"Transform into human form?" Qin Hao was also stunned. There are monsters that can transform into human form in later generations, but definitely not many, and they all use various treasures or their own abilities, such as disguise, mimicry, hallucination and other abilities.

This mirage bead actually has the ability to turn people into human form?

Qin Hao couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and he quickly decided to exchange it. Being able to turn into a human form is always more convenient in certain situations. Secondly, he would not be excluded in some ancient human ruins. Some ruins are very exclusive!

In addition, Qin Hao was a human in his previous life, and his aesthetics and way of thinking were the same as humans. Although he has adapted to this monster's body, it never hurts to have one more skill!

"How much is the contribution per point?" Qin Hao asked, and he decided to exchange the mirage beads.

"One contribution point for five thousand." Hailan said.

Qin Hao glanced at Xiaobai next to him and couldn't help but hesitate. He had spent 10,000 contribution points on it before. These mirage beads were not cheap. Should he exchange them for one for himself or for Xiaobai as well?

Xiaobai tilted his head and looked at the lights and shadows on the virtual screen, looking curious.

"Forget it, let's exchange it for one!" Qin Hao sighed upon seeing this. Xiaobai's luck was really good. He first obtained the Evil Dragon King's legendary treasure, the Evil Soul Bead. The remnant soul of the Evil Dragon King is a huge hidden danger.

But when I happened to come to Pop City, I was spotted by Super Intelligent Brain Blue and had a solution. As a result, there was more than one mirage bead. This guy was so lucky!

"Two of them!" Qin Hao said to Hailan.

"Send it right away." Hai Lan nodded, and within ten seconds, a silver-white robot rushed over from the end of the street in the distance holding two boxes at several times the speed of sound.

Hai Lan opened the box, and inside were two thumb-sized pearls, which exuded a lustrous and dreamy luster. They were mirage pearls.

"Just eat it and it will take effect within half an hour." Hailan said, handing the box to Qin Hao. Qin Hao took the mirage bead and continued to check the treasures in the treasure house.

I spent 20,000 contribution points in just this moment, and only 16,000 contribution points were left. If it weren’t for the fact that three of the Atlanteans brought back were members of the royal family, more than 6,000 contribution points would have been enough. A mirage pearl!

Qin Hao couldn't say anything. After all, he had already received the legendary Blood Dragon Jade Soul as a reward before, and the contribution points he received now were additional rewards.

Qin Hao browsed through the items one by one. To be honest, there were a lot of items in Pop City's treasure house, and most of them were top quality, but most of them were of no use to Qin Hao.

For example, the Poseidon Armor can basically not hurt lord-level monsters after wearing it. It also has huge bonuses when you are in the water. It is a magical weapon for ordinary evolvers, but naturally it is of little use to Qin Hao. , his scales are not weaker than the defense of the Poseidon Armor!

Another example is some swords, guns, swords and halberds. These are not ordinary weapons, but are the same as the killing blade held by Long Shuo of Moyue City. They are extraordinary weapons with extraordinary lethality.

When faced with rough-skinned monsters, human evolvers need a good weapon to break through their defenses, but these extraordinary weapons are as useless to Qin Hao as toothpicks.

The useful ones are legendary treasures, but these legendary treasures are extremely precious. Not to mention that the contribution points are not enough to exchange for legendary treasures. Even if there are enough, these legendary treasures are not for sale, and foreigners are not eligible to exchange them!

"Huh? Timia's Sorrow?" After eliminating a large number of items that were useless or useless to him, Qin Hao suddenly saw a necklace named Timia's Sorrow among them.

"This is Timia's sorrow. There is a poignant legend about it..." Hailan introduced it, but Qin Hao simply ignored her "poignant" legend.

Finally, Hai Lan said: "Timia's Sorrow is a soul defense treasure. As long as it is worn, it can absorb soul attacks, but if it suffers too much damage, it will be directly destroyed."

"That's it!" Qin Hao's eyes lit up and he immediately decided to exchange it for Timia's Sorrow. It can absorb soul attacks. Even if it breaks after just a few uses, it can save lives at critical moments.

If he had had this necklace to help resist a soul attack when he fought against the Undead Dragon not long ago, Qin Hao would definitely not have been forced into a desperate situation!

"Soul treasures are generally very precious and more expensive than those of the same level. They are worth 10,000 contribution points." Hai Lan said with a smile.

In this way, Qin Hao only had more than 6,000 contribution points left, which he had paid for with his life.

"Huh? Violent Potion?" Qin Hao continued to browse the treasure list. He saw an item called Violent Potion in the category of genetic potions.

The violent potion is a potion made from the genes of monsters with the ability to go berserk. Its function is very simple. After taking it, it will greatly increase one's combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but it will damage the body afterwards and make it weak for a long time. time.

Qin Hao feels that this thing is very suitable for him. With his monster-like body, he can still withstand the backlash. It can also be used as a comeback weapon at critical moments of desperate efforts!

A bottle of violent potion has a contribution value of 3,000 points.

As for the last 3,000 contribution points, Qin Hao chose a regeneration potion. This regeneration potion is also similar to the violent potion. It is a genetic potion and is worth 3,000 contribution points. Taking the regeneration potion can give you regeneration in a short time. Ability, self-recovery speed will be comprehensively increased.

Taking the regeneration potion will regenerate injuries and genetic energy at an exaggerated rate, which is also very useful for Qin Hao. After all, the genetic energy consumed by using the Blood Dragon Jade Soul is also consumed several times!

Both items are disposable items, but both are very useful.

In this way, Qin Hao's contribution points were completely recovered. As for the remaining small contribution points, he bought some clothes and gadgets for the invisible tent.

After doing all this, Qin Hao said goodbye to Hailan.

Seeing that Qin Hao was leaving, Hai Lan persuaded him: "You can stay in Pop City. As long as you complete the corresponding tasks, you can get more contribution points and even become an Atlantis citizen."

"No need, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Qin Hao refused. He had no intention of staying and working in Pop City. If he stayed in Pop City to develop, although it would be stable, his progress would be slow.

As for the treasure house in Pop City, there are no dragon beads anymore. Treasures such as Soul Roar Conch are not for sale. There are some other precious treasures that are useful to Qin Hao, but their use is not that great.

Qin Hao has the memory of his previous life and knows where there is a chance to be born, but he is not willing to develop slowly here.

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