The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 993: Raging (three)

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In the dark space, Guanlan's protection of the law at this moment smelled a very dangerous breath, the kind of dangerous feeling, just like the sound just said, it was absolutely he never felt.

"Who is it? Who is calculating this law? Get out of me !!!"

The chuckle was still echoing in his ears, but he couldn't see the other person's figure at all, and the fear of the unknown made the superpower under the host of Capricorn Realm instantly become a bird of surprise.

"Brush brush !!!" Long sword in hand, he was like a headless fly slamming, and sword after sword was cut out in all directions, unfortunately, each sword was cut, but it was all Without a trace of response, the feeling was like his sword strokes, chopped in the air.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how can there be such a domineering mysterious array?"

As a strong swordsman in the heavenly realm, how sharp Guanlan's attack is, and just a few swords are enough to make people of the same level headache, but this time, there is not even a sound.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! I don't believe in the mysterious array, I can trap this law of protection!"

Holding a long sword in hand, Guanlan protects the law no matter what his front is, suddenly he rushes towards the front.

The power of space has expired, and the only thing he can do is fly forward desperately. He really wanted to see how strange this trapped array was.

"Brush !!!!" The body was grappling, and Guanlan defended the law very fast. However, when he began to grapple, he was shocked to find that this dark space was really endless. He flew for a while, but there was no sign of flying away at all.

"How, how can this be?" The body was settled, and Guanlan was really scared at this moment. Dong Tian's power was imprisoned, and he could not fly out. At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of helplessness.

"Om !!!"

However, for him, the most terrible situation has just begun.

With the slight trembling of the surrounding space, Guanlan Guardian had already filled his horrified face, but it became pale in time.

"What? My strength, my power in the sky, are they losing? !!!"

In his body, the full force of the cave and the huge energy of Qi, like a discouraged ball at this moment, are rapidly draining out of his body. The speed of the loss makes him feel. To shock.

"Stop, hurry up for me !!!"

Feeling the power of the cave and the energy of the Qi in the body are rapidly dissipating, Guanlan's law protection has no way to accept the current facts.

The Dharma works, and he tries hard to take back the qi and the power of the cave to recover his body. It is a pity that no matter how hard he tried, these cavernous forces and energy of qi are like being summoned, and they continue to lose themselves.

"Ahhh, stop me!" The body was instantly wet with sweat. At this moment, Guanlan's law was shocked and furious, and it was full of endless regret.

Obviously, if at that moment, he didn't think or choose, then he must have left the scope of this mysterious array. However, it was his temporary greed that made him finally lose the best time to leave the Xuanzhen range, and eventually evolved into the current result.

"No fight, I confess, I confess !!!!"

The huge power of the cave was quickly lost, and the psychological defense line of Guanlan's law-protection was breached almost instantaneously. Without saying a word, it was directly announced that it would admit defeat.

"The **** demon ancestors, and the friends of the battle array, I lost, I confessed, and please accept this mysterious array, we have something to say."

Efforts to calm myself down, Guanlan Hufa tried to keep his tone as calm as possible, shouting to the surrounding space.

Under the eaves, who can not bow? At this moment, no matter what kind of strong man he is, he has to give in and give in. He has to beg for forgiveness. If not, waiting for his result will be very miserable.

"Hahaha, Guanlan protects the law, weren't you very powerful before? You still want to capture my ancestor, do you really think that my ancestor can't escape your palm? My ancestor, I just seduce you. "

When the sound of Guanlan's protection fell, the voice of the Blood Demon ancestors immediately sounded. Obviously, the Blood Demon ancestor had a chance to correct his name. Frankly speaking, he was not really without the ability to escape before, although he was physically exhausted during this time, he would not be defeated in such a short time.

Speaking of which, all these are actually calculated by him and Yuan Feng.

From fighting with Guanlan's law-protection to lightning-like escape, this series of actions were all controlled by Yuan Feng behind the scenes, but when Guanlan's law-protection went after the Blood Demon ancestor, he didn't find it. Yuan Feng, in fact, was hidden in place. When he left, Yuan Feng came out, looked for this chaotic stone post, and arranged the Jiuqu Yellow River array.

