The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 142 Black Earth Urban Area

"Are you ready? I will send you to the place I once felt." Dragon Turtle Xiawu said.

"Wait a minute, Senior Xia Wu, why don't you go in person? How should I contact you if I find its body?" Qin Hao did not forget to ask the key point.

Dragon Turtle Xiago sighed: "I won't be able to leave this sea for a long time. As for how you can contact me, you only need to blow the conch in the coastal area, and I will come as quickly as possible. "

"It can't leave the sea?" Qin Hao was surprised. The dragon turtle Xia Wu seemed to be restricted by some means and couldn't leave the sea. What was the reason?

Without time to think, Xia Wu spit out a gray conch covered with seaweed. The conch floated in front of Qin Hao. Qin Hao caught it and thought about cleaning it for a while.

"Okay, I will send you away now, find my son's body, and blow the conch shell to notify me at the coastal area." Dragon Turtle Xiago repeated again, this matter is very important to it, it has been sleeping before , the first thing I want to do when I wake up now is this.

"Send us away?" While Qin Hao was still thinking about what he meant, the dragon turtle Xia Wu moved and slapped a huge paw on the sea in front of him, and a huge tsunami broke out around him. The waves wrapped Qin Hao in it, forming a water ball.

"Sit tight!" Dragon Turtle Xiawu shouted, and then slapped a paw on the water polo.


Suddenly, Qin Hao felt that the world was spinning, and the whole water polo flew towards the distant sky like a meteor, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Dragon Turtle Xiago glanced at the huge water polo disappearing from the horizon, and yawned: "I'm so tired...just keep sleeping for a while."

The huge dragon turtle, more than two thousand meters long, slowly disappeared above the sea.


Qin Hao looked through the water balloon and found that the scenery was moving backwards rapidly, just like an airplane, but the speed was too fast!

This is what Xia Wu, the dragon turtle, meant when he said to send them away. This water ball will take Qin Hao and Xiao Bai to land directly at the place where Xia Wu's third son died. As long as they find his body, they can notify Xia Wu to collect it. , and will receive black earth beads as reward.

Qin Hao put Xiaobai down, and at the same time made Chengfeng shrink and swallow him into his belly. In order not to attract attention, Qin Hao himself also changed back to human form.

The water polo flew with Qin Hao and Xiaobai for nearly more than two hours. Its energy gradually ran out and it shrank smaller and smaller, but Qin Hao could see the mainland in the distance!

"'s obviously two or three days away from the mainland, but this water polo flew there in two hours!" Qin Hao was also shocked by the power of the dragon turtle Xia Wu.


After flying to the mainland and flying to a thousand meters above a city full of tall buildings and full of wasteland atmosphere, the water ball exhausted its power and shattered. Xiaobai hugged Qin Hao's neck tightly, a little scared, she never left. The ground is so high!

Qin Hao's body was entangled with cyan airflow, and he fell steadily from an altitude of more than a thousand meters to the streets of this abandoned city.

"Brother... that big turtle is so scary!" Xiao Bai's pretty face showed a trace of lingering fear. She could also instinctively feel that the dragon turtle Xia Wu was more terrifying than any creature she had ever seen!

"Well, yes, but we will be more powerful than it in the future!" Qin Hao also nodded, but said very firmly.

Qin Hao was undoubtedly a little stimulated. As time goes by, more and more ancient creatures like the Black Swamp King and the Dragon Turtle Xiago will be revived. Fortunately, the Dragon Turtle he met today is not a vicious person. , otherwise you will be crushed to death!

Qin Hao's determination to become stronger naturally became stronger.

"This is... the Black Earth City in the Fengmu area?" Qin Hao observed the surrounding area. He saw a road sign next to the street and determined the location of this place.

The body of Xia Wu's third son Xia Dian should be somewhere in the Fengmu area. Xia Wu only knew the general area, but not the specific location of his body. Qin Hao felt a little headache. The Fengmu area was not there at all. Small, not to mention that the world has become a hundred times larger after the fusion of all realms. It is really difficult to find a corpse in this Fengmu area.

He had no choice but to look around. Qin Hao originally planned to go to the Fengbei area to seize the Wanling Tree, but was sent to the Fengmu area by Dragon Turtle on the way. The two areas were separated by a long distance. It was probably the same for him to set out now. Can't make up the time.

Walking on the street, Qin Hao found that this black earth city seemed to have been bombarded by artillery fire. High-rise buildings collapsed one after another, and there were traces of scorched black marks everywhere on the ground. It was as if there had been a war. There was a dead silence. Not a single human figure could be seen.


At this time, at the end of the street in the distance, there was a hissing sound, and a figure wearing torn clothes rushed towards Qin Hao and Xiaobai like an evil ghost.

This was a zombie with a sallow face and skinny muscles. It seemed that it had not eaten food for a long time, but it ran very fast, dragging a trail of afterimages.

Facing this zombie that looked very hostile, Xiaobai took action without hesitation. Dark red flame mist swept out of her body and enveloped the zombie. The zombie took two steps and ran away. The body burned with a roar and turned into a puddle of ashes, leaving only a shining evolutionary energy source.

Xiaobai's ability is Dark Flame, a fire attribute ability that takes the form of mist. As long as it comes into contact, the body will be ignited from the inside out, and every cell will be ignited. It is very powerful!

"Brother, here you go!" Xiaobai picked up the evolutionary energy and handed it to Qin Hao as if taking credit.

Qin Hao patted her head in a funny way. Xiaobai looked just like her appearance, but her heart was similar to that of a teenager, innocent and simple.

"Huh? Cake shop?" Qin Hao and Xiaobai were walking on the street. Soon Qin Hao saw a closed cake shop with the windows intact. Qin Hao felt that there should be food that had not been taken away.

Qin Hao then stepped forward and tore the door open with his palm.

Entering the cake shop, there was a rotten smell. It has been a long time since the end of the world. The cakes in this shop have long been rotten, but Qin Hao still found some gadgets.

This is an unopened pack of toffee, or White Rabbit toffee.

Seeing the White Rabbit toffee, Qin Hao felt a little nostalgic. In his previous life, he had no father or mother and grew up in an orphanage. The happiest time every day was eating a White Rabbit toffee. It was already in the past in the blink of an eye. for many years.

"Here, eat it." Qin Hao took out a white rabbit toffee and handed it to Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up, she took it, threw it into her mouth, swallowed it, and then looked at Qin Hao with a puzzled face: "It doesn't... taste."

I also learned the word taste from Qin Hao. Ordinary food has no taste, but the fish Qin Hao grilled at sea has taste.

The corners of Qin Hao's mouth twitched. How could he eat sweets like this? He didn't even take off the sugar coating!

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