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Yuan Feng delves into the realm of chaos and does not always explore the surrounding situation. In terms of his strength, no matter what kind of situation he encounters, he can almost see the move and respond to the situation, so of course it is not necessary to always explore the surroundings.

However, he did not explore the surroundings, which does not mean that other people did not probe him. This is not the case. It has not been too far into the Chaos Demon Realm, but he actually encountered the bandit nest in the Chaos Demon Realm.

In a place like Chaos Demon, he doesn't control himself at all. When he arrives here, he will do whatever he wants, if he wants to fight, if he wants to kill, he will kill. Only in this way can he be truly released and from it. Look for opportunities to improve.

Seeing more than twenty strong men suddenly emerging from below, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but show a smile of satisfaction. What he wants is this effect. There are so many desperate people in Chaos Realm, and he comes with a hunting list. If he can, he really wants to bring back all the guys on the list.

Eyes swept over the body of these two dozen people around, and to some extent disappointed Yuan Feng, there were no characters on his list among these two dozen people. But he was not surprised at all. You know, there are endless chaos and the warriors inside are inestimable. If it is so easy to encounter the hunting target all the time, then it is really abnormal!

"What's going on? What happened and suddenly released three emergency calls for help?"

In the time of speaking, one of the more than twenty strong men, a vulgar old man whispered and yelled at the three people opposite Yuan Feng.

"Mr. Hua, enemy attack, enemy attack! He, he killed Captain Squad!"

Seeing the appearance of so many people, the three guys who were scared and indifferent before had a little stable mind at this moment. One of them hurried to the old man's mouth, and his voice shuddered.

"What? The man who killed me at White Wolf Mountain? Is this going to turn the sky?"

When the old man named Mr. Hua heard the man ’s report, he suddenly appeared angry, and there was a terrible wave of energy rising up and down the body. That kind of energy wave turned out to be a seven-strength master of annihilation.

"Oh, old gentleman, don't be so angry, it depends on how old you are, but don't be angry."

However, at the time when this Mr. Hua released his arrogant breath, Yuan Feng's laughter came suddenly among everyone, attracting everyone's attention, and when he heard him Everyone in the room couldn't help but be a little stunned when he was mocking.

Mr. Hua is within the range of tens of millions of miles from Bailang Mountain, but that is notorious for his temper. He is also an old monster with extremely severe means. Almost everyone who dies under his hands will regret it. To this world.

At this moment, a little guy who seemed to have only a dange, had dare to ridicule the old gentleman, and everyone couldn't help but sympathize with Yuan Feng.

"Hahahaha, little guy, my husband has been chasing the Demon Territory for so long. No one has ever cared about me so much. It seems that my husband really wants to thank you very much !!!"

Yuan Feng's voice dropped, and the old man named Mr. Hua was also a little stunned, but then laughed loudly.

Obviously, Yuan Feng's words had completely annoyed him. For so long in the realm of chaos, no one dared to ridicule him like this. A little baby in front of him did not give him face in front of so many people. Definitely he could not tolerate it.

Looking at Yuan Feng with a little curiosity, Mr. Hua clearly understood that the Yuan Feng in front of her eyes was definitely not so simple. At least, the eight-fold repair of Jie Dan Jing must be false, otherwise it would never be possible to kill Bailang Mountain. Mountain patrol team.

"Boy, tell me who sent you. Is it Puling Mountain in the east, Shuiyun Mountain in the west, or Jiulong Mountain in the north? Speaking of the people behind you, maybe the old man will make you less vulnerable. bitter."

The size of the chaos and demon domain is intricate. In the other three directions of Bailang Mountain, there are other forces on par with the strength of Bailang Mountain. Everyone is fighting each other. They all want to annex each other and strengthen themselves. Yuan Feng's arrival will naturally be suspected by them to the top of several other nearby mountains.

"Old man, I don't think you need to guess. I'll give you a chance to call out the guy in the mountain behind. As for you, it doesn't seem to be enough to talk to me."

Hearing the old man said three forces at one breath, Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, but he did not expect that the other party thought that he was the cause of other forces.

"What?" By the time Yuan Feng's voice fell, the old man on the opposite side couldn't believe his ears.

He has seen arrogance, but he has never seen such a arrogant Yuan Feng, and even when he spoke, he ignored him. I would like to ask, who dared to ignore his Huatian exhibition throughout the Bailang Mountain?

