The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 886: Yuan Feng's Killing Mode (1)

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When Yuan Feng emerged from the teleportation mysterious formation, an indescribable violent and **** atmosphere, like a turbulent tide, hit him directly from all sides.

Chaos Demon Realm is known for its brutality and cruelty, which is not for fun. Although it is still good in the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm, once the portal city is out, then the real area of ​​Chaos Demon Realm is definitely not what ordinary people can survive .

"Huh, is this where the realm of chaos is? It's bloody!"

Out of the teleportation mysterious array, Yuan Feng subconsciously took a breath of the violent gas unique to the chaos, but the whole person suddenly felt a sense of blood boiling.

They all say that the environment can change a person. It seems that this is true. At least, at this moment, Yuan Feng has a tendency to be affected by this environment. Here, killing is the main theme, and If you want to survive here, you must follow this theme.

Looking back, there is a special circle of artificial buildings around the teleportation array. On top of these artificial structures, there are special tricks. According to the information held by Yuan Feng, these tricks are to start the teleportation. The organization of the array, that is, the teleportation mysterious array that leads to the portal city, is a self-service mysterious array.

"It should almost follow. I hope not too few. In that case, my shot is not worth it."

Glancing at the center of the teleporter disk, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and flew away in front of her body.

If you really want to count it, the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm can only be regarded as the gate of Chaos Demon Realm. Only when you come to this violent and **** space can you truly reach the Chaos Demon Realm.

"This is the realm of chaos. It's cold, bloody, and barren ... there are hidden murders everywhere. It seems that the next year should be very fulfilling!"

His heart went deeper into the realm of chaos, Yuan Feng could feel that in this endless corridor, there seemed to be icy killings everywhere, and if he was not careful, it might be the result of resurgence.

In the eyes, there are reckless mountains and dark forests. Although they look similar to the outside forests, the breath is essentially different from the outside forests.

"Come on, no matter where it is, you have to slap it under my Yuanfeng's feet !!!"

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he moved, he flew straight to a dense forest in the distance. He could see that the dense forest in the distance was so stubborn that he didn't know how many people had lost their lives in it. Perhaps, the next move should be a better place.

"Brush !!!" Just as Yuan Feng flew away towards the dense forest, a group of six men in the back of the teleportation mystery just came out of the mystery array and saw it for the first time Yuan Feng flying towards the dense forest.

"Boss Huo Tu, that kid really thinks about it, and went straight to the slaughterhouse. It seems that this ticket can be neat and clean, without leaving any handles, hahaha!"

Six of them appeared from the teleportation mysterious array. One of the men laughed loudly when they saw Yuan Feng flying towards the dense forest.

"Well, that's right, this little guy really doesn't bother everyone, I'll remember to give him a good time later, even if I thank him for your cooperation!"

The man named Huo Tu chuckled a little, his face flashing with satisfaction. He received a message from the city gate, and then began to arrange. From the beginning to the present, the goal has been so coordinated, and he really feels that he is going smoothly.

Of course, although he felt that it was too smooth, he still didn't think too much. After all, what if a little guy with a lot of ambitions was born, even if there were variables?

"Brothers, after a while, you are optimistic about those guys who want to share a cup of tea, this little guy, let me handle it personally, remember, who dares to act lightly and kill without pardon!"

Huo Tu's voice was full of coldness. He naturally knew that many guys followed him. Although the cultivation of those people was obviously a little worse, these are the real desperates. If it is really profitable, then Even he and the five annihilation brothers around him may not be able to deter those people.

You should know that those who followed are also the worst of annihilation, and there are several of them. If they really confront each other, they will not take much advantage.

"Huo Tu boss rest assured that those people dared to step forward and killed them directly."

The five annihilated and five strong men are full of self-confidence. Anyway, they all have the advantage of cultivation. Although their identities are slightly sensitive, as long as they do everything neatly, they will not. Someone dare to grab their handle.

"Let's see how fat this fat sheep is!" Five people were ordered, and Huo Tu, headed by him, picked it, and then chased it directly towards the back of Yuan Feng. Now, Yuan Feng It just happened to be in the dense forest, and it is estimated that the speed has also dropped.

