The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 879: Was found (four more)

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Having been in this world for so long, Yuan Feng has never felt so weird like he is now.

Looking at the women in the purple space, Yuan Feng didn't know what was in her heart! The woman's appearance and temperament really made him feel inexplicable admiration, but these were not the most important.

At this moment, what made him most unacceptable was the sorrow in the woman's eyebrows.

In his view, everyone in this world can have all kinds of troubles, but the woman in front of her should not be disturbed by ordinary things. He doesn't know what the other person is worrying about. I don't know how I can help the other person to erase the sadness on his face, but the throbbing feeling under my heart is not to let the other person be troubled by such sadness.

"It's absolutely unreasonable for such a smart woman to show such sadness!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng gradually returned to God, but was uncomfortable in his heart. At this moment, if he can enter this space, he will definitely enter it without hesitation, at least he can accompany him. The woman was chatting and sharing the worries of each other.


However, while Yuan Feng was exploring the woman and shaking her head and sighing, the latter seemed to have found something, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and an amazing tenderness came out!

When the woman's eyes open, a pair of eyes that are as star-like as deep, but it is for her to add endless brilliance and vigor, that kind of gaze-like eyes, I am afraid that just glaring, can make the power of annihilation 境It's up!

"Om !!!" With the woman's coquettish sound falling, all the rays of light lit up around her, but it was a ray of light that enveloped her, and some of it was bound. Her hands, feet, and body are obviously restraining her, making it difficult for her to have the slightest movement, even if it is just a poke.

"Well !!!"

The rays of light illuminate one after another, and with the emergence of these rays, a woman's face can hardly be concealed to reveal a trace of pain. The pain appeared on her face, far more sorrowful than the sadness on her face. Difficult to accept.

"No, it was found !!!"

Yuan Feng's heart was suddenly startled. He forgot it. The woman now is definitely an unimaginable superpower, and he was so unscrupulous in observing each other that it would be strange not to be discovered by others!

However, just when he was anxious under his heart, the moment when he just regained his mind, he saw the light shining around the woman's body, and even the pain on the woman's face after seeing the light shining!

"It's ... she, she's stuck here?"

Yuan Feng's mind is clear, where can't see the situation under the woman's eyes, it is obvious that the other side is covered with light, even with hands and feet tied with light, which is like the World of Warcraft in the underground world of Montenegro. It ’s the same, it ’s clearly being sealed here!

"How is it possible that such a powerful woman can be sealed? Who, what does this have to do?"

The mind stayed at the last one in the purple space. Yuan Feng glanced deeply at the woman, but in the end, she took her mind back honestly.

Right now he has been exposed, and no matter how he wants to keep his mind here, he can never really do that. After all, compared to curiosity, his small life is the most important.

"Brush!" The next time he moved, his mind was collected as much as possible, but it was much easier than when he was released. And after the mind was taken back from his body, his face still had a touch of indescribable color, it was difficult to calm for a long time.


Breathing gently, Yuan Feng tried to calm himself as quickly as possible, and he found that he hadn't felt as uneasy now as he has been since he achieved success.

"Who on earth is such a powerful woman who sealed her there? And who is so puzzled and wants to seal such a woman? This is like burning a harp and a crane, it is a great sight!"

A trace of anger climbed onto his face, and at this moment Yuan Feng couldn't restrain the anger.

He didn't know who the woman was or what the other party was sealed for, but he really felt unusually angry and puzzled about the woman being sealed here!

Originally, he held an attitude of awe and looking up to this horoscope, but at this moment, when he saw the woman sealed here, he suddenly felt that the so-called horoscope was also Not necessarily a good place!

"Hey, unfortunately, my strength is not enough. If I can have the power to despise everything, then I must check it out." Subconsciously punched his fist, Yuan Feng could only sigh long.

There seem to be too many injustices in the world. If he wants to wipe out all the injustices, then he must have the power to despise everything. It's a pity that at this moment he obviously doesn't have that kind of power. At random, no matter how unattractive he is, he can only hold it in his heart.

