"What the hell does this happen?"

Under Qin Hao's cold gaze, the monster told the truth.

It turns out that this monster is called Arnold, and he is a demon king who occupies an active volcano in the abyss world. He fought with another demon king, Christian, over the ownership of a volcanic lava zone, and finally fell into Christian's conspiracy. Arnold was defeated.

Since Christian was not very powerful and used conspiracy to defeat Arnold, Demon King Christian banished Arnold to this place.

Christian plans to wait until he becomes stronger and then come here to completely devour Arnold to increase his strength. This is a small, closed alien space. Only Christian holds the key to open this space. Others are here. There is no access here.

After Qin Hao learned of this situation, this Arnold seemed to be of no use, and his eyes flashed with a cold light inadvertently.

"Oh! Don't kill me." Arnold saw the fierce light in Qin Hao's eyes, so he quickly said: "I am useful, I am still useful."

"What are you good for?" Qin Hao originally wanted to find Hanbao's whereabouts, but was trapped here, so he was in a bad mood and said coldly to Arnold.

"I am willing to surrender to you and be your mount." Arnold quickly lowered his head and said.

Then Arnold continued: "And I know that there are some very dangerous places here, places that even I can't go to, and there is probably a way to get out of here."

Arnold was inferior to others but was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he tried every means to please Qin Hao and told his useful reasons in order to survive.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Hao and Xiaobai both transformed into human forms and jumped on Arnold's back.

"Yes, my master." Arnold responded, his huge wings began to flap, and he flew out of the cave with a huff.

Arnold's huge body covered the sky and the sun, flapped his huge wings, and flew towards the southernmost part of this small alien space.

As soon as they came out of the mountains, they encountered many villages. Although Annuo wanted to eat a few humans, he was forced by the pressure of Qin Hao on his back, so he took Gang Fei out of the cave. Not far away, he did not Too embarrassed to stop, he had to take a deep look at the group of humans on the ground, and then flew forward.

Looking at the panicked crowd on the ground, Arnold felt a little better when he surrendered to Qin Hao, which made him speed up again and move towards the goal.

Not long after, they reached the sky above the village that Qin Hao had met as soon as he entered. Arnold looked at the crowd on the ground with great appetite. Since he was still injured, he could no longer hold back, and his huge figure volleyed down, Pounce directly towards the crowd on the ground.

But who knew that all this was not at all what Arnold expected. When he landed on the ground, these humble humans in his eyes reacted differently from the humans he had encountered before. They did not run away in panic, but then They happily surrounded him.

"Warrior!" The young man Chuck shouted excitedly from the crowd: "Everyone, come and see, the brave man defeated the devil!"

When Arnold heard Chuck's words, his heart immediately thumped, and he thought to himself: "Oh no, are these humans the same as the master on my back?"

Before Arnold had time to think more, an impatient voice came from Qin Hao on his back, "Why do you stop here?"

Immediately, Arnold panicked. Thinking of Qin Hao's decisive attitude, he was very scared in his heart. His face was so scary that he was sweating. Arnold said in a panic: "I'm sorry, master, I'll leave right away." , leave immediately!"

Arnold quickly flapped his wings, flew up in panic, and headed towards his destination.

Everyone left on the ground looked at Qin Hao with admiration.

In the gray sky, Arnold was flying rapidly, passing through one desolate mountain range after another, and landed on the edge of a canyon.

Qin Hao got off Arnold's back and looked at the canyon in front of him. This canyon was very huge, surrounded by a plain. This canyon seemed to be cut out by a giant sword from the sky, revealing a huge ravine on the plain. , bottomless, with gloomy winds gusting inside, and some strange sounds coming from the depths below the canyon from time to time.

"This is it. It's very dangerous inside. I've tried before, but I can't go deep enough to get to the bottom." Arnold said to Qin Hao respectfully.


Qin Hao jumped down without saying a word, and Xiaobai followed closely.

Arnold stood on the edge of the canyon, "What should I do?"

"Forget it, I'd better go down."

Arnold thought about Qin Hao's powerful strength, and then thought about himself. If he didn't follow but ran away, wouldn't he be dead when Qin Hao came up?


With a roar, Arnold emboldened himself and jumped down behind Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

The whistling wind blew by the ears of the three of them, and Qin Hao and the other three descended rapidly in a free fall.

The sound of the wind beside the three voices became louder and louder, and the wind force became more and more severe. Before long, the fierce wind force around the three people had become extremely violent, and wind blades condensed by the strong wind force appeared around them.

The three of them defended these wind blades according to their own abilities. At this time, the descent speed had slowed down. They clung to the cliff and resisted the wind blades as they descended slowly.

When he dropped more than a thousand meters, the canyon under his body was still bottomless, and the attack intensity of the wind blade was getting stronger and stronger. At this time, Qin Hao's body was already running the Five Elements Spiritual Art, and the power of the Five Elements was blessing him. On top of the body, resisting the invasion of the wind blade.

Arnold could no longer resist at this time, so he had no choice but to lean on the rock wall and stay here. In order to express himself in front of Qin Hao, he did not dare to go up and could only resist here. The invasion of wind blades.

Qin Hao and Xiao Bai continued to go down, but suddenly they saw a green light flashing below, rushing upward very quickly.

"what is that?"

Before they had time to prepare, the wind blade emitting light cyan light directly enveloped Qin Hao and Xiao Bai.

Click, click, click! The violent wind blades gathered into a sea and fell on Qin Hao and Xiao Bai in countless numbers.

In an instant, Qin Hao used the power of the five elements to form a protective shield, covering himself and Xiaobai. The wind blade fell on them, making a sound of gold and iron clashing.

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