"Xiaobai, won't you eat these guys?"

Qin Hao was a little surprised that Xiaobai didn't take action.

"These guys are too unpalatable." Xiaobai replied with a look of disgust. This answer also surprised Qin Hao, and then he smiled helplessly.


Those monsters had obviously discovered the figures of Qin Hao and the two of them, and they all looked at them fiercely. As monsters, they were naturally alert to some things.

Qin Hao ignored these guys, and the high-ranking lord-level pressure on his body was instantly released.

The next second, the surrounding monsters all retreated, not daring to look Qin Hao in the face, but they did not leave either, staring closely at Qin Hao from the periphery.

Qin Hao took a closer look and found something different. Not far from the shore, some strange stones were piled together. On these stones, there was a faint golden light shining!

"Xiao Bai, let's go over and take a look."


Qin Hao took Xiaobai forward, and when he got closer, he noticed a familiar aura.

"It's dragon energy!" Qin Hao said in surprise. This golden light contains a touch of dragon energy, so there must be something underneath!

hold head high!

The next second, Qin Hao transformed directly into his true body, half-dragon form, already approaching the body of a dragon.

The huge figure directly frightened the huge sea monsters around them and quickly retreated. In an instant, only Xiaobai and Qin Hao were left here.

"Brother's breath has become so scary!"

Xiaobai looked up at Qin Hao's figure and felt that Qin Hao's aura became terrifying.

"Xiaobai, step back!"

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded and stepped back a little.

Seeing Xiaobai walking away, Qin Hao pulled hard against the boulder below with his claws. Huge force burst out, the gravel flew over, and the ground exploded!

The smoke and dust filled the air, and it took a while for it to gradually dissipate.

"This is it!" When he looked forward again, Qin Hao's face froze. A huge pothole appeared in his sight, but the bottom of the pothole was extremely flat and cyan.

This cyan color is different from the earthy color of the rocks above.

"There's something down there." Qin Hao's claws slashed hard at the cyan color underneath.


There were sparks shining, and Qin Hao's claws felt a little painful, but the cyan color was not strange at all.

"What on earth is this made of?" With Qin Hao's power, not to mention stone, even gold and iron can be torn apart, but this cyan substance has no reaction at all.

There wasn't even a trace of white left on it.

"Xiao Bai, let's remove the soil around here." Qin Hao ordered Xiao Bai.

Originally, I wanted to just open up the things underneath, so that the things inside would be exposed.

But this cyan color is really hard, so we can only use stupid methods. Since both of them are mutant beasts, it doesn't take much effort.

"Okay brother." Xiaobai was excited. Being able to help Qin Hao do things was a very happy thing for her.

Xiao Bai's body instantly transformed into a huge white snake, and then his tail whip moved around quickly. Qin Hao was naturally not idle, and took action one after another.

Within a few breaths, there was a smoky atmosphere here.

After a moment, the surrounding situation appeared in front of Qin Hao.

This is a green cave, about tens of feet in size. The main entrance faces the sea. There are two huge beads on the door, which are already covered with moss.

"Cave!" Qin Hao looked at the azure cave, his expression was happy, and he immediately became cautious. He was so lucky to be able to see such a cave on a random island.

However, similar ancient ruins usually have monsters waiting for them, and looking at this cave, it is also a few years old, and its style is a bit like that of the ancient times on the earth's side. It is obviously not the product of the fusion of all realms.

Qin Hao did not change back to his human form, but approached the entrance of the cave in his half-dragon body, which would make it easier to take action.

"Xiao Bai, follow me." Qin Hao ordered Xiao Bai, then pushed with his claws, and the Qingmen warning was pushed away with huge force.


The moment the Qingmen opened, Qin Hao felt a little aroused. The reason was nothing but the sudden aura that rushed out, extremely rich and golden in color.

This aura is none other than dragon energy. Although there is so much dragon energy, it is not as pure as that of Xia Wu, and it seems to have been diluted!

But the victory lies in quantity. It rushed into Qin Hao's limbs and bones in an instant. For Qin Hao, it was completely caught off guard.

"Xiao Bai, absorb the dragon energy quickly, don't waste it!" Qin Hao quickly ordered Xiao Bai and began to absorb the dragon energy around him.

As a white snake, Xiaobai was naturally able to evolve to a higher level of life. He started to absorb it without waiting for Qin Hao to say anything.

This dragon energy came and went quickly. It took just a moment and disappeared, leaving only an unusual breath in the air.

After the dragon's energy dissipated, Qin Hao continued to walk inside without finishing his thoughts.

What Qin Hao didn't know was that at the moment when the golden dragon energy was sprayed out, a huge golden dragon shadow appeared directly in the sky above the cave, causing the sea surface thousands of miles around to shake!

Under the sea, a huge black shadow moved towards this side, and battles broke out among the sea beasts, as if they had been stimulated by something.

For the races in the sea, dragons are like supreme beings!

And when the phantom appeared, the dragon's aura could be felt almost from a thousand miles away!

Qin Hao naturally didn't know what was happening outside.

Although this green cave is not big, once you enter it, you will see a different scene. There are countless passages, like a maze.

Moreover, these passages are quite strange, only one meter high and quite narrow. This means that even normal humans cannot pass through them. Only children of five or six years old can pass through them.

As a last resort, Qin Hao transformed into a small snake and slipped inside. Seeing this, Xiaobai also entered the sealing state to follow.

The passage is extremely complicated, but Qin Hao can understand some situations with his spiritual secret skills.


Suddenly, there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy in front of him, and then a condensed spiritual energy divided into countless grids came through the passage.

"Brother, there's one from behind too." Xiaobai reminded. She was naturally aware of danger. She knew that this thing was extremely dangerous.

"Be careful!" Qin Hao naturally noticed the existence of this thing and stared closely at the grid.

This grid is divided into a hundred small pieces, each small piece is only one centimeter in size, like a laser net!

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