The pig-headed man also leaned forward from his seat and stared at the gem. After looking at it for a while, he sat down again.

"What do you want?" the pig-headed man asked in a deep voice.

Erro smiled and asked his younger brother to hand the gem to the pig-headed man, and then said straight to the point: "I want to know where the dragon is?"

"Dragon?" The pig-headed man pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "If you want to know about the dragon, this gem is not enough."

Eero ignored the words and found a seat to sit down, then crossed his legs and said.

"I know that although this gemstone is extremely exquisite, it is precisely because it is so valuable that if you take it rashly, it is likely to attract the eyes of some big figures in the abyss and cause unnecessary trouble. "

The pig-headed man played with the gem in his hand and looked at Erro without saying a word.

Erro took out dozens of gems from his pocket that were the same as those held by the pig-headed man, as well as many gold coins, and placed them on the table casually.

"Do you think I've added this enough?" Eero said.

Gold coins and gems were scattered on the table, exuding an alluring light.

The pig-headed man's eyes lit up and he waved his hand, asking his younger brother to bring those things over. After checking them, he immediately made an enthusiastic expression and came to Erro's side.

"Hahaha! Brother, I will do whatever you ask me to do for you."

The huge fangs in the pig-headed man's mouth were close to Erro's ears and he whispered softly: "The dragon is here..."

Erro walked out of the slightly dark and gloomy house and came to the street. He looked left and right, alert to his surroundings, and hurried towards his home.

In a dark corner that he didn't pay attention to, a dark gray bird with green light flowing in its eyes recorded everything it saw, and then flew towards the huge castle of the Kazuki family. In the house.

In the mansion behind Erro, from the shadow behind the pig-headed man, a man walked out and said to him: "The Ichiki family will not treat you badly."

Ai Luo returned home and reported the news to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao learned the specific location of the dragon, ignored the other two tauren El and Etta, and called Xiaobai directly. The two went straight to the location reported by Elo.

Xiaobai was very happy to be with his brother. Without the interruption of others, Xiaobai's whole body was hanging on Qin Hao's arm again.

Both of them were in a happy mood and went to prepare to kill the dragon.

Qin Hao was happy about the dragon bone essence that he was about to get, and Xiaobai was also happy because of Qin Hao's happiness.

The strength of the two people can be regarded as a small overlord in this abyss world. They unleashed their momentum and were inevitably disturbed by many small monsters along the way.

After walking through the mountain path with glazed rocks and passing through the forest of dense trees, the two of them came to a cliff in the dim weather.

Erro told Qin Hao that there was a dragon living in a cave under the cliff. Qin Hao didn't think that dragons in this abyss world were born to fly, and some dragons like to live on cliffs. Above, it is also normal.

The two of them jumped down from the edge of the cliff and saw a hole in the cliff in mid-air. Qin Hao used the ability of the Wind Controller to fly Xiaobai into the hole.

After entering the cave, the road was bumpy and winding, and soon there was no light around.

Qin Hao was a little confused at this time. He didn't feel the dragon's breath in this cave.

Stopping, Qin Hao and Xiaobai stood there and looked at their surroundings, looking for traces of the dragon.


At this moment, a chuckle came from behind Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

Qin Hao turned around and saw a group of people walking in from the entrance of the cave, forming a ring and surrounding him and Xiaobai.

There were forty or fifty of them, including thick and tall abyssal human natives, as well as tauren, night elves and other races.

These people all held various weapons in their hands and stared at Qin Hao and Xiaobai with unkind expressions.

"You are the Yimu family." Qin Hao said while looking at the people in front of him.

"That's right." An old man with long white hair walked out of the crowd. This old man was the patriarch of the Yimu family.

In this abyss world, the Ichimu family's ability to dominate this small city for a long time depends on the family's behavior, which is ruthless and delicate.

After they discovered that their men fell into Qin Hao's hands twice in succession, they followed Qin Hao closely.

Through the third incident, the Yimu family learned about Qin Hao's past deeds from the newly recruited subordinate.

The patriarch of the Ichimu family, the old man in front of him, immediately understood that killing Qin Hao was more difficult than killing the evil dragon.

So he entangled many masters in the family, all came out at once, and used the pig-headed man's mouth to lure Qin Hao here, hoping to kill Qin Hao in one fell swoop.

He had no choice but to look at the people in front of him and realize that Erro's news was wrong.

A cold light flashed in his eyes. Qin Hao had already started murdering him. If these people in front of him wanted to kill him, he had to be prepared to die.

Needless to say, the two parties started fighting in an instant.

The patriarch of the Ichimu family led his men to launch the first attack. Facing such a powerful enemy as Qin Hao, he had to seize the opportunity and did not dare to let down any vigilance. Even if he believed in his own arrangement, he was afraid of what Qin Hao would do before his death. counterattack.

The tauren warrior held a huge mace and sat up with bulging muscles. He burst out with powerful force and smashed towards Qin Hao.

The night elves hid in the darkness for an instant, holding venom-stained daggers, waiting for a fatal blow.

Patriarch Yimu took out a blood-red stone eyeball from his arms, and stared at Qin Hao with his dark red eyeball, sending out a series of shock waves of mental power, affecting Qin Hao's spirit.

What these people don't know is that Xiaobai beside Qin Hao is a master in soul power.

Xiaobai felt the spiritual power emanating from the dark red eyeball, and the dark gray light in her eyes changed. Since the evil soul bead on her forehead merged with the unknown one that was taken at the town auction, after the gray stone beads.

Xiaobai's soul power skyrocketed, and the spiritual attacks he launched became more powerful. He didn't need to reveal the evil soul beads on his forehead. He could just rely on his own eyes to emit a dark gray stream of light to emit spiritual power that could annihilate everything. .

The dark gray light flowed in Xiaobai's eyes, giving Xiaobai a different kind of beauty at this time.

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