The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 152 Smelting Ability Molecules

"It turns turns out that he is also a monster!" Walker finally understood why this evolver could be so strong. It turned out that he, like it, was not a human evolver. Could it be that the man in black in front of him also came from another world?

Walker quickly tried to get up from the ground, but a big hand had already grabbed the back of its neck. It was Qin Hao. Unexpectedly, he had quickly approached Walker!

Qin Hao's eyes flashed with a fierce fighting spirit, and he was very excited to meet an opponent like Walker.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Qin Hao's dragon-shaped arm pressed Walker's head, making his face close to the ground, and he ran wildly at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, causing violent friction between his face and the ground.

The hard black bones rubbed against the rocky ground, and a series of sparks exploded, just like setting off firecrackers. The harsh friction sound made people's teeth sore. Walker's head rubbed a half-meter-deep ravine on the ground. , spanning the entire square.

This... this is being pressed to the ground and rubbed!

Compared with Qin Hao, the skeleton monster was just like a grandson, being pushed to the ground and rubbed crazily by Qin Hao!


If a normal person were rubbed like this, his head would be completely wiped off. Although this would not cause much harm to the Bone Demon Lord Walker, whose bones are ten times harder than steel, it would still be humiliating enough. His head pressed heavily against the ground, his hands were inserted into the ground to fix his body, his lower body stood upright, and his huge skeleton feet kicked Qin Hao's cheek hard.

Qin Hao leaned back slightly to avoid the kick, and grabbed its ankle with one arm.

"Get out of here!"

Qin Hao spun on the spot, swung Walker's burly body, and swung it hard. It flew out of the community like a cannonball and fell on the street. His head hit the armored vehicle parked on the road hard. The armored vehicles all rolled over.


Qin Hao pursued him like a savage beast. Walls and houses along the way were shattered by the impact. Walker gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. He clasped the chassis of an armored vehicle with both hands and pulled the It was lifted up and hit Qin Hao angrily.


However, with a wave of Qin Hao's dragon arm, the 20-ton armored vehicle was blown dozens of meters away like a toy car. Many of the evil dragon evolvers' scalps were numb. Even if it was said that They will never believe that Qin Hao is a human being!


Qin Hao kept charging and hit Walker in the chest with a punch. Walker flew backwards again, collapsing several houses and falling into ruins. The bone scales on his chest fell off and the bones shattered.

Walker felt his eyes go black for a while. Even his fine steel frame could not withstand such a blow from Qin Hao. It was horrified in its heart. What kind of monster was Qin Hao? He could actually beat it without the ability to fight back!

Walker gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ruins, but before he could stand still, Qin Hao was already chasing after him again. He was holding an armored vehicle with one arm, jumped up, and roared the entire huge armored vehicle. Slap down fiercely.


Walker's head was hit with numerous cracks, and the armored vehicle exploded due to the violent impact. Walker was about to fly out due to the explosion, but at this time, in the light of the sky, a big hand firmly stuck its throat. .

Many evolvers rushed over and were horrified to see Qin Hao's arms return to their normal form in the light of the sky. He was holding the skull without any damage, half of the head was broken into pieces, and the dying Bone Demon Lord came out.

After being hit hard on the head, Walker was finally unable to resist anymore, and his scarlet eyes dimmed.

"It's... too scary..." Many evolvers in the far away wolf gathering place gasped. Even if the vicious monster disguised as Zhang Wulong showed up, he was beaten by Qin Hao in a short time. Half dead, this kind of strength is unbelievable and unheard of!

Qin Hao slammed Walker's mutilated body to the ground and said coldly: "Tell me, where is the ancient ruins you discovered?"

Walker let out a hoarse, weak laugh: "Kill me, do you think I will tell you? Don't waste your efforts!"


A cold light flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he stepped down, crushing one of Walker's bone arms to pieces. However, Walker did not move. As a bone demon, it could not feel the pain at all. It sneered. He couldn't help but know that he would definitely die today, but he had to die with some dignity, let alone tell Qin Hao where the ruins were!

Qin Hao's eyes flashed with fierceness, but he was a little helpless in the face of Walker, who was not afraid of torture or death.

At this time, a weak voice in the distance sounded: "I...I probably know where the ancient ruins are."

The speaker was Wang Kui, the three leaders of the evil dragon gathering place. Seeing Qin Hao's eyes, Wang Kui said quickly: "First...the batch of extraordinary weapons obtained by this skeleton monster came from the Bone Burial Mountains in the north."

Most of the ancient ruins are in the Bone Burial Mountains. Hearing this, Walker glared at Wang Kui fiercely, and then sneered: "So what if you know, I can feel that there is great terror in the ruins, how dare you If you go, you are seeking death!"

Qin Hao ignored Walker's sneer. Since he already knew the location of the ruins, there was no point keeping this guy. Qin Hao waved to Xiaobai, who quickly ran over.

Qin Hao said: "Swallow its soul."

"What do you mean?" Walker was stunned, not quite understanding the meaning of Qin Hao's words.

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded excitedly. Between her eyebrows, a black gem appeared. In the center of the gem was a vertical pupil. At this time, the vertical pupil opened, and a faint green light enveloped Walker. .

" this the evil soul bead? No...don't want it!" Walker thought of something when he saw this black gem, and screamed in horror. The origin of this evil soul bead is very important. The first The master is the ancient demon who once ruled the ancient demon world, and he finally fell into the hands of the Evil Dragon King!

Although Walker tried his best to resist, his soul was extracted and absorbed by the evil soul bead. This evil soul bead can digest the soul and nourish the soul of the host. Of course, Qin Hao will not let go of this benefit, and the wealth will not go to outsiders!

Then Qin Hao took out an evolutionary energy source from Walker's skeletal skull, and obtained fifty or sixty white bone essences from the broken bones. This had similar effects to dragon bone essence, which was an unexpected surprise.

Qin Hao glanced at the evolvers at the gathering place of evil dragons, and immediately made these evolvers freeze up, as if they were being targeted by tigers.

Qin Hao has no habit of killing at will, unless it will benefit him.

Qin Hao said to Wang Kui: "Organize all of you evolvers with special abilities to come to me."

What Qin Hao wants to do is very simple, that is, to extract ability molecules. He has already collected over 900 ability molecules from ability source crystals. If he obtains less than a hundred ability molecules, he can smelt the ability molecules with the ability source crystals. Two abilities.

There are thousands of elite evolvers in this evil dragon gathering place, and a high proportion of them have special abilities. It should be no problem to get a hundred different ability molecules from them!

Qin Hao is somewhat looking forward to it. What abilities can he get this time?

I have been very busy visiting relatives these two days, so the update is a bit slow. Sorry, I owe a total of two chapters in the past two days. I will make up for the updates later O(∩_∩)O

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