The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 955: Find out (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

This is a small city about a thousand miles away. It may not be appropriate to say that the city is a bit confusing. This is also a gathering place for people of the Mora tribe.

As a world that can compete with the realm of law, there is no doubt that the power of the Moro realm is unquestionable. Among the infinite Moro realm, there are as many stars as there are stars in the sky, which is simply beyond count. And like the small human gathering place with a distance of thousands of miles at present, there is even more countless in the magic world.

The Moro folks are fierce and violent, and they always fight hard. However, no matter how sturdy, Moro people are still social creatures, there will still be large and small forces. If you want to survive, you can't rely on your own strength. Only by uniting can you not be bullied by outside forces.

This area of ​​Moro people, which is thousands of miles away, is a relatively remote area of ​​the Moro kingdom. In this remote place, there will always be some Moro people who are not high. They rely on each other to help each other, and Such a place is quite similar to those small towns in the Tianlong Dynasty.

"Huh, I finally saw a place where there are living people. It seems that the Mo Luo world is really big enough!"

Yuan Feng's figure stood outside the gathering place of the Moro tribe, which was thousands of miles away. The first time he stopped, he took a deep breath and sighed for a long time.

This time, he flew from the land to this side. He actually flew for a long time before he finally felt the existence of the living body, and in the flight of this way, he finally felt the realm of the devil and the law. the difference.

First of all, the atmosphere of the world of the Moro Realm is really not suitable for a long time for him who has lived in the realm of the Tianlong dynasty and the realm of law.

The sky of Mo Luojie is dark everywhere, and the sun is not seen at all. The depression in the dark, even as powerful as him, feels a bit suffocated.

"It seems that if I want to continue in the Moro world, the first thing is to slowly adjust to the environment here. If it is the same mood all day, I am afraid not to do anything."

I didn't feel much at the time of the French phase and the Tianlong dynasty, but I found out that the environment has a great influence on a person's mood. Obviously, in this environment all day, I am afraid that individuals will gradually become dark and cold. Want to come to the cold Moroccan character of the entire Moro ethnic group, it should have a direct relationship with this environment!

"For the time being, this Moro gathering place is rested. Before entering the large Moro gathering place, first understand the living habits of the Moro people, so as not to show their feet in the future."

The mind explored in this gathering place of the Mora tribe. Within this range of thousands of miles, the strongest person is only one of the annihilation state, and there is only one. The rest are almost at the level of the Dan state. Congenital conditions are rare.

As soon as a person in the French astral realm is born, he has the strength of the innate state. It seems that the Moro realm should be similar, because in his mind exploration, those who are innate are all young children, but almost all adults are Reached the Dandan Realm.

Although the Moro people in this area are a little weaker, but they are all authentic Moro people anyway. It is obviously no problem for him to study and study.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and when he was in shape, he quietly merged into this Moro gathering place.

Like the gathering place of human beings in the French realm and the Tianlong dynasty, this gathering place of Mora tribe also has a variety of facilities and environments, including taverns, shops and stalls.

Unconsciously integrated into the Mora, Yuan Feng felt the difference of the Mora for the first time.

On the streets, there are many Mora people coming and going, but these Mora people have one thing in common, which is that they are more vigilant. Everyone is watching the surroundings with vigilance, even when they are walking, as if they are afraid that the people around them suddenly secretly account for themselves.

"Well, the vigilant Moro tribe, it seems that in a place like the Moro kingdom, the first rule of survival is to be alert at all times, and you cannot relax for a second."

If this is the case for two people, naturally, there is no problem. But so many people are doing this right now, and that's very telling.

"Be cautious and always vigilant. This is really a terrible race. I really don't know what kind of environment can create such a race."

Obviously, if there is such a life habit, then there must be an environment that creates such a life habit. The reason why people are always vigilant, that is to say, at any moment, you may be able to withstand the plot from other people, just this point, it is to see the fierce and terrible Moro.

"But I don't know what the taste of the Mo Luo world is."