Everything is under Yuan Feng's calculations and control, and each step is a bit thrilling. Just as he had hid beside Guanlan Guardian before, if at that moment Guanlan Guardian did not go directly to pursue the Blood Demon ancestor, but carefully explored in situ, I am afraid that he would probably come out.

And if he was left alone facing Guanlan's law protection, the result would be conceivable. However, this is exactly where Yuan Feng has nothing to do. He believes that after seeing the ancestor of the Blood Demon escaping, Guanlan Guardian will never take his little one who is not in the heavens to mind.

If you can observe Guanlan's law carefully, you will find that, in fact, the **** ancestor's escape route is basically a circular route. After running a circle, it is back to the original place.

"Elder Gorefiend, everything is a misunderstanding. He also asked the Gore Elder Goose to raise his expensive hand, and he should have general knowledge with the next."

Guanlan protects what is good at this moment, because in this short period of time, his powerful power has already consumed a lot, if he continues to do so, I am afraid he will be downgraded. !!

Doing things in the domain of a domain master, if there is a downgrade situation, it is an unimaginable blow to him.

"Ha ha ha, late, everything is late, Guanlan, you still enjoy this wonderful array, my ancestors will not be with you, ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter of the Blood Demon ancestor was full of cheerfulness. He had experienced the despair in the depths of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. He could naturally understand the feeling of Guanlan's protection.

The thought of Guanlan's law-enforcement being locked up in a large array to remove the cocoon, his heart is indescribable.

"Sir, please stop Xuanzhen, we have something to say, don't offend a domain master because you are down, and hope that you think twice."

The ancestor of the Blood Demon is obviously unable to open the situation. At this moment, Guanlan's law protection can only be pinned on the hope of Yuan Feng. He knows that this large array is definitely not arranged by the Blood Demon ancestors, so begging the Blood Demon ancestors is not as good as those who beg the formation, and can also threaten side by side.

"Well, don't use the domain master to beat me. If you think the domain master can save your life, then ask him directly for help."

Regarding the threat of Guanlan's law protection, Yuan Feng in the Xuanzhen space had a scornful feeling.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Array is not an ordinary mysterious array. In this mysterious array space, it is equivalent to being isolated from the Mo Luo world. No matter how strong you are, you also don't want to exchange information with the outside world.


Hearing Yuan Feng's unceremonious answer, Guanlan's protection of the law suddenly stagnated, but could not say a word. If the opponent doesn't even look at the domain master, then this time, I am afraid that it is really dangerous.

The energy in the body and the power of the cave are draining faster and faster, and the feeling that he is getting weaker and weaker makes him almost vomit blood.

From Dongtianjing one-day practice to Dongtianjing four-day practice, how many ups and downs he experienced along the way, if he retracted all the way, it would make him more uncomfortable than killing him, and make him unacceptable. .

"His terms are open, no matter what the conditions, I will promise you, as long as you stop this mysterious array."

Time does not wait for people. The more time he spends, the more he loses his power. He cannot afford such a loss!

However, this time, in response to him, there was only a few echoes, but there were no other voices.

"Huh? People? Where did people go, come back to me !!!"

The shouts were not answered, and Guanlan's law enforcement was becoming increasingly flustered. Someone talked to him, and he was looking forward to leaving here, but once there were no speakers, he was destined to stay here and wait for a relegation.

However, he didn't know that at this moment, people outside didn't leave, but there was just no time to ignore him.

"A lot of Dongtian power, ha ha ha, can collect these Dongtian power again! Swallow the sky martial spirit, give me the money !!!"

Yuan Feng did not have time to take care of Guanlan's law protection. When the ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array began to operate, the power of the silver-white space in the entire large array of space began to undulate again. At this moment, he The character is to collect the power of these caves. Where can I find the time and energy and the protection of Guanlan?

"Come on, come on, get better at it, and **** out all the power of this guy for me. This time, I'll collect enough at once."

The power of Dongtian is definitely a super baby. His improvement requires the power of Dongtian. The growth of Xiao Ba needs the power of Dongtian. It can be said that the power of Dongtian is the most urgently needed luxury for him.

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