The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 131 Unlimited firepower!

Puff puff!

Pieces of ice crystals hit the undead dragon's body and exploded, but something happened that made the undead dragon's empty eyes flash with a strange color.


All the broken ice crystals were transformed into biting cold air, causing the undead dragon's body surface to be covered with thick frost.

The main reason for this ability to transform Qin Hao's skill is of course that Qin Hao's ice ability has reached the level of the controller to achieve this level!

While the body of the undead dragon was frozen by the ice, ice crystals formed all over its body. Qin Hao's body bounced on the ground, and his ninety-meter-long body rose into the sky. He opened his bloody mouth and bit the undead dragon's throat!

What Qin Hao has to do is very simple, tear the throat and vocal cords of the undead dragon, so that it can't scream, and its soul scream that needs to be transmitted by sound will probably not be able to play its role!

The undead dragon flapped its wings, and Qin Hao used the power of earth to support himself, causing his own weight to increase. The undead dragon fell straight under the pressure, and Qin Hao's head swung violently, piercing the dragon's teeth in the undead dragon's throat. Cut off its throat and vocal cords.


The undead dragon and Qin Hao smashed onto the ground from above, causing fine cracks to appear in the luxurious bricks and stones paved in the temple.


The dead eyes of the undead dragon were spitting out ferocious light, and it also turned its head and bit Qin Hao's neck, pulling hard, causing two deep scars.

Qin Hao felt a burning sensation coming from the wound. He was shocked. He knew that the teeth of the undead dragon probably contained toxins that corroded flesh and blood. He had already bitten off the undead dragon's vocal cords, so he did not fight with him. He traded his injuries for injuries, raised his head, and threw the undead dragon into the sky!

"Go to hell!"

Qin Hao roared angrily, with a faint blood mist rising from his body. He entered the state of blood dragon incarnation, with full combat power. The forty-meter-long body of the undead dragon was thrown high by him. Qin Hao did not let it go. A blood-red dragon tail was like a huge blood-red steel whip, lashing out at the undead dragon's body.


A series of explosions were heard in the air, and the huge body of the undead dragon was smashed hundreds of meters away like a cannonball. It hit heavily on a stone pillar with a diameter of tens of meters in the temple, making a loud sound. There was a loud rumbling sound, and fine cracks appeared on the hard stone pillar!

There is no doubt that this blow was very heavy, and there was a faint sound of explosion from the parts and bones of the undead dragon that was hit!

"This..." Amar's expression changed. He had no idea that this big black snake could be so ferocious and terrifying. In the past, monsters that strayed into the foggy area had to deal with the soul-screaming undead dragon in just a few encounters. He would be killed on the spot and turned into food. This was the first time he had seen a monster that could defeat the undead dragon in such a mess.

"Baby, stand up quickly and kill him!" Amar said in a soft voice.


The undead dragon climbed up from the ground. It didn't know the pain. Even if the bones were broken, it didn't affect it. It wanted to open its mouth to roar and use the soul scream, but the vocal cords were torn and the throat was exposed, just like a It was like a broken bellows, it could only make a gurgling hoarse sound, and could not unleash the soul scream at all.

This made the undead dragon furious. Its dark eyes glowed with green light. Qin Hao suddenly heard a series of crisp sounds in the darkness in the distance. The sound was like the friction of bones!

"Are those giant dragon bones? Are they all alive?" Qin Hao looked into the distance with some surprise. There were many giant dragon bones placed in the dragon temple, with a faint light flashing in their eye sockets. They were actually alive, looking towards this place. Coming at great speed.

This undead dragon actually has the ability to give life to these dead people! Transform them all into bone dragons!

Even Amar's eyes showed surprise. He also just realized that the Undead Dragon actually had such abilities. Then Amar was ecstatic: "Haha, he is indeed the heir of the Evil Dragon King. He really has unlimited potential."


A bone dragon more than a hundred meters long rushed over, opened its big white mouth and bit Qin Hao's neck.


However, before its big mouth fell, Qin Hao's tail whipped out from the diagonal spine, which caused the bone dragon's white skull to fall off from its neck and roll far away on the ground.

"Fortunately, they are very weak." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. These bone dragons are just superficial. They are only equivalent to low-level lord-level monsters. They are far inferior to the giant monsters encountered at the bottom of the swamp that transformed into undead creatures over time. Dragon bones, otherwise we will be in trouble!

"Bang bang bang!"

Giant dragon skeletons were surrounding Qin Hao one after another. Qin Hao's dragon tail whipped out one after another, fast and hard, and the bodies of the giant dragon bones that rushed forward were scattered and flew out.

Click, click, click!

But what surprised Qin Hao was that these scattered skeletons were wrapped by an invisible force and re-condensed into a complete skeletal dragon, charging towards Qin Hao fearlessly.

"Hurry up and deal with them!" Qin Hao felt bursts of pain on the lower side of his neck. It was the wound bitten by the undead dragon when he was fighting with it. The teeth of the undead dragon contained corrosive poison, which could make The wound continued to rot and was wearing down Qin Hao's physical strength. He had to deal with these guys quickly and then concentrate on dispersing the toxins in the wound.

Two points of blood-red light bloomed in Qin Hao's eyes. In his belly, the small bloody dragon in the Blood Dragon Jade Soul began to swim rapidly, sucking Qin Hao's blood.

Qin Hao decided to use the Blood Dragon Jade Soul to crush all the monsters in front of him into slag!

As the blood is absorbed, the Blood Dragon Jade Soul returns a powerful force to Qin Hao, which can increase the intensity of his abilities several times. The higher the quality of the blood injected, the stronger the increase. Qin Hao is more powerful than the last time. When using the Blood Dragon Jade Soul, the bloodline level is also greatly improved, and this time the increase is even greater!


Qin Hao raised his head and pointed at the sky, spitting out blazing blood-red flames. The flames were extremely thick and faintly condensed into a magma-like liquid. Even steel would be burned and melted in an instant if it touched it.

The flames filled the sky densely, and the ceiling at the top of the Evil Dragon Temple was reflected in blood red, like a sea of ​​fire floating in the sky.

"Die them all!" The more profound the Blood Dragon Dafa is, the stronger the power of one's own bloodline, and the greater the increase in the Blood Dragon Jade Soul obtained. With Qin Hao's current blood, one drop of blood is worth the blood of someone who has not practiced Blood Dragon. Ten drops during the Dafa period, this is a qualitative change!


Amal looked at the sea of ​​blood-colored fire in the sky with some dumbfounded eyes. In the red sea of ​​blood-colored fire in the sky, blood-colored fireballs with a diameter of two meters were falling towards the bottom like meteorites.

Hundreds of blood-red fireballs are overwhelming the sky, leaving no room to hide, just like meteorites falling from the sky to destroy the world!

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