The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 960: The crisis is approaching (second)

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The Gorefiend ancestor entered the palace with dozens of people who were born in the state of heaven. At this moment, the rest of the people were imprisoned in place, unable to move, even even said the words. Not coming out.

The means of the Dongtianjingqiang are not ordinary people's imagination. A casual force of the sky can seal the warriors. In terms of the strength of these people present, obviously no one can break free. The **** of Dongtianjing strong.

Every warrior is fixed there, and the only thing that can move is their eyes.

At this moment, these people are obviously a little anxious. Everyone's gaze is subconsciously directed to the palace in the distance. I don't know what the Blood Demon ancestors brought those innate people into it.

However, no matter what the Gorefiend ancestor was going to do to those dozens of guys, it is conceivable that soon, those who were captured by the Gorefiend ancestor into the palace, it is probably their turn.


However, just when everyone was anxious and wondering what their destiny would be waiting for, the eyes of a young man among the last people in the crowd and among those who had achieved great success were exposed. Excited light.

"I'll just say, there will definitely be a chance. I came here so soon."

Yuan Feng was indeed a little excited at this time. It seems that everything is steady, not hurried and impatient. This is the right way to deal with it. Right now, the Blood Demon ancestor entered the palace. Outside, he didn't want to do what he wanted?

"Swallow up the martial arts, refine me !!!"

Although the Gorefiend ancestor imprisoned everyone with the power of the sky, the ancestor would never think of it anyway. Among these people he arrested, there should be one that should hardly exist The aliens in this world.

The power of Dongtian can indeed seal the true strength of the warrior, making the warrior incapacitated. However, no matter how powerful the power of Dongtian, it is impossible to seal the swallowing spirit of Yuanfeng.

As a powerful martial art that does not belong to this world, the existence of the devouring martial arts is unusual and not only will not be discovered, but also impossible to be imprisoned. As for the cavernous power of the caveman, it seems that it is nothing to it Threat.


Although the action was imprisoned, Yuan Feng's thinking could still work. Between the thoughts, the swallowing Wuling spirit flashed out directly, and the **** ancestor hit the cavernous force in his body and wrapped it directly.

"Well !!!"

The power of Dongtian Realm is really difficult, but under the refining function of the swallowing martial spirit, such energy is not worth mentioning at all.

The power of the silvery white hole in the sky is the refining of the swallowing martial spirit, and it becomes a special energy, which is integrated into the meridians and yuandan of Yuanfeng.

"Get it !!!"

In an instant, Yuan Feng's power in the body of Feng Feng was cleared, and his entire body naturally recovered his ability to act.

"The power of Dongtian in this cave is really a treasure. Just such a little power of Dongtian makes me feel that my aura quality has improved and the aura is running faster. If there is enough Wouldn't I be able to reach annihilation soon? "

He recovered his ability to move. Yuan Feng didn't move around casually for the first time, but felt the situation in his body at the moment.

Shicai refined the blood power of the Blood Demon ancestor. He obviously felt the help of this thing to his strength. At this moment, he really had a way to clear the power of the power in the body of everyone present, and then try his best. Attribute it to your own urge.

Of course, such an impulse can only be an impulse, but it is absolutely impossible to put it into action. If he really does that, I'm afraid he will be found by the **** ancestors at the first time. Normally big.

"What is that old guy doing? It's never a good thing to get people into the palace and keep the people out of sight."

Still in a static state, Yuan Feng's eyes also looked at the palace in the distance. It seems that this space, plus that palace, should be the home base of the old man in the red robe. The latter, what are you doing!

The palace has a gate, but the gate of the palace is closed at the moment. He wants to see the inside with his eyes. He doesn't have such ability. As for investigating with diligence, wait for this!

When dealing with Dongtianjingqiang, you must be careful at every step, and you can only take action after careful consideration, otherwise you are absolutely unlucky.

"Wait a minute, but wait and see if it gets better."

Eyes rolled, Yuan Feng decided to stabilize first to see what the old man in the red robe was doing before trying to escape from the place.


