"Good boy... put on your clothes first." Qin Hao coughed all over and looked a little unnatural. Xiaobai was naked now, but she was still extremely clingy, which made him feel inexplicably hot.

"Clothes... clothes?" Xiaobai looked up at him, her ice-blue eyes full of doubts, "Is there anything to eat?"

Qin Hao sighed, Xiaobai didn't even have the common sense, so he thought he had to teach her a little bit.

Qin Hao looked for suitable clothes for Xiaobai from the Chengfeng's wardrobe, but these clothes were all for adults. In the end, Qin Hao found that there was only one black dress suitable for Xiaobai.

Qin Hao could only help Xiaobai get dressed in person. Xiaobai was very resistant to this during the process. She remained motionless until Qin Hao made a serious face.

Ten minutes later, Qin Haocai wiped off his sweat and helped Xiaobai get dressed. This was even more tiring than him fighting monsters!

At this time, Xiaobai made Qin Hao feel amazing. She was wearing a black knee-length lace skirt, black stockings, and shiny black boots. She was full of Gothic style, like a dark castle. The princess in.

"Hmm!" Xiaobai suddenly looked to the side with bright eyes, rushed over quickly, and jumped off the deck. She found a sea beast approaching the Chengfeng!

Soon after, the waves rolled, and the dying cry of the sea beast was heard. A huge white snake with diamond-like scales emerged with a twenty-meter-long giant shark in its mouth.

Xiaobai threw the giant shark's carcass onto the deck and said in a childish voice: "Brother... let me eat it for you!"

Qin Hao sighed. Xiaobai was still a monster at heart. He reached out and patted Xiaobai's head.

Xiaobai was not used to the human form at first and often changed back to the white snake form, but gradually she liked being in the human form.

Because when Xiaobai found out that she was in snake form, Qin Hao was very repulsive when she approached Qin Hao. However, Qin Hao was not so repulsive when she turned into a human form. Even if she hugged him, he would just scold him with a straight face. Two sentences will not push her away.

Xiaobai didn't understand why, but he was naturally very happy.

Of course, Xiaobai didn't know that Qin Hao's aesthetics were human aesthetics. He was naturally repulsed by the ferocious white snake entangled and embraced by him, but Qin Hao was not so repelled by Xiaobai who was in cute human form!

"Woo...wow!" In the blink of an eye, it was already five days after leaving Pope City. During these five days, the Chengfeng kept moving forward, and was still about half way from the land. Xiaobai climbed on the guardrail of the deck and whined. She was screaming because she saw fish swimming in the sea, and her saliva was almost flowing out.

Not long ago, Qin Hao caught a few fish on a whim and made grilled fish. After eating it, Xiaobai felt that it was so delicious that she almost bit her tongue. She pestered Qin Hao to grill fish for her every day.

"I've just eaten. I won't wait for you if you go down again." Qin Hao said from a distance when he saw that Xiaobai was about to jump into the sea to catch fish again. This would delay his journey.

"Oh..." Xiaobai could only watch the fish in the sea gradually disappearing, and looked back with some reluctance.

Qin Hao was helpless. The addition of a novice made him feel that his patience had been tempered much better than before!

Seeing the pitiful Xiaobai in the distance, Qin Hao sighed and waved: "Come here."

Xiaobai immediately ran into Qin Hao's arms very happily, and his little head hit his chest with a bang. You must know that Xiaobai is now a high-ranking lord. Even though his strength is greatly weakened in human form, this The force of the collision was not light. If Qin Hao hadn't been physically strong, this collision would have broken his bones and tendons.

Qin Hao looked at Xiaobai's cute look and swallowed the words that came to his lips. Xiaobai was a mutant beast. It was impossible to make her understand everything in a short time. He could only train her slowly.

"I'm going to teach you a secret technique called spiritual refining. You have to learn it hard." Qin Hao said with a serious face. Only in this way can Xiaobai be obedient and obedient.

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded vigorously.

Since Xiaobai follows him, Qin Hao must also improve Xiaobai's strength. This spiritual refining technique can greatly temper his body and speed up the refining of the spiritual energy of the world. It is a very precious secret technique.

Qin Hao taught the spirit refining technique to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai started practicing it under Qin Hao's supervision. Xiaobai practiced the spirit refining technique smoothly. After all, Xiaobai can evolve to this level at this stage, and his own talent is It can't be bad!

"It's almost two days' journey to reach the land." Three days later, Xiaobai was asked to concentrate on practicing spiritual refining. Qin Hao was finally able to calm down a little. He calculated the time and felt that he should be about 30 minutes away from the land. Not far away.

"Huh?" At this time, Xiaobai opened his eyes, and Qin Hao also had a look of surprise in his eyes, looking up into the distance!

In Qin Hao's thermal vision, there was an astonishing amount of heat rising from the seawater in the distance, like a hot mountain or a blazing sun!

"This... what kind of monster is this?" Qin Hao was shocked to the extreme. He saw that the heat in the sea water in front of him was so huge that even the Black Swamp King he met in the Little Evil Witch Realm could not compare with it. The creatures in the sea before my eyes!

What monster is in the water ahead? Qin Hao didn't know, but the opponent was most likely a quasi-legendary or even a true legendary creature.

"This is definitely not a creature from this era. It may be a monster like the Black Swamp King that has survived from other eras to this day!" Xiaobai's body was trembling. The unknown creature in the sea water ahead was too scary, and Qin Hao felt solemn in his heart. At the extreme, "Turn around, turn around quickly!"

Facing this terrifying ancient creature, avoiding it is the best way!

hold head high!

However, at this moment, there was a roar that sounded like a lion but not a lion, a tiger but not a tiger. This roar was high and loud, resounding throughout the sea area of ​​​​nearly a hundred miles in radius. In the midst of this roar, the originally calm sea area suddenly suddenly changed. Strong winds and waves arose, and huge waves rolled up to a height of a hundred feet!

The entire 100-meter-long Chengfeng had no time to turn around before it was hit by the waves and soared into the sky. It was caught in the waves and could not fall down.

"This...this is..." Qin Hao and Xiaobai tightly grasped the railings on the deck to fix their bodies. They looked into the sea with some horror. In the sea, a huge island-like creature emerged. .

The first thing that emerged was a head, a ferocious dragon head with two horns and covered with huge dark green scales!

"Is it... the Dragon Clan?" Qin Hao was shocked when he saw this dragon head. Did he just meet the Dragon Clan that had revived from ancient times in the endless sea?

But then Qin Hao discovered that this creature was not a dragon. The waves rolled, revealing its body. It carried a huge, thick turtle shell on its back. The turtle shell was covered with green moss and solidified mud, like It seems like it hasn't been moved for a long time.

It is so huge that although the whole thing cannot be seen clearly, its diameter reaches nearly two thousand meters!

"Is this a dragon turtle?" Qin Hao swallowed and thought of the legend in his previous life. Someone once encountered a moving island on the sea that looked like a turtle! Could it be this dragon turtle?

This dragon turtle seemed to be taking a bath. It set off huge waves to wash over its body, while the 100-meter-long Chengfeng No. was drifting with the waves, like a tiny leaf in the huge waves!

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