After walking on the street for a while, Yuan Feng roughly felt the surrounding atmosphere, and it was almost done. He did n’t have a long time to come to the door of a restaurant.

I glanced through the restaurant's door towards the inside, not to mention that the layout inside was pretty good, and it seemed to be harmonious.

With a little thought, he walked directly into the restaurant, then found a seat and sat down.

"What does the guest officer have to drink? There are still a few forums for today's special wines to be drunk and drunk. Would you like to try it?"

As soon as I sat down, there was a buddy who came forward and greeted Yuan Feng warmly.

"Eh?" Yuan Feng couldn't help but look at the man who leaned in when he saw someone coming over to say hello. The five-fold cultivation of Jie Danjing has a warm face and a more relaxed dress. From the appearance alone, this guy can't see the characteristics of the Mora.

It seems that not all Mora people like to wrap themselves in black clothes. Ordinary Mora people do not seem to be much different from those in the realm of Fa.

"Drunken life and dreams? Good name, give me a try!"

Yuan Feng did not show any inappropriate expression, and then covered with black robes, and said to the man lukewarmly.

"Okay, drunk and dreaming of death, come right away." When Yuan Feng ordered the drink, the guy greeted him warmly, and then went down to get the wine.

"Well, it seems that no matter what the world is, the buyers and sellers look alike."

When he left, Yuan Feng shook his head and smiled. The situation I saw before was obviously a bit misleading to him. At this moment, it seems that if we want to have a deeper understanding of the Moro kingdom, we can't do it overnight.

While the wine was not coming up, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced around and looked at the people drinking in the restaurant.

The area of ​​the entire restaurant is not small. On this floor, there are almost two dozen tables. At this moment, almost half of the tables have guests. Something different from the French world is that the guests here are not crowded. On a table case, there are two people at most, and most of them have only one person to drink and drink.

Drinking and having fun is a great way to relax, and this is the same everywhere, and the magic world is no exception.

What makes Yuan Feng more curious is that these people who drink in the restaurant are not as alert as they are when they are outside. It seems that they trust the restaurant's credibility and are completely assured and bold. While drinking, no one is as alert as when outside.

However, he did not know that in the Moro world, there are actually some rules and conventions. There is a rule that says that in public places, it is not allowed to casually attack people. Although this is only a convention, there is no Expressly stipulated, but few people will break this convention.

A place like a restaurant shop is naturally a public place. Here, there are definitely few people who will fight, so naturally you will be more relaxed than when you are outside.

In a short time, Yuan Feng had tasted the drinks in the magic world. It is a pity that after drinking the wine of the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty and Fa Xiangjie, he really couldn't compliment the wine of the Mo Luojie. The drunk dreams, the name is very nice, but in fact it is too much too much.

It's an exotic flavor, but it tastes pretty good.

"The Mo Luo world is not as scary as imagined. At least, these people don't look so violent at the moment."

Although this so-called drunk life is not very good to drink, but since it is to be undercover, at least you must go to the countryside to follow the custom!

While drinking, Yuan Feng ’s mind has never stopped exploring the surroundings, and even his mind has extended to the entire street outside, learning the living methods of people in the Moro Realm, supplementing his own Understanding of the Mo Luo world.

Although the Moro people in this area seem relatively peaceful at the moment, he knows that the main reason is that the Moro people here are relatively weak.

Judging from the situation of these people here, what they need to consider most is how to survive, and this survival is not to compete for the resources of others to survive, but to make good use of their resources and protect their resources to survive. . To be straightforward, these low-level warriors here are actually a self-sufficient situation.

"Just staying in this area for a few days, and then think about other actions. It is not something that can be done overnight."

With a little thought, Yuan Feng's heart has already made a decision. Anyway, there is so much time. For the sake of insurance, he still stays here for a while, and after learning about the specific situation of the Moro people, he should think about the next action.

ps: Extremely uncomfortable and full of body! Later in Chapter One, excuse me! !! !! Please Huahua support comfort! !! !!

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