The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 941: One killer (fifth)

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In the hall, the emperor Ji Hongxuan's face was full of emotion at this moment. Opposite to him, his two left and right arms, and President Hei Longwei's execution of the prison sentence stood side by side in front of him. At this time, the face was full of excitement, and it was not as calm as before.

"Seventeen brothers, Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu, congratulations on your promotion to Danjing. From now on, I have three more Danzi masters in Montenegro!"

Looking at the three in front of him, the emperor Ji Hongxuan was rejoicing and feeling. The three people in front of him are the ones he most trusts. Unfortunately, the qualifications of these three people are really limited. It is not easy to achieve the great consummation. It is even more difficult to advance to the Dan Kingdom. .

Especially Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu, they have been in the realm of congenital realms for a long time, but they have been unable to find the opportunity to break through. When he wants to come, as long as one of them can be promoted to Dandan Environment, that ’s already thankful.

However, this time Yuan Feng returned, and he made his two intimate subordinates count as much as possible. In this regard, he really felt very pleased.

"Your Majesty, our two old brothers can continue to serve Your Majesty for many years!"

Opposite Ji Hongxuan, when hearing the congratulations from Emperor Ji Hongxuan, Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu both looked straight forward, and then one of them took a step forward and made a gift to Ji Hongxuan, his voice was a little trembling.

Speaking of which, since Ji Hongxuan was promoted to Jie Dan Jing, Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu knew that if they were difficult to advance to Jie Dan Jing, they would eventually leave His Majesty.

After all, the life of innate people is limited. They can persist until now, relying on the resources of the royal family, and can extend their life by external forces, which is not a long-term plan at all. They can feel that if they can't break through the border of Dandan within ten years, then they are afraid that they will really sit in the palace.

However, nowadays, they have endorsed Dan, and their lifespan has been extended several times. In this way, they can accompany Ji Hongxuan even for a long time.

"Ha ha ha, okay, the way forward, you two must go along with you, ha ha ha!"

Hearing Mr. Lin's answer, the emperor Ji Hongxuan's eyes couldn't help flashing a touch of emotion, while patting the shoulders of them, they laughed involuntarily.


Although in terms of identity, the three are monarch and ministerial relations, and they are different from masters and servants, in fact, the three are actually more like brothers. If Ji Hongxuan is to abandon the two old brothers in this way, he will certainly be at ease Can't bear it.

"Brother Huang, where is Fenger? Why is Fenger missing?"

Aside, President Heilongwei led Ji Xun with a smile and watched the three masters and servants of Ji Hongxuan complaining sincerely. After the three had finished speaking, he interjected and asked Ji Hongxuan.

Before they entered the state of cultivation, they woke up and disappeared from Yuan Feng's figure, which made them stunned the prepared words of gratitude back.

"Fenger has gone to see the old ancestors. It should be to help the old ancestors heal them!"

When Ji Xun asked Yuan Feng, Ji Hongxuan's eyes flashed a bright color, and he smiled back.

After the three had completed the breakthrough, Yuan Feng went to the imperial realm first. As for the purpose of going to the secret realm, of course, it is self-evident.

Judging from Yuan Feng's performance this time, maybe he can really heal the ancestors of Xinghe. Once the ancestors of Xinghe can recover their injuries, it will undoubtedly be a great joy for the country of Montenegro.

"Okay, with Fenger's shot, it will definitely help the ancestors to recover from their injuries. Maybe they can also help the ancestors to improve!" Hearing Ji Hongxuan's words, Ji Xun's eyes couldn't help showing a look of anticipation.

Since Yuan Feng can help them break through to the border of Dandan, they may not have the means to help the ancestors of Xinghe to improve their cultivation. Of course, even if only to help the ancestors of Xinghe to recover from their injuries, they have been very satisfied.

"My Majesty, when Fenger returns, my country of Montenegro will certainly be able to weather the difficulties again."

Mr. Lin was smiling now, and he was no longer as sad as before. The return of Yuan Feng not only killed the Blood Alliance with her own strength, but she also succeeded in successfully setting up a sacrifice for them. There are various indications that the crisis in Montenegro will definitely survive this crisis.

"I hope so!" He nodded. Although Ji Hongxuan was not as determined as Mr. Lin, he also believed that the return of Yuan Feng would definitely bring endless hope to the country of Montenegro ...

Yuan Feng didn't know about Ji Hongxuan's thoughts. After helping Ji Xun to complete the formation of Dan, he went directly to the secret place of the royal family and found the old ancestor of the Montenegro for the first time. Ji Xinghe.

