The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 907: Wealth in wealth insurance (two more)

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When you heard Yuan Feng's answer and saw Yuan Feng's eagerness to try, You Yue was really scared.

She could see Yuan Feng's idea, but that was a powerful World of Warcraft that was about to break into the cave world. The existence of this level can only be left to the super strong ones. As for the two of them, I am afraid they will Don't even think about breaking a layer of scale armor.

The python monster is very arrogant, and its defense is even more famous. With just a glance, she believes that even if the python monster stands there to let her attack, she may not hurt the opponent at all.

However, at this moment, Yuan Feng was eager to try this guy's idea, which seemed to her too crazy.

"Girl Youyue, please go out for a while, I'm afraid I can't take care of you."

Looking straight, Yuan Feng said directly to the side of You Yue. Although he hasn't had much contact with the other party, he can save the other party's life no matter how he says it. So, naturally, he doesn't need to hide.

Although it is straightforward, it is true. In terms of Youyue's strength, I am afraid there is nothing to fight back in front of this python beast. She stayed, that is, she could not help herself, because he could not take care of her anyway.

"Yuanfeng's son thinks twice, this pair of tailed pythons is not comparable to the guys like Youyue Sanlao. Even if ten or even dozens of Youyue Sanlao add up, I'm afraid we can't help it Partner."

Either as a friend or a temporary teammate, Youyue feels that she should remind Yuan Feng at this time. This is really not a joke, knowing that it is difficult to cause any damage to the python, and she is thinking about staying to count the other side. In her opinion, this is not just an impulse!

"You girl needless to say, although this python beast is very strong, it has not reached the point where I am afraid. If you want to help me, go out quickly!"

The two-tailed boa constrictor has entered the hole. Yuan Feng knows that he must immediately follow up, pay attention to the latter's situation at any time, and choose the best time for his shot. Therefore, he must persuade the moon in front.


When Yuan Feng's words fall, You Yue can feel the firmness of the former voice. Obviously, no matter how she persuades, Yuan Feng will obviously not give up her thoughts.

"You ... you ... hey, whatever, since you have confidence in yourself, then I won't hinder you, I will wait for you outside, I hope you can come out alive."

Yuan Feng has all said this. What can she do besides obeying Yuan Feng's instructions? When the words fell, she moved under her feet and quietly swept away from the cave.

"Well, it's a nice woman. It seems that places like Chaoman Demon are not necessarily all ruthless and meaningless!" Watching Youyue leave, Yuan Feng shook her head and smiled. He naturally felt the care of Youyue, and this feeling appeared to the people in the realm of chaos, which is really a very rare thing.

"It doesn't matter, it's the business that matters, a super warcraft that is about to be promoted to Dongtianjing. If this guy has just been promoted, he will start when he is not stable ..."

He didn't really want to take too much risk before going to the Moro Realm, but now such a great opportunity is in front of him. If he doesn't even try, he will regret it for a long time.

"God bless, I hope I can succeed!" Touching his breast, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, moving at his feet, slowly approaching the cave.

At this moment, the sound of the footsteps of the python from the depths of the cave passed through. Obviously, the big guy hadn't stopped yet, and didn't know where it was going.

Relying on the singularity of swallowing the heavenly martial spirit, Yuan Feng converged his breath as much as possible, and slowly accelerated the pace of tracking. Soon, he was able to see the double-tailed python beast from a distance and then fell carefully on the other Behind.

The speed of the pythons is not slow, and the time is not long. The big guy slowed down and stopped in the middle of a mountain.

"Well? Don't have any holes!"

Yuan Feng fell behind the python, and immediately saw where the big guy stopped. It was a huge mountainous mountainous area, far away. It was difficult for him to see the size of the mountainous area. However, from his current position, the mountainous area is probably a few thousand square meters.

"Well !!!"

The giant two-tailed python enters the mountain belly, and then comes to the center of the mountain belly. After the guy stopped, Yuan Feng found out that in the center of the mountain belly, there was a full plant. A few meters high blood-red spirit tree. The whole spiritual tree is blood red, and it looks like a super baby.

On this blood-red spirit tree, large and small, it bears a full five fruits. The fruit is dark, the largest is the size of a watermelon, and the smallest is the size of a baby's skull.

