The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 208 The Land of the Demon King

The dazzling light slowly faded away, Qin Hao rubbed his eyes and looked around.

The sky around here is gray, as if you are in a huge underground cave. At a glance, you can see several stone houses in front of you. Sitting on a stone bench outside the houses is a young human being.

When the young human saw Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, he seemed to have seen a ghost. His eyes were round and his mouth was wide open. He looked at Qin Hao and Xiao Bai carefully in disbelief, and then rubbed them vigorously. own eyes.

The young human pointed his finger at Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, "You, you guys." He was so excited that he couldn't speak. He stood up from the stone bench and ran quickly towards Qin Hao and Xiao Bai. Come.

The panicked figure came to Qin Hao's side. The young man excitedly took Qin Hao's arm and asked, "Where are you from?"

Qin Hao looked at him as if he hadn't seen an outsider for a long time, so he said, "We came in accidentally from outside."

"Really?" The young man trembled with excitement and shouted happily.

"Hahaha! I can finally go out!" The young man's face was filled with excitement. He threw away Qin Hao's arm and danced happily.

Seeing how excited he was, Qin Hao said: "We were teleported here, I don't know how to get out!".

The young man who was dancing was like a deflated ball when he heard Qin Hao's words. He lowered his head and walked back to his stone bench to sit down, muttering to himself: "I knew it, I knew it would be..." Like this."

At this time, many people also walked out of the house. When they saw Qin Hao and Xiaobai, they suddenly looked as excited as the young man before. But when they saw the young man who was in a low mood, they seemed to understand. As if something happened, the mood in the crowd turned negative.

Qin Hao didn't know why, so he walked towards the crowd and asked, "Who are you? Where is this place?"

An old man walked out of the crowd and said to Qin Hao: "This is the resting place of the Demon King, and we are the food prepared by the Demon King for himself."

The old man looked at Qin Hao, who looked like a young man, and Xiao Bai, who looked like a lolita, and then said: "Don't worry, young man, except that there is no freedom here, everything else is fine. If you are lucky, you may also There will be no time when the devil wakes up."

"Demon King, food?" Qin Hao pondered.

Seeing Qin Hao's doubtful expression, the old man said, "Come on, sit down and listen to me tell you the history of this place in detail."

Everyone sat down together, and the old man raised his head and recalled the past.

Once upon a time, there was a big devil in the abyss world. This big devil was seriously injured in a battle with other devils. Fortunately, the big devil was not killed, but escaped. After that, this big devil was captured. Many humans imprisoned these humans here.

Since humans are the primates of all things, the big devil hopes to feed on humans to recover from his injuries. What happens next is that the big devil wakes up every once in a while to eat some humans.

And these humans who are imprisoned here to thrive know their fate, but they have no choice but to live in fear every day, fearing that one day the big devil will wake up.

Qin Hao learned about what happened here from the old man's mouth, and also knew that these people had tried many times but could not escape.

"It seems that I and Xiaobai accidentally entered here?" Qin Hao pondered in his heart.

"Do you know where the devil is?" Qin Hao asked.

"What do you want to do?" the old man said quickly: "You must not disturb the devil."

The old man looked frightened, and so did everyone else, saying, "Yes, yes, if the devil wakes up, we will all die."

Qin Hao did not speak when he heard these words, but raised his right hand, condensed a thunder ball with his palm, and suddenly threw it to the big stone aside.

With a bang, the stone that was as tall as a person was directly turned into pieces under the bombardment of the lightning ball.

The old man and everyone, "...".

"You are so strong!" the old man said in shock.

Qin Hao stood there calmly and said nothing.

The original young man also became energetic at this time. He stood up from the stone bench, walked to Qin Hao and said, "I will take you there."

"Chuck, do you want your life?" The old man immediately turned to the young man and said.

Chuck also turned his head and looked at the old man and said sincerely: "Grandpa Taylor, this is our only chance. Over the years, no outsider has ever come here, let alone such a powerful person. I believe him." You can defeat the big devil."

Taylor was so angry that his beard stood up. He pointed at Chuck's nose and said, "You, you, at such a young age, how can you know the terror of the big devil."

"Anyway, we will be the devil's food sooner or later, so just let me go, Grandpa Taylor." Chuck said.

"You." Taylor looked at Chuck and shook his head sadly, "Oh!" and then stopped talking.

Then Chuck led Qin Hao and Xiaobai to set off towards the mountains in the north.

The scenery along the way was desolate. Qin Hao also discovered many villages. Those were human beings kept captive by the devil. They lived in this dark place. Everyone lived without hope, and their faces showed a lifeless look. .

Along the way, many small monsters came to attack Qin Hao and the three of them, but they were all eliminated by Qin Hao with a lightning bolt.

Chuck looked at Qin Hao's eyes with more and more admiration. He immediately and respectfully answered some of Qin Hao's questions without reservation.

When the sky turned completely dark, Qin Hao and the other three finally came to a huge stone gate.

Chuck stared at this stone door with fearful eyes. When he was very young, he accidentally broke into this place because of his playfulness. At that time, he was only six years old. He heard with his own ears the terror coming from behind this stone door. The sound frightened him so much that he ran back home.

Qin Hao looked at the stone door, stepped forward, and punched the stone door fiercely. The terrifying physical power was directly transmitted from the fist to the stone door.

There was a loud bang, the stone door shook, and a gap was opened by Qin Hao's punch.

Bang bang bang! Three more punches hit the stone door, and the harsh sound echoed around.

Qin Hao asked Chuck to go home, and then entered the stone gate with Xiaobai.

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