"Oh!" The speed of the six was extremely fast. Between a few breaths, Huo Tu, headed by Huo Tu, chased up into the dense forest, and the remaining five remained in the dense forest. After the break, blocking the entry of others, the overbearing color was not concealed at all.

Huo Tu didn't care about the situation behind him. He knew that with the strength of the five people he brought, it should be enough time to block the others behind him. As long as he worked for a moment, he would be able to win the goal. Those who follow, no matter how bold they are, they can't possibly hit him.

"Brush !!!!" After a few flashes, Huo Tu broke away from the team in a conversation and came to the jungle alone. He glanced around the whole dense forest, but he suddenly found out, in the dense forest in front of him, where is the figure of Yuan Feng?

"Well? Gone?"

Frowning subconsciously, Huo Tu's heart suddenly gave a warning that should not appear.

"No, it is impossible for a person who is in a straitened environment to disappear in an instant, and there must be something tricky in it!" Xiuwei has reached his level, and he still licks blood every day. There is no vigilance at all, it really has been fooling around for so many years.

His mind has sensed that at this moment, there is no creature in the entire dense forest. It is not very likely that Yuan Feng will be ascended by others as soon as he enters the dense forest. In this way, the only thing that may be the problem is that this young man, Yuan Feng, has a problem.

"Wow !!!" Just as he frowned, searching for signs of Yuan Feng, thousands of miles away in front of him, there was a very loud noise suddenly, very quiet, almost inaudible To, but with his strength, he was keenly aware of the existence of sound.

"Where is this kid running so fast?"

He heard the sound, but he didn't want to. He moved under his feet and flew away in the direction of the sound. Although he is still doubting why Yuan Feng's existence makes his mind unpredictable, but at this moment, he has no time to think about it. If he is really entered into the jungle by those guys behind him, he will be robbed by others at that time. He There is no other way.

The six-strength powerhouse of annihilation, naturally said that the speed, in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the direction of the sound, but when he reached the position where the sound came, he still fluttered. Empty, nothing was seen at all.

"His ...... this ..."

His complexion changed. At this moment, he really felt something was wrong. I am afraid that no one will be more familiar with this dense forest that they call the slaughterhouse. Here, he does not know how many lives were harvested. Every time he enters this dense forest, he will be a little excited. But this time, his heart was full of weird feelings.

"Hey, Your Excellency isn't looking for, am I right behind you?"

When Huo Tu was surprised and even wanted to withdraw from the jungle for a while, a chuckle came suddenly from behind him. Hearing this laughter, a flash of shock flashed on his face. , And looked back.

Into the eyes, the target he was staring at before, now looking at him with a smile, the look under his eyes is very familiar to him, that is the look of a hunter looking at the prey, And this look often appeared in his eyes.

"You ..." With a cold face, Huo Tu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly.

The Yuan Feng in front of him is still the Yuan Feng, but the red face on his face has long disappeared. Obviously, the look of the other party is pretended. It was only now that he realized that from beginning to end, it seemed that they were being led by each other's nose, or in other words, it seemed that the person in front of them was calculating them!

"I didn't expect your disguise to be so good, but you are so reckless in calculating the people in the Lord's seat, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the Lord?"

Huo Tu tried to calm himself as much as possible, but the threatening words he spoke showed his guilty conscience at this moment.

"Well, don't say these things. If the domain master of Chaos Demon observes this all day, then he probably doesn't have to do anything else." Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng raised his hand, and the fire spirit sword appeared In his hand, "I want your Excellency to be familiar with this dense forest. Use this dense forest as your burial place, and you should be able to squint!"

When the words fell, Yuan Feng's body moved suddenly, but disappeared directly in front of Huo Tu's eyes. The speed was not at all visible to the people who were annihilated.


Seeing Yuan Feng draw a long sword, Huo Tu still has to say a lot, but before he finished speaking, he felt that his neck was cold, and he was already in a different place.

"Good sword!" At the last moment of consciousness, such a thought flashed in his mind, and then, the remaining consciousness slowly dissipated.

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