The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 909: Destined Mighty One (four more)

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The whole mountain was finally restored with tranquility and huge caves. At this moment, blood was everywhere. Obviously, the previous battle was definitely not a simple word for blood.

With a super-powerful Warcraft that is moving towards the sky, it is hard to imagine how powerful it is. Although Yuan Feng has a magic weapon in his hand, if there is no avatar, no big black, and no help from Xiao Ya, then it is really unknown whether he can finally take down the python beast.

However, if all else does not exist, Yuan Feng's strongness is that he has a clone, a small eight, and a powerful helper such as Dahei, so although the process is a bit thrilling, he eventually succeeded.

In the cave, Yuan Feng took a long breath, but his heart was full of luck. He really picked up a great deal this time. If it wasn't because the python was breaking through and he didn't take him to heart at all, it would be really difficult for him to cut out such a sword.

And if there was no sudden attack of that sword, and the python beast was cut in half, then with his strength, it would be impossible to seal the opponent one by one.

"Huh, it was a shock, but this time, it really made a lot of money!"

Put away the Chixiao sword, Yuan Feng's face was filled with joy now. He got a Super Warcraft like this, which also means that his 9th turn of the Xuan Gong and the 4th turn can finally be achieved.

Xiaoba has also been taken back by him at this moment. This time, Xiaoba also showed its arrogance. A dozen Demon Warcraft, but helped Yuan Feng a lot of help, and Xiaoba's tentacles, It even helped him to seal several sections of python carcass corpses, but the efficiency was no longer under the dark.

Xiaoba was put away by him, but Dahei was not put away by him again. Not only did Dahei not get put away, even his avatar was still staying outside.

Dahei's figure has shrunk to more than two meters long, and at this moment, his big eyes, a look at Yuan Feng for a while, and a look at the avatars on the side for a while, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Kee, I said Dahei, you haven't seen enough for so long!"

From the perspective of Dahei, both Yuan Feng's deity and avatar were seen by him as uncomfortable. The opening was avatar, but the tone and expression were generally the same as those of Yuan Feng. Of course, Dahei at this moment can't tell which one is Yuan Feng's deity and which one is Yuan Feng's clone. In its view, the two Yuan Feng are obviously the same!

"Yuan Feng, you are really hidden. I haven't asked you about the space before. At this moment, you have come up with such an avatar again. It's amazing, really amazing!"

Hearing the words of the avatar, Dahei shook his head and sighed with sincerity. During his time in Yuanfeng's Dantian space, he had been studying Yuanfeng's Dantian space. It was really shocked by that weird little world.

In this world, the Dongtian Realm is a strong one. It is clear that the people in Dongtian Realm have turned Dantian into a small Dongtian, and achieved a world. In Dongtian Realm, Dantian can only store Reiki. Dantian, only when you enter Dongtian Realm can Dongdong World appear!

But in the body of Yuan Feng, there is such a world, which makes it a bit unclear. In addition, there are seven Yuandans in Yuanfeng's Dantian. This is obviously very different from the normal situation. These are the things that he wants to ask Yuanfeng.

Right now, these questions haven't been resolved yet. Yuan Feng even got a avatar in front of it. This time, there are undoubtedly more things he wants to figure out.

Obviously, Yuan Feng's avatar is really amazing. In the Three Realms, he had seen the powerful perform the avatar operation, but most of the avatar operations are just fakes, confused. People are okay, and the combat effectiveness cannot be complimented.

However, Yuan Feng's clone is different. This clone is actually no different from the ontology. Even it cannot tell which is the ontology and which is the clone. This naturally makes it feel incredible.

"Dahei, there are some situations that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know how to tell you, and I shouldn't tell you."

Scratching his head, Yuan Feng really had a headache this time. He hadn't thought about showing so many secrets to Dahei, but it's better now. It seems that there are no secrets that Dahei doesn't know.

"This mirroring of magical skills is the martial arts skills that I obtained in a small place at the beginning. I did not have the ability to cultivate at the time when I obtained this stuff. Until recently, I did this magical skill. Dahei felt this skill. how is it?"

