In June 2x20, Xu Huiling moved into Xinghu Dream. +++ Cartino Novel Network

This is a newly built community. As a scarce high-quality large flat product in the urban area, as soon as Xinghu Mengjing opens an appointment, many wealthy people in city a can't wait to pay sincere gold. After the official opening, 80% of the houses were sold on the first day, which is very popular in the property market.

Xu Huiling didn't buy it herself, she rented it.

She was not born into a wealthy family, and her parents didn't care much about her since childhood. When buying a house, her parents will not do anything to help her, but can only rely on herself. With her current income, it is still a little hard to buy a house in Xinghu Mengjing, but she can still afford the rent.

The house is well-decorated and the landlord has furnished all the furniture. Xu Huiling only needs to carry a bag.

In all fairness, she was very satisfied with the house. When she was a child, she dreamed of living in such a beautiful big house.

So she can ignore this small flaw of tens of thousands of monthly rent.

Xu Huiling walked around the balcony with "big" as the selling point, and went back to the living room to start organizing her things. She brought a total of three suitcases, one of which was filled with clothes, and the remaining two were filled with cosmetics and equipment for live broadcast.

She is now a well-known beauty anchor on a well-known platform.

In fact, she had not been exposed to cosmetics when she was studying. After all, her family conditions were not good at that time. It was just that after the college entrance examination, her score was only enough to go to a vocational school. She didn’t want to go on reading like this.

Her parents did not object, because this one learns quickly and can work immediately to make money.

Looking back, Xu Huiling still feels that this is the most correct decision she has made in her life. She is very talented in makeup and hard-working. The teacher likes her very much and introduced her many opportunities after graduation.

At the beginning, it was very hard. One day might turn from dawn to darkness, and my hands seemed to be not my own. But gradually gained some fame, the price of the orders received is getting higher and higher. Finally, a platform sent a message to her that she wanted to sign a contract with her, and Xu Huiling signed it.

Although she is not the hottest anchor on the platform, she still earns a lot every month.

At least, she can completely put off her previous life.

But she moved here not because she had money and wanted to enjoy it, but for the young newlyweds downstairs.

She knew they had moved in for a while, and this house was their wedding room.

Now the occupancy rate of Xinghu Mengjing is not high. Only the third floor of this seven-storey small high-rise building has been officially occupied by the owners.

The little couple is one of them.

Xu Huiling packed up her things and stayed here quietly.

She usually works from home at home, and does not have to go out. Occasionally, she goes out to collect couriers to buy life (using yong) products. Because of the small number of people in the community, she usually encountered no neighbors when going up and down the elevator. Only once, when she returned home, she met the male owner downstairs.

She knew that his name was Huo Cheng.

"Huo City, what's wrong with you?" In June 2x13, Fang Yichang held a cup of coffee in his hand and complained to Huo City beside him, "Frighten me!"

Huo Cheng recovered, but did not answer him. Fang Yichang took a sip of coffee and said jokingly, "What do you keep staring at Xu Huiling? Do you like people?"

Xu Huiling said that he was a bit shy. Huo Cheng looked sideways at Fang Yichang and said, "You keep staring at me, are you interested in me?"

"...⺪!" Fang Yichang couldn't help but swear, he only discovered today that Huo Cheng was so disgusting.

"Okay, don't say it, go to the library first." Shen Wanying always needs to come out to round the court at such times.

Fang Yichang didn't make any more trouble, but when he walked to the door of the library, he was stopped by the staff at the door: "Your coffee cannot be brought in."

"Ah, I can't even bring coffee?" Fang Yichang snorted. "I'd rather go to McDonald's."

This is fine, let alone eat, not even drink!

The staff said facelessly: you either finished drinking outside or put it here and waited when you came out. "

Shen Wanying said: "Then let's put it here."

She and Huocheng haven't tried the coffee yet, and Fang Yichang has drunk half. Xu Huiling saw that they had put the coffee down, opened their coffee and took a sip: "Then I will take a sip first, and then go in."

After Xu Huiling drank the coffee, he put the lid on and put it with the others. After entering the library, Fang Yichang still vomited in a whisper. Shen Wanying and Huo Cheng found an empty table to sit in, and took out the book and test papers to start writing.

Xu Huiling also put down her schoolbag and took out her homework: "Miss, I made my math paper last night. I will not spare all of me, just waiting for you to tell me."

"Okay." Shen Wanying held a pen in her hand and looked at her test paper. Although they do not study in a school, they are all in the second year of high school. Many of the test papers they usually do are the same.

Shen Wanying had done this test paper before, and she hardly thought about it, so she whispered to Xu Huiling the direction of the problem-solving: "I will tell you a general direction, and then you think about doing it yourself, so compare effective."

"it is good."

Fang Yichang saw that they immediately entered the learning state, and he was a little bored. He walked lightly to the bookshelf. After a while, he took the novel back.

Shen Wanying glanced at him and said to him: "Student Fang Yichang, where can't I read the novel? Let you come to the library to study."