"Boy, this is your own death. When I catch you, I'm not afraid you don't speak honestly, die !!!"

The old man was obviously completely irritated, his face suddenly froze, and suddenly a dark whip appeared in his hand. Between the shakes of his hands, the whip went straight to Yuan Feng's roll, as if to make Yuan Maple tied the same.

"Huh, I can't help myself! I am chopping !!!" Seeing the old man killing himself, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a contemptuous flash of light, and when he raised his hand, he held his fire sword flat. When he got up, his body disappeared in a flash.

The old man in front of him is entangled with death, and I don't know how many lives have been killed. Since he was hit by him today, it is natural to kill the people, and this murderous guy is the result.

This is the domain of chaos, and the word kindhearted should not appear here at all.

"What? No !!!!"

Mr. Hua ’s whip was just thrown out, but before his long whip touched his opponent, he was shocked to find that his opponent disappeared in a flash, the ghostly speed was just him See nothing.

"How could there be such a speed, is it that a super master has arrived?" With a chill in his heart, Mr. Hua slammed his long whip back in order to prepare for defense.

However, just when he wanted to take back the long whip and defend his whole body, a terrifying sword intruded directly into his body, and then he felt the whole world. Pressure on him, a sense of powerlessness, instantly occupied the whole body.

"No, this is ... the sword attack !!!"

Feeling the mountain-like momentum all over him, the old man realized that the young man in front of him turned out to be a super strong man who had reached the realm of Italian sword!

"How can this be? Yijian Realm, around Bailang Mountain, when are there more such characters?" My heart fell cold, and the old man knew that he was really careless this time. He has been chasing the Demon Realm for so many years, and he has made such a mistake today. At this moment, his heart is full of regret.

"Old man, good way !!!" Still a little joking voice sounded in my ear, the old man wanted to move again, but it was too late.

"Oh!" The golden sword-man flashed, the old man just held the long whip above his head, and was directly divided into two by the sword-man. Then, in the incredible eyes of everyone, the old man split his sword.

"Broken !!" Jian Man flashed, but the two halves of the old man still wanted to converge together, but how could Yuan Feng, who had already killed his heart, give the other party a chance to recover? When the sword turned, it then cut out several sword-mansions, and then the old man's body was directly thrown into them by the sword-mansions, and instantly turned into the debris of the sky.

It is not so easy to kill the powerful annihilation. The more people who become tyrannical annihilation, the more difficult it is to kill. However, the whole body is broken into pieces, even if it is the strongest person. , It is impossible to live over.

"Not good, the idea is too hard, everyone to work together !!!"

Watching the old man besieged by Yuan Feng with a sword, the twenty or so people around him couldn't return to God, but at this time they couldn't tolerate too much thought, and didn't know who should shout first, and then everyone would They shot together and slammed up against Yuan Feng.

"Huh, a group of black people, today I will walk for the sky, and destroy you one by one!"

Seeing a group of people killing themselves, Yuan Feng was unhurried, and between the flashes of his body, he continued to kill.

There are more than twenty strong men, almost all of whom are annihilating the four or five strong ones, but this level of martial arts seems to him to be too pediatric.

"Brush brush !!!"

The golden swordman flew up and down, and every swordman flashed could take away the life of a warrior. For these people, Yuan Feng had no trace of concealment, because he knew that he would not kill these people, and these people Will kill more lives. Moreover, these people now want his life, he is also passive defense.

"This is a super strong, no more, everyone runs away !!!"

In the blink of an eye, among the more than 20 people, there were no less than seven or eight strong men chopped into pieces by Yuan Feng's sword. Where can we continue to adhere to this situation? They got together at Bailangshan, it was to get together to save their lives, and now seeing that their lives were gone, the fool would stay.

"Presumptuous, who is so bold, dare to spread wild in my Bailang Mountain !!!"

When Yuan Feng beheaded and killed no less than seven or eight people, an angry roar suddenly came from a mountain stream below, and then a huge energy burst into the sky. The time between speaking and the opposite of Yuan Feng, It was a dagger with a terrifying blade.

"Well? Will you finally show up! I thought I couldn't lead you!"

Seeing that the huge sword was cut, Yuan Feng was not surprised but he knew that the boss of Bailangshan was finally led out by himself.

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