man rose into the sky in an instant and flew straight out of the Xuelong Mountain.

"Whoo, go, and finally go !!!"

"Where did this come from?" Four great masters, he was given such an understatement ... "

"Perverted, too perverted. Fortunately, there are several great perfectionists who are at the front. If not, I am afraid that we are the ones who have suffered!"

"Hey, I really can't think of it. The ancestors of Gongjiang and Feng Kai, who have been racing for many years, have fallen here today."

"Who else can we blame? They are so motivated and kicked the iron plate. They can only blame them for their bad luck. When they leave, they don't say any more, so quickly leave this ghost place!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to be frozen into an ice sculpture, and leave quickly."

After Yuan Feng left, everyone present was relieved and talked. After the discussion, everyone flew away from the Xuelong Mountain one after another, and everyone's heart was difficult to calm for a long time.

"Good guy, he turned out to be so hidden ..."

Before the crowd, the captain of the Shuiyue Law Enforcement Team, Shui Jinzhen, did not leave in a hurry at this time, and stared at the direction where Yuan Feng left. At this moment, her mind was still hovering with Yuan Feng's sword to kill Gong Jiang The scene of the ancestors.

I have to say that she really should be fortunate to have a kind heart. Obviously, if she is the same as a few others, she will go to * Yuan Yuanfeng, then she may be as early as the four. It's already a life!

"I really hope that this person is not an adulterer, or else ... hey!"

She didn't want to see the killings, but so many people fell in the end, and she had no choice but to have deep regrets.

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