For the first time, the miracle power of mirroring was revealed to outsiders, and he really wanted to hear the comments of others.

"Yuan Feng, it seems that you guys can come to this world. It's not all accidental. Just by virtue of your blessing, you will be the most powerful person standing in this world in the future. "

After listening to Yuan Feng's proposal, Dahei did not answer directly, but sighed long, giving Yuan Feng a meaningful look. Of course, its response also explained a lot of problems.

"Is it a top power? I'm not very extravagant."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing. Although he is very confident in his future, he really hasn't thought much about the so-called top power. The main problem is that he really doesn't know what kind of strong man can be regarded as a top powerful man.

"The exercises and martial arts you cultivate are the best martial arts of this world and my three circles. In this way, you are destined to become famous, but it is just a matter of time."

As a native creature of the Three Realms, Dahei believes in cause and effect even more. It believes that Yuan Feng can be recognized by the Devourer, can come to this world, learn super powers, and get the top magic skills of the Three Realms. All All of this is definitely not just coincidence.

"Okay, you guys don't hold me, if I go on, I'm afraid I will float."

He waved his hands, and Yuan Feng's complexion was slightly straightened. Between raising his hands, he temporarily pulled back his body. Today, he hasn't converted Nine Turns to Xuan Gongs into the fourth. Before that, he didn't want too many avatars to appear outside.

"Dahei, this World of Warcraft body I got now should be enough for me to practice the 9th turn and the 4th turn?"

Dahei discovered many of his secrets. Yuan Feng no longer has any concealment of this guy. Anyway, this guy has been with him anyway, and he won't tell his secrets.

"Nature is enough. This World of Warcraft seems to be far from breaking through to the cave heaven. With this guy, it is enough for your deities and avatars to cultivate to the realm of the 9th turn and the 4th turn of Xuan Gong. Your little fellow's strength, I am afraid that I will far surpass me! "

Dahei had participated in the operation of sealing Warcraft before, and naturally knew the weight of that Warcraft for the current Yuan Feng's refining into the realm of the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong and the fourth Zhuan state, there must be no doubt.

The current Yuan Feng is already much stronger than it, and once Yuan Feng has practiced the 9th to the 4th, then he will be able to achieve half an immortal body. Feng, let alone it, even the strongest in the sky might not be able to die.

"Ha, I completely surpassed you. Couldn't I just protect you!" After being affirmed by Dahei, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and then calmly said, "The movement before here is too great, maybe it will also attract you For other troubles, I think we should leave first. As for practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, this is not a good place. "

Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong must be cultivated, but it is not here. In the next time, he must find a very safe and secret place to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong in the fourth.

Nine turns Xuan Gong The fourth turn is definitely not a day or two. According to the explanation of Xuan Gong, practicing the fourth turn of Xuan Gong is more troublesome than the first three turns combined. , And must be careful and careful, not to make the slightest mistake.

You know, skin and flesh, meridians and bones, you don't need to worry about damage, but you must be careful with your internal organs, even if you are a powerful warrior.

"Dahei, you should go back to my Dantian space first. The environment here is a bit complicated. I will ask you to come out when I need your help. How?"

The environment at the moment is indeed not good, and even if he left the chaos and returned to the star house, Dahei could not easily show up, and it was most suitable to stay in his Dantian space.

"Well, I'll avoid it for now. If there is any trouble, you can let me out."

Dahei also understands Yuanfeng's distress, so without hesitation, he just let go of his body and mind and let Yuanfeng take it back into the Dantian space.

"It's time to go out! You moon girl should be waiting for me outside, and I don't know how she would react after seeing me."

After recovering Dahei, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced around, and finally he silently retracted, whispering to himself with emotion.

He has a good impression of this unexpectedly met woman. Now he is looking for a secret place to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, but he wants to say goodbye to the other party.

Not to mention, nowadays, he really has some sentimentality. Even if he is separated from a person who hasn't known each other for a long time, he will inevitably have a feeling of utter scorn.

Wu Wu smiled, but he no longer hesitated, while moving, he was swiping directly out of the cave. No one knows that it was his arrival that prevented the appearance of a hole in the world of Warcraft.

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