It was not long before Yuan Feng had just restored his ability to move. The sky, the shape of the blood demon ancestor, once again appeared in front of everyone. The ancestor was too lazy to say this time. Between raising his hand, he caught more than a dozen innate people and entered the palace, and he was busy again.


Seeing the sudden appearance of the Blood Demon ancestor, he then caught a few innate people and entered the palace. Yuan Feng's eyes slightly picked, and he couldn't help feeling something wrong.

"This frequency is too fast. It has just caught a dozen people in, but it caught a dozen more immediately."

Struggling to glance into the hall, unfortunately, the Blood Demon ancestor did not open the door at all, but moved to the hall by means of Dongtianjing strong, he could not see the situation inside.

However, although he couldn't see it, at this moment, he could feel that in this hall, there was obviously a little less anger.

"What the **** is this old guy doing?" His eyebrows frowned, and now he could hardly speak under his heart.

Judging from the situation at hand, there are probably a dozen innate people who were caught in by the other party, and now they are probably afraid that they have already hung up, but from the keen perception of the swallowing martial spirit, they can also detect one or two .

"Keep waiting, anyway, there are still a lot of people, it's better to look at it for a while."

Before clarifying the situation, he decided to keep it as it is now, and after he had fully figured out the situation, it was not too late to find a way to do something.

Almost a few minutes later, the figure of the Blood Demon ancestor reappeared. He also caught a dozen innate creatures and entered the hall. I don't know what to do! The time interval this time is longer than before.

The next time, the Bloodlord ancestors would catch a dozen people at regular intervals. The frequency was getting slower and slower. At the back, it would take almost half an hour before the newcomers were arrested.

Time passed, and the day passed quickly, and there were already thousands of warriors who had been taken in by the Blood Demon ancestors. At this moment, everyone present felt danger and everyone's eyes were full of shock. Fear, unfortunately, no matter whether you are scared or anxious, you can only stay where you are, at the mercy of the Blood Demon ancestor.

"It's so bloody, it's so suffocating! It seems that these thousands of Moro guys should have been hung up!"

At the end of the team, Yuan Feng sighed long under his heart, and his eyes inevitably flashed a sentimental color.

By now, he could be sure that the ancestors of the Blood Devil had arrested them and apparently had no intention to let them live. Although I don't know why this guy caught these people, but they have been taken into the hall by the other party, they are absolutely dead. This point, there is no need to have any doubt.

Thousands of people were taken into the palace, and if they were still in the palace, they would have burst the palace long ago. The only explanation is that most of these poor ordinary Moro warriors were eaten by this old man in red robes.

The Mo Luo world is a world where people can eat people. At present, the old guy in the cave world has eaten countless people, not to mention some ordinary innate people.

"No, I ca n’t wait forever. If you wait for this, sooner or later, these people will be arrested by him and killed one by one. I am also immune."

After observing for so long, he knew that the next time, he had to do something. If, like everyone else, just wait like this, then when it is really his turn, even if he is good, he will certainly not be the opponent of the **** ancestor.

The Blood Demon ancestor appeared again and caught a dozen warriors back. This also means that in the next half of an hour, I can relax a little. Because in this little half an hour, the Blood Demon ancestor inside would not care about the situation outside.

"It's not good, let's see how we can leave here!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng had to take action at this moment. As for whether or not he can survive the supernatural figure in Dongtianjing, it depends on his strength and luck!

When his mind was released, he temporarily avoided the palace in front of him, and first began to explore the surrounding stone walls. If he could find an exit above the cave wall, everything would be solved.

Mindful, Yuan Feng carefully avoided the palace in front, and began to explore above every inch of the cave wall around.

His mind is quite special. After being blessed and concealed by the devouring martial spirit, he not only became very tyrannical, but also difficult to be found. Therefore, he can be released a little before the Blood Demon ancestor appeared. Open up and explore the surroundings.

One thing we can be sure of is that the current situation is definitely not optimistic. Therefore, Yuan Feng must hurry up and find a way to escape here.

ps: Although the body is really uncomfortable these two days, but the update has not fallen! Everyone spends a little bit of effort! !!

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