The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 974: Master the Blood Demon (four more)

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For the Blood Demon ancestors, these four months have been quite chic.

Although at this moment he is still in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, but when the ultimate mystery of the formation is not operating, the entire formation is relatively mild, and it is safe to practice and adjust here.

However, such a good day is certainly impossible to live on forever, and the spring he imagined will never come.

"Om !!!"

When the Blood Demon ancestor was in a good mood and trying to restore his strength, not far from him, the space of Xuanzhen suddenly swayed slightly. Then, Yuan Feng's figure appeared again. In front of him.

"Hahaha, Blood Demon Patriarch, I haven't seen you in a few months. How much has your strength recovered?"

The figure stood not far from the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng's laughter came, but in his voice there was an indescribable cheerful mood. Obviously, at this moment, he was obviously in a very good mood.


The ancestor of the blood demon who had just entered the practice state for a long time suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the sound with a look of amazement. The first time he saw Yuan Feng who was standing in the air.

"This this………"

Looking at Yuan Feng, the Blood Demon ancestor looked stagnant, and then he stayed there for a long while, and didn't remember it for a long time.

"This energy wave ... ... this is the energy wave of the Dongtianjing strong? How is this possible?"

As a character who slipped from the triple sky of the cave to the annihilation, the blood ancestors were very familiar with the energy fluctuations of the people in the cave. At this moment, Yuan Feng, who was standing in front of him, was full of energy Fluctuations definitely have the energy level of a heavy heavenly person. In this regard, he dare to guarantee his life.

"How, how can this happen? It was just the energy fluctuations of the Great Destruction Realm before, how could it suddenly reach the cave realm? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

It was determined that Yuan Feng's energy fluctuations at this moment, and the Blood Demon ancestor could not believe his own induction, nor the sight in front of him.

In a short period of four months, a person who had achieved great success in annihilation suddenly turned into a person in a hole in heaven. This transformation is really too fast.

"No, it's not Dongtianjing. He doesn't have the breath of a strong Dongtianjing."

After looking up and down about Yuan Feng, the Gorefiend ancestor suddenly found that although Yuan Feng's energy fluctuations have definitely reached the level of energy fluctuations in Dongtianjing, however, Yuanfeng's body does not have Dongtianjing strong. The power of space exists, that is to say, Yuan Feng at this moment is just that the foundation of Qi has reached the realm of Dongtian Realm, but the actual cultivation has not broken into Dongtian.

"Don't reach the realm of Dongtian Realm, but have the true foundation of Dongtian Realm. This ..."

Feeling that Yuan Feng had not been promoted to Dongtian Realm, the Blood Demon ancestor couldn't help but feel relieved a little, but when the aftertaste came over, the surprise under his heart became stronger.

For the first time in many years of practice, he saw that a warrior could rely on the practice of annihilation to reach the true Qi foundation of the cave heaven. In this case, it seems that the history of the Moro kingdom has never appeared. Too.

"Dream Bloodlord, don't you recognize me? Why are you so surprised?"

Seeing the Blood Demon ancestor gazing at himself embarrassedly for a long time, Yuan Feng couldn't help but grin and raise his hand between words. The ten Warcrafts that guarded the Blood Demon ancestor were scattered honestly. Come.

"You, how did you do that?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the Blood Demon ancestor calmed down, and then hesitantly asked.

Yuan Feng suddenly reached the level of authenticity of Dong Tianjing, which is certainly not good news for him. Although it was just that the Qi foundation had reached Dongtianjing, it already meant that even if he recovered to the level of Dongtianjing, he probably wouldn't be able to get Yuanfeng anyway. Of course, this situation made him very difficult to get happy.

"Sorry, this is my secret, I'm afraid I can't tell you."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng naturally understood what the other person was asking, but of course, he couldn't tell the other person about his situation.

"Well, in less than four months, you have returned to the peak of annihilation. If you give it ten or eight years, you should be able to return to the realm of Dongtianjing Triple Sky. ! "

He didn't follow the other's thinking, but Yuan Feng's gaze looked up and down on the Blood Demon ancestor, and while he looked, he was full of puppet authenticity.

Although Yuan Feng today does not understand the mysteries of space, his strength is indeed already the strength of Dongtianjing. In this way, his eyesight is naturally much stronger than before.