When Yuan Feng saw Ji Xinghe for the first time, she was really startled by the situation of the other party.

"Hahaha, let me just say, I will never die so easily in Montenegro's national atmosphere. Brother Yuanfeng, you are welcome to come back."

At the first sight of Yuan Feng, Ji Xinghe laughed loudly, because after seeing Yuan Feng, he knew that nothing would happen to the country of Montenegro, even if he really died, the country of Montenegro could continue to be brilliant Go on.

Unlike Ji Hongxuan and others, Ji Xinghe knows Yuan Feng's power. When Yuan Feng left, he left him with a super annihilation Warcraft corpse, that is, three years ago, Yuan Feng There is already the power to easily kill the four or five strongest in the realm.

Now that Yuan Feng is back, who can be bad for Montenegro?

"The boy came back a little late, and made his ancestors suffer!" A few steps came to Ji Xinghe, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of blame, and deep in his eyes, there was a little anger.

At this moment, Ji Xinghe's body was covered with blackness, and the dark air between his brows was an indication of his condition at this time. Obviously, Ji Xinghe is very poisonous in his body, and he will lose his life if he looks at it!

"Ahem, anyway, your kid can hurry back in time, even if my ancestor is dead, I can stare."

Maybe it was just a little too loud, Ji Xinghe coughed a few times, and every time he coughed, he could bring out a black mist, showing the depth of his poisoning.

In the battle against the ancestors of the Dragon Dragon that day, he was actually not so vulnerable, but only the opponent used a secret move, which made him defeat. And then, the old ancestor of the Dragon Dragon State retreated for the time being, apparently to wait for his poisoned hair before harvesting his life.

"Little brother, I'm afraid I can't keep this old life. Montenegro, I'm afraid to give it to the little brother to guard!"

Ji Xinghe knows his own situation. According to the current situation, from three days to more than five days, his old life, I am afraid to explain, all the ambitions can only be thrown away, then The wind is gone.

"Oh, where is the ancestor? The country of Heishan is the Heishan country of the Ji family. Of course, the guardianship task must be undertaken by the ancestor. If you want to push me the burden, I won't do it."

Seeing Ji Xinghe's face ashamed, it was as if he was telling a posterity about himself, and Yuan Feng's heart was a little bit sad. He could feel the weakness under Ji Xinghe's heart, and the more so, the more he felt that what he did for the country of Montenegro was really too little or too little.

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Ji Xinghe couldn't help but hesitated. He certainly understood that Yuan Feng would not really want to take responsibility, and since the other party said so, he must have his ideas.

"Old man, Montenegro still needs your guardian, so you must be fine."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng didn't talk to the other side too much. When the voice dropped, he was flickered, came directly behind Ji Xinghe, and rested his palm on Ji Xinghe's back.

"Little brother, this is very poisonous, you can't handle it."

The sudden action of Yuan Feng surprised Ji Xinghe. Although he knows that Yuan Feng is strong, he can be strong, but in the face of this kind of poison, I am afraid that no matter how strong he is, it is useless.

"My ancestors rest assured that the rotten poison is stubborn, but it is still difficult for me."

Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling Ji Xinghe's concerns. The other party can still think about him at this time. This kind of thought alone is enough for him to admire.

"You ... hey !!!"

This is the end of the matter. Even if Ji Xinghe wants to stop again, it is too late, but he can only let Yuan Feng do it, but in his heart, it is full of anxiety at this moment. It doesn't matter if he dies, but if Yuan Feng is brought in, it will definitely be the worst loss in the entire Montenegro.

"Well !!!"

However, Ji Xinghe's worry did not last long. Almost shortly after Yuan Feng put his palm behind him, he felt a fresh feeling in his body. At the same time, he It was suddenly discovered that those venomous poisons lingering in the meridians of their bodies disappeared a little bit.


Feeling the change in his body, Ji Xinghe trembled all of a sudden, and then he realized that Yuan Feng dare to treat his poison without any fear, but he really had his reason.

"Well !!!"

There was a constant snoring sound in his body, and as the snoring sound came, Ji Xinghe could feel that his body was becoming more and more relaxed, even the original qi that was corroded, now It turned out to be slowly returning to operation.


After a short time, Yuan Feng's palm on his back was slowly retracted, and at this moment Ji Xinghe found that it had troubled him for a long time, and looked at the venom that was about to kill him. It all disappeared.


Opened his mouth, Ji Xinghe really wanted to say something, but when he spoke, he was so excited that he couldn't say anything!

ps: Five more arrived, go to sleep! !! !! Please like it! !! !!

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