The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 991: Play (one more)

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Although the Gorefiend ancestor once said that it is almost impossible to reach the Demon Heartland safely and securely, Yuan Feng still didn't expect it. It was only half a month after he had hurried off and he encountered it. trouble.

The old man with black hair and white robe in front of his eyes was a hard stubble at first glance. Leaving aside the strength of the other person's cultivation, the sharp breath he felt from the other person only made him know how difficult the other person was. .

The same is the realm of Yijian, Yuan Feng naturally understands the tyrannical realm of this realm, and the thought of the other party is a strong caveman who understands the realm of Yijian, his heart is inevitable a little dignified.

"Well, Gorefiend, look at you hurriedly, where is this going?"

In the sky, the old man with black robes and white hair stopped the Blood Demon ancestor and Yuan Feng, and then slowly approached the two with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that when he meets the Gorefiend ancestor in his own place, his mood does not seem to be good, and while talking, his mind is firmly locked on the Gorefiend ancestor, as if he is afraid of the other person suddenly Run away the same.

Of course, during this period, he also glanced at Yuan Feng next to the Blood Demon ancestor with Yu Guang. However, when he felt that Yuan Feng was not a strong man in the cave, he ignored the latter directly.

Although Yuan Feng's aura of Qi reached the level of Dong Tian Jing, his atmosphere was restrained at this moment, so that people could not see the state of Zhen Qi. And without the law of Dongtian, he would naturally not attract the attention of Dongtianjing.

"The Guanlan Law Protection has not been seen for a long time. It seems that the cultivation of the Guanlan Law Protection has improved!"

The Blood Demon ancestor stabilized his mind, then stepped forward and greeted the Guanlan guardian in front of him.

Frankly, the person in front of him is definitely the one he can't afford today. In the past, he was afraid that he would run away immediately, but now that Yuan Feng is here, he wants to run even if he wants to run. Only after discussing with Yuan Feng. Moreover, with a big living person like Yuan Feng, he certainly couldn't escape.

"Well, the old blood demon ancestors don't leave the subject, or talk about where you're going. How to say here is my territory of Guanlan. The old blood demon ancestors want to excuse, but they still have some sincerity That is it. "

The old man with black robes and white hair obviously didn't take the Bloody Demon ancestors too much, and he spoke in a commanding tone, which didn't sound so comfortable.

But having said that, here is his place. As the ancestor of the Blood Demon, when he went to his place, of course, he must obey his rules.

"Hey, my ancestors have nothing to do. I want to take my newly-accepted disciple around and have a long experience. I am passing Guanlan's treasure-protecting land. I also hope that Guanlan-protecting the law is convenient."

As for the uncles who are facing the old man, the Blood Demon ancestors are not angry, and they still reply very patiently.

When he was on his way before, he and Yuan Feng had already negotiated. If there were changes, they would be called mentors and apprentices. In this way, many unnecessary troubles should be reduced.

"Oh? The **** ancestors actually accepted the disciples? Alas, rare, rare!"

After hearing the answers from the Blood Demon ancestors, Guanlan Guardian couldn't help but take a closer look at Yuan Feng, but he only glanced briefly, but he didn't have much interest.

The Dongtianjing strong person accepts the apprentice, this is nothing to be surprised, even if he, there are several good disciples under him, the Blood Demon ancestor accepted a disciple, naturally it is not a big deal.

"Okay, Gorefiend ancestors, this protector will not turn around with you. I have long heard that Gorefiend ancestors are under control. My demon domain owner admires the strongest such as Gorefiend ancestors. Since the ancestor of the Blood Demon has come to the Demon Domain, please also go to the Lord of the Domain with this protector to prevent the Lord of the Lord from complaining about the Protector in the future. "

The battle between the Mo Luo world is fierce, and every domain owner hopes that there will be more powerful gatherings under his seat. I think that the Blood Demon ancestor is not a strong one. Almost every domain owner wants to conquer. After all, once you conquer the Blood Demon ancestors, that's equivalent to conquering the entire Blood Demon Palace, and the entire Blood Demon Palace is not generally strong.

The Lord of the Capricorns did not have the order to solicit the Blood Demon ancestors, but Guanlan's law protection is very clear. If he can take the Blood Demon ancestors, then this credit can definitely be exchanged for a lot of rewards.

"This one………"

By the time Guanlan's words of protection for law fell, the Blood Demon ancestor became hesitant.

"Guanlan protects the law. My disciple and I have more work to do. I don't know if it's convenient for me. When the two of us return, they will definitely go and greet the Lord of the Owl Lord."

The Gorefiend ancestor knew to himself that if he went to see the Demon Domain Lord, would he still be able to return? In the face of a superpower of that level, he may not even have escaped. Once he has gone, he really never wants to be free again. Moreover, at this moment, he still needs to focus on Yuan Feng, and it is impossible to take this risk.

