The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 932: The blood alliance comes (one more guarantee)

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Dan Xia Zong's dinner was held as scheduled. Today's Dan Xia Zong is definitely the most festive day in history. The entire Dan Xia Zong, from the suzerain to the ordinary disciple, everyone joined the celebration.

Of course, Dan Xia Zong ’s disciples and the high-level are naturally celebrated separately. Until the dinner began, Dan Xia Zong ’s disciples were still not very clear about what Dan Xia Zong ’s dinner was celebrating. !!

In this regard, the upper level of Dan Xia Zong did not give any answer to everyone for the first time, because at this moment, the entire high level of Dan Xia Zong was completely immersed in joy, and no one remembered these.

Today, there are still more than a dozen people in Danxiazong's high-level. However, although the people are still those people, everyone's cultivation is not what they used to be.

The dozen or so senior elders of Dan Xiazong, together with the masters of the Yuan and Yun families, today's dinner was about the same number as when they were in the meeting hall during the day, but the dinner tonight has an atmosphere in the entire banquet hall. Slightly unnatural. The reason is not it, but because there is an extra person in the banquet hall tonight.

At the top of the huge banquet table, Mu Hai, the master of Danxia Sect, naturally sat in the middle. On his side, Yuan Feng sat in the second seat without dispute. Originally, Yuan Feng did not agree with such an arrangement, but in the end he could not stand up to the crowd, so he could only sit in the second seat honestly.

Beside Yuan Feng, a woman in a black dress was present with Yuan Feng today, and the atmosphere of the banquet hall was very different because of her.

For the woman who attended the dinner with Yuan Feng, everyone naturally felt unusually curious, especially the woman in black, whose appearance and temperament were too outstanding.

Each of the people present today is not a big man. Whether it is the people of Dan Xiazong or the people of the Yuan and Yun families, they are not the kind of people who actually practice from ordinary people to the state of Dan. So, The mentality of these people is really not too high, and the ability to resist temptation is naturally a little worse.

For all the people present, they have never seen a beautiful and temperamental woman like Youyue, especially the other person has a faint temptation, and let everyone inadvertently once Lost times.

Of course, the thing that most surprises everyone is the cultivation of Youyue.

For the woman who appeared at the dinner with Yuan Feng, everyone just felt amazing at first, but after everyone looked at the essence through appearances, everyone found out that the cultivation of this woman had reached a point where they were shocked. .

The cultivation of Jie Danjing must not see the cultivation of Youyue. This is certain. However, although you can't see through it, you can still feel the kind of bottomless pit as powerful and faint from you. Everyone has some guesses about Youyue's cultivation.

Suzerain Mu Hai had noticed Youyue for the first time, and when he saw Yuan Feng brought such a stunning woman, his helplessness flashed subconsciously.

Once upon a time, he had been thinking of matching his daughter with Yuan Feng, but now it seems that his wish is really difficult to achieve. Obviously, when he wanted to come, this stunning woman brought by Yuan Feng must have an extraordinary relationship with Yuan Feng.

However, the depression only passed by, and soon Mu Hai returned to normal appearance, because he knew very well what Mu Yun'er would be like in the future and what would be Yuan Feng's in the future. These were not what he could control. Today's Mu Yun'er has entered the four ancestral gates of the Tianlong Dynasty to practice.

At this dinner, everyone was enjoying the carnival. Elder Fentian took out all his treasures, because for him, after he was promoted to the kingdom of Dan, the skill of winemaking will inevitably go to a higher level. The previous works, himself No longer look down.

The existence of Youyue made everyone somewhat restrained at first, but after releasing it, it was also because of Youyue that everyone naturally became more arrogant. Those who could originally drink an altar were impulsive for a while. The tone can drink three altars. It seems that no matter what level, as long as a man looks like he can't resist the temptation of beauty.

Yuan Feng didn't introduce Youyue formally to everyone, but just said Youyue was his friend and would stay in Lingcui Mountain for a while, but didn't say how long he would stay.

Like Youyue, such a country-stricken country exists, he still feels that these people don't want to know too much.

This day belongs to the entire Danxia Sect, and belongs to the entire Yuan family and the Yun family. Because of the existence of Yuan Feng, everyone has a fairly relaxed day. Everyone knows that there is Yuan Feng in Dan. Xia Zong, then the entire Dan Xia Zong is absolutely safe, and they can relax themselves boldly.

Yuan Feng did not stay too long, not to say that he was not in a group, but he had discovered that You Yue beside him obviously did not really like this vocal scene, and was able to sit here with everyone all the time, obviously Just stiffening.

