Qin Hao and Xiaobai, brother and sister, continued to sit on the boat, drifting slowly with the sea water. Qin Hao didn't pay attention to the little incident just now.

Xiaobai didn't take it seriously either, fiddling with his bracelet on the side, feeling very satisfied with the attack power attached to his bracelet.

After the end of the world comes and the worlds begin to merge, all areas become extremely vast, and the sea area is also extremely large and boundless.

Qin Hao didn't know where he was now. After returning from the abyss, he didn't carefully identify the direction and confirm the specific location.

But it doesn't matter, he has made up his mind anyway. Although he doesn't know the specific location of Longmen, he must find Longmen.

"If you can advance and become a true dragon..."

Qin Hao looked at the dragon skills in his mind and smiled to himself.

Xiaobai's trip to the abyss world was a worthwhile trip. After having Xuanyuan Wenxin's jade bracelet, the magic power in the jade bracelet automatically nourished Xiaobai's body all the time.

Xiaobai's body has been nourished by mana, and his physical strength has greatly increased. His strength has also slowly loosened and grown. It won't take long for him to advance to the level of a peak lord.

The brother and sister had finished eating the grilled fish. Xiaobai wiped out the bonfire with a wave of his hand, and then casually threw the fish bone in his hand into the sea.

The fish bone thrown into the sea was like the first shot fired in the war, like a signal.

In an instant, the originally calm sea water became turbulent.

Chaos rolled under the surface of the sea, and countless shadows rose from under the surface of the sea.

Huge mutant turtles emerged from the deep sea and surrounded Qin Hao's boat.

The mutated turtle that was scared away by Xiao Bai appeared in front of Qin Hao and Xiao Bai.


The mutated turtle laughed and stirred up waves.

"How dare you ruin my good deeds and hang around on my territory. You are really looking for death!"

The mutated turtle's eyes were playful, and Qin Hao and Xiao Bai spoke arrogantly. The mutated turtles behind it were also gearing up, trying to come up and tear Qin Hao and Xiao Bai into pieces.

This mutant turtle was originally chasing the white sea snake today, trying to snatch the white sea snake into the clan.

Their family has always been at odds with the white sea snake's family, and there have been many fights. As the son of the patriarch of his own family, he has a violent and perverse personality. He has fallen in love with that white sea snake, and that white sea snake is... The eldest daughter of the Sea Snake family naturally refused to agree to the turtle, which led to the scene where they met Qin Hao for the first time.

A huge mutated turtle that was eighty or ninety meters long said, "Is that them?"

"That's right, father, it's them." The turtle who was originally scared by Xiao Bai quickly replied.

"You go ahead and eat them. I'm here to watch. I'll see what they can do."


"Hey!" At this time, the turtle, with his father and many tribesmen on hand to help him, was not afraid of Qin Hao and Xiao Bai at all. He directly spit out a stream of ice and shot it at the hull of the ship where Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were, trying to kill Qin Hao and Xiao Bai. The two were disembarked from the boat.

Qin Hao looked at the scene in front of him and said to Xiaobai, "Want to change the boat?"

"Okay." Xiaobai said happily after hearing the meaning in his brother's words.

Qin Hao immediately removed the automatic defense shield, so that his own skills would no longer automatically defend the main body, causing an ice arrow shot by the turtle to directly destroy the boat.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai left the boat and floated on the sea. The boat under them had now turned into pieces of wood, floating on the sea.

The two brothers and sisters turned into a stream of light and stood on the shell of the mutated turtle in an instant.


The mutated turtle struggled to throw Qin Hao and Xiaobai off. Qin Hao stamped his feet on the turtle shell. The violent force almost crushed the hard turtle shell and immediately injured the turtle. The mutated turtle's internal organs made him vomit blood and dare not move anymore.

"What do you want to do!"

The leader of the mutated turtles saw his son being stepped on by Qin Hao, and he looked at Qin Hao with split eyes and roared.

"Father, save me!"

The turtle under Qin Hao's feet did not dare to move under Qin Hao's shock, and shouted to his father for help.

"Kill them for me!"

Seeing his son asking for help, the clan leader immediately yelled at the clan members. For a moment, the mutated turtles surrounding Qin Hao and Xiaobai began to move.

With the action of dozens of huge mutant turtles, huge waves swept out, and the air was filled with the power of ice. This is the innate skill of this mutant turtle race.

Countless ice arrows turned into ice were shot from the mouths of the mutated turtles. For a moment, the whole sky was covered with cold air. Countless ice arrows filled the sky, shooting towards Qin Hao and Xiaobai with a strong aura.

Qin Hao had a faint smile on his face, facing the attacks from the sky, with his hands behind his back and making no movement.


A cold snort rang out from Qin Hao's mouth, and the aura of his king-level strength swept out, immediately shattering the ice arrow attacks in the sky into countless fragments of snowflakes, which floated down on the sea.

This group of mutated turtles felt the shocking momentum emanating from Qin Hao, and they all had different expressions. They looked at Qin Hao in shock and uncertainty, not daring to take action again.

The mutant turtle leader had a tangled and struggling look in his eyes. He looked at Qin Hao and wondered what he was thinking.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

at this time.

There was a sound of waves on the sea in the distance, and a large group of white monsters rushed towards here quickly. They were a group of white mutated sea snakes, including the white sea snake that Qin Hao had encountered before.

Dozens of 10 white mutated sea snakes surrounded these mutated turtles, surrounding them and causing a commotion among the turtles.

Among the white sea snakes, there was a giant mutated sea snake that was 100 meters long. Its two snake eyes radiated cold light and said in a cold voice: "You dare to kidnap my little girl. How brave you are!"

This group of mutated white sea snakes all surround the mutated turtles, with murderous intent in their eyes. There are often fights between the two clans, and this time it involves the clan leader's daughter, which is even more unforgivable.

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