"Well? The Blood Demon ancestor is not right. Ben Hu Fa kindly invites you to be a guest. Doesn't the Blood Demon ancestor even give you this face?"

The smile on his face suddenly closed, and Guanlan's body could not help but feel a rage. And with the anger rippling, above him, a sword rushed into the sky, and the sharp breath directly shook the dark clouds of the sky.


Seeing the anger of Guanlan's law-protection, the face of the Blood Demon ancestor gradually became dignified. Today's situation is up to now. It seems that there is nothing to say. Obviously, this Guanlan guardian cannot easily let him go. As for whether he can get away, it depends on his strength and luck.

"Even if you do n’t count as friends, Guanlan is definitely not an enemy. Does Guanlan have to protect me from your ancestors?"

The Gorefiend ancestor's voice also became a little muffled. Although he was afraid of the other side, he was absolutely not afraid of the other side. As a strong player in Dongtian Realm, the other party is nothing more than a higher level of him. Although he will suffer when he fights, but the other party is not so easy to catch him.

"No more nonsense, if you can escape from my hands, that's your ability. If you lose, obediently follow me to see Lord Lord."

Guanlan's law protection is not afraid to offend the Blood Demon ancestors, frankly, which major domain owner recruits his subordinates, which one does not have a special means to convince the other party? His task is to bring people over. As for the later things, it is not his turn to worry.

"Well, is this the inevitable battle?"

The clay figurine still has three points of anger, and the Gorefiend ancestor is not a good stubble. The other party does not put him in the eyes again and again, and it is impossible for anyone to be angry.

"Today, let you see and understand the sword of this protection method." Guanlan protection method does not say much at all, in the words, in his hand there is an extra silver sword, the sword pointed obliquely, but it is already done Get ready for the shot.

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Seeing that Guanlan Hufa took out the long sword, and the pupil of the Blood Demon ancestor shrank, but he also took out his own spirit soldier and made a confrontation posture.

"Bloodlord, don't say I bully you, so why not let you do three things in my place?"

The two sides played against each other, and Guanlan's law protection was fairly elaborate, but it was directly necessary to let the Blood Devil ancestors do three moves.

Anyway, if he can successfully bring the Blood Demon ancestor to the Lord of the Devils, then in the future, the two of them will be regarded as their own. Let the other side do three things right now, even if it eases the relationship between the two. Having said that, making such a move based on his cultivation and fame is actually a matter of course.

"Okay, my ancestor, I'm going to take a look today. Is it true that the legendary Mission Guardianship is really as strong as the rumor! Take it !!!"

The spirit soldier in his hand shuddered, and the Blood Demon ancestor said nothing, and the sword was cut against Guanlan's protection. This sword is definitely a sword with more than 50% of his strength. One sword is cut out. The entire space is marked with a thin space crack. The power is strong.

"Well, is this your attack? It's just a little trick."

However, for the **** ancestor's arrogant sword, Guanlan Guardian only smiled indifferently. In the blink of an eye, he easily found out the loophole in the opponent's sword. Come.

"There are two swords, if they are of this level, it will waste you a few tricks."

Avoiding the sword of the Blood Demon ancestor, Guanlan's face was full of disdain. To be frank, using a sword in front of him, a superpower who is in the realm of swordsmanship, is a matter of axe.

"Hum, wait until you've all taken it, kill it !!!"

For the ridicule of Guanlan's law-protection, the Gorefiend ancestor still didn't care. After a low drink, he cut out a sword again, and this sword is no longer a single swordman, but a sword rain. , Directly wrapped Guanlan law protection.

"But Seoul!"

Seeing that this attack from the Blood Demon ancestor was approaching, Guanlan's protection was a little more positive this time, but even with such a powerful sword rain attack, he still flickered, and finally avoided it unscathed.

"Well, third ... Uh ..."

Time to avoid the second sword, Guanlan can not help but laugh long, is to let the **** ancestor out of the third sword. However, just as he laughed a long time, thinking about letting the Gorefiend ancestor out of the third sword, there is still the Gorefiend ancestor in the sky.

"Ah, **** !!"

Seeing the ancestor of the Blood Demon disappeared, Guanlan's protection was suddenly irritated. At this moment, he didn't understand where, after a long day of trouble, he was tricked by the other party. From the beginning, the other party was afraid that he would never want to hit him. However, just these two moves, I am afraid that it is nothing more than a blind eye, in order to cover them and run away.

"Damn, even dare to deceive this protector, see if I don't ruin your cave days and frustrate your ashes !!!"

With a strange scream, Guanlan guarded his mind, but quickly sensed the spatial fluctuations in the distance. In a flash of his body, he chased up against the Blood Demon ancestor.

ps: It's going to be bursting chrysanthemum, please support Xiaohonghua! !! !! Xiaoyan's body just met, so I have an excessive process! The outbreak will not drop too far! !! !! Roar! !!

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