The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 109 Half-dragon fights the evil dragon

"As expected of the evil dragon clan, its aura is much stronger than that of the White Lion King!" Qin Hao was also surprised. The aura exuded by this evil dragon ape was much stronger than that of the White Lion King Barton he met in the Evil Beast Forest. A lot stronger, the strength is absolutely terrifying!

But Qin Hao was not afraid. Instead, he licked his lips. Compared with the ordinary creatures on Longxie Island, this guy has a richer bloodline of the Evil Dragon King. It is definitely a great tonic for his Blood Dragon Technique!


The evil dragon ape could not recognize what kind of creature Qin Hao was, and was too lazy to argue. It could feel the huge energy in Qin Hao's body, and knew that it would achieve a big breakthrough if it swallowed Qin Hao.

With a roar that shook the forest, the evil dragon ape couldn't help but take action. It hugged a giant tree that was forty or fifty meters high. Using both arms, it pulled the giant tree like a carrot. It uprooted the tree from the ground, then swung the giant tree and smashed it towards Qin Hao fiercely.


Qin Hao was not afraid. He flicked his tail and whipped it out like a steel whip. It hit the giant tree that was hit. There was an explosion and a terrifying force exploded, hitting the giant tree. It exploded like powder, and splinters of wood flew everywhere, as if it was raining heavily.

Qin Hao's tail made the Evil Dragon Ape's eyes flash with surprise, and then he became even more excited. As the lord of this area, the Evil Dragon Ape hunted the monsters in this area wantonly. With its powerful strength, All monsters are its food!

But now it's not easy to meet an opponent who can excite you!


The evil dragon ape threw the half of the tree he was holding in his hands. The ground stepped on by his huge feet cracked. His huge fist, mixed with the terrifying gravity, landed on Qin Hao's head.

Before the fist hit, a terrifying force had already come down, causing the ground around Qin Hao to have faint cracks.

Faced with this terrifying punch, Qin Hao chose to avoid the edge temporarily.


Qin Hao swam quickly to avoid the punch. The evil dragon ape's fist hit the ground angrily. Centered on its fist, the ground sunk into a huge pit with a diameter of thirty to forty meters. The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was shaking endlessly, as if there was an earthquake. This kind of power was extremely terrifying, and even an ordinary low-level lord-level monster would be half disabled even if it was punched to death!

Qin Hao didn't have the habit of not fighting back when he was beaten. He opened his bloody mouth, gathered genetic energy, and spit out purple destructive thunder and lightning, forming a thunder spear to stab the evil dragon ape's body.


Thunder and lightning exploded on the body of the evil dragon ape, and the destructive thunder and lightning raged, causing the space to distort!

However, what surprised Qin Hao was that the blood-red scales all over the body of the evil dragon ape were glowing with a cold light, which actually made the thunder and lightning wrapped around the body disappear.

"Is it resistant skin?" Qin Hao guessed that the evil dragon ape should have special abilities that can weaken ability attacks. Such as resistant skin, it is difficult for ability attacks to damage it.

In this case, we can only kill it with hand-to-hand combat!


Qin Hao's body flapped, and the dragon's tail tore into the void, with black cracks at the tip and it was angrily drawn out towards the evil dragon ape. In terms of physical strength, the Western dragon is very powerful, but after practicing the spirit refining technique, it has evolved several times. Qin Hao is not bad at all!

Facing Qin Hao's fierce attack, the evil dragon ape had no intention of evading. It raised a huge fist covered with blood-red scales and punched out angrily.


The dragon's tail collided with the evil dragon ape's fist, and with the blessing of Qin Hao's fire power, the potential in the body burst out, like a volcano erupting. Two terrifying forces overflowed, forming shock waves that spread out in all directions, within a hundred meters. The trees were shaken so hard that leaves fell like raindrops, and the trunks of some big trees were shaken to the point of cracking.

The evil dragon ape groaned in pain, and the scales covering its fists shattered under the huge force transmitted by Qin Hao's tail, and blood flew out.

In the first head-to-head confrontation with Qin Hao, the evil dragon ape was injured. Although it was only a slight injury, it was extremely unbelievable for the evil dragon ape!


The evil dragon ape suddenly hugged Qin Hao's tail with a pair of arms. There was a ferocious look on its face, and it was ready to swing Qin Hao, and then smashed it to the ground. The evil dragon ape had once used its brute force to smash Qin Hao. Another evil dragon clan was smashed to death with all its bones and internal organs shattered.

But Qin Hao sneered, comparing strength? He is not afraid!

The power of Qin Haotu blessed himself, causing his weight to increase several times in an instant, and the power of fire stimulated his potential, bursting out with terrifying power. With a fierce swing, the evil dragon ape felt an exaggerated power coming from him. It almost flew away, but it quickly used its strength to stabilize itself.

However, at this moment, Qin Hao's tail suddenly swung in the opposite direction. Suddenly, the evil dragon ape could no longer restrain Qin Hao's tail. He staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Hao's 60-meter-long body bounced off the ground, opened his bloody mouth and bit into the evil dragon ape's throat. With the sharpness of his dragon teeth, he could bite the evil dragon ape's neck. Instantly tear its throat, causing it to die in a short time!


However, this evil dragon ape also has a lot of fighting experience. He instinctively dodged, causing Qin Hao to miss the point and bite it on the shoulder. The sharp dragon teeth easily tore the scales of the evil dragon ape. , penetrate it.

This immediately made the evil dragon ape's eyes red with pain. In pain, it slammed a huge fist towards Qin Hao's head. The evil dragon ape was very powerful, and it would definitely not be easy to get punched on the head. Feeling so good, Qin Hao did not resist. He tore hard and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood on the evil dragon ape's shoulder.

Qin Hao avoided the evil dragon ape's fist. The hot blood in his mouth made the blood in Qin Hao's body boil, and his fighting spirit became even higher!


A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off from the shoulder, and the evil dragon ape was also inspired by the ferocity of the beast. It roared and punched Qin Hao crazily.

"bring it on!"

Qin Hao did not dodge. He raised his upper body and concentrated the strength of a dragon claw covered with black scales. He used the most explosive artillery fist among the Five Elements Fist. The dragon claw shot out fiercely, and five sharp claws rubbed against the air. The dazzling sparks slapped heavily on the fist of the evil dragon ape!


Amidst the terrifying noise, two terrifying forces exploded, the vibrating void trembled, and huge cracks tore open in the nearby ground, spreading nearly a hundred meters!

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