Five dark fruits, each of which has an unimaginable energy fluctuation, and a special fragrance of refreshing heart and spleen. Obviously, these five fruits are more precious than the whole blood-red spirit tree.

"His, Tiandi Lingbao, this is the heaven and earth Lingbao that has really become the climate."

Seeing this blood-red spirit tree and the five dark fruits above, Yuan Feng was like rushing up for the first time, grabbing this unimaginable super baby.

Compared to this spirit tree and the fruit above, what gold spiritualized sacred bamboo he got at the beginning, or the sun, moon, and star fruit, is nothing but rubbish. It can be seen that the red fruit tree before him With the black fruit above, I am afraid that it is only treasure that can be enjoyed by those who are strong in the heavens!


"Crunch !!!!"

However, just under Yuan Feng's heart, when he was thinking about how to get this red fruit tree and black fruit into his hands, in the middle of the mountain, the huge two-tailed python was biting directly. With its bite, the whole blood red spirit tree, together with five black juices, were all swallowed by it.

"Well, it's too wasteful, it's simply too wasteful!"

Seeing that the entire spirit tree and its fruits were all swallowed by the two-tailed boa constrictor, Yuan Feng could not help but wave his fist fiercely, and his heart was almost bleeding.

He believes that if this blood-red spirit tree and the black fruit on it are taken out, I am afraid that even if it is a strong hole in the heavens, it will cost him a lot of money. What's more, the above things are bound to have huge benefits for him.

It's a pity that the whole tree was swallowed by the two-tailed python at the moment. He doesn't have to think about anything now!

"Well !!!"

It did n’t give Yuan Feng too much time. It was a pity that when the python beast swallowed the red spirit tree and black fruit, there was a loud sound in the whole mountainside. Then, Yuan Feng then I was horrified to see that, at this moment, with this two-tailed python beast as the center, a terrible wave of energy fluctuated toward the surrounding area.

"His, so strong energy fluctuations, but this energy fluctuations are several times stronger than the fire dragon turtle that killed it!"

This two-tailed python beast was already very arrogant. Then it devoured a dozen annihilation great conquerors and their collections, and then swallowed an unimaginable baby spirit tree and fruit. At this moment It ’s just the energy in the body, which is dozens of times that of the ordinary Destruction Realm.

"Well !!!"

The energy waves escaped, and around the body of Warcraft, there was a beginning of flashes of light, and on the surface of Warcraft, those steel-like scales began to be toughened and strengthened. Space has become turbulent at this moment.

"Is this, is this a breakthrough? This guy should really hit the cave world !!!"

Seeing here, Yuan Feng couldn't see where the big guy was thinking at this moment. Obviously, this double-tailed python beast is trying to hit the realm of cave heaven at this time!

"Om !!! Om !!! Om !!!"

There were weird sounds coming from the body of Warcraft, rippling in the surrounding space. Frankly speaking, even just hearing these sounds was enough to make an ordinary warrior shake his heart and become restless.

"Good guy, is this the inheritance of Warcraft at the level of cave heaven? The speed of increasing this power is really a little too fast!"

Yuan Feng's whole mind was attracted by the two-tailed python at this moment. He could feel that at this moment, the power of this super warcraft was in a situation of rapid growth. The speed of growth, Even he felt a little tremor.

In just a few breaths, this double-tailed python beast has probably more than doubled its strength.

"No, you can't let him grow endlessly, really let it grow to the cave world, it is not what I can handle at all!" Feeling the terrible speed of growth of Warcraft, Yuan Feng knew that he could not wait any longer. No need to wait any longer. At this moment, this double-tailed boa constrictor is enough to help him to cultivate the magical power of the 9th turn and the 4th turn of Xuan Gong!

"Success or failure is here, I hope there is no difference!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng's figure began to slowly approach the two-tailed python, and he could feel that while he was near the other side, the strength of the other side was probably stronger. Layer, if you really allow the other party to grow like this, it will take less than a few minutes, I am afraid that in the chaos domain, there will be an extravagant World of Warcraft!

The body was getting closer and closer to the python beast. At a certain moment, Yuan Feng's gaze was suddenly fixed. Then, the Chixiao sword, which had been prepared for a long time, suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Chixiao sword !!! It's up to you !!! I cut it !!!"

Flashed into the belly of the mountain instantly, the red Xiao Jian in Yuan Feng's hands raised his head violently, and then cut it off empty.

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