"When I become stronger in the future, I must ask about this matter. If it was really a cymbal who sealed her here, I must rescue her and severely punish the person who sealed her."

Secretly gritted his teeth, Yuan Feng had already remembered what happened today, and when the day came to repair, he would definitely come back to find out. No way, the impressed woman left him with too deep and deep impression, especially the sorrow in the other's eyebrows, just like it was engraved in his heart, he was lingering ...

In the purple space, the woman in the plain skirt had slowly closed her eyes at this time, so that she had once again recovered her previous calmness.

"Who was just spying on me? Being able to convey the mind here is at least the cultivation of the environment, but this mind is not the people at all ..."

Between the woman's eyebrows, the kind of melancholy was undiminished, and, because of the previous actions, she obviously suffered a lot of pain. On the pretty face, there was a touch of abnormal white.

"Is there a strong man outside in the Star Palace? It's just that ..."

The woman's eyebrows became more and more wrinkled, and if Yuan Feng was seen at this time, I'm afraid she would feel heartbreaking.

Wu Wu sighed, but the girl in the skirt didn't think about it anymore. She adjusted her breath slightly, and then she became like a stagnant water without any trace of movement!

She has been sealed here for so many years, and there has been almost no change. This time, it is a little bit quiet, and it can be regarded as a little adjustment for her life. Besides, she doesn't want to think so much now, like now It's so quiet, it seems really good ...

Yuan Feng and others accepted the copy of the memory of the Star Palace, but it did not last for a long time, just when Yuan Feng's mind was withdrawn from the outside world, and the mood just calmed down shortly. The space where the seven people left before was left by Wu Qianxing, Go and return.

Wu Qianxing has obviously arranged the master of Lanyufu and others. After returning to this space, he glanced at the seven people, then raised his hand, and directly shot seven lights to the seven people. In the body.

"Om !!!" As these seven rays entered the bodies of the seven people, each of them was shocked, and then came back from the sluggishness, one by one, all awake.

"Oh, a few, almost, everyone can come with me!"

Wu Qianxing awakened the seven people, and raised his hand between words, and arrested the seven people, so that the seven people came directly to him. With his strength, these seven people naturally did not have the slightest power to fight back. Moreover, in front of him, everyone did not dare to have the slightest resistance.

"Are you finally back? It seems that this level has passed!"

Yuan Feng also let go of the resistance and let the other party play with it. He has always been sober. The light that the other party broke into his body before was just a little freshener for him. As for the subsequent performance, he naturally pretended to be out of it.

He no longer thinks about the previous woman's affairs. After all, with his current strength, it is futile to think more. After he has reached that level, he will come back to explore these issues. He should It's not too late.

In the case of the woman, although it was sealed here, it would certainly not be too dangerous for a while.

When I saw Wu Qianxing before him again, although Yuan Feng was nothing strange on the surface, in fact, at this moment, his heart was slightly contradictory. Of course, this resistance is not just for the other party, but for the entire horoscope. In his heart, to be able to seal such a woman, at least this horoscope would not be pure integrity.

"You guys, do you seem to be in a good shape right now? This is the best way to face the next test in a good shape. I believe you will have a higher probability of completing it."

Wu Qianxing naturally did not feel Yuan Feng's anomaly. With his strength, how could he pay attention to such a small character? This is the task given to him above, and he has to come to do these things. If he usually changes to a small person like Yuan Feng and others, he really is not eligible for his interview.

"Master Xingshi, Lord Jade House and them ..." Among the seven, the young man brought by the ice protection law was more active, and was very open, but he suddenly opened his mouth, facing Wu Qianxing Xingshi Asked.

"Oh, do n’t ask them for a moment. The Star Palace has prepared tasks for you to test. Next, as long as you remember your task, you have to find a way to survive. I hope you do n’t let your governor, And those disappointed defenders. "

Wu Qianxing made a slight smile, but the words spoke were to make the seven people present look stunned, each person's face was a touch of dignity.

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