The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 232 Black Winged Dragon King

Faced with the rapid approach of the dense shadows and fog around him, Xiaobai, who should have been panicked, showed a sly smile and shouted: "Now!"

Xiaobai turned around sharply, and a dark gray gem appeared on her forehead.

A stream of gray matter shot out from the gem on Xiaobai's forehead, with extremely fast speed, directly hitting the night elf queen hidden in the black mist.

"What?", the Night Elf Queen was shocked after receiving this blow, "How is this possible?"

The gray stream of light contained strong spiritual power, causing the Night Elf Queen to slowly and temporarily lose consciousness after being hit, and fell into a brief sluggish state.

Qin Hao also suddenly broke out from outside the thick shadow and fog. In his hand was a colorful ball formed by the power of the five elements, which contained powerful explosive power.

Under Xiao Bai's guidance, he hit the Night Elf Queen in one fell swoop.

The power of the five elements exploded completely, forming an extremely powerful impact force, knocking the night elf queen away and completely destroying the shadow land she had laid out.

Originally, Xiao Bai had already discovered the exact location of the Night Elf Queen when she came in the dark night.

The evil soul bead on Xiaobai's forehead was already good at attacking with a single soul. Later, after fusion and evolution, it gained many unknown functions.

This time, Xiao Bai relied on the evil spirit on his forehead to discover the location of the Night Elf Queen.

However, under the cover of her innate skill Nightfall, the Night Elf Queen was not only able to hide her figure, her body was flexible and her traveling speed was also greatly increased, making it impossible for Xiao Bai to catch her at once.

So Xiaobai sent out a spiritual power and informed Qin Hao of the situation.

After Qin Hao learned about the situation, he made a quick decision and asked Xiaobai to put on a play with him to confuse the night elf queen. Unexpectedly, the night elf queen would be fooled so easily.

The Night Elf Queen was attacked by Xiao Bai and Qin Hao, and was knocked backwards. She immediately disappeared into the shadows in mid-air.

There is a special space in the shadows. Even if Xiaobai has the blessing of the evil soul beads, he cannot completely see through the location of the night elf queen.

The queen of the night elves vomited blood in the shadows, violent and manic eyes appeared on her face, she closed her eyes and clasped her hands together and began to recite unknown spells.

It was like someone singing in a low voice in the wind, like a stream rushing over pebbles, a low hum containing unknown emotions carried in the air.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky above Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, slowly converging into a completely dark cloud layer, and various roars came from inside.

In the shadows, the Night Elf Queen's eyes slowly opened, her lips and teeth closed lightly and she said: "Come out, Black Winged Dragon King!"


Sky-shaking roars came from the dark clouds in the sky above Qin Hao and Xiao Bai.

Whooshing, with the flapping of wings, the unique dragon appearance in the abyss world appeared in front of Qin Hao and Xiaobai.

First, a dragon head emerged from the dark clouds, followed by wings, and then the entire black dragon clan flew out from it.

The Black Winged Dragon King's eyes were blood red. He was the pet of the Demon King in the abyss. The Demon King had told the Night Elf Queen before setting off that he could summon his pet to help her if necessary.

"You can't handle even the smallest of things, you're such a waste!" the Black Winged Dragon King growled impatiently.

It has stayed by the Demon King's side all year round, so it naturally knows what mission and purpose the Night Elf Queen has for this trip.

Summoning it just to find out some information was of no use at all. The black-clothed Dragon King despised the Night Elf Queen in his heart.

The arrogant figure hovered in the sky, the Night Elf Queen was hiding in the shadows, and the Black Winged Dragon King was naturally invisible.

The huge dragon head lowered its head to look at the ground. Under the Black Winged Dragon King, Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were standing there.

"Destruction Dragon Flame!"

The Black Winged Dragon King roared and sprayed out a strong dragon flame from his mouth, directly covering Qin Hao and Xiaobai who were living under him.

Although it still doesn't know why the Night Elf Queen summoned it here.

But for living next to the Demon King all year round, it has long been accustomed to seeing all kinds of groveling and being aloof.

For Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, who were still kneeling under him, the Black Winged Dragon King had no extra thoughts in his heart and directly gave them destruction.

This thing is an extremely normal thing in the heart of the Black Winged Dragon King. It often did this when it lived under the feet of the Demon Lord.

Unexpectedly, a great change occurred this time. When the Black Winged Dragon King killed others at the feet of the Demon King, it was because the Demon King was standing behind it, so others did not dare to resist.

But this time it dared to directly attack Qin Hao, who had always wanted the essence of the dragon bone, and sprayed out a stream of dragon flames. It was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and the Black Winged Dragon King sent him to the door.

Originally, Qin Hao was worried about where to find the dragon bone essence, but unexpectedly, a black-winged dragon king took the initiative to come to his door. Although the black-winged dragon king in front of him was obviously very powerful, much more powerful than the night elf queen, But Qin Hao still took it without hesitation. He couldn't give up when facing the Dragon Bone Essence.


A dragon roar filled with nobility and domineering sound sounded, and Qin Hao transformed directly into the true form of the dragon and flew up.

The delicate scales on Qin Hao's body showed nobility. The entire body of the dragon was entrenched in the sky above the Black Winged Dragon King, with two dragon eyes staring closely at the Black Winged Dragon King.

"Dragon Bone Essence!"

Qin Hao looked at the black-winged dragon king in front of him and was secretly happy in his heart. He regarded this black-winged dragon king as his own.

Xiaobai also revealed his white giant snake body directly above the ground, and the two brothers and sisters attacked the Black Dragon King in mid-air.

Facing the momentum displayed by Qin Hao and Xiao Bai, the Black Winged Dragon King didn't understand that he had encountered a tough problem.

"You damn bitch!" The Black Winged Dragon King cursed in his heart, complaining to the Night Elf Queen.

Although the Black Winged Dragon King complained in its heart, it still didn't pay much attention to Qin Hao and Xiaobai. It believed that its strength was enough to deal with any enemy.

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