The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 120 Evil Dragon Valley

Although these Atlanteans have been found, there is still the most important step. How to leave Longxie Island?

Longxie Island is sealed, and you can't get in or out. If you can't get out, there's not much point in finding these Atlanteans!

Qin Hao answered truthfully: "I don't know, I just came in not long ago."

When Hao Mu heard this, he hesitated: "I may have some clues on how to get out."

Qin Hao was a little surprised and stared at him without speaking.

Hao Mu explained: "For so many years, we have been thinking about how to leave all the time. Our ancestors have been exploring this Longxie Island, looking for a place where we might be able to leave. Over the years, we have almost turned over this Longxie Island, but Haven't found a way out yet."

In order to explore this evil dragon island, the people of Atlantis have died countless people for countless years. Basically, they encountered the evil dragon clan and were completely wiped out.

"There is only one place that no one has ever explored." Hao Mu said, "That is...Evil Dragon Valley."

"Evil Dragon Valley?" Qin Hao was confused.

Hao Mu said with a hint of fear on his face: "That is a very dangerous place. When I was young, I went hunting with my father. My father seemed to be possessed by a demon and walked straight into a foggy place. He couldn't hold him back in the valley, and my father never came out since then."

"Later, I trained myself and gradually became stronger, and then I entered the Evil Dragon Valley to look for my father. However, the Evil Dragon Valley was too dangerous. There were many evil dragon clans there for some reason. I couldn't enter at all, so I had to leave without success. Then, my father might have been eaten by these evil dragons after entering it." There was a trace of sadness on Hao Mu's face. His father's death could be said to be the nightmare of his youth.

Condensing the emotions on his face, Hao Mu said seriously: "I guess that the Evil Dragon Valley is most likely the place where the Evil Dragon King lives. He is the master of the Evil Dragon Island. He has died, but there are still countless evil dragons. Guarding the Evil Dragon Valley, if there is a way to leave the Evil Dragon Island, I think it is within this Evil Dragon Valley."

"Where does the Evil Dragon King live?" Qin Hao's expression condensed.

Hao Mu said: "We don't have the ability to explore this Evil Dragon Valley. It's very dangerous there."

"Evil Dragon Valley..." Qin Hao pondered. Hao Mu must not be lying. If there is a way to leave Longxie Island, it seems most likely that there is a way to leave where the Evil Dragon King lives.

But Hao Mu also said that it was very dangerous, with a large number of evil dragons occupying it!

"Okay, when I find a way to leave, I will come and take you away." Hao Mu told Qin Hao the location of the Evil Dragon Valley, and Qin Hao did not delay. He was always quick and resolute, and flew away from here on the cyan air current.

"I hope... he can really take us back to our hometown." Hao Mu thought secretly, feeling a little bitter in his heart. The Atlanteans had a glorious past, but now they had to place their hopes on a monster. .

But there was no way. The experience of Longxie Island had wiped away all their pride. If it hadn't been for this semi-bad metal battleship, they would have been wiped out by the monsters on the island.

However, this metal battleship has also been damaged and cannot even fly.

Qin Hao left the Atlantis camp and headed in the direction of the Evil Dragon Valley that Hao Mu had pointed out before.

Qin Hao came all the way to the bottom of a series of mountains. This valley was composed of countless hills and was hidden in a layer of fog. Even with Qin Hao's eyesight, he could not clearly see the scene deep in the fog.

"Evil Dragon Valley is most likely the place where the Evil Dragon King lives. Now that the Evil Dragon King has fallen, what else will be in it?"

Qin Hao pondered. He stared at the Evil Dragon Valley, knowing that this place was not simple. It was normal for someone to die in it. Finally, Qin Hao made a decision to go in and have a look!

Anyway, sooner or later you have to enter the Evil Dragon Valley. If you want to leave the Evil Dragon Valley, you must go in and explore.


Qin Hao used his sealing ability, shrank to a one-meter-long form, and then entered the Evil Dragon Valley.

Qin Hao found that the Evil Dragon Valley was made up of mountain peaks. It was covered with fog everywhere and he could not see the way forward clearly. This made him frown and he could not even see the road clearly. If he was not careful, he might run into danger. .


Qin Hao suddenly looked up and found that a strange creature flew in from outside the Evil Dragon Valley. The creature looked like a tiger, with black dragon scales covering its body and a pair of huge wings on its back. .

There is no doubt that this is an evil dragon. This dragon-winged giant tiger is more than thirty meters long. It soars in the air and flies to a mountain several hundred meters high. There is a huge mountain on this mountain. The stone cave, it drilled into.

"Sure enough, as the Atlanteans said, there are many evil dragons living here." Qin Hao thought secretly when he saw this.

There are a large number of evil dragons gathered in this Evil Dragon Valley. I don’t know why. These evil dragons all live in this Evil Dragon Valley, and they don’t fight each other like the evil dragons in other places.

The evil dragon clan living in the Evil Dragon Valley are very restrained towards each other and will not fight with other evil dragon clans in the Evil Dragon Valley.

"How about...hunting a few evil dragons?" Qin Hao licked his lips. He had just evolved and was in a state of hunger. He had eaten one evil dragon before, but it was not enough. The more food, the better. Well, what's more, he is now practicing the Blood Dragon Technique, which requires a large amount of blood essence to strengthen his bloodline power.

There are a large number of evil dragons occupying this Evil Dragon Valley, and they are simply piles of high-quality food!

Just as he thought, Qin Hao headed towards the mountain peak where the dragon-winged giant tiger was. In the sealed state, Qin Hao climbed up the mountain several hundred meters high, came to the outside of the cave, and looked inside.

Inside the cave, the dragon-winged giant tiger had already fallen asleep.

When Qin Hao saw the dragon-winged giant sleeping in the cave, his eyes flashed coldly: "You must be careful not to make too much noise to attract other evil dragons!"

The evil dragons in the Evil Dragon Valley do not invade each other. If the giant dragon-winged tiger screams, it will definitely attract a large number of evil dragons, which Qin Hao does not want to see.


Qin Hao gradually approached the dragon-winged giant tiger, then unlocked the seal, and instantly transformed into a ninety-meter-long form.

The violent aura filled the cave. The dragon-winged giant tiger suddenly opened its eyes and was about to roar, but it was already too late.


Qin Hao bit the dragon-winged giant tiger's throat and injected venom!

The giant dragon-winged tiger struggled desperately. There was deep fear and disbelief in its eyes. Someone dared to do something in the Evil Dragon Valley?

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