Fang Yichang smiled flatteringly: "I'll read it for a while, and I find there are so many lucky books! I tell you, I like his reasoning novels the most."

Shen Wanying said, "Oh," she remembered at Huocheng's villa. She also saw the whole set of Xingxin's books: "Huocheng, do you like Xingxin?"

Huo Cheng nodded: "Well, but I have been abroad before. His books are all in foreign languages."

"Oh," Fang Yichang was yin and yang, "how do I think you are showing off your English?"

Huo Cheng ignored him, Fang Yichang approached again, and asked him with a smile: "Brother dei, do you really have a foreign language version of the lucky novel? Can you buy me a set of no, I want to collect."

Shen Wanying laughed: "It seems that you really like Xing Xin."

"That is, it's not an exaggeration to say that I have read all his novels, and I have also watched all the movies." Speaking of this, Fang Yichang can chat with them for a day, "My favorite is Feng Jing and Mo Zhenyan. The one..."

"Okay, be careful of the administrator throwing you out."

"..." Fang Yichang saw that an administrator had probed towards him and closed his mouth quietly.

So he doesn't like the library.

He had just turned two pages of the novel, and he felt a severe abdominal pain and fell directly to the ground.

"Fang Yichang, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Wanying and others were startled and looked at his situation in the face. There was a lot of noise here, and the library staff was immediately alerted: "What's going on?"

"Our classmates are uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

The staff saw Fang Yichang's face pale and curled up, and his consciousness was a little unclear, so he quickly called the emergency call.

Other people who came to the library stood up one after another, and it seemed to them that Fang Yichang's situation was not clear, and Xu Huiling fell over her stomach again.

The staff was terrified: "What's the matter with you? Collective food poisoning?"

"We didn't eat anything." Shen Wanying also panicked, "Is there a problem with coffee?"

Fang Yichang and Xu Huiling both drank coffee. She and Huo Cheng did not drink it. If there is any problem, can it only be coffee?

"Where is the coffee?" the staff asked anxiously.

Shen Wanying said: "The deposit is at the counter."

"Take it to the hospital with you later, and let the doctor test it." The staff finished and looked at them anxiously, "Did you both drink?"


"That's good then that's good."

Because I don’t know what happened to Xu Huiling and Fang Yichang, everyone didn’t dare to move them casually. Fortunately, the ambulance came quickly and sent them to the hospital as soon as possible.

The two were still rescued in the hospital. The results of the coffee test came out first, and there were really poisonous chemicals in them. Because of the possibility of poisoning, the hospital called the police directly.

When the police came, Xu Huiling and Fang Yichang had lavaged their stomachs and temporarily (took off) the danger.

Shen Wanying, Fang Yichang's parent, contacted Huo Cheng and arrived at the hospital at this time, but Xu Huiling, they could not contact her family.

After the police arrived, he first checked the situation with the doctor before going outside the ward and saw Huo Cheng and Shen Wanying.

"Yo, this is a coincidence." Officer Zuo saw the two of them and raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter? Who offended you?"

Huo Cheng was talking softly to Shen Wanying. Hearing his voice, he raised his head and glanced: "Police Officer Zuo."

"Well." Officer Zuo nodded and said to them, "The test results have come out. Four cups of coffee are poisonous. I have sent people to the cafe."

Shen Wanying's face (color) turned white, if she and Huo Cheng also drank, they are now lying inside.

Huo Cheng held her hand comfortably and said to Officer Zuo: "That cafe, something happened before."

Officer Zuo said: "I heard that you have a classmate who is killing yourself, right?"

"Well, not only that, but the coffee shop owner is a relative of Wang Xu. Wang Xu invited some bad boys that day and set up a suit to wait for us."

Police officer Zuo also heard about this on the way: "I said to you high school students, the interpersonal relationship is quite complicated. The coffee shop owner and Wang Xu and others were punished. They did. Revenge your suspicion."

And a little girl lying inside, I heard that it was the person who called the police.

But because of this, is it really about poisoning their coffee?

"The poison in the coffee has been tested. The poison (sexuality) is not enough to kill. You don't have to worry too much." Officer Zuo comforted and asked them about the incident.

After finishing the transcript, Xu Huiling had woke up, and the doctor said that she could make a simple transcript.

Officer Zuo walked in, Huo Cheng and Shen Wanying followed, and wanted to go in and take a look.

Officer Zuo squinted as soon as he saw the person lying on (bed chuang): "This is really a coincidence."

Xu Huiling also saw him clearly, his face (color) seemed to be whiter than before.

Huo Cheng's eyes moved and asked Officer Zuo: "Do you know her?"

Officer Zuo smiled at him and said: "We met at the tea restaurant that day, she followed me all the time. So you know?"

Huo Cheng frowned and did not speak. Officer Zuo seemed to think of something, and nodded clearly: "It seems that she probably followed you to the tea restaurant that day."

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