After seeing this behavior of the other party, where will he let the family continue to suffer this child crime here.

Think about it too, Youyue has long been accustomed to being alone. Although she came to the Tianlong Dynasty and is determined to integrate into the life here, this obviously requires an excessive process. She wants to be able to talk to Danxia directly. Zong's crowds became gangs and gangs, obviously still impossible.

Yuan Feng took Youyue to leave the scene first, which was a little disappointing to others, but the main thing for everyone today is to celebrate the promotion and growth of others and others. For Yueyue ’s departure, I did not feel it. Too difficult to accept.

The next time, everyone continued to celebrate, and Yuan Feng, with Youyu, began to swim directly in the entire Lingcui Mountain.

Youyue does not intend to continue to live in Danxiazong. Her situation is special. The next time, she wants to find a place that belongs to herself in this Lingcui Mountain and practice quietly. If nothing happens, you don't want to show up easily.

For her, coming to the Tianlong Dynasty was actually a rare opportunity for her. The heaven and earth aura of the Tianlong dynasty is a bit thinner, but now she has reached the level of the great completion of annihilation. At this level, she does not need too much heaven and earth aura to assist in cultivation.

The quiet environment of the Tianlong dynasty is definitely an excellent environment to understand the laws of space and impact the heaven of the cave. Maybe, maybe, when will she really be able to impact the super realm of that level!

"Girl Youyue, very few people usually come to the bottom of this cliff. I will open a cave here, and I will do some decoration outside. At that time, under the cave heaven, almost no one can come here easily. Come to disturb Youyue Girl. "

Here is a very spacious cave, and the entire cave is still undulated with dust. Obviously, this cave has not been opened for a long time.

"Thank you very much for your son Fengyuan. The son not only took me out of the shackles of the French realm, but also arranged such a luxurious cultivation environment for me. Youyue really didn't know how to thank him."

In the cave, Yuan Feng and Youyue stood opposite each other. When no outsider was present, Youyue could always have a lot of smiles in front of Yuan Feng. Obviously, in her heart, Yuan Feng had absolute privileges.

"It ’s okay, you do n’t have to think about the Youyue girl. From now on, even if you have practiced here, if you have any problems, you will be notified immediately. If nothing unexpected happens, you will not leave for a while and a half. Lingcui Mountain. "

Shaking his head with a smile, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced around, and then he whispered softly.

"Relax, if I'm bored alone, I will definitely find Yuan Feng."

Youyue is not polite, and smiles directly.

"Okay, I'm waiting at any time." Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng's gaze looked outside, but then he didn't stay any longer.

"Son Yuanfeng, walk slowly!"

She smiled slightly at Yuan Feng, and Youyue didn't keep it anymore. The two looked at each other, and Yuan Feng flew directly to the outside and walked without any clutter.

"Is the initial world? I really hope that I can gain something in this initial world, and don't hesitate to express Yuanfeng's intentions."

She shook her head and Youyue sighed. She raised her hand while talking, and directly ushered out a warm jade bed. When she moved, she landed on the jade bed and practiced it. stand up.

After leaving Youyue's cave, Yuan Feng made some arrangements at the bottom of this cliff. After almost all the cliffs were arranged with a mysterious array, he left safely.

The dinner was not over, but Yuan Feng did not return to the banquet. Today's banquet, everyone celebrates himself. He has appeared before, and it doesn't make much sense to appear again.

Back in his own secret room, Yuan Feng did nothing. After returning this time, he needs to carefully sort out what he needs to do. As soon as tomorrow dawns, he goes to implement one by one. This night, also It's a time to relax after coming back!

The banquet does not know when it will last, but the lively banquet must eventually return to peace.

The long night was long and the entire Lingcui Mountain was quiet. Everyone finally entered the dreamland, or was so excited that he stayed up all night. It is conceivable that there are more than one or two who can't sleep this night. After all, from the innate state to suddenly reach the state of Dandan, this is not a change that everyone can calm down and right.

The night was finally broken by the dawn, the sky was bright, and outside of the gate of Dan Xia Zong, a low-drink, it came from afar, covering the entire Dan Xia Zong.

"Can there be any gasps in it? The **** blood alliance is coming, not yet come out to meet?"

The loud shouts broke the tranquility of Lingcui Mountain, and the disciples of Dan Xiazong who heard the shouts suddenly became nervous.

ps: Each month is a new update record, 460,000 words in June, I am really tired, and strive to exceed this month! !! !! Brothers and sisters, the basic flower at the beginning of the month. !! !!

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