The situation of the Blood Demon ancestor, he still can't see where. Obviously, although the opponent was drained of the power of the cave, so that the realm fell to this point, as long as the opponent is given enough time, he can definitely reshape the cave and return Realm of Cave Heaven. As for how long this process will take, he speculates that it should not take more than a decade.


When Yuan Feng's words fell, the Blood Demon ancestor was shocked, but could not find any words to justify himself. If it was Yuan Feng before, he could continue to flicker for a while, but now Yuan Feng is obviously not what he can easily flicker.

"Okay, you don't have to think about justifying yourself, let alone thinking about how to count me, because you don't have that chance."

The cunning of the Moro people is not unheard of. In fact, from the beginning, he has never believed what the Gorefiend ancestor said. Even if he is not ascended, he can see that the other person ’s intentions , But he did not directly break through the other party.

"You, you ... I am afraid that you are a bit misunderstood. I have absolutely no intention to justify myself, let alone calculate your mind, and please your Excellency ..."

"Stop, these words, I'll talk about them later, because after a while, what you say should be more credible."

Seeing the Blood Demon ancestor had to justify himself, Yuan Feng waved his hand and motioned to the other party to stop.


Yuan Feng's actions, and the expression on Yuan Feng's face, suddenly made the Blood Demon ancestor feel a little bad, except that there was nothing wrong with it, and he couldn't think of it for a while.

Although Yuan Feng suddenly became a quasi-hole heavenly powerhouse, for him, it should be no different from before.


Just when the Blood Demon ancestor felt something awful, but didn't know where the feeling originated, Yuan Feng on the other side suddenly moved.

Between raising his hands, Yuan Feng directly hit each other's qi, and each qi was instantly penetrated into the body of the Blood Demon ancestor, and with his energy into the body of the opponent, Blood Demon The ancestor just felt a tremor, and then all his vitality was imprisoned all at once and his body could not move anymore.

"What are you going to do?"

The body was imprisoned, but the Blood Goblin ancestor could still speak. However, when he felt that it was difficult to move his body up and down, the unpleasant feeling in his heart immediately became stronger.

"Don't be afraid, I said I won't kill you, then your life will definitely be reserved for you."

Imprisoned the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and slowly approached the Blood Demon ancestor during the conversation.

"You, don't come over !!!"

Watching Yuan Feng approaching himself step by step, the Blood Demon ancestor found his powerful heart, and even felt a sense of unsustainability, and even the words trembled.

"God of Blood Demon, should you give me control of the Blood Demon Palace to what you said before, shouldn't you forget?"

As he approached the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng asked with a smile.

"Here is the control of the Blood Demon Palace?" His complexion stagnated. Where did the Blood Demon ancestors hesitate at this time? "Yes, yes, as long as you don't hurt me, the blood of the Demon Palace is yours. , You just dominate. "

"Hahaha, okay, well said, you still have some credibility." Upon hearing the answer from the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng smiled up, but then the words turned around, "Nothing is wrong, your blood The magic palace, I will control it in my own way, but I want to control the entire blood demonic palace, including you !!! ''

His complexion was positive, and when Yuan Feng's words fell, his figure just came to the bloodlord's ancestor. Standing in shape, his hands suddenly began to flash quickly. The rapidly changing hand shadow was almost like wearing a butterfly and looked so beautiful.

"What? This, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible !!!"

When Yuan Feng's hands began to sway, he always felt that the **** ancestor, who was not in good condition, finally yelled without image. By now, he finally realized where the problem was.

"Blood, blood curse magic? This, is this blood curse magic? !!!"

As the first level of blood curse, he couldn't see the means used by Yuan Feng. However, when he saw that Yuan Feng was performing the magic of blood curse on him, his heart sank into the abyss instantly.

"Ha, it seems you don't have old eyes and faintness, but you can still recognize the magic of bleeding curse." Hearing the scream of the Blood Demon ancestor, Yuan Feng laughed while condensing his fingerprints. After more than three months, I have trained the first level of this blood curse magic power, and then let me see the effect of this blood curse magic power !!! Go !!! ''

Grinning, Yuan Feng didn't say much anymore. When he raised his hand, one by one, the strange runes were submerged in the body of the blood demon ancestors. With the runes in the body, the blood demon ancestors had the same shape. Trembling, no more sound could be heard.

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